Examining the Convergence of Human Development using Sigma
Convergence Approach to Panel Data Analysis
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business,
Universitas Syiah Kuala,
Kopelma Darussalam, Syiah Kuala, 23111 Kota Banda Aceh, Aceh,
Abstract: - A special autonomy policy was implemented in Aceh in 2006, which differed in managing fiscal
transfers from the central government. To this end, we examined the convergence of human development in
districts/cities for thirteen years (period 2008-2020) as a form of development evaluation from the
implementation of special autonomy. Using a sigma convergence approach to panel data sets sourced from the
Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), this study found a slow year-on-year movement of decreasing human
development disparities. On the contrary, it can be discovered that solid evidence of absolute convergence in
the 2011-2020 period, despite the differences between the 2008-2020 period, was applied. In line with these
discoveries, it will take over a decade to achieve a steady state of living standards, equalization, and quality of
human development between districts/cities. It could be the basis for policymakers to maintain a sustainable
sense of special autonomy.
Key-Words: - Human Development Index, Convergence, Panel Data Analysis
Received: April 29, 2022. Revised: August 14, 2022. Accepted: September 3, 2022. Available online: September 21, 2022.
1 Introduction
The convergence hypothesis that originated from the
views of Solow [1] and Swan [2] with the
Neoclassical growth model by Evan & Karras [3]
and Mazumdar [4] has become an exciting research
theme for researchers in parts of the world. Most
researchers focused on per capita income and labor
productivity to test the convergence hypothesis
(e.g., Baumol [5]; Baumol and Wolff [6]; De Long
[7]; Dowrick and Nguyen [8]; Bernard and Durlauf
[9]; Quah [10] and Zulham, Sirojuzilam & Saputra
[11]. Furthermore, Barro [12] and Barro & Sala-i-
Martin [13] expanded convergence analysis by
adding explanatory variables, such as migration, life
expectancy, investment, government consumption
ratios, inflation rates, etc.
However, in recent decades researchers have
devoted their attention to examining and
investigating the convergence of the Human
Development Index (HDI) after the United Nations
Development Program (UNDP) published its 1990
Annual Human Development Report (HDR). HDI is
considered a better and more comprehensive
measure than income per capita for the level of
welfare [4], [14], [15]. The same view is also
expressed by Mayer-Foulkes [16]. They conclude
that the socio-economic dimension is essential in
measuring welfare, not only based on the size of per
capita income.
If explored in-depth, empirical studies of
convergence in the context of living standards and
socioeconomics or using one of the components of
HDI indicators have been traced by leading
researchers. Hobijn & Frances [17] reviewed the
convergence of using a standard of living measure
by including one indicator of HDI (life expectancy
at birth), besides daily calorie supply, daily protein
supply, and infant mortality rates indicators. His
findings revealed that convergence in real GDP per
capita did not imply convergence for other social
indicators and the continuing inequality between
privileged and unprivileged people in real GDP per
capita and living standards. Mazumdar [4]
investigated the convergence based on the
classification of HDI development (high, medium,
and low) and income per capita in 91 countries for
thirty-five years (period 1960-1995). The findings
reveal no strong evidence for HDI convergence and
per capita income. It is noteworthy that Mazumdar's
empirical study only analyses the HDI convergence
and per capita income without including any HDI
Sab and Smith [18] focused on education that
found strong evidence of absolute and conditional
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.14
Irwan Safwadi, Raja Masbar,
Abd. Jamal, T. Zulham
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
convergence following the idea of beta
convergence. Mayer-Foulkes [19], meanwhile,
focused more on life expectancy indicators to
observe club convergence and concluded evidence
of club convergence, while absolute convergence
looks weak. Another study conducted by Neumayer
[20] found evidence of convergence in living
standards, including life expectancy and adult
literacy rates, among other well-being indicators.
Sutcliffe [21] investigated the relationship between
globalization and world inequality, including testing
HDI trends in 99 countries that revealed a
coefficient of ever-decreasing HDI variation or
evidence of convergence.
In further developments, some researchers are
increasingly eager to examine the convergence of
HDI between countries in parts of the world in
detail and comprehensively, along with variations in
econometric models and data. Noorbakhsh [22]
investigated the convergence of HDI and its
characteristics in 93 countries in Africa, Asia, the
Pacific, Latin America, and Europe period 1975 to
2002 with the OLS regression model. Konya also
applied the OLS regression approach, and Guisan
[23] and Konya [24] observed the HDI convergence
in European Union countries from 1975 to 2004.
Furthermore, Mayer-Foulkes [16] analyzed HDI
convergence and its inter-component interactions in
111 countries from 1970 to 2005 by expanding
explanatory variables, such as FDI, urbanization,
trade, and others, with static panel data regression
models. Other researchers, Jordá and Sarabia [25],
used OLS and PLM regression approaches to
analyze the interaction of the composite welfare
index covering the dimensions of health and
education in analyzing convergence processes in
132 countries from 1980 to 2012. Goswami, Roy &
Giri [26] recently implemented the Bootstrap
Quantile Regression and Pooled OLS approach
examining HDI convergence in 189 countries from
1990 to 2018.
