Stock Market Reactions before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Evidence from Indonesia
1Accounting Department, Politeknik Negeri Pontianak
Jl. Jenderal Ahmad Yani, Bansir Laut, Kota Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat 78124
2Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Jayabaya
Jl. Pulomas Selatan Kav. No.23, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13210
3*Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Mercu Buana
Jl. Meruya Selatan No. 1, Kembangan, Jakarta Selatan 11650
Key-Words: - market anomaly, the day of the week effect, week four effect, Rogalski effect, January
Received: September 6, 2021. Revised: May 11, 2022. Accepted: June 3, 2022. Published: July 22, 2022.
1 Introduction
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact
on the World Capital Markets, including Indonesia
[1]. The movement of stock prices in the Indonesian
Capital Market declined sharply [2]. Before the
Covid-19 pandemic, namely 2018, the Composite
Stock Price Index (JCI) was at 6,098.58, in 2019 it
increased by 3.71% to 6,324.66 but when the Covid-
19 Pandemic broke out in Indonesia, the JCI
decreased 17.93% which is 5,190.41. The decline in
the JCI was caused by the market reacting to
information about the Covid-19 pandemic which
was considered bad news. When viewed from the
monthly JCI movement, the movement in 2018 and
2019 was relatively stable in 2018 the lowest JCI
occurred in June of 5,799, the highest occurred in
January of 6,605. For 2019, the lowest JCI occurred
in November at 6,011, the highest occurred in
January at 6,532. Meanwhile, the movement in 2020
was more volatile, with the lowest JCI occurring in
March at 4,538, and the highest occurring in
December at 5,979. By looking at the monthly JCI
movement, researchers are interested in researching
on: Did the phenomenon of the day of the week,
week four, Rogalski, and January effect occur on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange before and during the
Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.
Market reaction to information can be considered
good news or bad news depending on the economic
value contained by the information [3] [4]. Good
news increases the JCI, while bad news causes the
JCI to fall. In addition to good and bad news that
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.104
Yani Riyani, Susan Andriana, Kartawati Mardiah,
Linda Suherma, Baidhillah Riyadhi,
Arianto Arianto, Khamim Khamim,
Jakfar Jakfar, Endri Endri
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
Abstract: Research on market reactions to the phenomenon of The Day of Week Effect, Week Four Effect,
Rogalsky Effect, and January Effect in several world capital markets finds different results. This study aims to
determine the reaction of the Indonesian capital market before and during the Covid-19 pandemic which is
associated with the phenomenon of the day of the week effect, week four effect, Rogalski effect, and January
effect. By conducting a study of previous theoretical research, after that a survey was carried out to obtain data
phenomena, classifying the closing daily JCI before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, calculating actual
returns, calculating expected returns and abnormal returns, then classifying return or abnormal return data into
4 phenomena namely The Day of The Week Effect, Week Four Effect, Rogalsky Effect, and January Effect.
For The Day of The Week Effect, return data is classified into Monday and non-Monday returns. For Week
Four Effect, return data is classified into Monday week 1, 2, 3, and Monday week 4.5. For the Rogalsky Effect,
returned data are classified into Monday, April, and Monday non-April. For the January Effect, returned data
are classified into January 1st week and January 2nd week. Then do the Data Normality Test and Hypothesis
Testing. This study produces empirical evidence that there is no phenomenon of the day of the week, week four
effect, Rogalski effect, and January effect before and during the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange.
causes the market to react, several researchers have
found that there is a market anomaly phenomenon,
namely deviations from the efficient market
hypothesis so that the Indonesian capital market is
classified as a semi-strong form which also affects
stock prices [5]. The phenomena are The Day of
Week, Week Four, Rogalsky, and the January
Effect. The Day of Week is a phenomenon where
there is a significant difference in returns between
Monday and other days of the week, Monday
produces a negative return while the other day
returns a positive one [6]. Meanwhile, Week Four is
a phenomenon where the Monday Effect occurs on
the 4th week of each month, while the 1st, 2nd and
3rd weeks do not. The Rogalsky Effect is a
phenomenon where the average return is negative
on Mondays and disappears during certain months.
While the January Effect is the phenomenon of
rising stock prices in January in the first week [7].
