Emotional Intelligence and Resilience, an Applied Study in the City of
Arequipa, Peru
1Department of Economics, Nacional de San Agustín University, Arequipa, PERU
2Department of Industrial Relations, Nacional de San Agustín University, Arequipa, PERU
3Department of Business Sciences, Continental University, Arequipa, PERU
Abstract: - This article aims to show the development of positive and effective adaptation skills in decision-
making only if emotional intelligence and resilience construction with appropriate stress management is
achieved. This study uses validated psychometric tests, such as Baron’s Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQI), to
measure emotional intelligence and the Wagnild and Young (RS) resilience scale to measure resilience. The
research approach is qualitative and applied with a design of non-experimental analysis. A stratified sample of
agents of the city was made in three sectors: Rulers / Politicians, University Professors / Academics, and
Businesspeople, as institutional decision-makers in the city of Arequipa. The low individual and collective
construction of emotional intelligence and resilience in the different strata of the city of Arequipa significantly
decreases adaptive capacity, so agents tend to make linear decisions in complex environments that affect their
stress levels and uncertainty management. This study has not been done before since it develops and explains
how agents and individuals are recognized as essential elements to generate value from the construction of
emotional intelligence and resilience, linking them as fundamental constructs to positive adaptation or effective
decision-making to the changing environment forming intelligent networks.
Key-Words: - Decision-making, Adaptation, Stress management, Knowledge-based development, Flexible
human networks.
Received: August 9, 2022. Revised: February 11, 2023. Accepted: March 4, 2023. Published: March 22, 2023.
1 Introduction
Economics, as a normal science, has overestimated
the management of value, anchoring it in the
maximization of production, competitiveness, and
growth, focusing on optimizing the means of
production to ensure economic growth and
development. Because of this, new approaches to
knowledge propose the interaction of intangible
elements or components previously unrelated to
each other in economic studies. Thus, the city of
Arequipa is the ad hoc scenario for the research
team to study the synergies and interrelation of the
predominant elements and agents that lead, guide or
direct the city's development. The research work is
developed in four sections: in the first section, the
introduction of the research is presented, which
exhibits the construction of the state-of-art that
allows the development of the research value
proposition. This is where it is shown that the
classical economic approach has left the human
being out of the development equation, although the
human being is the essence of economic processes
since he adds value to them through decision-
making. The second section shows the
methodological approach that models and
operationalizes the research. The third section
shows the results obtained from applying
psychometric tests of emotional intelligence and
resilience, according to the methodological process
of data collection and theoretical interrelation
presented previously in state of the art. Finally, in
the fourth section, the conclusions are detailed
2 Components of Positive and
Effective Adaptation: Emotional
Intelligence and Decision-Making
The dominant production economy of the last
centuries - based on the free market, profit
maximization, and mass production - has lost its
human character. Economic science, characterized
as a science of tools and goals, has developed an
impersonal character through quantitative modeling
and future flows through past economic data.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.65
Glenn Arce, Angela Portugal,
Giancarlo Torres, Wendy Ugarte, Harold Angulo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Classical economic science has focused on
generating value through productive means and
agents, thus seeking market equilibrium and optimal
growth. Therefore, it has given primary importance
to the tangible elements of production, conceiving
structures, processes, and products as the creation of
value for human development.
However, the classical economic approach has
been the subject of debate in recent years, which has
brought to light new orientations and models that
characterize and operationalize development
through tangible and intangible categories.
Consequently, the economy where value was found
in the physical factors of production has been
relegated; thus, every intangible asset -especially
knowledge- is now the DNA of science. This leads
to the creation of value, which is dynamized by
exchanging information and operationalizing
knowledge. Thus, knowledge becomes a
fundamental asset for creating value and, through it,
the engine of development. Like this, the knowledge
economy emerges, linking economic science with
knowledge markets, and promoting different
development models, [1].
In this sense, each of the categories that theorize
and operationalize the knowledge-based models
represents an exogenous and endogenous force that,
by strengthening, uniting, and integrating the human
capital, generates value through knowledge
management and later development based on
knowledge. Thus, development is made viable
through sustainable balance, emphasizing behavior
and decision-making based on the regeneration of
the system and environment through the articulated
construction of the same, consolidated in culture and
reconciliation between systemic welfare and the
economy, [2].
