Liquidation of Micro-Enterprises as a Seasonal Phenomenon: Evidence
from Poland
Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economics and Finance,
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin,
Abstract: - The study aims to develop a quantitative model of the liquidation of microenterprises on the
example of the Polish experience in 2013-2021. The primary objective is to isolate seasonal variations from the
time series of monthly observations. The cognitive dimension of the study is in line with whether the
liquidation of enterprises has the characteristics of a phenomenon repeated over time. Our research is
pioneering in the cognitive issues it covers, including the instrumentation used. The analysis uses methods and
research tools that identify statistically significant differences between average values of the number of
business entities that deregistered from CEIDG (Central Registration and Information on Business). The study
includes a post hoc test preceded by the analysis of variance (ANOVA), Welch and Brown-Forsythe tests, and
the Kruskal-Wallis test. In the next step, we conducted seasonal decomposition based on additive and
multiplicative variations and examined the correlation. The analysis enables positively verifying the hypothesis
on the seasonality of the liquidation of enterprises.
Key-Words: closing a business, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, micro-enterprise, small business, COVID-19
Received: September 24, 2021. Revised: July 14, 2022. Accepted: August 4, 2022. Published: September 5, 2022.
1 Introduction
Self-employment involves making decisions mainly
of a conceptual, organizational, and financial nature.
On the other hand, business success results from
many factors in the internal and external
environment of the organization. In the former, the
entrepreneur can shape this area to a large extent,
while the latter of these possibilities are already
considerably limited. Generally, success is
determined by the long-term staying of a profitable
organization in the market [12]. In this light, there is
a research field related to the liquidation of
enterprises in quantitative and qualitative terms.
This topic is not reflected in the current scientific
achievements, even though analyzes of
microenterprises are present in a rich catalog of
This study analyses the time series of the
monthly applications submitted to the Central
Registration and Information on Business (CEIDG)
for liquidating an enterprise in the form of a natural
person engaged in business activity (so-called self-
employment) over the period 2013-2021 in Poland.
An acceptable generalization is to assume that
micro-enterprises are the subject of the study.
According to the January 2022 data, 99.03% of
natural persons engaged in business activity are
entities employing up to 9 persons, i.e., entities that
meet the definition criterion of micro-enterprise
(3.41 million out of 3.45 million entities). The ratio
of micro-enterprises to the total number of
enterprises is 98.65%. On the other hand, natural
persons engaged in business activity represent
71.27% of these entities, whereas in the general
micro enterprises’ population, 73.08% of them.
The study’s primary objective is to develop a
model of statistical repeatability of entrepreneurial
behavior in terms of the decision-making on the
liquidation of enterprises based on seasonal
variations. Separate analyses were conducted during
the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This study uses the classic approach to
entrepreneurship that an entrepreneur is a person
who, using appropriate personality traits, takes risks,
initiates activities, and is the creator of economic
activity [24]. An entrepreneur is a person who starts
a business and makes organizational decisions.
Failures that lead to business termination should be
considered in this regard.
The cognitive aspect of the study is a
methodology that includes the applied set of tools
used in economic analysis. The research verifies the
hypothesis of the occurrence of seasonality in the
liquidation of all micro-enterprises in Poland. It
determines existing differences in this respect under
the conditions of a relatively stable regulatory,
economic-financial, technical-organizational, and
market environment (without an analysis of
industries that are assumed to be seasonal). This
article enriches the current literature on the subject
of microenterprises and their survival on the market
or liquidation. Practical implications of the study
include the environment of micro-enterprises,
especially government and local government
institutions, which, having their appropriate tools,
can introduce instruments as a positive stimulation
for entrepreneurs or at least not hinder their
2 Literature Review
There is no doubt that a driver of economic growth
in all countries is micro-enterprises that enable
small entrepreneurs to create new jobs. In this way,
they can combat poverty and increase social welfare
[25, 27]. However, the current knowledge of
entrepreneurship in developing countries is limited
[9, 17]. Researchers agree that the institutional
environment has a significant influence on "how"
and "how many" aspects of entrepreneurial activities
are implemented in a country [10]. At the same
time, there is no ideal entrepreneurship model,
especially in the application aspect. A study
concerning the Silicon Valley entrepreneurship
model provides evidence in this regard. This model
was limited in adapting and solving the most
contemporary relevant economic and social
problems [1].