In the regional context of each country, the issue
of HDI convergence is increasingly being looked at
by researchers. Interestingly, the overall results of
empirical studies tend to be inconsistent. For
example, in India, empirical studies of HDI and its
convergence characteristics were conducted by
Dholakia [27], Noorbakhsh [28], Ghosh [29], Roy
[30], Gaur [31], and Banerjee and Kuri [32]. In
Argentina, one of them was being researched by
Capello, Figueras, Freille & Moncarz [33], who
examined the role of regional public policy in
reducing the interprovincial development disparities
in Argentina. His findings revealed that transfers
from the central government to the provinces did not
positively affect HDI convergence indicators,
despite solid evidence of conditional convergence of
each welfare indicator. Meanwhile, recently
conducted by Yang, Pan & Yao [34] in China
resulted in conditional convergence findings related
to HDI, influenced by government spending in
education and health.
In Indonesia's case, convergence-related research
has long been initiated, but it is still focused on per
capita income gaps and economic growth. Esmara
[35] as early pioneer, followed by Uppal and
Boediono [36], Akita [37], Hill and Weidemann
[38], Hill [39], Akita and Lukman [40], Garcia and
Soelistianingsih [41], Wibisono [42], Resosudarmo
& Vidyattama [43], Hill, Resosudarmo, &
Vidyattama [44], Heriqbaldi [45], Aritenang [46],
Kataoka [47] and Kurniawan et al. [48]. However,
very few studies examined the HDI convergence
across Indonesia's regions. Recent studies have
focused more on inequality and convergence of per
capita income and economic growth before and after
the implementation of special autonomy. Zulham et
al. [49] outlined the impact of special autonomy on
the convergence of economic growth in Aceh before
and after the implementation of special autonomy.
Another empirical study conducted by Jamal et al.
[50] analyzed the success of district expansion to
reduce economic growth inequality between
districts in Aceh Province and the factors that
influence it. Another recent study on Aceh's special
autonomy was traced by Abrar et al. [51] but did not
comprehensively review HDI convergence. The
latest study was conducted by Miranti and Mendez-
Guerra [52], using a spatial approach to analyze
district-level HDI in Indonesia using a new HDI
method during the 2010-2018 period.
Despite the various empirical studies of HDI
convergence that we have put forward, the purpose
of this study is not to validate or disprove theoretical
models [53]. Instead, our primary goal is to examine
the HDI convergence between cities as a form of
development evaluation in scientific approaches to
the sustainability of community welfare in Aceh and
contribute to the HDI convergence literature. It is
important to note that Aceh, as one of the regions in
Indonesia that received Special Autonomy treatment
in 2006, after a prolonged political conflict ended
with peace in mid-2005 [54]. A devastating
earthquake and tsunami also hit this area at the end
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.14
Irwan Safwadi, Raja Masbar,
Abd. Jamal, T. Zulham
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
of 2004 [55]. Therefore, we will do this to increase
knowledge related to the HDI convergence between
regions in Aceh Province.
This article has three purposes. The first
objective is to elucidate human growth development
between districts/cities. The second goal is to
scrutinize the convergence of human development
sigma during the realization of special autonomy
(estimation period). The third and final intention is
to examine and investigate the absolute convergence
of human growth between districts/cities from 2008
to 2020.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Human Development Index
Since the early 1990s, there has been a noticeable
shift in the development paradigm from economic
growth priorities to improving human well-being
(e.g., Sen [14] and Dasgupta & Weale [15]). In
1990, the United Nations Development Program
[56] published the first Human Development
Report. The report introduces HDI, which measures
human development in various countries. HDI is a
composite index constructed from four leading
indicators that reflect three dimensions: longevity,
knowledge, and access to resources [22]. At first,
the longevity dimension is measured by life
expectancy at birth, knowledge is quantified by
adult literacy and gross participation rates, and
access to resources is assessed by the logarithm of
real income per capita adjusted for purchasing
power parity. In 2010, UNDP changed its HDI
calculation methodology. Some indicators are
replaced to be more relevant. The Combined Gross
Enrolment Ratio indicator is revised with the
Expected Years of Schooling indicator. The Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) per capita indicator is
transformed with the Gross National Product (PNB)
per capita. In addition, the way of counting has also
altered. The average arithmetic method was changed
to a geometric average for calculating composite
In HDI calculations, minimum and maximum
values are set sequentially to convert the indicator
into an index between 0 and 1. The maximum value
is the highest observed value in a time series.
Minimum values are regulated at 20 years for life
expectancy, 0 years for educational variables, and
$100 for gross national income per capita. Each sub-
index is calculated as follows:
 
Where DI is Dimension Index, AV is Actual
Values, MinV is Minimum Values, and MaxV is
Maximum Values. Starting now, HDI is the
geometric average of a three-dimensional index
formulated as follows:
󰇛1/3. 1/3.1/3)
HDI is Human Development Index, LEXP is
Life Expectation, EDU represents education, and
INC is Income.
The Government of Indonesia is very committed
to using HDI as one of the measures in development
performance, including for provinces and
regencies/cities. Failure to pursue high economic
growth has made the Indonesian government
prioritize human development as leading in
accelerating development. The Indonesian
government establishes HDI as an essential
indicator in formulating the distribution of balance
funds transferred from the central government to the
regions. Likewise, special autonomy transfer funds
distribution with the Aceh Government also uses
HDI instruments. Human development performance
primarily determines the allocation and distribution
of special autonomy funds for each district/city.
