Food Production and Amazon Preservation are Not Mutually
Exclusive: Exploring Feasible Avenues from the Perspective of Land
Use Related NDCs in Brazil
Energy Planning Program, COPPE, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Tecnologia,
Bloco C, Sala 211, Cidade Universitária, Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21941-972,
2Agroicone, Avenida Angélica, no 2447 set 173 - Higienópolis
CEP 01227-200 São Paulo / SP,
3Centre International de Recherche sur l´Environnement et le Développement (CIRED),
Campus du Jardin Tropical, 45 bis, avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 Nogent-sur-Marne Cedex,
4Management Science & Information Systems, Rutgers Business School, Rutgers The State
University of New Jersey, 100 Rockafeller Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854,
Abstract: The COP21 Paris Agreement and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) have proven to be
milestones in the operationalization of climate action at the country-level, particularly in the Agriculture,
Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector. In Brazil, AFOLU-related NDC actions in its first version
envisaged the elimination of, for instance: illegal deforestation in the Amazon region, the restoration and
reforestation of 12 million hectares of severely degraded lands, and the substantial expansion of sustainably
produced biofuels by 2030. While Brazilian Government commitment to these NDC targets soon vanished, a
specific analytical question concerns as to how far sustainable land use scenarios can contribute to non-climate
benefits (i.e., socioeconomic development) despite their internal challenges of harmonizing them with
environmental protection and climate change mitigation. In this paper, we analyse the potential socioeconomic
and environmental synergies and trade-offs in NDC implementation, given the possibility of the demand for
land in Brazil increase due to agricultural and livestock expansion. We focus our analysis on GDP growth,
income distribution, and food security. We do so by integrating land-use with computable general equilibrium
(CGE) models and running policy scenarios, emulating different levels of NDC and development policy
implementation. Our analysis helps us to understand how social and economic outcomes do change under
varying levels of commitment by decision-makers. It shows that NDC implementation in Brazil is preferable to
a business-as-usual development pathway, particularly when climate change is taken into consideration. While
GDP and household income appear unaffected by NDC implementation, reducing the pressure over Amazon
deforestation along with other social benefits appears under more stringent NDC implementation. Those results
are particularly important given the significant upward trend in Amazon deforestation recorded in the last few
years and the loss of purchasing power of low-income classes observed since 2015 in Brazil. In the AFOLU
sector, NDC implementation, as in its first version, could thus act as entry points for alternative development
pathways. For instance, such as the ones discussed under green economy or low carbon growth paradigms -
although, possible trade-offs between agricultural and other sectors will still need to be closely monitored.
Key-Words: Climate policies, NDCs, Land-use modelling, CGE modelling, Food security, Brazil
Received: June 14, 2022. Revised: December 23, 2022. Accepted: January 25, 2023. Published: February 17, 2023.
1 Introduction
The COP21 Paris Agreement and NDC submission
have been a milestone for operationalizing climate
action at country-level, both for adaptation and
mitigation. However, it is still an open question how
actions targeting to keep global warming to <1.5°C
can be consolidated with dominant national
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.45
William Wills, Marcelo Moreira,
Martin Obermaier, Julien Lefevre, Romulo Ely
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
development goals. This is particularly the case of
agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU).
Climate policy decisions have considerable
consequences on agricultural production, food
prices, deforestation, social welfare, and
macroeconomic development, [9], [10], [12], [14],
[22], [45], [56], [57]. Some relevant study can be
found in [59]. Our focus is to investigate to what
extent different levels of NDC and NDC-related
AFOLU policies in Brazil would affect the social
and macroeconomic objectives in the country.
Agriculture plays a central role in Brazil’s economy
and has a series of very relevant social and
environmental impacts which extend beyond its
national frontier. That is the case of climate change.
While the country has the merit of having kept the
world largest forest budget, with about 65% of its
851 million ha territory covered by natural
vegetation, the AFOLU sector is today responsible
for 60% of the country’s net GHG emissions, [26],
Climate change mitigation policies directly designed
for land-use-related sectors, including conservation,
could help to reduce such emissions. However, the
relative costs for the operationalisation of these
policies may be comparatively high to other
countries and regions [11]. As a result, it is argued
that they could threaten key development goals such
as food security.
