Forecasting Inflation using the ARIMA Approach
(Case of Albania)
Department of Finance, Faculty of Economics,
University of Tirana,
Rruga e Elbasanit,Tirana
Abstract: Traditionally, macroeconomic statistics have played a major role in creating the framework for analyzing
economic phenomena. Price changes are one of the most worrying situations where individuals, firms, and
government tend to keep in control as much as possible. Even if the economic effect could be negligible, the
psychological effect could be more considerable. Inflation creates a touchable impact in the vast majority of
economic sectors. Meanwhile, empirical studies of inflation have shown a very correlative relationship between
inflation and other macroeconomic indicators such as unemployment, GDP growth, net exports, etc. Albanian
economy has suffered from time to time from inflation consequences. Simultaneously, inflation in Albania has
created a cyclical form and a significant trend. Due to these conditions, simple econometric models such as ARMA
or ARIMA can be used to forecast future inflation, especially at the moment when inflation is the focus of the
Albanian economy. This paper aims to create an ARIMA econometric model of inflation in the time frame from
2009-2022. It also creates a quantitative approach for forecasting inflation in the Republic of Albania. Furthermore,
this paper tries to explain some phenomena linked with inflation giving some qualitative data. ARIMA model will
be used to forecast future inflation in Albania. Lastly, as explained in the paper, it is shown that the ARIMA model
should be taken under consideration in policymaking processes.
Keywords: - Inflation, ARIMA model, forecasting
Jel Code: E27, E31, E37
Received: December 22, 2022. Revised: May 16, 2023. Accepted: June 1, 2023. Published: June 8, 2023.
1 Introduction
Macroeconomic statistics have historically been
crucial in developing the foundation for examining
economic phenomena. Due to their significance in
the overall economy, macro indicators (including
unemployment, inflation, economic growth, imports,
and exports) have been at the core of economic
theories. One of the most unsettling circumstances is
when prices change, and people, businesses, and the
government all try to maintain as much control as
they can. The psychological impact of inflation could
be greater even if the economic impact can be
In the vast majority of economic sectors, inflation
has a palpable effect. Price fluctuations can
occasionally turn deadly as a result of the domino
effect they generate. Prices of final goods increase as
a result of rising costs of production in the industries
and sectors they affect. A very strong correlation has
been found between inflation and other
macroeconomic indicators including unemployment,
GDP growth, net exports, etc. in empirical studies of
Occasionally, the effects of inflation have
impacted the Albanian economy. In the previous
three decades, the focus of fiscal policy and the
macroeconomic framework have included inflation as
a key indicator. Additionally, the central bank of
Albania's key monetary policy goals has been price
stability and targeted inflation. Prices rose by double
digits in the first decade of the 1990s, taking into
consideration the structural change in the Albanian
economy. Meanwhile, they started to normalize in the
second decade after previous fluctuations and shocks.
This normalization was accompanied by the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.111
Ingrid Konomi, Blisard Zani
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
intervention of central government institutions, the
central bank, and the improvement of other
macroeconomic indicators.
Albanian inflation seems to be a useful indicator
to examine in terms of its trend and form. Some
industries are largely responsible for inflation, while
other economic sectors maintain more stable pricing.
Recent years show high inflation in developing
sectors like construction, and food and beverage
industry, etc. In Albania, inflation has simultaneously
resulted in a strong trend and a cyclical form. These
factors make it possible to predict future inflation
using straightforward econometric models like
ARMA or ARIMA, particularly currently when
inflation is a key concern for the Albanian economy.
The purpose of this study is to develop an
ARIMA econometric model of inflation for the
period from 2009 to 2021. Furthermore, it develops a
quantitative technique for forecasting inflation in the
Republic of Albania. There are no recent papers or
studies that forecast inflation in Albania with
econometric models that analyze the process of
inflation forecasting in Albania and explain its
cyclical trend. Besides that, by providing some
qualitative data, this research attempts to explain
several occurrences connected to inflation. The
ARIMA model will be employed to estimate
Albanian inflation in the future. Additionally, this
study extends to the ongoing discussion on inflation
and its consequences for the Albanian economy.