In line with changes in HDI calculation
methodology, the Government of Indonesia, through
the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), began to
apply the new HDI calculation method in 2014. The
HDI indicators used in Indonesia are the same as
UNDP, except for Gross National Product (PNB)
per capita. The indicator is projected with per capita
expenditure. New HDI methods are calculated from
2010 to the provincial and district/city levels to
maintain the continuity of calculation. The
following year has used new methods in calculating
and presenting HDI between provinces and
regencies/cities in Indonesia.
2.2 Human Development Index:
Convergence: International Experience
The alternatives to per capita income, output, and
productivity in examining the convergence
hypothesis become interesting issues for researchers
worldwide. UNDP published the first Annual
Human Development Report (HDR) in 1990. Since
then, researchers have begun to turn their attention
to using HDI and the combination with the standard
of living in observing the convergence process.
Hobijn & Franses [17] reviewed convergence using
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.14
Irwan Safwadi, Raja Masbar,
Abd. Jamal, T. Zulham
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
a standard of living measure by including one
indicator of HDI (life expectancy at birth), besides
the daily calorie supply, daily protein supply, and
infant mortality rates indicators. His findings
revealed that convergence in real GDP per capita
does not imply convergence for other social
indicators and the continuing inequality between
privileged and unprivileged people in real GDP per
capita and living standards. Neumayer [20] also
focuses on convergence in living standards and,
among others, uses HDI indicators, such as life
expectancy and literacy. Unlike Hobijn & Franses
[17], Neumayer [20] found evidence of convergence
in living standards, especially life expectancy, infant
survival, educational enrollment, literacy, and the
availability of telephone and television.
Literature and other empirical studies that review
HDI convergence varies widely in variable
characteristics. Some focus on observing trends and
HDI convergences, including each HDI component
indicator, or on absolute convergence, and others
test by adding conditional convergence. The
findings are also diverse and tend to be inconsistent
with each other. Mazumdar [4] analyzed HDI
convergence in 91 countries from 1960 to 1995
based on HDI classification (High human
development countries, Middle human development
countries, and Low human development countries)
and tested them with per capita income. His findings
indicated divergence in HDI. Sutcliffe [21]
reviewed the relationship between globalization and
world inequality, including testing HDI trends in 99
countries that revealed a declining coefficient of
HDI variation or evidence of convergence.
Another comprehensive study was conducted by
Noorbakhsh [22]. She reviewed the rationale for
expanding and developing the Solow model to
explore the relevance of HDI convergence. Data
from 93 medium HDI and low HDI countries and
five-year HDI intervals from 1975 to 2002 revealed
weak absolute convergence. The shreds of evidence
were also reinforced by the verification results of
various conditional β convergence models. She uses
variables including foreign direct investment, trade,
foreign aid, gross domestic investment, the average
annual growth rate of public sector expenditure on
education and health, all given as a percentage of
GDP, and the number of telephone lines per
Other empirical literature analyzes the HDI
convergence and determinant factors, such as
Mayer-Foulkes [16] and Jordá and Sarabia [25].
Mayer-Foulkes [16] conducted a cross-country
analysis of HDI components, income, life
expectancy, literacy, and gross enrollment ratios for
111 countries from 1970 to 2005. Meanwhile, Jordá
and Sarabia [25] analyzed living standards
(including HDI) in different countries from 1980 to
2012 using the concepts of absolute convergence,
sigma, and beta convergence. Using semiparametric
specifications, the results revealed absolute
convergence, sigma, and beta convergence in well-
being as measured by HDI, although the
convergence process only liners in the health index.
On the other hand, some researchers are only
interested in analyzing HDI convergence trends. For
example, Konya and Guisan [23] and Konya [24]
analyzed countries that joined the European Union
during the period 1975-2004 using HDI trends and
the concepts of convergence β (absolute) and σ-
convergence. The findings are fascinating, which
show that relatively underdeveloped countries have
succeeded in increasing their HDI faster than
developed countries, although the convergence
process is slow. Meanwhile, other researchers only
analyzed one of the HDI indicators or specific
sectors related to HDI, such as Sab & Smith [18],
Mayer-Foulkes [16], and Panopoulou & Pantelidis
[57]. Sab & Smith [18] empirically found a
substantial and conditional convergence in
education, while Mayer-Foulkes [19] focused on the
life expectancy indicator, one of the HDI indicators
from 1962-to 1997 in 159 countries. The
conclusions found evidence of weak absolute
convergence between countries despite club
convergence. Panopoulou & Pantelidis [57]
observed it from 1972-to 2006 and showed evidence
of the convergence of health spending per capita
among the 17 OECD countries that did not lead to
health outcomes.
The literature related to fiscal transfer's effect on
HDI convergence was examined more in-depth by
Capello et al. [33] in Argentina for well-being
indicators from 1970 to 2001. He also examined the
role of local public policy in reducing
interprovincial development disparities.
