Reawakening Digital Innovation and Collaboration Strategy: Strategies
to Improve Business Performance
Management Department, Faculty of Economic and Business, Brawijaya University,
Jalan Veteran No 1, Ketawanggede, Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65145,
Abstract: - Purpose: The objective of this study is to examine the effect of company resources on digital
innovation, collaboration strategy, and business performance, as well as the effect of company resources on
business performance through digital innovation and collaboration strategy. Research Design: This study uses
a quantitative research approach. Observations were made in a cross-section time horizon, in 2022. The
Population of this study is the ISP industry, which amounted to 474 companies, and the unit of observation was
the management. Sampling used stratified random sampling. ISPs are grouped based on the size of each
company based on the number of customers and branch cities are divided into 3 groups: small, medium, and
large. Samples were taken many as 100 respondents. Sampling from each classification is done randomly based
on a list of population members. Testing the causality hypothesis in this study used PLS (Partial Least Square).
Results: the hypothesis testing reveals that company resources play a significant role in developing digital
innovation and collaboration strategies. Company resources do not significantly directly affect business
performance, but significantly affect business performance through digital innovation and collaboration
strategy. Findings: The study provided managerial implications for ISP company management in Indonesia,
that collaboration strategy and digital innovation can increase the influence of the development and utilization
of company resources on business performance so that companies no longer have to develop and own all of
their resources independently. By elaborating their collaboration strategy and digital innovation, companies can
focus on developing key resources and additional digital innovations needed to increase the company's
competitive advantage. Limitation: the measurement of variables was carried out based on the management's
perception of the conditions and situations faced during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021-2022. To get a
deeper understanding and truly describe the details of the empirical conditions, it is necessary to complement
qualitative research through confirmatory and in-depth interviews.
Key-Words: - company resources, digital innovation, collaboration strategy, business performance,
internet service provider.
Received: July 4, 2022. Revised: November 15, 2022. Accepted: December 8, 2022. Published: January 11, 2023.
1 Introduction
A survey conducted by the Indonesian Internet
Service Providers Association (APJII) (2018)
reveals the increase in internet penetration in
Indonesia is almost nine times greater than
population growth. This cannot be separated from
the role of the Internet Service Provider/ISP which
is currently facing hyper-competition conditions.
This condition occurs because currently 474 local
ISP players are registered as members of APJII and
have a permit from the Ministry of Communication
and Information Technology. In addition to
competing with fellow local ISPs, competition will
also occur with Global ISPs, both operating in
Indonesia and abroad.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a
decline in revenue at local ISPs, especially those
that relied on a B2B business model that served
non-retail customers. In addition, there has also
been a stagnation/decline in the company's
profitability. This is related to internet access rates
which have continued to decline from year to year,
starting in 2009 until now.
The increasing need for IoT implementation
increases the need for internet access to connect
various applications to various IoT sensors.
However, only ISPs who are also
Telecommunication Operators get more benefits,
due to the location of IoT sensors which generally
tend to be scattered and mobile (Mobile). In
addition, currently, ISPs in Indonesia generally have
limited resources and the ability to innovate and
collaborate to become IoT service providers
consisting of connectivity service providers,
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.32
Saiful Hidayat, Margono Setiawan,
Fatchur Rohman, Ananda Sabil Hussein
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
platforms, and IoT solutions/applications.
Companies are required to be able to utilize
resources to anticipate threats and opportunities in
the business environment to improve their
performance. Companies need to discern the
correlation between resources, capabilities,
competitive advantage, and profitability to maintain
a long-term competitive advantage, [1]. However,
the phenomenon in the ISP industry shows that there
are obstacles related to capital ownership and an
insufficient number of experts. The company's
resources are only able to provide internet access
services, as well as the limited mastery of Digital
Technology and the performance of ICT
infrastructure which tends to lag behind ISPs in
other countries. In addition, ISPs doing B2B
business need to keep the company's cash flow
resources positive during the Covid-19 pandemic.