Even under lower warming scenarios in line with
the 1.5°C Paris Agreement objective, climate
change will affect agricultural production and food
security, [8], [39]. Although some crops (including
sugarcane) may benefit from increasing
temperatures and positive effects from higher CO2
fertilisation, higher surface temperature, reduced
precipitation, and higher frequency and intensity of
climatic extremes such as droughts, are projected to
decrease crop yields by 2030 for staple crops, [39],
[45]. If agricultural yield is further reduced by
climate change, ongoing agricultural expansion
(including biofuels) may cause indirect distributive
effects on poorer households, which spend a
significant share of their income on food [43].
Brazil’s AFOLU-related NDCs are ambitious and
include: (1) the implementation of Brazil’s Forest
; (2) elimination of illegal deforestation in the
Amazon region; (3) restoring and reforesting 12
million hectares of forests; (4) and substantial
expansion of biofuels in the Brazilian energy mix by
The Forest Code governs the use and protection of
private lands in Brazil. It provides a way to monitor
restoration and control deforestation in private
2030. These actions are to be supported by other
already ongoing policies, including the Low Carbon
Emission Agriculture Program (ABC). The ABC
stipulates the restoration of 15 million hectares of
degraded pasturelands and the enhancing of 5
million hectares of integrated cropland-livestock-
forestry systems (ICLFS) by 2030 [3]. While it is
clear that NDC implementation in Brazil could offer
much-needed leverage for realising agricultural and
socioeconomic development, it is also clear that
finding ways to balance those objectives in
agriculture (including biofuels and livestock
production) to avoid negative trade-offs in climate
and biodiversity protection continues to be a major
challenge, [12], [26], [39].
Besides the importance of the Brazilian NDC to
GHG emissions and the objectives of the Paris
Agreement, it is important to highlight recent trends
involving Amazon deforestation in Brazil. After an
84% decrease in Amazon deforestation from 2004
to 2012, when it reached its record low at 4571
Km2, Amazon deforestation started to increase
slowly until 2019, when it seems to have gained
momentum (73% increase from 2019 to 2021),
although still smaller, it seems to be getting close to
the level of 2006, [19]. Reducing deforestation rates
in Brazil is crucial not only for the country to reach
its NDC goals up to 2030 given the very high GHG
emissions associated to it, but also to preserve
biodiversity and maintain ecosystem services that
are key for the agriculture sector in the country.
In this paper, we assess the potential trade-offs and
synergies of AFOLU NDC-related policy
development in Brazil until 2030 (the timeframe for
NDC implementation). Our focus relies on the
macroeconomic and social development,
particularly: GDP growth, income distribution, and
food security. We develop and run five policy
scenarios, emulating different levels of NDC and
associated policiesimplementation (ABC, ICLFS).
Our aim is to understand how outcomes may change
under varying levels of commitment by decision
makers towards NDC implementation. We develop
and apply a modelling framework for integrating
macroeconomic, land use change, and climate
impact assessment, based on already established and
peer-reviewed models developed by the authors,
[15], [28], [29], [56], [57], [58]. In addition, we
integrate the impacts of climate change on
agricultural yield. The climate change impacts are
often ignored in studies that simulate different
mitigation scenarios. We find this integration
particularly relevant regarding Brazil’s historically
high-income inequality and the potential impacts on
food prices. Also, we assess how this could reflect
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.45
William Wills, Marcelo Moreira,
Martin Obermaier, Julien Lefevre, Romulo Ely
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
on household budgets, especially those of the
poorest income groups. Using this framework, we
aim to understand to what extent agricultural and
biofuels expansion under NDC implementation in
Brazil could contribute to environmental, social, and
economic objectives. Furthermore, which set of
policies could reduce, or potentially offset, adverse
negative outcomes caused by these isolated policies.
2 Approach
2.1 Integrating Computable General
Equilibrium (CGE) and Land Use Modelling
Land-use economic models in partial equilibrium
have been extensively explored in history. Since
their use covers a broad range of applications, they
have been employed to measure impacts of land-use
policies, implementation of new energy systems and
technologies, food demand shocks or biophysical
constraints on agricultural development, commodity
prices, land allocation, among other, [16], [32], [48].
A positive attribute of them is that they allow
considering the spatial heterogeneity of land
characteristics and include various levels of detail
about biophysical processes.