2 Literature Review
State of the art is assessed from several studies
conducted in global capital markets, namely; NYSE
Stock Exchange, Tadawul, Canada and
Johannesburg, and Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Bishal et al. [8] examined the effect of individual
investors' trading patterns on the day of the week
and the January effect on companies listed on the
NYSE. Empirical findings show that the trading
activity of individual investors on Monday is lower
than any other day. Chowdhury et al. [9] examined
the autocorrelation of stock returns of 159
companies listed on Tadawul (Saudi Arabian
Capital Market) for the period 2004 - 2015 and
found that returns are related to the effect of the day
of the week where on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Thursdays have higher returns. larger than Mondays
and Fridays. Washer et al. [10], identified the
impact of the day of the week using three financial
instruments in Canada for the period 1980 2009,
resulting in that the Monday Effect occurred in 1980
for treasury bills (TB) and corporate papers, in
contrast to banker acceptances (BA) not impact. In
1990 the Monday Effect disappeared, but in 2000
reappeared but was positively correlated with
corporate paper and banker acceptances.
Researchers also found that Wednesday is the day
that produces the highest return. du Toit et al. [11]
by using the GARCH model to test the effect of the
day of the week on the Johannesburg Stock
Exchange for the period March 1995 March 2016.
The empirical findings conclude that the results are
contrary to the effect of the day of the week as
indicated by return volatility with the highest return
occurring on the day of the week. Monday and the
lowest occurred on Friday.
Ardila et al. [12] examined how the effect of
stock trading days, Week Four, Rogalsky Effect,
and The Day of the Week on stock returns in LQ 45
for the 2016 period. where there is a difference
between 1-3 weeks of the 4th week of each month
on trading days with the Rogalsky Securities
occurring on the IDX. Then, Saraswati et al. [13]
tested the phenomenon of Week Four, Rogalsky
Effect, and The Day of The Week on stock returns
of LQ 45 in 2013. The results showed that The Day
of The Week in the Indonesian capital market
experienced an anomaly, namely, there was a
difference in the average daily stock return. in one
year in a week and the Week, Four phenomena
occur because of negative returns on Monday, the
4th and 5th week of each month, while the Rogalsky
Effect phenomenon does not occur on the IDX.
The results of the study that tested the anomaly
of The Day of The Week in the capital market,
namely the NYSE, Tadawul, Johannesburg Stock
Exchange, Canadian money market, and BEI,
showed different evidence. This study also
examines the anomalies of The Day of The Week,
Week Four, and the Rogalsky Effect in the
Indonesian stock market, which is expanded by
examining the market reaction due to the Covid-19
pandemic and whether the anomalies of The Day of
The Week, Week Four and the Rogalsky Effect this
also happened when the market received bad news
about the Covid-19 pandemic.
The phenomenon of The Day of The Week is a
phenomenon that is contrary to the concept of an
efficient market which states that there are
differences in returns on Mondays with other days.
Monday returns tend to be negative while other days
are positive. Returns tend to be negative because of
the individual's desire to transact on Mondays by
selling shares at a higher price than the individual's
desire to buy shares which affects lower stock prices
[14]. The Monday Effect phenomenon occurs on the
4th week of every month. Negative returns occurred
on Mondays in the last two weeks, although they
were still negative but not significant [12]. The
phenomenon of the Rogalsky Effect states that the
average return will be negative on Monday and will
disappear in certain months. Research on the
Rogalsky Effect on the IDX produces inconsistent
results. Saraswati et al. [13] researched LQ 45
companies in 2013 with a sample of 41 companies
found that there was no Rogalsky Effect on the IDX
while Ardila et al. [12] who also researched on LQ
45 in 2016 found that there was a Rogalsky Effect
on the IDX. Meanwhile, the January Effect is a
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.104
Yani Riyani, Susan Andriana, Kartawati Mardiah,
Linda Suherma, Baidhillah Riyadhi,
Arianto Arianto, Khamim Khamim,
Jakfar Jakfar, Endri Endri
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
phenomenon where stock prices increase during the
first week of January. The results of research from
Fitriyani and Sari [15] found that when viewed from
stock returns and abnormal returns there is a January
Effect on the IDX because companies have a
strategy to improve their financial statements by
marketing low-value stocks at the close of the year,
and marketing profitable stocks entering the market.
early next year to increase profits attract investors.