Interestingly, the finding of redistributive transfer
from the central government to the province did not
positively affect the convergence of HDI indicators,
despite solid evidence of conditional convergence of
each welfare indicator. Meanwhile, Agarwal [58]
highlighted Social Sector Expenditure and HDI in
India from 1999 to 2008 and found that the portion
of social sector expenditure in development
expenditure was a significant determinant of HDI.
However, real income per capita is comparatively
more essential than the share of social sector
expenditure in development expenditure.
Yang et al. [34] made the most recent
contribution in China, which examined HDI in 31
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.14
Irwan Safwadi, Raja Masbar,
Abd. Jamal, T. Zulham
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
provinces from 1997 to 2006. The results of his
study resulted in the findings of conditional
convergence. Some variables, such as government
spending on education, health, construction
infrastructure, and fixed-asset investment, positively
affect the convergence of social development. He
also used a weighted population analysis for HDI,
but the results showed weak convergence among
2.3 Regional HDI Convergence in Indonesia
In Indonesia's regional context, empirical studies
and research related to HDI convergence began to
become the attention of researchers. Nevertheless,
our search results related to regional HDI
convergence literature in Indonesia are still limited
compared to regional inequality convergence
literature using per capita income, output, and
productivity. Some relevant literature is expected to
increase insight concerning observing the HDI
convergence process. Vidyattama [59], using HDI
variables and spatial approaches, observed whether
the performance of neighboring regions (covering
provinces and regencies) affected the speed of
regional convergence in Indonesia from 1999 to
2008. His research revealed ongoing convergence in
Indonesia in line with changes in HDI numbers,
although the pace is decreasing. On the other hand,
the influence of neighboring regions has little
influence on the speed of convergence.
Other literature can be observed from
Wakarmamua & Indrayono (2019), which examines
the relationship between government spending and
intergovernmental human development in Papua
Province. Using structural equation modeling shows
that capital expenditure as part of direct expenditure
has positively impacted HDI. However, such
empirical studies did not review convergence. The
relevant study conducted by Syukriyah (2016)
investigated the HDI convergence in 33 provinces in
Indonesia for the 2013-2015 estimation period. He
used the Generalized Least Square method (GLS)
model. She discovered the sigma convergence of
HDI and the absolute beta convergence of HDI
between provinces in Indonesia during the
estimation period.
The latest study was conducted by Ginanjar et al.
[60] and Miranti and Mendez-Guerra [52]. Ginanjar
et al. [60] found that human development inequality
between provinces in Indonesia decreased from
2010 to 2019. Meanwhile, the study conducted by
Miranti and Mendez-Guerra [52], using a spatial
approach, analyzed district-level HDI in Indonesia
from 2010 to 2018. His findings showed that the
performance of neighboring regions (districts) had a
significant effect on the HDI convergence. In
contrast, the gap between regions had decreased in
HDI, and the education component tended to
accelerate convergence compared to the components
of life expectancy and expenditure.
3 Materials and Methods
This paper used district/city-level regions for panel
data sets during the 2008-2020 period.
Administratively, Aceh Province, which is one of
the provinces in Indonesia, has 23 districts/cities
that, until now, have not changed since the
expansion of the territory in 2001. The panel data
includes HDI sourced from the publication of the
Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Indonesia. Table
1 shows descriptive statistics of HDI variables. 2008
was the beginning of the Special Autonomy
establishment for the Government of Aceh by the
Indonesian government as an implication of Law
No.11 in 2006 concerning the Aceh Government.
Therefore, 2008 is the fundamental reason for us to
begin research and analyze its development until
2020 or around thirteen years of special autonomy
implementation. In line with the initial year, we
used HDI data (2008-2009) based on old calculation
methodology (arithmetic) and HDI data (2010-
2020) using geometric formulations published by
3.1 Convergence Model: Sigma and Beta
The convergence models used in this study are
sigma (σ)-convergence) and beta (β)-convergence.
The σ-convergence analysis is a time-lapse analysis
to observe the occurrence of HDI convergence,
carried out by calculating the coefficient of variation
(CV), as done by Lei and Yao [61] and Jamal et al.
[50] as follows:
In this case, CV = Coefficient of Variation of the
HDI variable. HDIi = HDI variable of districts/cities
used in the study; 
= average of each HDI
variable (HDI average); and N = the number of
districts/cities in Aceh. If the HDI CV value
decreases, it indicates that there is σ-convergence
between districts/cities.
We tested the β-convergence hypothesis in the
form of absolute convergence by following the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.14
Irwan Safwadi, Raja Masbar,
Abd. Jamal, T. Zulham
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
regression equations of the data panels used by
Noorbakhsh [22], and Yang et al. [34] are as
󰇩 
Yi,t in equation 4 is then used as a bound
variable to equation 5 as follows:
  
 
The specification model for the fundamental β
convergence approach is written in equation four as
The convergence process occurs when the
coefficient of β1 is less than 1, with the convergence
velocity expressed as . In this regard, λ is the
convergence velocity (e.g., Paas & Schilitte, [62])
which is formulated as follows:
Meanwhile, half-time is the time needed by a
district/city in Aceh to halve the HDI gap to a stable
state (Barro & Sala-i-Martin, [63]; Paas & Schilitte,
[62]), using the half-convergence model (Paas &
Schilitte, [62]), as follows:
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Descriptive Statistics and Human
Development Index
This section summarizes HDI statistics and outlines
HDI development by region during the estimation
period. Table 1 summarizes HDI statistics for 23
districts/cities in Aceh from 2008 to 2020, including
averages, standard deviations, and minimum and
maximum amounts of total observations. In general,
the average HDI increased dramatically at the
beginning of the period (2008-2009) and declined in
2010. In the following year to the end of the
estimated period, the average HDI continued to
increase significantly, showing improvements in
HDI components in regencies/cities in Aceh. In
addition to knowing the variations in HDI each year
during the estimation period, the study displayed
minimum and maximum HDI data.