These various phenomena greatly affect the
profitability of ISP companies in Indonesia.
In addition, APJII also stated that the current
performance of ISPs is related to the development of
cooperation between industry players and relevant
stakeholders, which had not yet been fully
established optimally. In addition, the creativity of
industry players in developing the ISP industry
tends not to fully refer to the existing market
demands. During this pandemic, many ISP
companies are experiencing a decline in revenue, so
they need to immediately innovate to find new
business models and new services, such as Smart
Home services using IoT (Internet of Things),
Video, Games, and others. The phenomenon of
digital innovation in ISP companies shows that there
are still difficulties for companies in segmenting
customers to seize market share. In addition, there is
a tendency for companies to be slow to innovate in
the face of digital disruption, especially innovation
of new products/services and business models.
There are five key areas in managing innovation in
digital products and services, including user
experience, value proposition, digital evolution
scanning, skills, and improvisation, [2], [3].
Therefore, companies are required to be able to
build capabilities thru Innovation as a competitive
advantage in utilizing the resources they have, like
the RBV concept, companies can understand the
relationship between resources, capabilities,
competitive advantage, and profitability to maintain
a long-term competitive advantage, [1]. The
company implements its collaboration strategy to
deal with changes in the business environment by
the condition of its resources to improve
performance. Through collaboration, companies are
expected to be able to have "Strategic Resources"
that will have a long-term competitive advantage
over other companies that do not have them, [1].
This research was conducted at the observation
unit of the management of ISP companies in
Indonesia, and the measurement of variables was
carried out based on the management's perception of
the conditions and situations faced during the
COVID-19 pandemic in 2021-2022. In addition, this
research was carried out using quantitative methods
that only relied on statistical results, so to get a
deeper understanding and truly describe the details
of the empirical conditions, it is necessary to
complement with qualitative research through
confirmatory and in-depth interviews, which have
not been applied in this study.
Regarding the situation of the analysis unit, this
study contributes a construct of collaboration
strategy that was developed based on the
combination (cohesion) of the concept of
collaboration with the concept of collaborative
advantage through a shared meta-strategy.
From the results of the study, it is hoped that a
finding model will be obtained that describes the
role of company resources, digital innovation, and
collaboration strategy on business performance so
that they can provide useful managerial implications
for the management of ISP companies in Indonesia.
2 Literature Review
The description of the variables used in this study is
based on the findings of previous studies that are
explained as follows:
Business performance is the output or result of
business activities, [4]. Performance is the result
of activities measured by some measures that
have been determined in the formulation of
strategy as part of the strategic management
process related to profitability, market share, or
cost reduction, [5]. Company performance is
measured by financial ratios to compare the
company's performance in several periods,
compare the company's performance with the
performance of competitors, and compare the
company's performance against the industry
average, [7]. So, business performance
describes the results of all company activities
within a certain period as measured by several
predetermined sizes.
There are several indicators used to measure the
performance of a company: sales growth, assets, and
profitability, [4], [5], [6], [7]; ROE (Return on
equity), ROA (return on assets), EPS (earnings per
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.32
Saiful Hidayat, Margono Setiawan,
Fatchur Rohman, Ananda Sabil Hussein
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
share) and Tobin's Q ratio, [8], ROA, [9], ROA and
ROE, [10]. Organizational performance was
measured by two dimensions, namely subjective
performance, and objective performance. Subjective
performance includes measures of sales, net income,
and cash flow. Objective performance is measured
by customer satisfaction, market share, and
employee turnover, [11].
The company's resources and capabilities are the
basic building blocks of the company's competitive
strategy. Resources are divided into two main
categories, namely: tangible resources and
intangible resources, [12]. Each company is
distinguished by a set of unique resources consisting
of tangible assets, intangible assets, and
organizational capabilities. There are three basic
resources needed by companies, namely tangible
assets, intangible assets, and organizational
capabilities, [13]. Resources are organizational
assets and become the basic building for the
organization. Resources consist of tangible assets,
human assets, and intangible assets. Tangible assets
such as plant, equipment, finance, and location.