The hypotheses in this study consist of: first, JCI
stock returns due to The Day of The Week on the
IDX are different before and after the Covid-19
pandemic, second, JCI stock returns due to The Day
of The Week on the IDX are also different during
the Covid-19 pandemic. Third, there are differences
in the stock returns of the JCI due to the fourth-
week effect on the IDX before the Covid-19
pandemic outbreak, fourth, there are differences in
stock returns on the JCI caused by the fourth week
of effects on the IDX during the Covid-19
pandemic, fifth, the stock returns of the JCI are
different due to The Rogalsky Effect on the IDX
before the Covid-19 pandemic, sixth, there was a
difference in JCI stock returns due to the Rogalsky
Effect on the IDX during the Covid-19 pandemic,
and seventh, there was a difference in JCI stock
returns on the January Effect on the IDX before the
COVID-19 pandemic. On the eighth day, there was
a difference in JCI stock returns on the January
Effect on the IDX throughout Covid-19.
3 Research Methods
This research is an empirical study conducted on
Indonesia's capital expenditures related to market
reactions, trading days, and JCI stock returns [16].
The research procedure is as follows:
1. The research begins with a study of previous
research and a study of theory
2. Then conduct a data survey on the IDX
website, namely the JCI to obtain data
phenomena to produce titles and design
research proposals.
3. Collecting daily Composite Stock Price Index
(IHSG) data from 2018 2020.
4. Classify daily JCI data before and during the
Covid-19 pandemic.
5. Calculate actual returns before and during the
Covid-19 pandemic.
6. Calculate the expected return before and
during the covid-19 pandemic.
7. Classify the return or abnormal return data
into 4 phenomena, namely The Day of The
Week, Week Four, Rogalsky, and the
January Effect.
8. For The Day of The Week, return data is
classified into Monday and non-Monday
9. For Week Four Effect, return data is classified
into two, namely Monday week 1,2,3, and
Monday week 4.5.
10. For the Rogalsky Effect, the return data is
also classified into two, namely Monday,
April, and Monday non-April.
11. For the January Effect, the return data are
classified into two, namely January 1st week
and January 2nd week of 2,3,4,5.
12. Perform Data Normality Test.
13. Test the hypothesis, namely the paired sample
t-test or the Wilcoxon test.
Testing data that are normally distributed using
paired sample t-test and if the data is not normally
distributed, the Wilcoxon test is used. The
difference test hypothesis is accepted if the p-value
is 5%.
4 Results and Discussion
This study was conducted to examine the response
of the Indonesian capital market caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic and the anomalies of the day
of the week, week four, Rogalski and January effect
that occurred in the Indonesian capital market
before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The
reaction of the Indonesian capital market is shown
by changes in stock prices in the period before and
during the COVID-19 pandemic as measured by
abnormal returns [17]. Meanwhile, to see the
anomaly of the day of the week, week four,
Rogalski, and January effect before and during the
Covid-19 pandemic, stock returns are used.
Hypothesis testing using the Paired Sample t-test
if the data is normally distributed, on the contrary,
the Wilcoxon test is used. The One-Sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to test the
normality for the data to answer hypotheses 5 to 8
guided by statistical analysis by looking at the value
of kurtosis and skewness. This is done because the
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test cannot
detect normality with small data consisting of only 3
to 4 data. The results of the normality test using the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test are as follows:
Table 1. Normality KS Test Results
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.104
Yani Riyani, Susan Andriana, Kartawati Mardiah,
Linda Suherma, Baidhillah Riyadhi,
Arianto Arianto, Khamim Khamim,
Jakfar Jakfar, Endri Endri
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
Abnormal Data
Normal Data
Normal Data
The results of Hypothesis 1, 3, and 4 tests are shown
in table 1 which shows that the KS value is 0.200
which is greater than 0.05, so the data is normal,
while for hypothesis 2, the KS value is 0.026 which
is smaller than 0.05, the data abnormal. While the
results of the Normality Test for data answering
hypotheses 5 to 8 using statistical analysis using
Kurtosis and Skewness gave the results shown in
table 2.