It is noteworthy that the minimum and maximum
HDI in the period 2008-2009 used the old HDI
calculation method (arithmetic) to look different for
the next period with the new (geometric) method. In
the old method, the level of HDI disparity was
deficient between high HDI and low HDI, which
ranged around 9 points. However, it is recognized
that the old arithmetic average method had
disadvantages [56], [64]. For the new method, the
level of disparity is higher than in the old method,
and the value ranges from 20-to 21 points. However,
the difference in points continues to decline,
implying improvements toward a better quality of
human development at the district/city level in
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Cross--District:
2008-2020 (N = 299)
Figure 2 reveals the HDI development of
Regencies/cities in Aceh during the implementation
of special autonomy (period 2008-2020). In general,
all districts/cities showed an increase in HDI,
particularly the period 2010-2020 (the new HDI
method). Areas with high-status HDI can sustain
their achievements (although some have fluctuated
ranking). In contrast, areas with low-status HDI
(moderate status) are increasingly encouraged to
improve human capabilities in each forming
component. Looking at HDI per district/city, three
areas with administrative city status are ranked at
the top, such as Banda Aceh, Lhokseumawe, and
Langsa, during the estimation period. These three
cities have adequate public facilities for health
services, education, and economic infrastructure.
Banda Aceh is the central government of Aceh
Province, and it is very reasonable to be ranked at
the top of HDI with various public service facilities.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.14
Irwan Safwadi, Raja Masbar,
Abd. Jamal, T. Zulham
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Lhoksumewe was once dubbed the petrodollar
city because of the development of the oil and gas
industry (90s era), fertilizer industry, and other
supporting industries. Special Economic Zones
(SEZ) are the central government's priority in
encouraging industry and investment acceleration,
one of them being developed in Lhokeumawe City.
On the other hand, Subulussalam, one of the
administrative cities, was in the lowest rank in
human development during the estimation period.
This city is an expansion of the region from Aceh
Singkil, which had a definitive status in 2003. The
Subulussalam City Government continues to
encourage the acceleration of human development
by implementing education, health development,
and agricultural resource-based economic
development focusing on oil palm commodities.
Fig. 1: HDI Development by Regencies/Cities in
Concurrently, HDI growth showed varying over
the estimated period. Figure 4 shows HDI growth
according to the division of areas in Aceh (west-
south, north-east, central, and around the central
government). During the implementation of special
autonomy, the exceptionally high growth of HDI
occurred in 2010 and was in the region around the
central government. A similar fact is also seen in the
north-eastern region, although its growth is still far
from the central government area. A lower growth
rate occurred in the west-south region in the same
year. However, the high growth of HDI is more
influenced by changes in HDI calculation
methodology (from arithmetic methods to geometric
methods). This fact shows almost no drastic
difference in the HDI growth rate in each region
from 2011 to 2020 (new HDI method). During this
period, HDI growth rates in each region ranged
from 1 to 3 percent. At the end of the estimation
period, the new method shows that the HDI growth
rate in the area around the central government is
ranked second or not much different from the west-
south region, after the central region. Two districts
in the Central region (Gayo Lues and Southeast
Aceh), categorized as moderate HDI, contributed
significantly to accelerating human development in
the central region.
Fig. 2: HDI Growth by Regions
The coronavirus pandemic that hit Indonesia in
early 2020, including Aceh, did not wholly worsen
the achievement of accelerating human development
in each region and showed a positive growth rate in
human development performance.
4.2 - Convergence Estimation
β-Convergence is a necessary condition but not a
sufficient condition for σ-Convergence. In practice,
β-Convergence will be verified while σ-
Convergence is verified [42]. We examine and
analyze this convergence with static analysis using
the coefficient of variation (CV). In this regard, we
made two comparisons by including and excluding
Banda Aceh City. It should be noted that Banda
Aceh is the capital of Aceh Province and has
adequate public facilities compared to other
districts/cities in Aceh. Thus, the HDI of such cities
tends to be higher, and it becomes interesting to
examine the convergence process.
By including Banda Aceh city during the
implementation of special autonomy for Aceh, or
the period 2008-2020, the fall-off in human
development inequality is relatively small, as shown
in Figure 3. Likewise, there was no drastic
difference in the decline in human development
inequality during the estimation period without
including Banda Aceh. However, overall, there is a
difference in CV value between the presence and
absence of Banda Aceh in the period 2010-2020,
explaining the high CV value with Banda Aceh.
High CV scores during the period can reflect high
inequality in HDI, which is a noticeable difference
in the achievement of human development progress
between Banda Aceh City and other districts/cities
in Aceh.
