Impact of Job Crafting on Employee’s Innovative Work Behaviour in
Renewable Energy Companies in Amman
Business Administration Department, Zarqa University,
Abstract: - Employees that are highly engaged are more likely to put out effort in their given responsibilities,
solve problems creatively and innovatively, and show initiative and enthusiasm at work. The service company
has become innovative. Due to the obvious short product life cycle and globalization, companies cannot
imagine growing without innovation. Unlike in the past, when the quest for innovation was limited to a select
few, today's search for innovation involves all of the company's employees. Hence, this study examined impact
of job crafting on employee’s innovative work behavior in Renewable Energy Companies in Amman. The data
were collected from 200 managers, heads of departments, production supervisors and workers in renewable
energy companies. In addition, the study employed Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of this study
showed that task crafting, cognitive crafting and relation crafting have significant and positive effect on
innovative work behavior in Renewable Energy Companies in Amman. This research is aimed to get a deeper
understanding of job crafting and its micro level investor consequences, which have never been studied
Key-Words: - Innovative Work Behaviour, Job Crafting, Multiple Regression Analysis, Renewable Energy
Received: March 2, 2022. Revised: July 13, 2022. Accepted: August 11, 2022. Available online: September 7, 2022.
1 Introduction
Innovative work behavior has become increasingly
vital [1] and an essential condition for
organizational survival response to the different
growth prospects, globalization, and expanding
conflicting demands [2]. This is especially true in
quality of service provided businesses, such as those
in the renewable energy companies, where
continuously changing customers' needs constitute
employees who are adaptable to change. These
companies are now encouraging their staff to come
up with and execute new ideas that will help them
significantly boost efficiency and durability of their
services [3, 4]. Management support has the
capacity to support innovative work behaviour by
inspiring people and creating an environment that
fosters the growth of their creative and inventive
skills, resulting in increased innovation processes
and improved competitive advantages for the
company [5, 6].
Even though the twenty-first century have not yet
reached, a feeling of gloom pervaded about the
highly competitive environment world that awaited.
It was projected that in order to be competitive in
the world economy of the twenty-first century,
companies would need to be inventive [7].
Companies today, at the conclusion of the first
quarter of the twenty-first century, consider
themselves in a highly competitive environment
where they are pressured to constantly reinvent their
goods, services, and processes. These innovations
are inspired by employees referred to as knowledge
employees bringing unique ideas to the forefront of
the company, allowing them to take on a larger role
Companies have started to encourage and assist
individuals in order to harness their creative
potential across businesses, allowing them to engage
in innovative work behavior [9]. Firms all around
the globe are experimenting with methods to
encourage workers to engage in innovative work
behavior [10].. The use of appropriate management
is one of the many variables that may favorably
inspire employees to develop innovative work
behavior and, as a result, provide the company a
competitive advantage [11]. Managers' efforts at
reform are known as organizational change when
they are used to bring about beneficial changes in
employee behavior that benefit the organization.
Employees must adapt to changes in order for an
organization to develop throughout time. The long-
term goal of managers in organizations is to adjust
to the situation while also influencing it [12].
Job features can have a significant effect on job
demands and resources. According to the job
demands-resource (JD-R) paradigm, some job
demands are largely linked to poor health and
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.3
Maan Hussein Mansour, Farah Niaz Dalain,
Khaled Abd Aulwahab Al Zeaideen,
Majed Abdulmahdi Masadeh
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
energy, whereas certain job resources are mostly
linked to employee engagement. Employees can use
the JD-R model to improve their job resources and
requiring job demands while decreasing their
impeding job demands [13]. Job crafting is
described in this research as the adjustments that
people make to match their job resources and
responsibilities with their own strengths and
requirements [14]. Employees who try to improve
resources by adapting their job features, we believe,
will boost their innovative work behavior.