However, these models ignore the rest of the
economy. They fail to capture economy-wide
feedbacks on sectors that are directly and indirectly
linked with land-use. For instance, they usually
ignore crucial interactions from energy industries,
commodities, labour, and capital markets. Also, they
do not perform broad socio-economical assessments
of land-use related issues. Conversely, one of the
main facets of CGE models is their ability to
connect agricultural markets and land-use choices to
the rest of the economy. Their pitfall relies of the
fact that they usually include only rough
representations of land allocation, with the land
modelled as a homogenous and perfectly mobile
production factor between a limited number of
agriculture sectors. The strength of one is the
weakness of other.
Two lines of research aim to overcome the
limitations of partial and general equilibrium
approaches. The first line of research consists in
directly improving CGE models with added details
on crops, commodities, technology, and better land
supply representation [21]. For instance, models
may include bioenergy technologies as latent
technologies [46] or rely on more disaggregated
databases, [1], [52]. In addition, Land supply
representation can be based on more advanced land
supply functions [11] or distinct agro-ecological
zones (AEZ) [27] which contributes to greater
representativity of the models. Advanced CGE
models usually include a mix of these features, [25],
[53]. The second line of research links a detailed
land-use model in partial equilibrium to the
economy-wide model or CGE. Here, models can be
either “hard-linked” through direct integration of
both models [20] or “soft-coupled”, with the land-
use model linked to a full multi-sector CGE model
through iterative runs, exchanging data until final
convergence is reached, [47], [54]. Soft-coupling
has the advantage that a higher level of detail about
both land-use and economy-wide processes is kept.
This is also the approach we adopt in this paper.
2.2 Integrating CGE and Land Use
Modelling for Brazil
We use a soft-link to couple the IMACLIM-BR
CGE with the Brazilian Land Use Model (BLUM).
IMACLIM-BR is a hybrid, recursive CGE; BLUM
is a partial equilibrium model dedicated to land use.
Between both, data on GDP and demand for
biofuels, agriculture, and livestock goods is
exchanged, as is information on investments needs
by each sector to support its way of production.
Interactive runs are conducted until reaching
convergence between the two models. In practice, a
data template was used to exchange the datasets
between both models. This template was filled in
with each model’s outputs: the outputs of one model
functioned as inputs for the other model, and the
latter’s outputs then served as inputs to the first
model, leading to the iterative runs.
2.3 The Brazilian Land Use Model
The BLUM is a dynamic, partial equilibrium, multi-
regional, and multi-market economic model
specifically tailored for the Brazilian agricultural
sectors. It is composed by two modules, both
dedicated to model the following aspects of
agricultural commodities: supply-demand and land
use. BLUM works with the global system of Food
and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI)
[35] but considering only the Brazilian territory
[15]. The model has been instrumental in the
Renewable Fuel Standard 2 [5] and to substantiate
the Brazilian government’s proposal for NDC at
COP21, [24], [36].
Dynamic interactions are key to BLUM. They
simultaneously define a vector of equilibrium prices
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.45
William Wills, Marcelo Moreira,
Martin Obermaier, Julien Lefevre, Romulo Ely
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
and quantities in the Supply-Demand module [38].
National demand nis composed of domestic
consumption, exports, and final stocks. Its main
determinants are prices, income, population,
consumption patterns. Supply at national level is
defined by the sum of production in Brazil’s six
geographic regions, as well as initial stocks (equal
to the final stocks of the previous year) and imports.
Feedstock production itself is represented as the
result of simple multiplication of the area harvested
by productivity. For agroindustry goods, BLUM
considers efficiencies and production costs on the
industrial part as well as migration between
technologies. BLUM’s land use module allows
simulating for competition between agricultural
crops, pastures, and native vegetation. The results
can then be further detailed using a spatial allocation
proprietary model. Finally, competition elasticities
simulate intraregional land competition in
agricultural activities (i.e., competition between the
country’ six geographical regions).
Expansion elasticities in BLUM indicate a need for
producers to increase the total agricultural area of a
region, generating deforestation. For our analysis,
we estimated the elasticities under symmetry,
homogeneity, and additionality constraints [17]
using geo-referenced and regional production data
as a primary information source [15].