Human assets such as the number of employees,
employee skills, and employee motivation.
Intangible assets such as technology (patents and
copyrights), culture, and reputation, [5].
Companies need dynamic tools to support the
digital innovation process. To that end, the digital
innovation management framework identifies five
key areas to measure and evaluate the management
of digital product and service innovation, which
includes: user experience, value proposition, digital
evolution scanning, skills, and improvisation, [3].
Digital innovation is the use of information and
communication technology to drive innovations that
impact organizational structures, processes, and
landscapes, [14]. Digital innovation is a new
combination of physical and digital components to
produce new products, [15]. This definition implies
a focus on product innovation, which distinguishes
it from the study of IT innovation that leads to
process innovation. A must, although an inadequate
condition for digital innovation is that new
combinations rely on digitization. Digitization
makes physical products programmable,
addressable, sensible, communicable, memorable,
traceable, and associable. Digital innovation
demands that companies re-examine the
organizational logic and usability of enterprise IT
The concept of collaboration is expressed as a
process in which parties who see different aspects of
a problem can constructively explore their
differences and seek solutions that go beyond their
limited vision of what is possible, [16]. In further
research it is explained that collaboration is a
management process in which two or more
companies work together to solve problems and find
solutions beyond their limited capabilities, to
achieve common goals, [16], [17], [18]. At first, and
perhaps most importantly, collaboration was a
matter of internal cooperation. However many
organizations have considered and even pursued
external collaboration, but it is often to the
detriment of their efforts at internal collaboration,
The concept of collaboration strategy was
developed based on the combination (cohesion) of
the concept of collaboration, [16], [17], [18], [19]
with the concept of collaborative advantage through
a shared meta-strategy, [20] that is a planned
cooperative activity for mutual benefit, which
involves all relevant stakeholders including
horizontal stakeholders (lateral, internal), vertical
stakeholders (customers, suppliers), and
complementary stakeholders, in developing business
activities to create sustainable company
performance. Partnership strategy stems from the
business strategy, which determines the overall
objectives of the business unit alliance and the
configuration of the portfolio business alliance, [21].
The portfolio includes partnerships with suppliers,
complementary, customers, and competitors.
Collaboration is "a joint decision-making process
among key stakeholders of a problem domain about
the future of that domain", [16].
The construct of the collaboration concept in this
study is a novelty as a contribution to the
collaboration strategy literature.
2.1 Variable Dimensions
The company resource variables are measured
through tangible resources and intangible resources,
[12], [22], [23].
The digital innovation variable is measured by
five dimensions: user experience, value proposition,
observation of digital evolution, skills, and
improvisation, [3].
The collaboration strategy variable is measured
through: partnerships with suppliers, partnerships
with customers, partnerships with laterals, internal
partnerships, and partnerships with complementary,
[21], [24], [25].
Business performance in this study is measured
through three dimensions namely: profitability, asset
growth, and market share, [4], [5], [6], [7].
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.32
Saiful Hidayat, Margono Setiawan,
Fatchur Rohman, Ananda Sabil Hussein
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
2.2 Hypothesis Development
The influence of company resources on digital
HR is an important element in achieving innovation
for companies in the company's ever-changing
operating environment, [26]. There is a positive and
significant effect of entrepreneurship, marketing
capabilities, relational capital, and empowerment on
innovation capability and performance, [27]. the
combination of three capabilities namely market,
technology, and capability management created a
unique configuration known as the source of the
company's core competencies that shape the
company's strategic decisions as a synergistic
innovation management model, [28].
Based on the findings of these studies, the first
hypothesis is formulated as follows:
H1: company resources have a significant effect on
digital innovation.
The influence of company resources on
collaboration strategy
The partnership is carried out to identify and
respond to market changes in search of flexibility
and innovative ways to develop company activities,
[29]. Collaborative competitive advantage is the
result of a strategy to access complementary
resources through collaboration with other
organizations, [30].