Global wellbeing, in this way, implies
sustainable development in the complex
environment; it promotes the capacity for effective
and positive adaptation of individuals and decision-
making agents in their contexts and realities. First,
however, it is necessary to detail that, when entering
into the adaptive capacity of agents, reference is
made to an integral approach, thus addressing
factors such as human behavior identified as the axis
for development through decision-making.
In this regard, [3], about human behavior,
recognizing that people act as potential drivers of
irrational and emotional changes that lead to
decision-making. This leap from classical economic
science to behavioral economics denotes a holistic
and interdisciplinary approach, which allows
broadening the view from objective science to
complex dynamics. Decision-making agents are
then driven to issue agile and adaptive responses.
They must understand and identify significant
events facing environmental uncertainty by
deploying the design, execution, and application of
processes through flexible human networks. This
will manage the dynamics towards intelligent
alignment and empowerment of agents, aiming at
knowledge-based development, [1].
Knowledge-based development is an approach of
particular interest to the research team because the
city of Arequipa 2017 received the award of
Emerging Knowledge City, a recognition granted by
the World Capital Institute. The fact motivated the
research emphasizing the study of the city’s value
generation through decision-making, allowing
mapping factors, components, or elements that
articulate the city's valuable assets. It is then that the
study focuses on the city of Arequipa under the
knowledge-based development approach, addressing
the main limitations in decision-making, seeking to
enhance components that shorten the gaps to
achieve adaptation and generate value generation so
that Arequipa can obtain the recognition of the City
of Knowledge.
The generation of value through the
operationalization and development of knowledge
places the human being as the strategic axis to
generate human networks strengthened by positive,
flexible, innovative, and intelligent connections.
Thus, adaptive networks are created, individually
and collectively, to manage the uncertainty of the
environment. This allows value creation through
integrated intangible assets, and the articulated
networks become the foundations of the capacity to
adapt and make positive decisions. In this way, it is
not only organizational productivity generated but
also positive articulation and agile response to the
dynamic environment.
Fig. 1: Knowledge-based development (KBD) value
generation through decision-making.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.65
Glenn Arce, Angela Portugal,
Giancarlo Torres, Wendy Ugarte, Harold Angulo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Source: Emotional quotient inventory (EQI) of BarOn
applied in the city of Arequipa, [26].
For this reason, it is important to emphasize that,
at present, social actors seek ad hoc strategies to
achieve their goals; however, as mentioned above,
the environment in which all elements of society
coexist is complex and dynamic, which emits
significant signals and events (see Figure 1) that, if
not identified and addressed on time, will turn into
failed opportunities in the city's development
process. Because of this, it is necessary that society's
agents - according to their knowledge, skills,
emotions, and behavior - identify these events,
signals, and signs of the environment to issue agile
and effective responses that allow the
transformation of the event into a potentially value-
generating resource through their effective response.
This will be possible only if decision-makers
develop the capacity to adapt, which provides
individuals with the means to articulate knowledge
and reality by consolidating flexible value-
generating networks.
Adaptation goes beyond the decision-making of
individuals, which implies focusing on human
capabilities that allow the interpretation of
environmental signals and characteristics. In this
way, it is essential to point out that agents move and
interact in a complex environment characterized by
uncertainty, which determines that they are rarely in
equilibrium. This climate causes stress, which
prevents adaptation as an agile and positive
response to constant environmental changes, [4]. In
other words, all those environmental demands or
problems are condensed into situations that drive the
human being towards distress. Furthermore,
constant innovations in technology, offshoring,
time, duration, quality, the number of tasks,
responsibilities, and risks are some of the
organizational changes that have radically affected
the daily chores of humanity, intensifying stress
levels, [5].
However, most studies showed some positive
effects of the intervention on stress management.
Thus, it is evidenced that self-reported stress leads
to satisfaction and personal growth. Therefore, self-
reported stress is referred to as "eustress" because it
represents positive responses to external stressors.
Eustress is primarily the result of a positive
perception of stressors. Therefore, it was proposed
to maximize the components of eustress by arguing
that it had an adaptive and motivational role in
agents, materialized in positive responses acting as a
mediator between organizational change and
resistance to change. Consequently, stress
management defines the management of the
uncertainty of the environment, favoring a positive
response to change, [6]. It is important to emphasize
that stress management depends on building
emotional intelligence and resilience for adaptation
to be effective. In this sense, these two factors will
allow the agents' positive adaptation resulting in an
agile and effective response to the changing
Emotional intelligence, coined by Peter Salovey
and John Mayer in 1990 and popularized by Daniel
Goleman in 1996, proposes an interconnection
between thought and emotions according to the
experiences of each individual. In this principle, the
importance of studying emotions lies as a
component of the development of agents and
individuals. The sense of organizational belonging
is then fostered as a guarantee to promote the
formation of social capital as an internal force. As a
result, this will make it possible to increase
productivity, enhancing human skills and
capabilities, [7].