Yields we projected as functions of the past ten
years, allowing for small responses to long-term
profitability (reflecting additional investments in
R&D) and short-term profitability (which induces
higher use of agricultural inputs). Yields are also
affected by climate change. Average yield reduction
expected for the agricultural crop (as a percentage of
yield potential) was calculated for the six
geographic regions using plant growth models
subjected to future climate scenario and downscaled
weather data [58]. The average percentage yield
reduction due to climate change was then integrated
into our study’s baseline scenario, described in the
next section of this paper.
2.3.1 CGE model: IMACLIM-BR
IMACLIM-BR is a CGE model designed to assess
medium or long-term macroeconomic and social
implications of climate and energy policies in
Brazil, [22], [23], [55], [57]. Built under a social
accounting matrix framework, it details not only
Brazilian economic flows, but also physical flows
(as energy, industry, and food commodities) are
fully described to embark technical information
from Brazilian energy and land-use scenarios. This
is important to assure the consistency with mid to
long-term energy-economy projections. IMACLIM-
BR represents Brazil as an open economy but
includes specific structural assumptions, helping
overcome some of the shortcomings of closed
economy models and improving empirical and
policy relevance.
The base year of the model is 2015. IMACLIM-BR
has 19 productive sectors, including energy
(biomass, oil, oil derivatives, and electricity),
passenger transport, agriculture, livestock, and
services. We disaggregated ten income classes for
our analysis, helping to explain the implications of
each scenario on income distribution, consumption,
and the impact on other inequalities.
Models based on static production frontiers are
represented by constant elasticity of substitution
production functions (CES) and endogenously
calibrated based on past data. This is not the case of
IMACLIM-BR Of course, it is very difficult to
accurately portray long-term production frontiers
which are the consequences of different price
vectors and linked to technologies that will only be
available in the long-term future. The way
IMACLIM-BR deals with this is by exogenously
incorporating long-term production frontiers into the
model. Data and information are collected from
experts and dedicated sectoral models (bottom-up or
engineering models) which then help describe
relevant innovation potential curves and allow for
data exchanges between different sectors, their
production and consumption, [24], [57].
Additionally, IMACLIM-BR can model cash flows,
total investments per period, fuel substitution,
energy efficiency, among other components. As a
result, we have a model capable to properly set up
changes in the technical coefficients making robust
projections of available technologies, costs and its
impacts over the economy during the time horizon
of the study, [28], [29], [56], [57]. A detailed
description of the model can be found on [30].
2.4 Scenarios
We construct a set of five scenarios to understand
the consequences of NDC and associated policy
implementation until 2030 under different levels of
commitment to policy implementation. Scenario 1 is
the baseline or reference scenario (REF). It does not
consider climate change. Table 1 shows the main
hypotheses and data used for the scenario.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.45
William Wills, Marcelo Moreira,
Martin Obermaier, Julien Lefevre, Romulo Ely
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Table 1. Main hypotheses and data for reference
scenario (REF)
Sources: [3], [18], [42], [44].
The four remaining scenarios are the alternative
scenarios. They consider different aspects relevant
to NDC/climate change policy implementation.
Scenarios 1 and 2 (CC1 and CC2) allow for an
increase of pressure on land use, whereas scenarios
3 and 4 (CC3 and CC4) focus on solutions to
alleviate that pressure. Table 2 describes the
hypotheses that we have used to build each one of
these alternative scenarios.
Table 2. Main hypotheses for alternative scenarios
(CC1 to CC4)
Sources: [3], [24], [37].
Changes in agricultural yield due to, for instance,
reshaping temperature and precipitation patterns, are
equally contemplated from CC1 to CC4. However,
CC2 represents a more intense picture in terms of
the climate change pressure on land use. The 12
million hectares of forest represent the
implementation of Brazil’s Forest Code and the
Brazilian NDC, with the specific objective for forest
recovery of those areas according to regional
requirements for law compliance, [37], [49], [50].
3 Results
3.1 Scenarios
3.1.1 Reference Scenario
Figure 1 shows the used area and levels of
agricultural production until 2030 for the REF
scenario. We group agricultural production into
grains, meat (beef, pigs, and poultry), and biofuels
(ethanol, with some part coming from sugar
production, and biodiesel, produced mainly from
soybean). The agricultural area includes annual
crops (grains, except 2nd season and winter crops),
sugarcane, commercial forest, and pastures.
Production outcomes are presented in % growth,
and area outcomes in in absolute values.