Multilevel analysis has received little attention in
recent studies on job crafting and Innovative
work behavior. The influence of job crafting on
innovative work behavior was investigated in this
study. To best knowledge of the researchers, this
is the first study to investigate at this relationship,
particularly in Jordan's renewable energy sector.
The remaining sections of this study are as follows.
Section two discussed the literature review of
variables, section three discussed the research
methodology, section four discussed the research
findings, while the last section discussed the
conclusion of the study.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Effect of Job Crafting on Innovative
Work Behaviour
As shown by [15], top - down management
techniques may be used to give job resources to
employees. Employees can also use a bottomup
method to build or mobilizeresources by seeking
input and assistance from their bosses. The
availability of appropriate employment resources
can boost a person's motivation, well-being, and
dedication to coming up with new ideas using
present job resources [6]. How servant leadership
triggers innovative work behavior: exploring the
sequential mediating role of psychological
empowerment and job crafting. European Journal of
Innovation Management [4]. Employees are
encouraged to invest resources in the development
of additional resources [5].
Consequently, researchers believed that committed
and successful workers will have a lot of resources
to spend in their jobs and will thus exhibit behaviors
that are not even technically mandated. Employees
who have access to resources are more likely to be
enthusiastic about their jobs and to act in ways that
benefit the company and/or other employees.
Furthermore, according to social exchange theory,
employees with resources are required to invest
these resources in completing their jobs [16]. They
may use these numerous resources to come up with
and innovate. Employees participate as active agents
in the job crafting process, molding, reinventing,
and creating their jobs to create a good personjob
fit in their workplace [17]. Leaders have a critical
role in the social environment of work, and firms
will benefit if they motivate their staff to adopt
growth tactics like job crafting, which increases
employee engagement and high attendance [18].
Employees who construct their work modify tasks
or connections, add new employment resources, and
lessen the pressures on them.
Employees can consequently boost resources and
lower demands (e.g. reducing challenging
components of the job by changing their resources
or demands to better meet their particular needs and
skills [19]. Job crafting entails employees altering
specific parts of their work, such as how they
function, interact with coworkers, and think about
their jobs. When seen in a favorable light, these acts
may assist an employee in performing better and
enjoying their work more. Actions that are not
generally rewarded but yet assist the business are
considered innovative work behavior. This is likely
that the more employees participate in crafting
activities, the more confident they get in their ability
to come up with innovative new ideas or
responsibilities and perform them effectively.
Employees can construct depending on their
resources, according to the work demands and
resource model [20].It may be easier for the person
to craft if they have more employment resources.
Job crafting enables individuals to consider their
particular requirements and restructure their job
procedures as a result, resulting in long-term
organizational transformation [21].
Employees feel energized, eager, and interested in
addressing these issues, which makes the process of
change easier. Employees are encouraged to try out
new methods of doing things as a result of job
crafting. When employees are given the flexibility
to seek new resources to address the monotony of
completing the same routine chores with the support
of present resources, boredom, emotional tiredness,
irritation, and burnout all diminish significantly. Job
crafting can also benefit employees by allowing
them to respond to the company's and other decision
makers' ever-changing expectations. Employees are
not confined in ineffective procedures, and they may
seek tools to proactively search for places where
change can be transformed into a more engaging
and effective experience.
2.2 Job Crafting
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.3
Maan Hussein Mansour, Farah Niaz Dalain,
Khaled Abd Aulwahab Al Zeaideen,
Majed Abdulmahdi Masadeh
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Improvements to a job that are instigated by an
employee, such as shifting relational constraints,
task constraints, and cognitive constraints [22].
Despite the simplicity of the description, the
variability of work across sectors makes developing
a single scale to quantify job crafting for people
working in various professions challenging, as
activities, relationships, and meanings fluctuate
from job to job. Times and colleagues developed a
more comprehensive description. They described
job crafting as adjustments made by workers to the
set of job demands and resources to make it more fit
for their needs and interests, using the
JDR model [23]. This formulation solves the
difficulty of creating a universal scale that could be
used in a variety of professions. Any work may be
deconstructed into a collection of requirements and
resources. The characteristics of a work that require
effort or because strain is referred to as job demands
[20]. Job resources, on the other hand, are features
of a job that aid an employee's performance [24].