Although human emotions were conceived as
disruptive and chaotic, today, it is gaining
prominence thanks to new theories explaining their
indispensable character for consolidating human
networks. Thus, emotional intelligence is identified
as a component that allows the development of
leadership capabilities and social skills, creating
complex and integrated networks within
organizations, [8]. This way, it directs, organizes,
motivates, and guides human activity in the
productive process. Experience has then recognized
the construction of emotional intelligence (EI) for
conflict resolution, becoming an instrument that
positively restructures social coalitions within the
work environment. This strengthens the exchange
and management of knowledge between
organizations while enhancing intra- and inter-
organizational development, [9]. Thus, the increase
in organizations' social capital is evidenced,
positively relating organizational productivity
directed towards innovation and regeneration of the
environment; this becomes positive and agile,
leading to the sustainable development of human
capital in the political, economic, and social spheres,
Therefore, the proper management of emotions
facilitates good performance, which refers to a
person's ability to direct them toward constructive
activities and responses. A person competent in this
dimension of emotional intelligence can encourage
themselves and others to improve continuously
when making decisions and to have a clear, positive,
and productive direction. Researchers have found
that employees' emotional intelligence positively
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.65
Glenn Arce, Angela Portugal,
Giancarlo Torres, Wendy Ugarte, Harold Angulo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
relates to their work, satisfaction, and performance,
[11]. Employees who are "smart" about their
emotions are more efficient in interacting with the
work environment and their co-workers. Using
emotions to enhance performance will positively
impact the self and others, [12]. People with high
capacity in this dimension actively direct their
emotions towards good results (high productivity
and performance). However, it should be noted that
until a few years ago, intelligence, in general, was
materialized through the intelligence quotient (IQ).
Consequently, this test presents a bias by
characterizing intelligence as linear and privileging
the realities of developed economies standardized in
cognitive intelligence. Furthermore, this test is
unidimensional, although broad criteria argue that
academic performance is multidimensional, [13].
A case that shows the literature reviewed above
is given in a computer company where instruments
were applied to measure the employees' work
performance. Thus, even though general mental
ability endows human beings with cognitive
intelligence components, the results showed that
emotional intelligence conferred workers with
adaptive and flexible skills that exponentially
favored organizational work performance compared
to those with a high IQ. Therefore, the proper
management of emotions facilitates good
performance, which refers to a person's ability to
use their emotions to direct them toward
constructive activities that generate value, [14].
Thus, emotional intelligence enhances the
adaptation of human beings, reflected in the agile
and effective response in a complex environment.
Additionally, a component that allows human
beings to develop the capacity to adapt; is called
A characteristic of resilience is the positive result
of the development of people with high
vulnerability. It comprises effective coping with
strictly cumulative and stressful life events and
circumstances. In context, it is presented as a total
positive understanding, competitive and effective
management in response to risk or hostility.
Resilience allows individuals to develop, in essence,
the capacity to understand processes; it also has a
substantial potential to increase their understanding
of events or situations that pose a risk to themselves,
[15]. In the organizational context, building
resilience in corporate agents allows them to interact
optimally in the flow of turbulence, allowing the
organization to read, understand and respond
quickly and effectively to significant changes. This
is made possible by deploying resilient networks
that articulate organizational intelligence, adapt,
lead, and strategically align the value components
embedded in the organization, [16].
As the business environment becomes
increasingly dynamic and chaotic, it demands
resilient workers. The organization is thus driven to
evolve by emphasizing sensitivity to signals and
positive decision-making in the face of potential
events and risks that may impact it. In this way, at
the same time, a holistic stance is achieved that
strengthens the agents in the internal and external
domains, [17], [18], [19]. Then some interactions
link resilience through network transformation at the
organizational and global level, leading toward
sustainability, well-being, and adaptation. This is
contextualized in the theoretical and practical
synergies between resilience, transformation,
regeneration, and adaptation, through which a
holistic approach of socioeconomic and ecological
integration is achieved, opening the system’s
evolution through the adaptation of the agents to the
environment and its regeneration, [20].
