could help to nurture positive attitude and
perspective towards agricultural career and
entrepreneurs, motivate the development of new-
generation entrepreneurs in rural area, and create the
network of new-generation entrepreneurs. Local
university students could also be prepared and
encouraged towards being the next generation of
creative entrepreneurs.
6 Conclusion
The study discussed various issues and adaptation of
community enterprises in the processed agricultural
sector. The results demonstrate the need to
sustainably scale up activities in processed
agricultural products after COVID-19.
Applying locally sourced key ingredients in the
processing of agricultural products, providing
unique local ingredient benefits while preventing
oversupply the waste, and also adding local
conventional wisdom have significantly improved
the production process in agribusiness. In addition,
the administration should give consideration by joint
venture challenge and procuring funds to expand
production. However, labour shortages in rural areas
also pose significant challenges for community
enterprise operations. Besides, encouraging
agritourism activities and sustainable ecosystems
should be applied to produce different undertakings
in the context of extension in agricultural activities.
In order to convey the identity of products and the
community of producers, it is indispensable to
implement online distribution channels shifting
through the customer experiences. Finally, it is
about drawing in the younger generation to expand
the business of agricultural processing community
enterprises for supporting long-term community
This research was supported by a grant from
Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI)
with the research grant agreement no. 061/2565.
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DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.53
Jitsupa Kitipadung, Watunyu Jaiborisudhi