positive impact on companies. However, the nature
of this impact is different and can be manifested
both in increasing market capitalization and in
increasing the profitability of companies. In
general, we can say that the positive impact of
social media advertising on the performance of
companies is typical for both Ukrainian and foreign
5 Conclusion
Social media marketing is becoming an
increasingly popular means of increasing customer
base and sales. However, in times of pandemic
constraints, when markets are shrinking, the issue
of financial stability becomes relevant. In this
context, the question of how much social media
marketing, which is becoming increasingly popular,
can improve financial performance is relevant. The
activities of IT companies are specific in the sense
that they have virtually no material base for their
activities. Therefore, the most suitable indicators
for assessing their financial stability are indicators
based on cash flows.
The study showed that social media marketing
has a positive statistically significant effect on such
indicators as Profitability of Cash, Profitability of
Cash Outflow, Profitability of Cash Inflow,
Profitability of Net Cash Flow. These consolidated
indicators represent the Financial Stability rate
based on cash flow. Comparison of the results of
the study with the results of other studies indicate
that foreign companies are also characterized by the
positive impact of social media marketing on the
economic performance of companies.
The obtained results can be used to assess the
impact of social media marketing on cash flow and
financial stability of IT companies. The conducted
research and the obtained results can be used to
justify the need for marketing campaigns in the
field of IT. The obtained results confirm that
marketing campaigns positively influence the
economic performance of IT companies. The
methodological limitation of the study is that the
object of the study is only one IT company. The
research conducted on a larger number of
companies may give different results. The
implementation limitation is that depending on the
specifics of the activities of IT companies and the
quality of social media marketing, the impact of
advertising on the profitability of cash flow may
differ. The studied IT company provides a wide
range of services, so social media marketing was
designed for a large number of target audiences,
both individuals and businesses. If another
company is more specialized, social media
marketing may not give the results forecasted by
our models.
The obtained results open perspectives for future
research, particularly the impact of marketing
campaigns on increasing the number of clients of IT
companies and the number of implemented
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DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.146
Natalya Sydorenko, Olha Mitchuk,
Oksana Holik, Liliia Diahovchenko,
Inna Havryliuk, Nina Myronets