In this sense, and as the reviewed literature
argues, it is through emotional intelligence and
resilience, with adequate stress management, that
the effective and positive adaptation of the agents is
pursued after determining the right time for
decision-making. It is thus evident that the
construction of these components generates internal
and external value (see Figure 2), which allows
individuals to create flexible human networks,
capable of adapting, motivated, empathetic,
intelligent, and productive, suitable for generating
knowledge and innovation that impact the
development of the different cities.
Therefore, to operationalize adaptive capacity
through emotional intelligence and resilience,
psychometric measures were applied with validated
psychological tests to obtain an accurate
measurement of adaptation and better decision-
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.65
Glenn Arce, Angela Portugal,
Giancarlo Torres, Wendy Ugarte, Harold Angulo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Fig. 2: Scheme of emotional intelligence and
resilience in decision making.
Source: Emotional quotient inventory (EQI) of
BarOn applied in the city of Arequipa, [26].
3 Methodology
The present research is of an applied type, with the
design of a non-experimental analysis, as it does not
require laboratory analysis or modification of
variables. Regarding its approach, the research is
qualitative, so it interprets reality subjectively and
inductively, guaranteeing researcher neutrality, [21].
The process of obtaining data has been developed
through "field research," applying two psychometric
tests which, by their background, have been
validated, [22], and through which the answers
given in each instrument follow the assessment of
the Likert scale with defined statistical processes.
These instruments will measure emotional
intelligence and resilience in the dominant agents of
the city of Arequipa, offering a measurable
perspective of the city’s assets and adaptive
capacities, which is currently the second city with
the greatest potential for economic growth in Peru,
[23], and is of great interest to the research team.
Because of the award received in 2017, calling it: an
"emerging city of knowledge," the articulation and
approach of the present research were determined.
Like this, it can identify which components and
capacities have been developed and institutionalized
in the city of Arequipa; among them, the generation
of value through a decision-making process with the
integration of the components of emotional
intelligence and resilience (Figures 01 and 02) in the
agents that direct the political and social institutions
of the city and, therefore, those who have the
responsibility to guide the development of such an
important city. Consequently, it is necessary to
recognize and analyze each of these components
and capacities of decision-makers in the city
through business and government organizations, as
well as their ability to identify significant events or
signals in the dynamic environment, which in turn
recognizes the adaptive capacities of the actors,
whose functions include economic and social
leadership, as well as the responsibility to promote
the development of the city, directing actions and
strategic regional development projects.
For the study, it was considered to carry out a
stratified random statistical process, which allows
direct interviews with decision-makers of
institutions: Rulers/Politicians, academic authorities,
and executive directors of the leading companies
which contribute socially and economically to the
growth and development of the city. Therefore, the
statistical population shown in Table 1 was first
determined to determine the objective sample of the
Table 1. Population distribution
Rulers / Politicians
University professors /
Total population
Source: Authors' own creation
From Table 1, it is revealed that in the city of
Arequipa, the process of knowledge-based
development focuses on three fundamental sectors,
such as social gears that generate value through
intelligent integration networks: governments, who
direct public institutions and promote legal
guidelines for citizen participation, in addition to the
promotion of strategic public investment;
entrepreneurs as leaders of the productive private
sector, which generate annual jobs for the local
population and contribute financially to the city’s
indicators; and, finally, the academy through its
authorities and university teachers who carry
responsibility for education, teaching and
transmitting knowledge to new social actors, both in
the public and private spheres.
The population universe of the public sector of
Arequipa is delimited by the number of institutions
that make up the national government structure and
that annually receive direct transfers from the
Ministry of Economy and Finance, which, in
addition, oversee local planning and investment
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.65
Glenn Arce, Angela Portugal,
Giancarlo Torres, Wendy Ugarte, Harold Angulo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
actions. Thus, the decentralized local government
consists of 29 districts and one provincial
municipality. In the productive private sector, a total
of 306 companies are attached to the Peruvian
Export and Tourism Promotion Commission
(Promperu) register, an entity under the Ministry of
Foreign Trade and Tourism, which promotes the
development of private investment and the
strengthening of entrepreneurship. Of these, 23 are
considered large enterprises, 36 are medium-sized,
82 are small, and 165 are micro-enterprises. It is
also important to explain that there are a large
number of informal companies in the private sector
which are not considered in the analysis of data and
interpretation of results by their very nature. Finally,
referring to the group of the academy, it was
recorded that in the city, there are eight universities
licensed by the National Superintendence of
University Higher Education (SUNEDU), an agency
attached to the Ministry of Education, whose
purpose is the licensing, quality supervision and
control of the university higher education service.