Literature suggests that ARIMA models are one of
the best and most practical methods for explaining
the economic phenomenon of inflation.
2 Literature Review
The focus of economists has always been on
inflation, just like it is with all macroeconomic
measures. Some theoretical frameworks make an
effort to explain how inflation affects the economy
and how prices affect supply and demand. Other
economists have developed streamlined models to
describe the roots of inflation and predict their
effects. In general, inflation takes into consideration
the stable growth of the prices in a certain economy,
[5], [6].
One of the major concerns about inflation is how
it affects economic growth. The ability to measure
how inflation affects economic growth can be
somewhat limited at times. Due to the additional
effects of inflation, it is very hard to quantify the real
impact. Inflation affects all equilibrium sides. Due to
changes in the cost of the end products themselves as
well as the production factors, demand and supply
chains experience significant volatility. Hernando
and Andrés have examined how inflation affects
economic growth, [1], [8], [4]. They concluded that
inflation typically forces the economy to contract
because higher prices constrain both supply and
demand. Controversially, the first economic theories
sought a positive correlation between growth and
inflation [7], [15].
Numerous studies examine how inflation affects
investments. Price inflation is associated with
increased price volatility, and it can lead to future
investment insecurities, [12], [13]. As investments
are frequently associated with significant cash flow,
inflation may be detrimental to the climate for
investments. In the meanwhile, inflation is being
targeted at concerns about future cash flows. The
inflation rate has a greater impact on the general
equilibrium than unemployment or the other macro
Different perspectives on the economic structure
resulted in various solutions. Monetarists have
examined the crucial part that monetary expansion
plays in determining the rate of inflation. Other
schools of economic thinking, such as the
Neoclassicals, have developed ideas that attempt to
explain how inflation affects capital accumulation
and investment, which in turn influences how it
affects growth, [6], [9]. Since the economy is
temporarily transitioning into a new stable potential
growth level, the short-term inflation brought on by
an increase in aggregate demand is seen as beneficial
for the economy. While Keynesians define long-term
inflation as a troubling phenomenon in the long run.
A "lazy dog" could best describe inflation; it stays at
a certain level until there is a disturbance.
One of the most important questions regarding
inflation is linked with the level of inflation that
causes economic growth to be negative. What level
of inflation is harmful to economic growth? Various
studies have made a lot of empirical reviews of
different levels of inflation in different stages of
growth. In addition, cross-data about different
countries have been analyzed together. Authors like
Ghosh and Philips, Khan, and Senhadji concluded
that reducing inflation by 1 percent could raise output
by between 0.5 and 2.5 percent. They also found that
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.111
Ingrid Konomi, Blisard Zani
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
there is a nonlinear relationship between inflation and
economic growth, [15], [19], [11].
The econometric modeling of inflation has been the
subject of many recent studies. We may use these
measures to design an inflation forecasting
framework by taking into account new models of
auto-regressive vectors and the concepts of moving
averages. According to mathematical reasoning, we
can clearly describe inflation as one of the self-
explanatory phenomena that can "repeat itself". We
can accurately anticipate future inflation utilizing
econometric tools in addition to analyzing the
historical time series of inflation. In light of the
above, this paper's goal is to examine Albania's
inflation rate and predict future inflation using
ARIMA models, [2], [14], [17], [20].
The first discussion linked with the level of
inflation determines which type of inflation should be
considered. Other countries with similar economic
typologies as the Albanian economy suggest that the
core inflation should be the right level to be
considered, [4], [10]. The inflation rate taken into
consideration in this paper will be the inflation rate
measured in the Republic of Albania by the
Consuming Price Index (Core-CPI) (monthly data),
[19], [16].