The concept of job crafting is to flip the typical
power dynamic between employee and management
on its head. Historically, the manager was the one
who knew the task and had a significant or complete
voice in determining the employee's job design. The
overall choice to design the job continued with the
supervisor, even if there were shifts from the early
efficiency job characteristics to the later engagement
productivity improvement techniques [25].With the
growth of the information economy, the manager's
influence began to wane. With the rise of the
information economy, the manager's historical
capacity to define the work begins to decline [5].
Because of the rapid speed of technological
development, last year's job design did not work for
this year's job [26].
As a result, top-down attempts to making the job
more inspiring for employees were proven to be
ineffective. The rising power of knowledge workers,
along with the manager's poor job enrichment
initiatives, prepared the way for employees to play a
larger role in job design. Job crafting was the
concept that embodied employee-initiated
modifications in job design. Unlike job enrichment,
job crafting is a bottom-up method [23]. As people
initiate job modifications, their efficacy in ensuring
employee engagement is greater than top-down
approaches to job enrichment. Job crafting is highly
important in today's information economy, when
occupations are complicated and ever-changing,
since it allows employees to adapt their employment
to make them more meaningful, engaging, and
therefore more gratifying [27].There is scientific
evidence that job designing is beneficial to both the
person and the organization. Work crafting has been
proven to be beneficial in improving employee well-
being, job satisfaction [28] , and personjob fit.
According to [19], job crafting dimensions are
divided into three categories: job crafting, the
environment in which employees collaborate in the
workplace (relationship crafting), and work-related
thinking (cognition crafting), as detailed as: Task
crafting is the process of modifying a job's task by
including changes in the job's content, as well as the
job's kind or nature; Relationship crafting is a shift
in events and surroundings that improves the quality
and quantity of interpersonal engagement or alters
the style of interpersonal interaction in the
workplace; and Cognition crafting is the process of
altering one's experience of work by changing one's
beliefs or thinking.
2.3 Innovative Work Behaviour
Simply described, innovative work behavior is the
creation and implementation of an idea [29].
Innovative work behavior is defined as an
individual's activity aimed at generating new helpful
ideas about processes, products, or procedures
inside a work position, group, or organization [30].
Innovative work behavior encompasses not only the
production and execution of new ideas, but also the
adoption of an idea from someone else that is new to
the organization in which it is being presented and
executed [31].
Work behavior that is innovative is complicated and
sequential [32]. Concept generation, idea promotion,
and idea implementation are the three steps [33]. To
bring each level to fruition, different abilities are
required. For example, idea generation need higher
cognitive abilities, whereas idea propagation
necessitates sociopolitical abilities. These stages are
not always in order; they may occur concurrently,
making the entire process of innovative work
behavior more complicated [34]. Organizations
strive to develop innovative work behavior among
their staff since it is highly valued. It is
advantageous to both the employees and the
company. Employees that exhibit innovative work
behavior have a better degree of satisfaction [14]. as
well as higher performance. On the other hand,
innovative work behaviorhas been linked to a firm's
innovative performance at the organizational level.