The universities in Arequipa are divided into
faculties and professional schools, having 72
directors or deans responsible for the directives of
institutional order in higher education.
Consequently, with the determination of the
study population, and as detailed in the statistical
procedure for determining the sample, we obtain:
(1)  
From where it is established that N represents the
population quantity or the universe determined
previously and is constituted by the margin of error
of the responses obtained; k symbolizes the
confidence level of (95% value k = 1.96), that is to
say, the probability of certainty of responses; p the
probability of success as a proportion of respondents
in the population with a specific characteristic and,
finally, the probability of failure of individuals who
do not possess a specific characteristic is determined
as (1-p). This sample selection criterion is a
conventional statistical and research design practice,
Therefore, and according to the research
purposes, once the population quantity is
determined, the finite sample quantity is obtained:
(1)  󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
(2) 
In a stratified random sampling procedure, we
obtained a sample size of 198 interviewees, with a
confidence level of 95%. With this, we can calculate
the size of the subsamples or stratified samples with
the respective procedure, both proportional to the
stratum's size and proportional to the variability of
the stratum, according to Requena, [25].
(1)  
(2)  
(3)  
The resulting coefficient reflects the percentage
value to be taken according to the total population
quantity of each stratum (see Table 2).
Table 2. Statistical distribution of the sample:
selection proportional to the size of the stratum
Rulers /
Source: Authors' own creation
According to the percentage of the total
contribution of the population and its proportional
contribution to the sample, the value is the same
(see Table 3).
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.65
Glenn Arce, Angela Portugal,
Giancarlo Torres, Wendy Ugarte, Harold Angulo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Table 3. Statistical distribution of the sample:
selection proportional to stratum variability
Rulers /
professors /
Source: Authors' own creation
Once the sample of each stratum is determined,
the structure of the applied psychometric tests is
detailed, as well as their respective constructs and
measures. Therefore, as stated in the revised
literature, it is argued that through emotional
intelligence and resilience, the development of
adaptive capacity can be achieved through agile,
effective, and positive responses by decision-makers
and therefore materializing in the city development
To operationalize emotional intelligence, the
Baron ICE test, also known as the Baron emotional
quotient inventory, [26], was used to measure the
construction of emotional intelligence in people,
denoting emotional skills and abilities to overcome
and positively align the environment. In this
psychometric measure, five components of emotions
are described, which are: intrapersonal intelligence,
interpersonal, stress management, adaptability, and
mood. The test is applied to measure a person’s
success with societal demands and pressures in their
work environment. As a result, the emotional
intelligence quotient (CEQ) is obtained to
differentiate which people are successful and who
are not in dealing with the pressure and social
demand, [11].
The resilience scale (RS) of Wagnild and Young,
[27], was also applied, consisting of 25 items that
identify the degree of individual resilience, Likert
scale ranging from 1 to 7, composed of two
dimensions: personal competence and acceptance of
self and life. The RS is a reliable and valid tool for
measuring resilience, [27]. It has thus been used
with a wide range of study populations and has been
considered the best evaluation method due to its
good psychometric properties and applications in
various groups. According to previous studies, the
resilience measured by the RS has a positive
correlation with life satisfaction, self-esteem, self-
evaluation, health, self-realization, stress
management, and social support, as well as a
negative correlation with depressive symptoms and
anxiety, [28].
4 Results
Based on the application of the BarOn ICE, here are
the results obtained after the statistical process:
Fig. 3: Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQI)
BarOn for a sample in the city of Arequipa
Source: Emotional quotient inventory (EQI) of
BarOn applied in the city of Arequipa, [26].