3 Methodology
This section outlines an ARIMA modeling and
forecasting framework. The rigorous collection and
assessment of data serve as the foundation for the
ARIMA forecasting process, [18]. The generalized
ARIMA model can be used as a tool to predict future
inflation rates if it is developed under theoretical
assumptions. Figure 1 serves as a synopsis of the
general process and the key steps.
Fig. 1: Arima forecasting steps
3.1 Data Collection and Examination
This paper examines the Republic of Albania's
inflation data over the last 13 years (2009 2022).
The inflation rates data are collected from the Bank
of Albania
and show monthly data about the core
inflation of a time series with 166 data rows. We can
see some inflation shocks from time to time by taking
a quick look at the data (Figure 2) Meanwhile, the
inflation rate has become more stable and less
volatile in recent years. As can be seen, by the figure
below, the core inflation in Albania has been under
the targeted level of 4% for more than 12 years.
Meanwhile, the highest inflation before 2022 has
been in 2011 as the world crisis began to affect the
Albanian economy. Continuously, for approximately
three years (2013 2016), the economy of Albania
was accompanied by deflation and then it stabilized
between the interval 2% - 4%. Nowadays, the core
inflation has peaked at almost 10%. In addition, the
last months have shown a new trend of rising
inflation in almost all the important economic sectors
of Albania. Moreover, the Russo Ukrainian war and
the energetic crisis have been the main contributors
to inflation. Foods and beverages, input prices,
transportation, and real estate sectors have been the
most affected by inflation.
Bank of Albania is the official central bank of the Republic of
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.111
Ingrid Konomi, Blisard Zani
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Inflation (%)
Fig. 2: Monthly core inflation data (%)
(2009 -10M2022) Generated by: EViews 10
3.2 Stationarity of Time Series
In the autoregressive models and regressive models
in general which create time series, econometric
diagnosis, and tests must be in consideration to assess
the effectiveness and relevance of these models.
Stationarity of the time series is one of the most
important initial points to complete, and it serves as a
pre-test for creating the autoregressive models. A
stationary process has the property that the mean,
variance, and autocorrelation structure do not change
over time. Stationarity can be defined in precise
mathematical terms. Still, for our purpose, we mean a
flat-looking series, without trend, constant variance
over time, a constant autocorrelation structure over
time, and no periodic fluctuations. If the time series is
not stationarity, usually the data of the time series can
be different (in the first or second level). That is,
given the series Lt we create the new series Yi = Δ Lt
= Li Li-1. The differenced data will contain one less
point than the original data. Although we can
differentiate the data more than once, one difference
is usually sufficient.
Before evaluating the stationarity of data
collected, the general form of the ARIMA model is a
simple ARMA model (autoregressive moving
average model). If the time series is root stationary,
then we can create an ARMA model. Whereas the
time series fail to be originally stationary, we
differentiate (usually at the first level) data and take
into consideration an ARIMA model. A generalized
ARMA (p; q) model can be described below:
 
 
Generally, an ARIMA (p,d,q) is a nonseasonal model
p is the number of autoregressive terms,
d is the number of nonseasonal differences
needed for stationarity, and
q is the number of lagged forecast errors in
the prediction equation.
Let y denote the dth difference of Y, which means if
time series are stationary at the first difference (as our
model explained below), then yt = Yt - Yt-1. The
primary ARIMA model should now be as:
 
Analyzing inflation rate data (on monthly basis) we
conclude that they are not unit root stationary, and
they are being converted into stationary ones at the
first level.
The augmented Dickey-Fuller test for stationarity of
time series is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for
stationarity of time series
Null Hypothesis: D(INF) has a unit root
Augmented Dickey-Fuller test statistic
Test critical
1% level
5% level
10% level
Evaluating the probability coefficient [0.00] (p <
0.05), we conclude that the data are now stationarity
in the first difference. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller
is one of the most used tests for stationarity, so the
model passes the stationarity test, [3], [21]. Inflation
data series can now be used to create an Arima
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.111
Ingrid Konomi, Blisard Zani
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
4 Model Parameters and Estimation
The evaluation of the Arima models begins with
determining the terms p and q. To determine the
autoregressive order and the level of moving average
terms, the correlogram of the data series must be
analyzed. We must determine the correct order of
autoregressive terms by checking whether any of the
autoregressive terms exceeds the limits of partial
correlations. The same logic is used to determine the
best moving average terms. The autocorrelation and
partial correlation of the inflation time series are
shown in Figure 3.