Fig. 1: Agricultural production and land use change
in the reference scenario (REF).
Source: Authors
Grain production increases significantly until 2030
in the REF scenario, almost doubling in 20 years.
This can be mainly explained by an increase of
soybean exports, demand for meat (indirectly
affecting demand for grains) and biodiesel
(particularly soybean oil). The meat sector (linked to
pasture demand) shows a less steeped growth
compared with grains but still performs a strong
expansion of 36%.
Ethanol projection is marked by two distinct
periods: up to 2020 and from 2020 to 2030. At first,
the sector shows only timid growth of less than one
billion litre/year. This is mainly due to structural
difficulties. The sector grows at a more accelerated
pace from 2020 to 2030, with production reaching
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.45
William Wills, Marcelo Moreira,
Martin Obermaier, Julien Lefevre, Romulo Ely
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
40 billion litres. The production of biodiesel follows
diesel demand and Brazil’s biodiesel blending
mandate of 10% in volumetric terms, not showing
any growth potential beyond this blending mandate.
From the land use perspective, annual crops expand
from 37 million hectares in 2010 to 52 million
hectares in 2030. The increase in terms of
production is therefore 2.5 times higher than the
increase of the area used in this period. The
difference is explained by the expansion of second
crops (which do not require additional area for
production) and yields. In 2030, corn second crop
accounts for almost 75% of domestic corn
production, contrasting with 40% in 2010. The
expansion of sugarcane area is relatively modest
(24%), especially when compared with the
sugarcane crush expansion (38%). The area planted
with commercial forest grows from less than 7
million hectares in 2010 to over 11 million hectares
by 2030. Only pasture faces area reduction
compared with 2010. Pasture experiences a
reduction of 15 million hectares due to the need of
additional area for agricultural production. Despite a
35% increase in beef production, total pasture area
is reduced by 8% between 2010 and 2030. The trend
to adopt medium and high technology systems in
livestock production, as observed in recent years,
mainly explains this.
In REF, total land used by agriculture and livestock
(production of grains, sugar cane, forest, and
pastures) grows from 236 to 243 million hectares
between 2010 and 2030, resulting in a total
expansion of 7 million hectares. For the sake of
simplicity, we assume that 7 million hectares of
native vegetation would be necessary to satisfy this
demand for land between 2010 and 2030.
3.1.2 Alternative Scenario
In Figure 2, the agricultural production (Figure 2.A),
area (Figure 2.B), and prices (Figure 2.C) are
presented in relative terms, whereas GHG emissions
are presented in absolute terms (Figure 2.D).
Fig. 2: Results of reference and alternative scenarios
for production, area, prices and annual GHG
emissions in 2030.
Source: Authors
In annual crops markets, prices tend to increase due
to inelastic demand curves for agricultural
commodities while production area tends to increase
with higher associated AFOLU emissions from land
use (see Figure 2.C, 2.B, and 2.D). Ethanol is an
exception of these trends. It is an almost perfect
substitute for gasoline and thus represents higher
demand elasticities. In this context, scenario CC1
would lead to a limited impact on agricultural
output, except for ethanol. For the regional
estimates of crop yield variations due to climate
change, only two regions show yield decreases
greater than 5%. Of course, significant climatic
impact can still be expected at the micro-regional
level, and long-run climate change is likely to affect
agricultural outputs more strongly. CC2 scenario is
the first of our scenarios for which we consider
partial NDC implementation. Compared to REF,
CC2 is marked by two major developments: strong
expansion of ethanol and afforestation. Ethanol
production increases over 35% (Figure 2.A) which
requires about 15% more land (Figure 2.B) as part
of sugarcane is also used for sugar production.