At a specific level and emphasizing certain
constructs of the results presented (see Figure 3), it
can be asserted that the agents interviewed in the
city of Arequipa do not have adequate management
of stress. Consequently, they present a non-adaptive
reaction to the continuous changes in their
respective work environments; that is, they show
resistance to change, constituting a barrier to the
creation of interconnected networks of cooperative
work, intra- and inter-organizational. Furthermore,
because their capacity for individual intelligence is
diminished, there is an impediment to productivity
and innovation in the human work networks of each
organization. In addition, they have a positive over-
impression when making decisions, making
flexibility and adaptation of each individual and the
human group impossible. Thus, although they have
the necessary resources (average IQ, machinery,
technology, and information) to achieve the creation
of value within the process, there is a gap in the
construction of the emotional intelligence of the
people who manage human groups that prevent
individuals from adapting effectively and positively.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.65
Glenn Arce, Angela Portugal,
Giancarlo Torres, Wendy Ugarte, Harold Angulo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Fig. 4: BarOn's emotional quotient inventory (EQI)
Source: Emotional quotient inventory (EQI) of
BarOn applied in the city of Arequipa, [26].
Based on the general results presented (see
Figure 3), the results obtained from the application
of the BarOn ECI were detailed by strata or sectors,
making a comparative analysis between the sectors
interviewed and the standard level of development
of each criterion or construct. It is then specified
that the stress construct is of greater interest to the
research team, notwithstanding the development of
certain constructs, such as intrapersonal intelligence,
interpersonal intelligence, and positive impression.
This is because it is a construct where all the
interviewees had the greatest problem since they
presented resistance to change and impulsivity when
handling stress and making decisions. Thus,
cooperative work relationships are interrupted,
fractioned, and impeded, which means barriers to
managing positive human networks. In other words,
maladaptation is reflected in reducing flexible
networks between agents and organizations.
However, it is important to point out that none of
the three strata or sectors analyzed have the same
stressors (environment and reality), both internal
and external.
When specifying the results at each level of the
sector analyzed, it is shown that (see Figure 4) the
stratum called " University Professors/Scholars"
presents an advantage in the stress construct, which
allows us to affirm that this stratum has an
advantage over the other two, positively influencing
the development of adaptive capacity, even though
stress management is not optimal. However, there is
a disadvantage in interpersonal and intrapersonal
construction and general mood; this breaks down
the human networks in which they interact, creating
barriers to the development of adaptive capacity. In
the case of the "Businesspeople" stratum, the results
show that the inter- and intrapersonal construct is
adequate, as well as the positive impression;
however, they do not handle stress adequately,
which significantly affects the general mood
construct and leads to a decrease in their adaptation.
Finally, in the stratum called "Politicians," the
constructs of general and interpersonal attitude are
the most developed, which positively drives them to
achieve adaptive capacity; however, they present
problems in the intrapersonal construct, positive
impression, and stress management, constructs
where they obtained the lowest score, thus affecting
their ability to adapt effectively and positively.
Fig. 5: Emotional quotient (EQ) in the city of
Source: Emotional quotient inventory (EQI) of
BarOn applied in the city of Arequipa, [26].
Like this, the results of the application of the test
of intelligence in the city of Arequipa have made it
possible to provide the emotional quotient of the
agents of the city of Arequipa; based on this, the
data were statistically analyzed, making a
comparison between the average or standard
emotional quotient and the value of the emotional
quotient of the agents interviewed by strata or
sectors (see Figure 5). It is shown that the stratum
corresponding to "Politicians" shows a lower
emotional quotient compared to the other strata and
the standard value of the test; this confirms the
disarticulation of the networks and the linearity in
the understanding of the environment and provides
maladaptive responses by creating barriers in the
interaction and development in the city. On the
other hand, the strata corresponding to
"Businesspeople" and "University
Professors/Academics" present a higher emotional
quotient, approaching the expected value; they thus
represent a moderately successful response to the
environment, which allows for strengthening
cooperative networks and building adaptive
capacity. However, it is important to point out that
none of the three strata shows an average value of
emotional quotient due to the stress construct, which
is not adequately managed, leading to a lack of
collaborative, reliable, flexible, and innovative
human networks in the city of Arequipa.
Consequently, the adaptive capacity of the city's
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.65
Glenn Arce, Angela Portugal,
Giancarlo Torres, Wendy Ugarte, Harold Angulo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
agents still needs to be operationalized and
The application of the resilience test
complements the stated results. To determine
whether the groups interviewed are resilient or not,
the resilience scale test (RS) by Wagnild & Young,
[27] was applied, which is made up of 25 items on a
Likert-type scale ranging from 1 to 7, composed of
two dimensions: personal competence and
acceptance of oneself and one's life. For their
respective analysis, correction values were taken
from the Peruvian adaptation, [29], and we
evidenced the values obtained from the sample:
Fig. 6: Level of resilience in the city of Arequipa
Source: Wagnild and Young resilience scale applied in
the city of Arequipa, [17].