Fig. 3: Autocorrelation and partial correlation of
inflation time series
The partial autocorrelation defines the AR terms of
the ARIMA model, so it is determined that is it
suggestable to use AR (1). Meanwhile, the
autocorrelation test tells us that the right terms of
moving average should be MA (12). In conclusion,
the full ARIMA model used in this paper will be
ARIMA (1,1,12).
Let’s take into consideration the general ARIMA
(1,1,12). The equation should be as it follows:
Δ yt = c + φ1 Δ yt-1 + εt + θ1 εt-1 + θ2 εt-2 + …+ θ11 εt-11
+ θ12 εt-12
4.1 ARIMA Equation Estimation
As it is shown by the estimation of the model, all the
variables are statistically significant and have
statistical importance [for AR (1), MA (12)] because
the p. value < 0.05. Meanwhile, the whole model is
statistically important, and this is proved by the fact
that p.(F-stat) < 0.05. As a first step to model
estimation, the ARIMA (1,1,12) can now be tested
for other econometrical proofs.
The ARIMA inflation model used is presented in
Table 2.
Table 2. ARIMA inflation model Generated by
4.2 White Noise Test
Dependent Variable: D(INF)
Method: ARMA Maximum Likelihood
Std. Error
AR (1)
MA (12)
Mean dependent var
Adjusted R-
S.D. dependent var
S.E. of
Akaike info
Sum squared
Schwarz criterion
Durbin-Watson stat
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.111
Ingrid Konomi, Blisard Zani
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
The ARIMA model can be used only if it passes
some econometric tests. One of the most important
tests is the White Noise Test (Ljung Box Q
Statistic). A time series is white noise if the variables
are independent and identically distributed with a
mean of zero. This means that all variables have the
same variance 2) and each value has a zero
correlation with all other values in the series. Our
monthly data shows that the white noise test is passed
successfully (as all the values of probability are
greater than 5%) [p > 0.05], affirming that the
residuals of the model i terms) are white noised. As
all the tests have been completed, the model
estimation continues with the evaluation of
covariance stationarity and invertibility. The next
analysis consists of analyzing the ARMA roots
covariance and invertibility.
4.3 ARMA Covariance Stationarity and
Conducting the ARMA roots test about the
covariance stationarity shows us that AR roots should
be inside the circle graph (as presented below). This
confirms the covariance stationarity. At the same
time, the invertibility test shows that also the MA
root is inside the ARMA structure circle, so the
model can now be used normally. The ARMA roots
are illustrated in Figure 4
Fig. 4: ARMA roots
In conclusion, after testing the stationarity of the time
series, white noise test (Q-correlogram), and ARMA
structure, the model can be used to forecast future
4.4 Forecasting the Inflation in Albania
Regarding the model used in this paper, the final
ARIMA model is described below:
Δ yt = 0.019 + 0.41 yt-1 0.517 εt-12 + εt (2)
Equation (2) shows the correlative relationship
between autoregressive terms and moving average
terms with the inflation defined by the equation.
Theoretically, there will be a 0.019% level of
inflation, ceteris paribus.
If the previous monthly inflation changes by
1%, we can expect a 0.41% change in the
monthly actual inflation (this is shown by the
auto-regressive (AR) part of the equation).