A very drastic difference during HDI inequality
increase was seen in CV from 0.034 in 2009 to
0.072 in 2010. We ensure that all caused by
differences in HDI calculations by the Central
Bureau of Statistics (BPS) than previously using
arithmetic methods to geometric methods. In the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.14
Irwan Safwadi, Raja Masbar,
Abd. Jamal, T. Zulham
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
2010 - 2020 period, there was a tendency to spread
HDI inequality in Aceh to slowly decline, from
0.072 to 0.063 and from 0.056 to 0.049 (out-off
Banda Aceh). This uncovering evinces that the HDI
convergence process comes about between cities in
Aceh, although the process tends to be flat and
relatively slow. The findings are not much different
from Vidyattama [59] and Ginanjar et al. [60] for
regional contexts in Indonesia. Vidyattama [59]
observed regional convergence in Indonesia, which
found a decrease in HDI inequality during 2005-
2008, which continued to slow down until the last
observation period. Ginanjar et al. [60] found that
the spread of human development inequality
between provinces in Indonesia decreased from
2010 to 2019, but this was not significant because
the rate of decline was relatively low. Decreases in
human development disparities also occurred in the
provinces in India between 1981-2001 [32] and the
period 1990 to 2015 [65].
Fig. 3: Sigma Convergence of HDI Variation
Coefficient Model
Considering the geographical area of the
district/city in Aceh, covering the north-east
(coastal), west-south (coastal), central
(mountainous), and around the center of
government, we also checked the CV during the
implementation of special autonomy (see Figure 4).
A decline in the high CV trend turned out in the
central region, illustrating the decrease in the HDI
disparity distance between regencies in the region.
As we revealed initially, the cv trend that increased
in the initial three years (2008-2010) was influenced
by differences in HDI measurement methodology,
including those occurring in the other three regions.
Simultaneously, the other three regions showed a
slight CV decline trend, meaning there are still
disparities in human development between
districts/cities in one area. During the observation
period, we found that CV in the region around the
central government was higher than in the three
regions, which signified a higher disparity in human
development. This fact reveals the striking
difference in HDI between Banda Aceh City as the
center of government, with the hinterland area of
Aceh Besar Regency and Sabang City.
Fig. 4: Sigma Convergence of HDI Variation
4.3 -Convergence Estimation
In the literature, the beta convergence hypothesis
explaining areas that were initially poor pursued and
grew faster than those originally rich [13]. This
process is seen in Figure 5, which shows that areas
with low HDI in 2011 have grown faster than those
initially high HDI from 2011 to 2020. Banda Aceh
City, the capital of Aceh Province, with a high HDI
status and ranked first HDI, showed a low average
of HDI growth. It indicates evidence of beta
convergence of the HDI process during the
implementation of special autonomy in Aceh. This
convergence process is affected by the faster growth
of moderate HDI areas and by continuing a
slowdown of HDI in high to very high
districts/cities status. This discovery follows
empirical evidence documented in the study by
Ginanjar et al. [60] for the regional context of
Indonesia, where areas with low HDI show above-
average HDI growth and, conversely, areas with
high HDI are showing below-average growth.
Fig. 5: Absolute Convergence of HDI
On average, at the beginning of 2011, several
districts/cities had above average HDI, including
Banda Aceh, Sabang, Langsa, Lhokseumawe, Aceh
Jaya, Bireuen, Aceh Besar, Pidie, Bener Meriah, and
Pidie Jaya. Interestingly, some districts/cities with
below-average HDI scores tend to show above-
average HDI growth, such as Subulussalam, Singkil,
Simeulue, Southeast Aceh, Southwest Aceh, and
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.14
Irwan Safwadi, Raja Masbar,
Abd. Jamal, T. Zulham
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
East Aceh, North Aceh, Gayo Lues, and Nagan
Raya. The three highest cities with HDI scores
(Banda Aceh, Langsa, and Lhokseumawe) showed
below-average HDI growth from 2011 to 2020. That
could be a positive sign in the future that the left-
behind HDI areas continue to encourage the
acceleration of human development. However, it
will take a relatively long time to be in line with
Banda Aceh city. For instance, in 2020,
Subulussalam, the lowest-ranked HDI (value of
64.93), requires at least 20.48 points to increase its
value to be equivalent to Banda Aceh City (value of
85.41). This point tends to decrease, indicating a
decrease in human development disparity compared
to 2011, at 21.53 points. In that year, the attainment
HDI of Banda Aceh amounted to 80.87, and the
HDI of Subulusalam amounted to 59.34. Likewise,
Singkil (16.47 points), Gayo lues (18.19 points),
South Aceh (18.29 points), Southwest Aceh (18.66
points), and Simeulue (19.38 points). In this regard,
the regency/city government must realize health
quality and education services utilized by the
community, encourage local economic potential
utilization, and accelerate investment for the
community income sustainability.
