fund may come close to 1. The growth rate of the
average and marginal financial security is more than
twice as fast as the increase in the operational fund.
The latter is important, albeit high per unit, as it
expresses an assessment of companies' production
and product processes.
The average growth rate of the number of the
analysed enterprises (3%) will be connected with a 3
times faster growth rate of the gain in the financial
operational fund, while the average and marginal
financial security of these enterprises ensured by the
aforementioned fund will increase at the same rate
(over 11%). At the same time, an average growth
rate of the number of analysed enterprises close to
19% will be connected with a 1.3 times faster
growth rate of support for markets and capital from
the European fund. Nevertheless, support for
markets and capital will ensure rational financial
security in the growth and stabilisation of the
revenues from sales in the analysed enterprises in
Poland in the years 2014-2020.
Research in financial security will continue
towards finding the dependent variable that would
be best explained by independent variables.
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