2.4 The Theoretical Model
In order to create a conceptual structure to direct
this paper, the theoretical context and empirical
studies regarding the Innovative Work Behaviour,
as well as the theoretical framework on Job Crafting
and Innovative Work Behaviour, were reviewed and
incorporated. The model described here was
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.3
Maan Hussein Mansour, Farah Niaz Dalain,
Khaled Abd Aulwahab Al Zeaideen,
Majed Abdulmahdi Masadeh
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
proposed to investigate the effect of Job Crafting
(Task Crafting, Cognitive Crafting, and Relational
Crafting) on Innovative Work Behaviour. Three
main classes of variables compose of the conceptual
framework. These are: Job Crafting as the
independent variable; and Innovative Work
Behaviour as the dependent variable. The following
figure represented the hypothesis and research
2.4 Job Crafting
In order to create a conceptual structure to direct
this paper, the theoretical context and empirical
studies regarding the Innovative Work Behaviour,
as well as the theoretical framework on Job Crafting
and Innovative Work Behaviour, were reviewed and
incorporated. The model described here was
proposed to investigate the effect of Job Crafting
(Task Crafting, Cognitive Crafting, and Relational
Crafting) on Innovative Work Behaviour. Three
main classes of variables compose of the conceptual
framework. These are: Job Crafting as the
independent variable; and Innovative Work
Behaviour as the dependent variable. The following
figure represented the hypothesis and research
3 Method
The data was collected from managers, heads of
departments, production supervisors and workers in
renewable energy companies. Themanagers, heads
of departments, production supervisors and workers
in renewable energy companies were contacted and
asked to participate in the survey. A total of 200
were responded and shared their data. The response
rate was 89%. In addition, Innovative work behavior
(IWB) items were adopted and modified from [35].
Moreover, Job crafting was measured with the help
of Tims, Bakker and Derks scale that was developed
in terms of job demands and resources (Tims et al.,
2012). There were overall 21 items (Task Crafting
(8); Cognitive Crafting (7); and Rational Crafting
(6) in the scale that were measured on a five-point
Likert scale where 1 was used to denote strongly
disagree” while 5 was used to denote “strongly
agree. The study used multiple regression analysis
approach for data analytical techniques.
4 Results
IBM SPSS Statistics version 25.0 was used to
analyse the data. The extrapolation approach is used
in this analysis to screen for non-response bias. The
most widely used approach is extrapolation, which
includes comparing early and late respondents for
potential differences in populations and mean values
of other primary constructs [36]. An unbiased
sample t-test was used to compare the answers of
the first 50 and last 50 questionnaires for this
reason. The results of the independent sample t-test
showed that the mean values of both classes were
not significantly different at the 0.05 stage (first 50
respondents vs last 50 respondents). As a result of
the results of the independent sample t-test, it was
determined that there was no significant variation
between the responses of both groups; hence, non-
response bias was not an issue in this analysis. A
comprehensive review process was carried out as
part of the data processing planning. Data was
checked for outliers, and missing values. About the
fact that there were few missed values, the
commonly recommended method of mean
substitution was used to manage them. One of the
most sought-after advantages of the mean
replacement strategy is that it does not change our
sample size (unlike list-wise and pair-wise deletion)
while maintaining the mean values of all variables
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics and Correlation Matrix
Innovative Work
Task Crafting
Cognitive Crafting
Relational Crafting
Table 1 above showed the mean and standard
deviation of the variables. The results revealed that
Innovative Work Behaviour mean and standard
deviation were 4.320 and 0.479 respectively. In
addition, results showed that Task Crafting mean
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.3
Maan Hussein Mansour, Farah Niaz Dalain,
Khaled Abd Aulwahab Al Zeaideen,
Majed Abdulmahdi Masadeh
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
and standard deviation were 4.150 and 0.529
respectively. Moreover, results discovered that
Cognitive Crafting mean and standard deviation
were 4.142 and 0.719 respectively. Additionally,
results revealed Relational Crafting mean and
standard deviation were 4.243 and 0.649
respectively. Moreover, the results of correlation
matrix showed positive correlation among the
variables. Table 1 also indicated that the data is free
from the issue of multicollinearity since all the
correlation values were below 0.85.