Afforestation reduces the total area available to
agriculture, with particular impact on pastureland
and annual crops (Figure 2.B). The combination of
climate change, higher ethanol production, and
large-scale afforestation thus result in a stress in
terms of commodity markets, with average prices
growing between 8% (grains) and 15% (sugarcane)
see Figure 2.C. This leads to a significant
reduction of GHG emissions in the AFOLU sector,
dropping it to about 125 million tons of CO2eq per
year in 2030. We should note that substitution of
gasoline by ethanol is not accounted in this figure
meaning that overall emissions reductions in this
scenario and CC3 and CC4 would likely be even
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.45
William Wills, Marcelo Moreira,
Martin Obermaier, Julien Lefevre, Romulo Ely
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
CC3 scenario represents the additional recovery of
15 million ha of degraded pastures and
implementation of 5 million ha of ICLFS. Both
measures enhance the productivity in the livestock
sector (which is currently the sector using the largest
parcel of land). Higher efficiency in the livestock
sector releases pressure in the land market, reducing
prices (mostly meat, but also grains and sugarcane),
and allowing not only higher consumption but also
an increase in terms of agricultural production. The
GHG emissions in this scenario also decrease to 344
million tons of CO2eq by 2030 (195 lower than
In CC4 we consider additional improvements in the
transport sector. In addition, more ethanol is
produced due to the use of sugarcane bagasse for
ethanol production, including for co-generation.
Adding second generation biofuels drives gains in
terms of productivity in bioenergy production. All
these assumptions result into a lesser demand for
agricultural feedstock which consequently reduces
pressures on land use. This, in turn, leads to
deceases in grains and ethanol prices.
Counterintuitively, meat prices increase. As
biodiesel reduces its demand for soybean oil, its
production becomes less attractive, affecting the
feed availability. The raise of feed prices indirectly
increases the prices of proteins since feed plays a
relevant role in its cost structure.
3.2 Macroeconomic and Social Results
Table 3 shows the macroeconomic outcomes of the
climate change scenario (CC1) and the
implementation of land use related mitigation
measures (CC2 to CC4). Overall, macroeconomic
outcomes are rather limited until 2030. For instance,
all of the five scenarios present GDP values for
2030 at around 2.3 Billion 2015 USD. Annual GDP
growth rates vary only between 2.09% (CC1
scenario) to 2.11% (REF and CC4 scenarios). As a
result, total GDP per capita is also similar across all
five scenarios (US$ 10.286 per capita to US$ 10.311
per capita).
Table 3. Macroeconomic results
Source: Authors
For 2030, all alternative scenarios have a higher
price index compared to REF, with the smallest and
highest values being respectively represented by
CC1 and CC2. Price indexes are directly linked with
the land use results. As climate change induces a
slight increase of agriculture prices in the CC1
scenario, it spreads within the rest of the economy,
which culminates into general prices increase of
1.8%. The NDC policies also add pressure on land
in the CC2 scenario, leading to an additional
increase of agriculture prices and thus the general
price index of by 3.1%. As investments in the
recovery of degraded pastures and on ICLFS reduce
pressure on land demand, CC3 and CC4 scenarios
have a lower price index than CC2 and close to the
price index level of CC1.
The slight variations found in trade balance follow
the price index. The smallest trade balance
variations occur in CC2, where the price index is at
its lowest and Brazil becomes less competitive
compared to the rest of the world. Overall, climate
change impacts on prices compare to those impacts
caused by the implementation of the expansive
mitigation policies implemented under the Brazilian
NDC scenarios (CC2 to CC4).
As we go from scenario CC1 to scenario CC4, a
fuller NDC implementation in fact holds
macroeconomic gains for the Brazilian economy.
Although those effects would still be rather small,
they almost fully offset the losses caused by climate
change. Even in scenario CC4, where we have
simulated an extensive low carbon program for the
transport sector, accumulated investments in
mitigation for this sector in the period from 2016 to
2030 (35 billion 2015 USD) are only a small
fraction of how much was accumulated in terms of
GDP (0.1%) or what was accumulated from the
perspective of investments in the whole economy in
the same period (0.5%).
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.45
William Wills, Marcelo Moreira,
Martin Obermaier, Julien Lefevre, Romulo Ely
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Figure 3.A presents socioeconomic outcomes from
REF on household expenses for each one of the six
IMACLIM-BR household classes. While class 1
represents the 10% poorest families roughly
corresponding to the population under the poverty
line with less than US$5.5 per day, 2-5 classes stand
for the intermediate category, divided into 20%
groups. Class 6 represents the 10% of richest
families. We notice that the average food expense
share across classes in 2030 (around 13%) is rather
low and similar to today’s France (12% in 2018
even bearing a three times lower GDP per capita.
This means that reference food prices are lower in
Brazil compared to international benchmarks.