The general level of the application of the
resilience test showed development problems in the
construct of self-acceptance, which also influences
the intrapersonal construct of each individual. A gap
is then opened to reach the resilient development of
the agents. Of course, an important barrier is created
at the level of management and articulation of
resilient networks. (Figure 6)
=Low; 2 = Average; 3 = High
Fig. 7: Levels of resilience by strata
Source: Wagnild and Young resilience scale applied in the city
of Arequipa, [17].
Table 4. Resiliency Scale
University professors
Politicians / Rulers
Source: Authors' own creation
According to the results obtained from the
application of the resilience test to the strata or
sectors interviewed (Figure 7), it is evident in
general that they have a medium or low level of
resilience that limits the level of development of
their adaptive capacity, with these results recurring
in senior managers of different organizations. Thus,
it can be inferred that the decisions they can make
are not necessarily the optimal ones, specifically in
the "Business people" stratum; and, regarding the
"University Professors/Scholars" stratum, a medium
level of resilience was obtained as a result, which
denotes equanimity and self-confidence, providing
them with individual capacities and strengths that
will allow them to articulate resilient and flexible
collective networks to achieve a positive adaptation
capacity to the environment, providing agile
responses and, therefore, optimal decision-making.
But the stratum called "Politicians" presents a low
level of resilience, which highlights the
impulsiveness and lack of self-confidence that
prevent positive decision-making; in this sense,
individually and collectively, they fragment the
networks established not only at the institutional
level but also at a macro level (city of Arequipa).
This prevents positive articulation and the
development of adaptive capacity in this sector.
5 Discussion of Results
The results obtained detail the level of decision-
making effectiveness in the city of Arequipa.
Therefore, it is evident that the constructs of
Emotional Intelligence and Resilience are
moderately developed by decision-making agents,
which affects a poor and weak response. Added to
this, the little control of stress as a collective and
individual component; exposes a strong gap in the
articulation, mobilization, and operationalization of
the components of Knowledge-based Development.
Consequently, the results are decisive in terms of
the existence of important gaps that diminish or
limit the interaction and generation of value in the
city of Arequipa; due to the little development of the
constructs in the different strata analyzed. Showing
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.65
Glenn Arce, Angela Portugal,
Giancarlo Torres, Wendy Ugarte, Harold Angulo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
a latent problem for the execution of Knowledge-
Based Development due to poor understanding of
the environment, management of uncertainty, and
timely management of stress.
6 Conclusion
The adaptive capacity of the city of Arequipa is
diminished in all strata analyzed by the little
construction and scope of proper stress
management, turning the agents’ decisions into
impulses and behaviors resistant to change.
Consequently, the cooperativity and flexibility of
the human networks developed in the formal and
informal areas of the city are negatively affected.
Significant barriers to knowledge-based
development are then deployed as organizations
respond maladaptively and linearly to the complex
and dynamic environment. This fact alters the
effective and positive interaction between agents
and the environment. Therefore, the complex
dynamics need to be understood and managed.
Thus, agents give responses that deteriorate and
limit knowledge management.
There are also significant limitations in the
administration and management of uncertainty,
which reaches levels of individual and collective
distress, which has led to the deterioration of the
welfare of the networks and the integral
development of Arequipa. In this sense, it is
necessary to enhance emotional intelligence and
resilience factors that allow the development of
adaptation; in such a way that value is developed
based on knowledge and operationalized in the
articulation of networks for the systemic
development of the city. Only in this way will
factors and components (emotional intelligence and
resilience) be aligned toward the development of
adaptive capacity, regeneration of the city, and the
system through agile and effective responses. This is
how this study contributes to demonstrate the
adaptive capabilities of the city through the
development of constructs that will allow the
optimal administration, mobilization, and
operationalization of tangible and intangible assets
that determine and characterize Knowledge-Based
Development involving a comprehensive
multidimensional value generation system capable
of articulating systemic, effective, and resilient
networks that promote the economic and social
regeneration of the city.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
-Glenn Arce, was project advisor
-Angela Portugal, carried out the methodology and
drafting of the manuscript
-Giancarlo Torres, performed data conservation
-Wendy Ugarte, did the conceptualization
-Harold Angulo, wrote and edited.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.65
Glenn Arce, Angela Portugal,
Giancarlo Torres, Wendy Ugarte, Harold Angulo
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
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