Based on the findings of these studies, the
second hypothesis is formulated as follows:
H2: company resources have a significant effect on
the collaboration strategy.
The influence of company resources on business
There was a strong positive correlation between the
e-HRM and company organizational performance,
[31]. HR practices affect bank performance
positively, [32]. Manager competence affected
business performance, [33]. Meanwhile, capital
resources had an insignificant and mixed effect on
the operating performance and financial
performance of the company. Intellectual capital
also affects stock market performance, but not
significantly, [34].
Knowledge and competence, digital technology,
and reputation affect business, [35]. Digital
capabilities affect business performance. Digital
innovation positively and significantly impact
business performance, and digital innovation
mediates the influence of innovation capability on
business performance, [36].
Based on the findings of these studies, the third
hypothesis is formulated as follows:
H3: company resources have a significant effect on
business performance.
The influence of company resources on business
performance through digital innovation
Entrepreneurial orientation, company resources, and
SME branding are related to company performance
through innovation, [22]. The knowledge
management process affects innovation capability,
innovation capability affects organizational
performance, and the knowledge management
process affects organizational performance through
innovation capability, [37]. Digital capabilities have
a significant influence on business performance.
Digital innovation has a positive and significant
impact on business performance, and digital
innovation can mediate the effect of innovation
capability on business performance, [36]. Digital
orientation and digital capabilities have a positive
effect on digital innovation and also that digital
innovation mediates the effect of technology
orientation and digital capabilities on financial and
non-financial performance, [11]. Based on the
findings of these studies, the fourth hypothesis is
formulated as follows:
H4: digital innovation mediates the influence of
company resources on business performance.
The influence of company resources on business
performance through collaboration strategy
An organization's ability to integrate and collaborate
within a network or to develop partnerships
increases the opportunity to leverage its capabilities
and benefit from the synergies generated through
collaboration, [30]. Companies should emphasize
enhancing collaboration to build core competencies
through strategic alliances and technical cooperation
all of which can help companies to achieve a
competitive advantage higher and helps the
company’s growth, [38]. Based on the findings of
these studies, the fifth hypothesis is formulated as
H5: collaboration strategy mediates the influence of
company resources on business performance.
3 Methods
This study uses a quantitative research approach.
Observations were carried out in a cross-section/one
shot, in 2022. The population of this study was the
ISP company industry, and the unit of observation
was the management. Stratified random sampling
was used as the sampling method. Elements of the
population were grouped at certain levels aiming at
taking samples evenly throughout the group so that
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.32
Saiful Hidayat, Margono Setiawan,
Fatchur Rohman, Ananda Sabil Hussein
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
the sample represented the character of all
heterogeneous population elements.
The survey was conducted by selecting a sample
of the population, namely licensed ISP companies
operating in Indonesia and being members of APJII
(Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association)
totaling around 474 and grouped (subpopulation)
based on the size of each company based on the
number of customers and branch cities which are
divided into 3 groups, namely: small, medium and
large. Samples were taken from as many as 100
respondents. Sampling from each subpopulation was
carried out randomly based on a list of population
members. The measurement scale in this study uses
an ordinal scale using the Likert method which
produces ordinal data. The ordinal measurement
scale is a scale where the data shows a certain order
or order, [39]. Testing the causality hypothesis in
this study used PLS (Partial Least Square), which is
a multivariate statistical technique that can be used
to handle many response variables as well as
explanatory variables at once.
4 Analysis and Discussion
4.1 Goodness of Fit
Structural equation modeling is an ideal data
analytical tool to test the complex relationships
among many analytical variables. SEM can analyze
the pattern of the relationship between latent
extracts and indicators, latent extracts with each
other, and measure measurement error. This
analysis can simultaneously test multiple mediating
relationships, estimate latent variables based on
related measures, and address practical problems
such as abnormality. Besides that, it that can test the
extent to which the hypothesized model provides an
appropriate characterization of the collective
relationship among the variables, whereby the
researcher can assess the "fit" between the model
and the sample data.