However, food budget shares sharply differ between
classes by 2030: the poorest households (class 1)
use 17% of their disposable income to buy food,
while the richest households (class 6) use only 5,3%
of their disposable income for the same purposes
(with a greater share dedicated to “other expenses”,
which includes going to restaurants). We can expect
that an increase of food prices will lead to increased
food insecurity as food access becomes more and
more difficult, especially for poorer households.
Fig. 3: Household´s expenses in 2030
Source: Authors
Figure 3.C shows the variations of the physical
consumption of food across householdsclasses and
scenarios. Higher food prices from CC1 to CC4
compared to REF lead to lower relative food
consumption, which decreases less for the lower
than higher classes. The lower price elasticity of
These data can be found in OECD, 2022.
The literature on poverty and food security, [40], [45]
consent that poorer households consume food near
minimum security limits, and thus have less possibility of
further reducing it than well-off households.
Observation: as class 1 (poor households) do not have
private cars or expensive home appliances, they keep
their energy consumption per capita lower (including
biofuels) than richer classes. Because of this no changes
in energy consumption are observed.
poorer households’ food consumption is expected to
intensify the regressive impact of food price
As food prices increase, so does the amount people
would have to spend on buying food, constraining
food consumption. Figure 3.B shows the resulting
food expense share of household class 1 across all
five scenarios. Class 1 food expense share reaches
its peak under the partial implementation of the
NDC case (CC2), resulting in a 12% increase
compared to REF and a 2-point increase of budget
share. These are directly linked to our agriculture
and food price increase projections for that scenario.
Taking a different course, CC3 and particularly
CC4, alleviate the pressure on land use and food
prices, substantially reducing the tension on
household budgets. Overall, the food expense shares
of class 1 in our scenarios stay below 20% which is
still far from the food insecurity thresholds usually
considered by previous studies
Figure 3.D shows the resulting impacts on
household consumption of services and other goods.
The results reflect the purchasing power of
households outside food and energy expenses. We
can first notice that average consumption impacts of
climate change and NDC policies on households are
significantly higher than GDP impacts. Also, in
CC2 consumption 2% lower in average than REF
(3.3% lower for class 1). However, the additional
policies to alleviate pressure on land and decreased
biofuel demand in CC4 offset almost half of the
average consumption losses in CC1, increasing the
average well-being of families in a climate change
context. Notwithstanding, as expected, climate
change and NDC policies have a regressive impact
on households’ consumption. The poorer classes are
relatively more impacted than the richer classes.
Poorer households significantly reduce their
expenses on services and other goods in order to
secure their disposable income for buying food. This
is even more evident in scenarios where food prices
are more impacted, such as CC2. On the other hand,
richer households need to do little to change their
consumption patterns. From the CC3 and CC4
policies perspective, although providing an average
consumption dividend compared to CC2 (also,
compared to CC1 with CC4), they do not reduce the
regressivity of the impacts. Furthermore, the
consumption surplus of CC4 compared to CC1 is
In some studies, households are considered as food
insecure if their food expense share is higher than 50%
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.45
William Wills, Marcelo Moreira,
Martin Obermaier, Julien Lefevre, Romulo Ely
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
moved even more to richer households than the
poorer. Additional policies are needed to correct the
distributive implications of NDC policies.
4 Discussion and Conclusions
Our paper shows how the agricultural sector is
affected by AFOLU-related NDC implementation
and its consequences at the macroeconomic and
social level in Brazil. When degraded lands are
recovered, ICLFS are implemented, and strong 2nd
generation biofuels growth is put in place, these
negative effects can be mostly offset. This is
particularly the case in more sustainably oriented
scenarios CC3 and CC4 which also present several
important co-benefits in well-being, food security
and reducing the pressure over Amazon
deforestation. There are also considerable changes
in AFOLU and energy related GHG emissions, with
both CC3 and CC4 scenarios presenting
considerable emissions reductions compared to
REF. Our analysis thus shows that NDC
implementation in Brazil is considerably preferable
to a business-as-usual development pathway,
particularly once climate change impacts are taken
into consideration. While economic sectors are quite
differently affected (e.g., lower meat and grains
production against substantially higher ethanol
production in all NDC scenarios except CC4), we
find only a limited macroeconomic impact for all
scenarios which consider climate change (CC1-
CC4), despite heavy investments in conservation,
land restoration, and biofuels deployment (both
soybean and ethanol production). This limited
impact may be due to the following: (1) we have not
analysed any climate change scenario considered
extreme (which makes sense given our horizon is
2030); (2 and related) our simulations period is short
(from up to 2030); (3i) we have considered a limited
weight in terms of the investments in public
transport and energy efficiency in relation to the
total investments of the economy while (4) there is a
positive “corrective nature” of these investments in
promoting efficiency across the Brazilian economy.