Between 2011 and 2020, there was a shift in HDI
ranking at the district/city level in Aceh. The
allocation of HDI categories (BPS, 2020) to
distinguish achievements between regions is
categorized to incorporate very high (HDI 80),
high (70 HDI <80), medium (60 HDI < 70), and
low categories (HDI < 60). Since 2013, there has
been no single district/city in the low category,
although, in previous years, the category has always
been achieved by Subulussalam City. Only Banda
Aceh City achieved the high HDI category from
2010 until the final estimation condition. This
achievement makes Banda Aceh one of the regions
with the highest HDI in Indonesia (BPS, 2020). In
addition, there are ten districts/cities for the high
category, which was previously nine regions in
2018, including Lhokseumawe, Langsa, Sabang,
Pidie Jaya, Bener Meriah, Bireuen, West Aceh,
Central Aceh, Aceh Besar, and Pidie.
The 12 districts/cities in the medium category,
previously 13 regions in 2018, including
Subulussalam, Simeulue, South Aceh, Aceh Singkil,
Southeast Aceh, East Aceh, North Aceh, Southwest
Aceh, Gayo Lues, Nagan Raya, Aceh Jaya, and
Aceh Tamiang. Changes in HDI ranking depend on
the development of HDI supporting elements in
each district/city; of course, there are different levels
of development changes. The expansion of several
districts/cities before implementing Special
Autonomy is considered one factor in the
development progress difference between the new
district and its parent district. In general, the
construction of facilities is usually first established
in urban areas so that the establishment will become
less attention in remote districts. Some districts
managed to maintain their rankings continuously,
such as West Aceh. It was caused by several parent
districts still maintaining some of their facilities, for
example, office buildings, schools, health facilities,
and economic support facilities. On the contrary, the
three districts/cities resulting from regional
expansion (Subulussalam, Simeulue, and Southwest
Aceh) still occupy the lowest position in achieving
human development. However, various
development programs listed in the medium-term
development plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka
Mengengah) continue to be rolled out by the
district/city government.
Table 2. Results of Absolute Convergence of HDI
HDI 2008
HDI 2011
( p -value)
R Squared
Note: Dependent Variables: Growth Rate HDI;
Parentheses are standard errors, ii) p -values are
reported in case of F-statistics, and ***, **, and *
denote significance levels at 1%, 5%, and 10%,
Table 2 depicts the estimated absolute
convergence model results of districts/cities in Aceh
in different estimation periods. The arithmetic HDI
calculation method (period 2008-2010) confirms the
result in a negative direction. We found
unconditional convergence in this period but not
supported by statistical figures, such as t-statistics
and F-statistics, significant at 1 percent, 5 percent,
and 10 percent levels. The combined HDI
calculation methods for 2008-2020 reflect thirteen
years of implementing Special Autonomy in Aceh.
It emphasizes the process leading to the
convergence of human development between
districts/cities, even though it has not yet reached
the steady-state conditions hypothesized in the
classical theory of Solow Growth. That likely occurs
fluctuations in the rise and fall of HDI growth in the
2008-2010 period, which is very drastic from using
both HDI calculation methods. The results of
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.14
Irwan Safwadi, Raja Masbar,
Abd. Jamal, T. Zulham
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
empirical studies of these two methods are in line
with Wibisono's experience [42], who found the
insignificant absolute convergence hypothesis for
per capita income in the Indonesian regional context
in the 1995-2000 period, which is likely caused by
the 1997 economic crisis occurred in that period.
Using the geometric HDI calculation method, the
second-period model (2011-2020) shows the
coefficient of initial HDI growth towards a negative
direction that corresponds to the initial and
significant predictions. The HDI coefficient value is
smaller than 1 (<1), meaning that HDI between
districts/cities tends to converge (more evenly). The
'catch-up' phenomenon in the HDI development
period implies that areas with lower HDI continue to
do better to achieve higher income levels and a
better quality of life during the study period. This
finding is in line with sigma convergence analysis
and regression results providing strong evidence
against the existence of absolute convergence.
We found a negative and statistically significant
coefficient (p-value < 0.001) for the model period,
or significantly based on t-statistics and F-statistics
at a rate of 1 percent, revealing substantial evidence
of beta convergence over the estimation period.
Thus, the results indicate that economies with lower
initial HDI levels are pursuing higher HDI levels;
thereby, a more uniform distribution of HDI
achievements occurs in various economies from
2011 to 2020. The low R-squared value is 33.39%
can be understood due to regression based on cross-
section data [42]. The findings align with
Vidyattama [59] and Miranti and Mendez-Guerra
[52]. Vidyattama [59] found the HDI convergence
(other than per capita income) in Sumatra and Java
in Indonesia. In contrast, Miranti et al. found a
decrease in the HDI gap between districts/cities in
Indonesia. The homogeneity characteristics still play
a role in the absolute β convergence for human
development in Aceh; the difference between cities
is only at the initial development level of HDI. It is
not easy to find convergence if the characteristics
are very heterogeneous [66].
In the global context, our discoveries are in line
with Konya and Guisan [23], Jorda & Sarabia [67],
and Asongu [68]. Konya and Guisan [23] found β-
convergence of HDI during the period 1975-2004
among 101 countries, although the lagging countries
took a long time, almost nine decades, to cover half
of the retardation. Jorda & Sarabia [25] observed
132 countries in Western Europe, North America
and Oceania, Arab States, East Asia, the Pacific,
Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the
Caribbean, South Asia, Latin America, and Sub-
Saharan Africa. Asongu [68] discovered the
absolute convergence of HDI for countries in North
Africa from 1981 to 2009 and concluded that
convergence in human development is faster than
per capita income. Meanwhile, Ghosh [29] disclosed
a definite convergence trend in HDI indicators, with
estimated convergence rates varying from 1.25
percent to 4.23 percent per year. Chaurasia [65]
found absolute convergence in human development
across Indian states, although human development is
still relatively low by global standards.