A guideline for assessing if a theory-based model
fits empirical data or if the resulting model describes
actual conditions. As a statistical test, Structural
Equation Model (SEM) can explain the strength of a
model to assess its suitability of the model by using
several index criteria.
The Goodness of fit of this study is shown in the
following Fig.1, Chi-Square = 732.68, and the Chi-
Square p-value = 0.83034 > 0.05. Therefore,
referring to the Chi-Square index, the suitability of
this research model is fit, [40]. The RMSEA is less
than 0.05. Besides that, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI)
= 0.96> 0.80, likewise AGFI. So, it is concluded
that the research model is in an empirical condition.
The structural model framework in this study is
formulated as follows:
DIGITALI = 0.69* CompResources , R² = 0.47
COLLAB = 0.61* CompResources, R² = 0.38
+ 0.046* CompResources, R² = 0.61
4.2 Measurement Model
After the model is declared fit, the next process is to
see indicators in a construct which is called the
construct validity test (latent variable). It is carried
out through the convergent validity test, which is an
indicator that composes data that the construct has a
high loading factor with that construct's internal
reliability and composite reliability commonly used
to evaluate construct reliability. And convergent
validity was achieved through Average Variance
Extracted and factor loadings with an expected
value >0.50.
Digital Inovation
0.89 Value Proposition
Digital Evolution
Collaboration Strategy
Partnership with
Partnership with
Partnership with
Partnership with
Partnership with
Coll1 Coll2 Coll3 Coll4 Coll5
0.79 0.79 0.75 0.78 0.76
Coll6 Coll7 Coll8 Coll9 Coll10
0.77 0.78 0.78 0.81 0.77
Coll11 Coll12
0.77 0.77
Company Resources
g11 = 0.69
t hitung = 13.02
g21 = 0.61
t hitung = 12.54 Business Performance of
Internet Service Provider in
Asset Growth
Market Share
χ2 = 732.68
Df = 761
P value = 0.83034
RMSEA = 0.000
GFI = .96; GFI = .96
NFI = .97; NNFI =1.00 ;
CFI = 1.00 ; IFI = 1.00
b31 = 0.42
t value= 6.10
b32= 0.47
t value= 7.28
g31 = 0.046
t hitung = 0.61
Fig. 1: Estimate Model Results
In Figure 1 it is known that the loading factor is
> 0.50, and the t value of the loading factor is higher
than the t-table at a significance of 5%. It shows that
dimensions and indicators are valid in measuring
latent variables, [41]. Composite Reliability and
Cronbach Alpha are used to see the level of
reliability of indicators and dimensions in measuring
research variables. If Cronbach’s Alpha value is
greater than 0.70, [42], then the dimensions and
indicators are reliable to measure the research
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.32
Saiful Hidayat, Margono Setiawan,
Fatchur Rohman, Ananda Sabil Hussein
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
4.3 Hypothesis Testing
The results of hypothesis testing are shown in table
Table 1. Hypothesis Testing
Resources ->
Resources ->
Resources ->
not Significant
Resources ->
Innovation ->
Resources ->
Strategy ->
The results of hypothesis testing revealed a
significance level of 95% (α = 0.05), in table 1.
conclude that:
Company resources have a positive and
significant direct effect on digital innovation and
collaboration strategy, with of t-value > 1.98
(Prob < 0.05). Company resources have the
dominant influence on digital innovation with R2
= 0.48.
Company resources give a positive and
significant indirect effect on business
performances both through digital innovation
and collaboration strategy and dominant
influence through digital innovation with R2 =
Company Resources does not have a significant
effect on Business Performances with a
coefficient of 0.046 having Prob > 0.05
The findings of this research are obtained in
Figure 2 based on the results of hypothesis testing.