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the current
main issues affecting entrepreneurship. This
problem emerged in late 2019, pointing out the
socio-economic implications [22, 23]. While some
analysts believe that the COVID-19 pandemic will
cause a protracted global recession, others argue that
the virus will stop soon, and the global economy
will quickly return to normal. In general, epidemics
affect the economy in multiple ways. However,
economists' expectations may be proved wrong by
Russia's special military operation against Ukraine.
The impact of these Russian activities has been a
subject of numerous estimates, but mainly of an a
priori nature.
In this study, separate analyses focus on the
economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the
liquidations of enterprises. Almost all sectors have
experienced disruptions, for example, by restricting
business activities. According to some authors, the
pandemic has hurt start-ups, especially in
developing countries where government support is
limited [21]. The literature identifies the fear factor
as a meaningful indicator that limits entrepreneurial
activity [18, 20].
Stimulating entrepreneurship and creating
conditions conducive to its development is a
concept of most public policies. On the one hand,
organizational and fiscal improvements offer grants
or low-interest repayable instruments. On the other
hand, the barriers are erected and lead to a real
market imbalance, which discriminates against
entrepreneurial units that cannot meet many of the
defined criteria for accessing offered support.
Empirical research conducted over the past years
does not give a clear answer as to the effectiveness
of applied solutions. The success of the Italian
model, introduced in 2012, provides a benefits
package in tax incentives, public loan guarantees,
and more flexible labor laws for firms registered as
"innovative start-ups" [5]. At the same time, there
are also very different opinions. The failure of pro-
entrepreneurial solutions is related to the concept of
dependent entrepreneurship, the empirical
exemplification of which is the example of the
wastefulness of public funds allocated for financing
new enterprises [11, 15]. The evidence of the
ineffectiveness of public action by design to be pro-
entrepreneurial is also to find in recent research
from Singapore, according to which the
entrepreneurial state, which paradoxically creates a
vision of the Singaporean state engaging in
entrepreneurial activity, in reality, delays the
transition to an entrepreneurial society. Thus,
institutional actions may inadvertently create
barriers to a more inclusive entrepreneurial
community [2].
Regardless of public support, organizational and
fiscal mechanisms, business environment, and
individual entrepreneurial motives and aptitudes, a
relational analysis requires permanent monitoring of
national economy entities' quantitative structure. It
is necessary from the perspective of each country
Systematic quantitative analyses in an
unchanging environment confirm or deny the
effectiveness of existing regulations. These analyses
identify negative global phenomena such as the
COVID-19 pandemic or the Russian-Ukrainian
armed conflict. The empirical research conducted
immediately aftermath the COVID-19 pandemic
outbreak and in the subsequent years of the
pandemic indicates its devastating impact on small
companies [6, 7, 19]. In Europe and the US, the
COVID-19 pandemic more directly affected the
self-employed than the non-self-employed, whereas
small companies were more directly affected by the
pandemic than large ones [4]. At the time of the
pandemic outbreak, micro-enterprises were
particularly vulnerable to organizational and
financial problems that could eventually result in the
termination of their business. Governments
supporting small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs)
offered various assistance programs. The example
of the United Kingdom, while demonstrating
positive effects of implemented solutions to rescue
organizations or maintain the sufficient financial
strength of supported companies, at the same time
proves that public support has largely failed to reach
the companies in need of real help [3]. The research
the small businesses in the US also proves the
questionable effectiveness of government support.
Individual entrepreneurial failures,
environmental failures, and those resulting from
organizational and legal barriers contribute to the
liquidation of enterprises. However, failure is not
always at stake. Liquidation of enterprises is part of
the theory of exit routes based on various
determinants, both in business failure and success
[16]. The issues of repeatability in this respect and
periodic or point peaks are not represented in
scientific research. In addition to the scientific and
cognitive aspects, the concept of shaping the
paradigm by identifying emerging deviations in the
structure of the enterprise population is relevant for
entrepreneurial countries.
3 Methods and Data
The formal and legal environment of enterprises can
create significantly different constitutive conditions
for entrepreneurial initiatives and the functioning of
registered entities. Optimization solutions, including
the building of structural organizational and
financial dependencies, are the domain of large
entities, or large ones, i.e., based on complex
networks. The use of more favorable market
conditions for the functioning of enterprises in the
financial aspect is not the domain of sole
proprietorships, although it is the type of entity that
is the economic and social foundation of national
economies. The simple legal form includes the
registration aspect, and financial settlements are an
encouragement for amateur entrepreneurs who, from
the perspective of the benefits they bring to the
economy, should be referred to as entrepreneurial
leaders [14].