A change in the moving average part (MA)
contributes to the hammering of the effects of
the previous year’s inflation into the actual
monthly inflation with 0.517%. This is
explained by the effects of the moving
average concept as the previous inflation
caused in any sector is expected to impact
less in previous months (periods) due to the
intervention of the central bank and other
The forecasting process shows the result of future
foreseen inflation in Albania for the end of the year
2022 and the first half year of 2023. Figure 5 below
shows the tendency and trend of a dynamic forecast
of the actual time series (M11-2022 M6-2023):
M11 M12 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6
2022 2023
INFF ± 2 S.E.
Fig. 5: Forecasted inflation in Albania
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.111
Ingrid Konomi, Blisard Zani
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
As it is forecasted by the model, the core
inflation rate in Albania will increase for the next
four months and then gradually decrease in the other
next months. In addition, the inflation will stay stable
at the level of 8% - 9%, due to the stabilization
instruments used all these months. Furthermore, other
macroeconomic indexes like GDP growth and
unemployment also indicate a decline in the level of
inflation. In the same logic as above, nominal shocks
are also expected during these months.
5 Conclusions
Due to its major role in the economy, inflation does
impact not only the general level of prices but almost
all the other macro indexes like economic growth,
unemployment, trade balance, current account, etc.
Inflation is neither a reason nor a consequence. It is a
complex indicator that measures the oscillation of
prices in the economic situation overall. It must not
be studied as an isolated index but concerning
inflation and other macro indicators.
Regarding the econometric model, we can
conclude that the econometric model of ARIMA is
one of the models that can create a satisfactory
framework to predict inflation and to create
forecasting models for phenomena like inflation.
ARIMA models work especially for time series of
data in developing countries due to the lack of
stationarity of their data in the unit roots. So, inflation
in Albania can be forecasted and used as a
policymaking tool. As a matter of fact, the next three
years are expected to be with more stable inflation,
but most of the time below the expected inflation rate
defined by the Bank of Albania.
The last recent years show data on high levels of
inflation due to covid-19 effects on the Albanian
economy. Henceforth the econometric models
(especially the models that use autoregressive terms)
may be used accompanied by some qualitative data
and explanations. Some “unusual shocks” of
inflation can derive from some situations that are
hard to explain just by quantitative data and statistical
Consequently logically, we recommend that the
Bank of Albania and other government institutions
involved in policymaking should be more aware of
the consequences coming from an unpredictable
inflation rate in the Albanian economy. Moreover,
the objective of the central bank for core inflation can
be revised in adaption to the changes caused by the
earthquake and Covid-19 pandemic situation. The
central bank of Albania should intervene in the
Albanian economy with direct and indirect
instruments in case of hyperinflation during the next
months. The Bank of Albania (BoA) has increased
the level of treasury bonds sold in the Albanian
financial market as a measure to decrease the level of
cash in the economy. In addition, BoA has increased
the level of interest rate to 2.75% as a direct operative
While the inflation level is a very important topic
nowadays in Albania, the analysis should go deeper
into understanding the changes in core inflation. At
the same time, it is recommended to focus on the
main sectors and industries that cause inflation. A
deeper analysis may be concentrated into sectors like
construction, real estate, or some parts of the food
supply chain due to their importance in the Albanian
A sustainable economy and the challenges posed
by solutions require modern approaches to study the
impact of important indicators like inflation.
Additional studies should be made to create a full
framework of studies for typical indexes like inflation
in Albania. This paper suggests that for important
macro topics, these studies should be conducted from
time to time to affirm or change some viewpoints or
to enrich the studies file as frequently as possible.
Structural autoregressive models can be very useful
in determining the importance of nominal and real
shocks in the economy. Throughout this model,
additional interpretations can be made to understand
specific consequences of inflation in the overall
economic performance. We also invite other authors
to improve the theoretical and practical framework
with valuable studies.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
-Ingrid Konomi has worked on the literature review
and economic analysis of the data’s statistical
processing results.
-Blisard Zani has worked the statistical processing
using EViews 10 software.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare
that is relevant to the content of this article.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.111
Ingrid Konomi, Blisard Zani
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023