A λ value of 9.68 indicates that the speed of each
district/city in Aceh during the period 2011-2020 to
achieve steady-state conditions is 9.68% per year.
These results confirm that the regional HDI
convergence in Aceh over the past 11 years was
relatively fast when special autonomy was
implemented. It takes about 7.15 years to close half
of the initial gap in human development in the
district/city. In no more than a decade, it is expected
that human development inequality in inter-
district/cities in Aceh will continue to shrink.
Overall, the HDI of Aceh Province also increased,
which led to the HDI convergence in Aceh, where
the districts/cities having low HDI can catch up with
human development in developed districts/cities.
5 Conclusion
Aceh is one of the provinces in Indonesia that has
the authority of Special Autonomy, apart from the
Provinces of West Papua and East Papua. This
special authority makes the Aceh Government more
flexible in intervening in development policies in all
sectors, including human development. It became
the basis for us to fully evaluate and examine the
welfare of inter-district communities during the
implementation of Special Autonomy. This paper
uses HDI as the primary measure to investigate the
convergence hypothesis in all districts/cities in Aceh
from 2008 to 2020 or thirteen years of special
autonomy implementation. We use the concepts of
sigma convergence and beta (absolute) convergence
to examine human development convergence.
Furthermore, sigma convergence means that HDI
spread and disparity tend to decrease over time and
beta convergence (absolute) implies a negative
relationship between the initial level of HDI and its
growth rate.
Using the Coefficient of Variation (CV) in
investigating sigma convergence, we found results
that corroborate evidence of sigma convergence of
human development between cities from 2011 to
2020. HDI disparity declines despite its relatively
slow movement from year to year. Despite the
drastic increase in CV value at the beginning of the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.14
Irwan Safwadi, Raja Masbar,
Abd. Jamal, T. Zulham
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
estimation period (2008-2010), it was substantially
more influenced by the methodology of arithmetic
HDI calculations to geometric methods. The high
decline in HDI inequality occurred in the central
region, implying that areas with moderate status
continue to accelerate human development towards
a steady state. In the other three regions (North-East,
West-South, and around the center of government),
the decreased human development disparity
movement is relatively slow, affecting the overall
movement towards sigma convergence.
Regarding beta convergence, the results obtained
from classical linear analysis show at least strong
evidence of absolute convergence in human
development over the estimation period (2011-
2020). This finding reveals the areas whose HDI is
constantly moving to pursue areas that have
advanced human development. Overall, in the 2011-
2020 period, convergence occurred at 9.68% per
year. It takes about 7.15 years to close the initial gap
in human development in districts/cities in Aceh. In
this direction, the role of the central government in
the form of special autonomy fund transfers is
needed in supporting the acceleration of the human
development convergence process in Aceh.
Following regulations, the implementation of
Special Autonomy in Aceh will end in 2027.
Therefore, it is worth considering by the central
government to extend the implementation of Special
Autonomy, including increasing the allocation and
distribution of transfers of this special autonomy
fund for areas that are still low in HDI. The
intervention is an essential factor in accelerating the
convergence process focused on the field of human
development in areas with lower HDI levels, such as
Subulusasalam, Simeulue, Aceh Singkil, and others.
These conditions will help increase the growth rate
for the convergence process of human development
to be faster.
Finally, we suggest further research in the future
to gain more knowledge and findings focused on
HDI convergence, following its interactions
between HDI components. In addition, to append
data variation and econometric modeling, it will be
interesting to focus on conditional convergence
approaches by expanding explanatory variables in
investigating HDI convergence. The relatively short
(approximately 13-year) data availability and
limited to one province should be a scenario for
other researchers. It aims to present long-term data
series and compare them between provinces in one
country and between countries to help understand
the continuous progress and trends HDI.
Furthermore, methodology and modeling are
expanded by examining spatial effects between
regions and dynamic effects and considering
economic fluctuations due to the economic crisis
and coronavirus pandemic.
This study focuses on using public budgets as a
vital part of the transfer of Special Autonomy funds
to priority sectors (including development programs
and activities) may be further scrutinized. It will
also be helpful to study the extent of the
effectiveness of the use of the sector's budget is
encouraging equalization of welfare and the
continuous reduction of disparities in the region. In
regions categorized as medium HDI, it is also
necessary to implement optimal public budgets amid
budget constraints concerning encouraging the
acceleration of human development during the
implementation of Special Autonomy. It would be
more interesting to compare provinces and countries
that both carry out broad autonomy to be a learning
for equalizing the quality of human development in
the future.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
-Irwan Safwadi writing original draft,
investigation, methodology, data analysis and
-Raja Masbar writing editing, methodology, data
analysis and supervision.
-Abd. Jamal writing editing, methodology, data
analysis and supervision.
-T. Zulham writing editing, methodology, data
analysis and supervision.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This research there is no received any special
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.14
Irwan Safwadi, Raja Masbar,
Abd. Jamal, T. Zulham
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
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