The main problem of the study provides a
question: is the propensity to liquidate enterprises of
a seasonal nature?
Based on the incremental analysis, the approach
remains unrelated to the motivation inherent in
entrepreneurship, which is treated as a separate
scientific discipline and fulfills a strictly economic
policy. [26]. The implementation of the issue of the
study introduces the verification of three hypotheses
(assuming the existence of a relatively stable formal,
legal and socio-economic environment of Polish
H1: Liquidation of micro-enterprises is recurrent
on an annual basis.
H2: Liquidation of micro-enterprises is seasonal.
H3: The COVID-19 pandemic has not
contributed to an increase in the number of micro-
enterprises liquidation in the short term.
The study used analytical tools, narrowed down
to instruments that, based on monthly analysis based
on one-way ANOVA (F-test), preceded by
verification, meet the criteria of normal distribution
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk test) and
homogeneity of variance (Levene's test). The
criterion of homogeneity of variance is not met, and
the second one of normality of the distribution of
individual features is only partially met. Therefore,
the number of deregistered enterprises in subsequent
months, the Kruskal-Wallis (KW) non-parametric
analysis of variance
, and the Brown-Forsythe and
Welch tests
we used to verify the research
hypotheses. The authors used a post hoc test to
isolate groups of months with significant differences
to then determine which pairs of mean values differ
the most from each other. The analytical process
also included the separation of additive and
multiplicative seasonal variations based on the 5-
period moving average model. Using seasonal
decomposition and correlation analysis allowed us
to confirm or reject the presence of a pattern in the
values of the trait analyzed.
4 Results and Discussion
Visual presentation of the time series (Fig. 1) makes
it possible to identify unusual observations and
possibly eliminate them, provided there are
reasonable grounds for doing so. Deviations from
the average values of the number of liquidated
enterprises in the subsequent months in 2013-2021
appear in the form of one extreme size in April and
nine outliers, two of which occurred in December.
The number of extremes identified is small, and the
data insignificant.
It is often used instead of a standard one-way ANOVA when
data are from a suspected non-normal population.
There are preferred to the F-statistic if the assumption of the
equality of the variance fails.
Fig. 1: Diagnostics of the dispersion of closure of
micro-enterprises in the following months
The juxtaposition of the arithmetic mean with the
standard deviation (Fig. 2) indicates the relatively
high variation among the recorded values in January
(CV=23.74%; CV - Coefficient of Variation),
although it was classified as statistically
insignificant. December was ranked second in terms
of internal variance (CV=20.29%).
Arithmetic means were determined for twelve
independent subgroups creating two different
groups. One group covers two months - January and
December - and the other the remaining months.
The existence of the identified distribution is also
confirmed by cluster analysis.
Fig. 2: Descriptive statistics
The existence of differences does not directly
imply statistical significance in this regard.
Determining this fact requires appropriate testing.
In further analysis, the authors used two
approaches. The first is based on the 2013-2021
time series, and the second on the truncated 2013-
2017 time series, corresponding to data obtained in
a relatively unchanged external environment for
companies. The research approach adopted was
preceded by numerous graphical and computational
simulations dictated by the COVID-19 pandemic
outbreak in 2020 and the amended regulations
governing sole proprietorship introduced in Poland
in 2018. New legal and financial solutions taking
into account, among others, exemptions from
compulsory social contributions, except for health
enterprises and the possibility of conducting limited
economic activity without registration, have created
more favorable - compared to existing solutions -
financial conditions for undertaking the economic
activity. This situation, however, has been exploited
not only by new entrepreneurs but also by
experienced ones, combining the operation of
several formally independent entities. Many
entrepreneurs have taken advantage of existing
preferences to open seemingly new entities, almost
entirely formed from liquidated entities [13]. The
rising inflation at the end of 2021 determined the
adopted concept of division of the primary time
series. Assessing the direction and intensity of
changes in the quantitative structure of enterprises
during periods of transition requires exceptional
diligence in the research process.
4.1 Microenterprises Liquidated between
2013 and 2021 - Comparative Analysis of
Means Values by Month (One-Way Analysis
of Variance)
The criterion of normality of distribution analyzed
by Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests
does not yield positive verification (p<0.05) for two
months (April, and June) for the 2013-2021 time
series. The normality criterion was met for the
truncated 2013-2017 time series. This discrepancy
calls for further analysis (Table 1).