= Indirect effect
= direct effect
Digital Inovation
Business Performance
of Internet Service
g11 = 0.69
R2 = 0.48
g11 = 0.69
R2 = 0.48
g21 = 0.61
R2 = 0.37
g21 = 0.61
R2 = 0.37
b31 = 0.42
R2 = 0.176
b31 = 0.42
R2 = 0.176
b32 = 0.47
R2 = 0.221
b32 = 0.47
R2 = 0.221
g11 *b31 = 0.290
R2 = 0.290
g21 *b32 = 0.287
R2 = 0.287
Fig. 2: Research Finding
The findings model illustrates that in the ISP
industry, company resources play a significant role
in developing digital innovation and collaboration
strategies. Company resources do not affect
business performance directly, but significantly
affect business performance through digital
innovation and collaboration strategy. These
findings illustrate that company resources can
encourage digital innovation and collaboration
strategies to improve business performance.
In real terms, companies need resources to run a
business to achieve the desired company
performance. However, according to the result of
hypothesis testing, the increase in company
performance is not caused directly by the company's
ability to control company resources, but other
factors have a more significant contribution in
improving the performance of ISP companies.
Company resources will contribute if the
company can manage these resources as inputs or
means to develop digital innovation and
collaboration strategies that can encourage increased
company performance. Company resources cannot
directly improve business performance but must go
through digital innovation and collaboration strategy
so that their influence is significant. This is contrary
to the results of previous research that aspects of
company resources significantly affect business
performance, [31], [32], [33]. Meanwhile, this
finding supports the previous research that company
resources insignificantly affect business
performance, [34].
Company resources are the company-driven
aspect. These results are following accordance with
the RBV concept which reveals the importance of
company resources to build a competitive
advantage. For ISP companies, company resources
are used to carry out digital innovations in
anticipation of a hyper-competition market.
This finding supports the result of previous
research which describes the significant role of
company resources in digital innovation, [26], [27],
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.32
Saiful Hidayat, Margono Setiawan,
Fatchur Rohman, Ananda Sabil Hussein
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Company resources are used as capital in the
implementation of a collaboration strategy aimed at
improving company performance. Without
resources, it is difficult for companies to collaborate
because the resources they have become a
bargaining position in carrying out collaboration to
obtain resources or capabilities that they do not
have. With limited resources, collaboration is
carried out to develop technology and overcome the
limited strategic resources owned.
This finding is also in line with the previous
research finding that company resources affect
collaboration strategy, [29], [30].
Company resources have contributed to the
company's performance through its role in the
development of digital innovation. Mastery of
company resources is a driving force in
implementing digital innovations that have an
impact on improving ISP company performance.
Today, ISP companies have to put more
emphasis on company resources to be able to
innovate because the business environment can only
be adapted. Company resources are a company-
driven aspect. These results are following the RBV
concept which reveals the importance of company
resources to build a competitive advantage. For ISP
companies, company resources are used to carry out
digital innovations in anticipation of a hyper-
competition market.
These findings also support the results that
company resources affect performance through
digital innovation, [11], [22], [36], [37].
Company resources have a significant
contribution to company performance through their
role in developing collaboration strategies. Through
collaboration, companies are expected to be able to
have “Strategic Resources that will have a long-
term competitive advantage over other companies
that do not have them, [1].
Collaboration is a means to develop technology
and overcome the limitations of the main resources
owned by the company to have a competitive
advantage. ISP companies can build themselves,
buy, and borrow (cooperate) to improve their
mastery of technology and digital innovation to gain
a competitive advantage.
This finding is also in line with the finding of the
research that collaboration strategy mediated the
influence of company resources on business
performance, [30], [38].
The company's resources and capabilities are the
basic building blocks of the company's competitive
strategy, [12]. Tangible resources and intangible
resources can be utilized by ISP companies as
capital in developing digital innovation and
collaboration strategies with related parties to
improve their business performance.