Table 2. Regression Analysis Results
Task Crafting
Cognitive Crafting
Relational Crafting
The results in the table 2 showed that all the direct
paths with different p-values in the regression model
were significant. At a p-value of less than 0.05,
hypotheses are significant. The t-statistics and p-
values of Task Crafting in predicting Innovative
Work Behaviour in Renewable Energy Companies
in Amman were 13.717 and 0.000, respectively, as
shown in Table 5. This implies that 0.000 was the
possibility of achieving a critical magnitude ratio as
high as 13.717 in definite value. Therefore, the
regression weight of the Task Crafting in
determining the Innovative Work Behaviour was
significantly different from zero at the 0.050 stage
(two-tailed). In addition, the standardized Beta value
was 0.631, implying a positive linkage. This implies
that Innovative Work Behaviour rises by 0.631
standard deviations when Task Crafting rise by one
standard deviation. Furthermore, Table 2 showed
that in estimating Cognitive Crafting, the outcome
of t-statistics was 11.061 with a p-value of 0.000.
The standardized Beta value was 0.542, implying a
positive relationship. Therefore, Innovative Work
Behaviour increases by 0.542 standard deviations as
Cognitive Crafting increases by one standard
deviation. In addition, Table 2 showed that the t-
statistics result was 13.232 with a p-value of 0.000
for Relational Crafting in Innovative Work
Behaviour prediction. The Beta's standardized
estimate was 0.741, suggesting a positive linkage.
Therefore, Innovative Work Behaviour improves by
0.741 standard deviations when Relational Crafting
is one standard deviation. Furthermore, the Table 3
showed that 65.40 percent of the variation currently
used is explained by Task Crafting, Cognitive
Crafting, and Relational Crafting, 34.60 percent of
the Innovative Work Behaviour is clarified by itself.
Table 3. Coefficient of Determination
R2 Adjusted
Organizational Excellence
5 Discussion and Conclusion
The impact of job crafting on innovative work
behavior in Jordan's renewable energy sector was
investigated in this study. Job crafting has a
significant and positive impact on innovative
work behavior, according to the findings. This
positive influence supports the findings of Mulyati,
et al., 2019). This shown that job crafting is a
strategy to increasing innovation in the workplace
by adding new features in terms of career
progression, earnings, or employment resources.
Employee working circumstances, including
growth, might be affected by organizational
restructuring in unanticipated and uncertain
situations. It has an influence, particularly when
there are variations in the attributes, variety
(Mulyati et al., 2019), and specifically when there is
the option to undertake job crafting, employees can
adapt the environment or work to restore
significance in their jobs. One of the work demand
characteristics that is similar to motivation is job
crafting. The findings of this hypothesis also support
De Spiegelaere (2014) prior study. The findings
showed that job crafting and innovative work
behaviour have a positive relationship. Based on the
findings, this study's issue formulation may be
addressed. Job crafting has a considerable favorable
impact on inventive behavior. Cultivate competition
connected to work innovation as a method to
encourage millennial generation employees to build
their own jobs. Workplace innovation competitions
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.3
Maan Hussein Mansour, Farah Niaz Dalain,
Khaled Abd Aulwahab Al Zeaideen,
Majed Abdulmahdi Masadeh
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
that are accompanied by an acknowledgement of
these accomplishments can instill emotions of
inventiveness in employees and have ramifications
for their engagement. Future research should collect
data from various of sources, such as evaluating
workers' innovative work behavior and conducting
in-depth interviews with them.This is done in order
to offer full information regarding workers'
innovative behavior and to evaluate employee
assessments with those of their supervisors.
The Authors is grateful to the Zarqa university,
Jordan for the full financial support granted to this
research project.
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DOI: 10.37394/23207.2023.20.3
Maan Hussein Mansour, Farah Niaz Dalain,
Khaled Abd Aulwahab Al Zeaideen,
Majed Abdulmahdi Masadeh
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 20, 2023
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
The authors equally contributed in the present
research, at all stages from the formulation of the
problem to the final findings and solution.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
The Authors is grateful to the Zarqa university,
Jordan for the full financial support granted to this
research project.