Table 1. Tests of Normality
Note: A. 2013-2021; B. 2013-2017; *. This is a lower bound of
the true significance; a. Lilliefors Significance Correction, b.
effect relevant to p>0.05.
Also, the criterion of homogeneity of variance
(p>0.05) was not positively verified by Levene's test
(Table 2). Failure to meet the above criterion
provides a substantive rationale for using ANOVA
analysis as a projection requiring verification by
subsequent tests in addition to the normality test.
Table 2. Tests of Homogeneity of Variances
Mean Std. Deviation
Based on Mean
Based on Median
Based on Median and with adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean
Based on Mean
Based on Median
Based on Median and with adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean
Note: Grouping Variable: Month.
The results obtained through a one-way ANOVA
analysis of variance (p<0.05) do not support the
hypothesis of equality of mean values in the
subgroups studied (Table 3). Thus, the results of the
test support the claim that there is a statistically
significant difference between monthly averages for
at least one pair in both the 2013-2021 and 2013-
2017 series. However, the failure to meet the
conditions of normality of distributions and
homogeneity of variance in the case of the 2013-
2021 time series also does not give grounds to
consider the above result as statistically significant.
Verification of the hypothesis of ascending seasonal
variations requires further testing.
Table 3. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
Mean Square
Note: Grouping Variable: month.
The results of the Welch and Brown-Forsythe
tests, which by design do not require the criterion of
homogeneity of variance to be met, indicate that
there are significant differences between group
mean values (p<0.05) for at least two characteristics
for the 2013-2017 and 2013-2021 monthly data time
series (Table 4). The results indicate a fairly clear
and distinct correlation between empirical and
theoretical values determined by the additive and
multiplicative models. In turn, the mutual
dependence of theoretical models is very large.
Table 4. Robust Tests of Equality of Mean
Note: An asymptotically F distributed; Grouping Variable:
As the criterion for normality of distributions
was not met, the Kruskal-Wallis Test was also
applied in the analysis (Table 5). The results
obtained (p<0.05) confirm the existence of
statistically significant differences between at least
two group averages.
Table 5. Kruskal-Wallis Test
Time series
Note: a. Grouping Variable: Month.
The number of liquidated enterprises by month
significantly increased in January and December
each year compared to the other months (Fig. 2).
The post hoc analysis of the 2013-2021 and 2013-
2017 time series, using all the tests available in the
SPSS package, confirms the existence of significant
differences between the results recorded in January
and December and the other months, respectively
(p<0.05 individual; p1 for tests). Due to the lack
of fulfillment of the criterion of normality of
distributions and homogeneity of variance, formally
not all post hoc tests meet the criterion of usefulness
for the 2013-2021 series, although in practice all the
results obtained confirmed the existence of
statistically significant intergroup differences for
January and December.
Taking into account the formal and financial
conditions of running micro-enterprises in Poland in
a legal form: for a sole owner running a business, an
increase in obligatory costs may be a problem that
appears at the turn of the years. For instance,
contributions paid to the Social Insurance Institution
(ZUS), are conditioned by the amount of the
average monthly salary in the national economy. In
the years 2013-2021, this remuneration
systematically increased by an average of 5.66%
4.2 Seasonal Decomposition
Seasonal decomposition is used to extract a seasonal
component, a combined trend and cycle component,
and an "error" component from a time series. In
practice, this method enables the construction of
forecasts taking into account seasonal variations of
additive and multiplicative nature. A comparison of
the theoretical series with the original one meets the
requirements of ex-ante evaluation.
The analysis based on seasonality indicators
provides further confirmation of the hypothesis on
the seasonal nature of micro-enterprise liquidations.
The model based on the 5-period centered moving
average deviates from the series determined by the
data subject to the study. Consideration of both
additive and multiplicative seasonal variations in the
forecast significantly increases the precision of
fitting the theoretical model to the empirical data
(Fig. 3).
Fig. 3: The course of the original time series and the
forecasts taking into account seasonal fluctuations
of an additive and multiplicative nature
The values of the seasonal indicators coincide
with the results obtained from the post hoc analysis
(Fig. 4).
Fig. 4: Seasonal Factor
The correlation analysis confirms the outlined
convergence of the original series based on average
values for 2013-2021 with the forecast taking into
account seasonal variations of additive and
multiplicative nature (Table 6).