We also do only find a limited impact for all climate
change scenarios for total family income by class
which varies little across the scenarios.
In fact, across all scenarios, when considering
climate change impact, the partial implementation
of the NDC actions increases the pressure on land
and prices of goods that require land as input (very
clear in the CC2 scenario). However, as further
steps into full implementation of NDC are taken,
land pressure is reduced, decreasing also GHG
emissions. In the same way, less pressure in land
use leads to a lower share of income locked in food
On the other hand, our analysis shows that the way
families spend their income across scenarios reveals
important impacts. As poorer classes already
consume food near their lower subsistence limit,
they have less room to further reduce their
consumption in case of food prices increase. As a
result, poorer families end up spending a larger
share of their income on food while reducing their
physical consumption. With a higher share of
income compromised for food, to balance back their
budget, poorer families need to reduce the
consumption of services and other goods. This result
brings to light the loss of well-being in most critical
scenarios (especially CC2). Richer families suffer
much less the impacts of food price increases as
only a minor part of their income is allocated to
food. Similarly, the share of income committed to
services and other goods is much less affected in
higher classes. It confirms that poorer household
classes would suffer more from climate change
impacts and higher food prices.
Scenarios CC3 and particularly CC4 present slightly
different development trajectories for Brazil that are
worth to consider. They do not show negative
impacts on GDP growth and other macroeconomic
indicators and, in fact, perform better from a
socioeconomic and environmental perspective, with
extensive investment programs aiming to encourage
public transportation and promote energy efficiency
gains for light and heavy vehicles which would
lessen the need for fossil fuels and biofuels. These
scenarios would also reduce pressure on land use,
Amazon deforestation, food prices, and GHG
emissions. This is the case of scenarios CC3 and,
particularly, CC4. Poorer families would be
benefited from such “new” development trajectories
as their food consumption and well-being would be
closer to what was observed in the hypothetical REF
scenario which does not take climate change into the
analysis (and is thus truly hypothetical, as a no
climate change scenario is no longer a reality). Not
to mention that these scenarios would be preferable
given their important leverage for the realization of
synergies between socioeconomic development,
conservation, and climate protection. These
scenarios provide clear links not only to the
COP/UNFCCC process but also green or low
carbon growth concepts or the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development, [12], [13]. Our results
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.45
William Wills, Marcelo Moreira,
Martin Obermaier, Julien Lefevre, Romulo Ely
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
indicate that little would be lost by turning the
Brazilian economy towards these alternative
development trajectories which would likely
contribute to these targets.
Our analysis requires two words of caution: first,
our scenarios rely on a conservative interpretation of
the future which does not reflect a true potential of
either economic growth rates or climate change
impacts. Putting more pressure on our simulations
by using higher economic growth rates, severer
climate change impacts, also, stricter land use
policies could amplify existing trade-offs and make
decisions on policy implementations such as NDC
more complicated. Second, the current policy
situation in Brazil regarding implementations of
environmental protection (e.g., zeroing in on illegal
deforestation) and agricultural development has
changed considerably in the past years.
To conclude, our modelling exercise shows that
green or low carbon growth scenarios bring
important social and environmental benefits. With
the new federal administration recently elected, and
its compromise to reduce Amazon deforestation and
GHG emissions, the results found on this research
shows a highly desirable pathway for Brazil.
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Contribution of individual authors to the
creation of a scientific article (ghostwriting
- William Wills: experiment design, CGE modeling,
- CGE and land-use link, policy analysis, and
- Marcelo Moreira: land-use modeling.
- Martin Obermaier: policy analysis and writing.
- Julien Lefèvre: CGE modeling.
- Romulo Ely: Input-Output database hybridization,
CGE and land-use link, and writing.
Sources of funding for research presented in a
scientific article or scientific article itself
Not applied.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.45
William Wills, Marcelo Moreira,
Martin Obermaier, Julien Lefevre, Romulo Ely
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.