The findings of this study provide managerial
implications for the management of ISP companies
in Indonesia to improve business performance
through the development of digital innovation and
collaboration strategy that relies on the utilization
and control of adequate company resources.
5 Conclusions
In the ISP industry, company resources play a
significant role in developing digital innovation and
collaboration strategies. Company resources do not
give a direct significant effect on business
performance but significantly affect digital
innovation and collaboration strategy. Company
resources can encourage digital innovation and
collaboration strategies to improve the business
performance of ISP companies in Indonesia.
The findings give managerial implications for the
management of ISP companies in Indonesia that
improve business performance and can be built
through collaboration and digital innovation
strategies that rely on the utilization and control of
adequate company resources. The mediating effect
of digital innovation and collaboration strategies on
the relationship between company resources and
company performance has a relatively similar
coefficient of determination (0.290 and 0.287) so it
is recommended that ISP companies in Indonesia
apply digital innovation and collaboration strategy
in parallel (simultaneously) to improve business
performance by utilizing the company's resources.
The results of this study are novel and very
interesting to apply, that is, even though a company
has abundant resources, it will not directly affect
business performance but will only have a
significant influence on business performance if
these company resources are used to develop digital
innovation to answer the current rapid technological
changes and the demands of customer satisfaction
for the services provided which are increasingly
diverse and complex. Likewise, company resources
can be used as bargaining power in a collaboration
strategy to be able to complement each other's
resource needs and/or capabilities in collaborating
with horizontal stakeholders, vertical stakeholders,
and complementary stakeholders to improve
business performance. It means collaboration
strategy and digital innovation can increase the
influence of the development and utilization of
company resources on business performance so that
companies no longer have to develop and own all of
their resources independently. By elaborating their
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.32
Saiful Hidayat, Margono Setiawan,
Fatchur Rohman, Ananda Sabil Hussein
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
collaboration strategy and digital innovation,
companies can focus on developing key resources
and additional digital innovations needed to increase
the company's competitive advantage.
In addition, although this research was conducted
on the ISP Industry in Indonesia, broadly speaking,
the results of this discovery can be applied to other
industries, especially those industries that are highly
dependent on the use of technology in providing
their services. The findings can be applied in
general across industries if the industry has some of
the same characteristics as the ISP company
industry in Indonesia.
The result of this study also provides theoretical
implications that strengthen and provides empirical
evidence on the Resource Based View (RBV)
theory [1] says that to have a competitive advantage,
a company must have the capability to innovate
using its available resources and the company can
have strategic resources through collaboration.
The limitation of this research is that it has not
studied how the mediation effect of Digital
Innovation on the relationship between
Collaboration Strategy and Business Performance,
as well as how the mediation effect of Collaboration
Strategy influences the relationship between digital
innovation and business performance. It is
interesting to investigate further to find out more
about how the influence of digital innovation on
collaboration strategies and vice versa on the
relationship between company resources with
business performance, and also to find out to
improve business performance using company
resources which are more give more significant
effect, whether through digital innovation mediation
through the mediation of the collaboration strategy
or the mediation of the collaboration strategy first
then through the mediation of digital innovation,
and also to find out which of the two mediation
relationships above are more influential when
compared to digital innovation mediation and
collaboration strategies on the relationship between
company resources and business performance.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
-Saiful Hidayat is the main author of this article and
also plays a role in analyzing the statistical data
generated in this study.
-Margono Setiawan is an expert in the field of
economics and research management, she is also an
expert in the field of economics so she is very
instrumental in providing input on the use of
theories in this research to produce quality research.
-Fatchur Rohman is an expert in the field of
research management, he is very helpful in
providing input and input in this research so that it
can produce quality research.
-Ananda Sabil Hussein is an expert in Strategic
Marketing, he plays a role in providing input and
input in this research so that it can produce quality
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
All funding in this study came from private funding.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.32
Saiful Hidayat, Margono Setiawan,
Fatchur Rohman, Ananda Sabil Hussein
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
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