Table 6. Estimated correlation coefficients
among variables
Seasonal Adjusted Series
Seasonal Adjusted Series
Seasonal Adjusted Series (ADD)
Seasonal Adjusted Series
Note: CC - Correlation Coefficient, a. Pearson Correlation, b.
Kendall's tau_b, c. Spearman's rho; **. Correlation is significant
at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The results of seasonal decomposition confirm
that most enterprises are liquidated in the winter
period, which covers the months December-January.
The values of the seasonal fluctuation indices
recorded for the remaining months indicate slight
differences as compared to the mean values
determined for empirical data.
4.3 Enterprise Liquidation vs. the COVID-
19 Pandemic
Relating the monthly results of the number of
enterprise closures in the consecutive years 2018-
2021 to the model built on the averages covering the
years 2013-2017 (Fig. 5), it is clear that the values
are significantly lower in the year 2020, which
should be directly linked to the period of the
outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. In that year,
compared to the model, an 11.1% decrease was
recorded, in contrast to the year 2021, in which a
10.4% increase was recorded. Therefore, it appears
that, relative to the model, 2020-2021 did not
significantly change the total number of deregistered
enterprises y/y. In contrast, the number of
enterprises liquidated in 2020 concerning 2019
decreased by more than 18.1%.
Thus, it turns out that the years 2018-2019, the
period of introducing new rules on one-man
business, brought an increase in the number of
enterprise liquidations by 10.9% and 8.6% y/y,
respectively. At the same time, it should be noted
that during this period, compared to previous years,
more enterprises were registered due to financial
preferences (Jegorow et al., 2021).
Original Series
Seasonally Adjusted Series (ADD)
Seasonally Adjusted Series (MUL)
Seasonal Factor (ADD)
Seasonal Factor (%) (MUL)
Fig. 5: Deregistration of enterprises, the average for
2013-2017, absolute data for 2018-2021
The distinctly lower numbers of liquidated
enterprises in March and April 2020 can be
associated with the temporary suspension of the
operation of these entities. In March 2020, as many
as 48,624 entities were closed. It was the highest
result for liquidated enterprises from 2013-2021.
The second lowest result in the category of
suspensions is seen in December 2021, i.e., 42,237.
Business closures or suspensions may be related to
rising inflation, rising interest rates, and
macroeconomic outlooks because of the long-term
downturn in economic activity during the pandemic
period. These results are significantly higher than
the total recorded between 2013 and 2021, for
which the average was 13,574.
5 Conclusion
The analysis shows that the liquidation of
enterprises, similarly to their establishment [14], has
a cyclical nature and is part of the seasonality
determined by the monthly system. Most enterprises
are liquidated in December or January. However, no
month can be indicated as the month in which the
fewest enterprises are closed. The identified
quantitative aspect of the study is the contribution to
further qualitative research on the question of why
enterprises are going out. An important direction of
future research is also to conduct a comparative
analysis broken down into sectors or industries. An
important direction of future research is also to
conduct a comparative analysis broken down into
sectors or industries. With the resources of public
registers, such an analysis is currently not possible
to be carried out based on a comprehensive study.
The analysis showed that the pandemic scare was
of short duration and that the intensity of enterprise
liquidations immediately after the COVID-19
outbreak did not occur. On the contrary, the number
of liquidated enterprises decreased compared to
earlier years. Entrepreneurs opted for the institution
of business suspension, the significant scale of
which must be attributed precisely to the effects of
the pandemic. Perhaps government or local
government support helped entrepreneurs, and the
answer to this question requires further studies.
Given the differences from the outlined model,
further empirical research should take into account
the far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 pandemic,
rising inflation, and the context of the war in
To conclude, the Polish government and local
institutions undertake various activities to support
entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs. Regardless of
numerous doubts about the effectiveness of these
instruments, it is worth considering the
implementation of systemic support programs for
entrepreneurs in the period of increased
intensification of their liquidation in conditions of a
relatively stable external environment. In this case,
the focus should be on the increase in contributions
paid by entrepreneurs to the Social Insurance
Institution (ZUS), the amount of which has been
systematically growing in recent years, becoming an
increasing financial burden.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
-Dorota Jegorow was the creator of the concept and
responsible for the Statistics.
-Judyta Przyłuska-Schmitt was responsible for the
literature review and linguistic correctness.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This work was supported by The John Paul II
Catholic University of Lublin [grant numbers 05-
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(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
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