Table 2. Test Results of Normality, Kurtosis, and
s 5
s 6
s 7
s 8
Based on table 2 above, it appears that the Z value
of Kurtosis and Z Skewness has a value less than
1.96, so all data for hypothesis testing 5, 6, 7, and 8
are normal. Furthermore, hypothesis testing is
carried out with the following results:
Table 3. Hypothesis Test Results
The results of testing the significance of hypothesis
1 shown in table 3 have a value of 0.487 which is
greater than 0.05, with the decision of the
hypothesis being rejected. In conclusion, there is no
difference in JCI stock returns caused by The Day
of The Week on the IDX before the Covid-19
pandemic outbreak. The significance test of
hypothesis 2 produces a value of 0.682 which is
greater than 0.05 with the decision of the hypothesis
being rejected, it can be said that there is no
difference in the stock returns of the JCI due to The
Day of The Week on the IDX during the Covid-19
pandemic. The significance test of hypothesis 3
produces a value of 0.865 which is greater than 0.05
with the decision of the hypothesis being rejected, it
can be said that there is no difference in the stock
returns of the JCI because of the Week four effect
on the IDX before the outbreak of the Covid-19
pandemic. The significance test of hypothesis 4
produces a value of 0.399 which is greater than 0.05
with the decision of the hypothesis being rejected, it
can be said that there is no difference in the stock
returns of the JCI due to the Week four effect on the
IDX during the Covid-19 pandemic. The
significance test of hypothesis 5 produces a value of
0.678 which is greater than 0.05 with the decision of
the hypothesis being rejected, it can be said that
there is no difference in the stock returns of the JCI
caused by the Rogalsky Effect on the IDX before
the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The
significance test of Hypothesis 6 resulted in a value
of 0.382 which is greater than 0.05 with the decision
of the hypothesis being rejected, so it can be said
that there is no difference in the JCI stock returns
due to the Rogalsky Effect on the IDX during the
Covid-19 pandemic. The significance test of
hypothesis 7 produces a value of 0.395 which is
greater than 0.05 with the decision of the hypothesis
being rejected, it can be said that there is no
difference in the stock returns of the JCI on the
January Effect on the IDX before the outbreak of
the Covid-19 pandemic. Finally, the significance
test of hypothesis 8 produces a value of 0.320 which
is greater than 0.05 with the decision of the
hypothesis being rejected, so it can be said that there
is no difference in the stock returns of the JCI on the
January Effect on the IDX during the Covid-19
Testing for hypotheses 1 and 2 found that there
was no difference in JCI stock returns caused by
The Day of The Week on the IDX before and during
the Covid-19 pandemic. This shows the anomaly of
weekend holidays on the IDX both before and
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.104
Yani Riyani, Susan Andriana, Kartawati Mardiah,
Linda Suherma, Baidhillah Riyadhi,
Arianto Arianto, Khamim Khamim,
Jakfar Jakfar, Endri Endri
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
during the COVID-19 pandemic, which means stock
returns for Mondays and non-Mondays are
homogeneous. The results of this study are in line
with Ardila et al. [12] who found that the day of the
week phenomenon did not occur in LQ 45 stocks.
This result does not support the efficient market
anomaly theory (days of the week) which states that
trading days on the exchange affect stock returns.
The results of testing hypotheses 3 and 4 found
that the IHSG stock returns due to the Week four
effect on the IDX before and during the Covid-19
pandemic were no different. In other words, on the
IDX there is no Week four effect phenomenon. This
means that stock returns for Mondays 1, 2, and 3 are
homogeneous with Mondays 4 and 5. Other findings
also prove that there is no difference in JCI stock
returns due to the Rogalsky Effect on the IDX
before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. In other
words, on the IDX there was no Rogalsky Effect
phenomenon either before or during the Covid-19
pandemic. Stock returns for Mondays in April and
Mondays in months other than April are
homogeneous. Empirical research evidence supports
the study of Saraswati et al. [13] who found that the
Rogalsky Effect anomaly did not occur on the IDX.
The January Effect phenomenon also gave the
same result, where the JCI stock returns on the
January Effect on the IDX before and during the
Covid-19 pandemic there were no differences. This
can be seen from the stock returns in January the 1st
week with the 2nd to 5th weeks being
homogeneous. The results of this study found that
there were no anomalies in The Day of The Week,
Week four effect, Rogalsky Effect, and January
Effect on the IDX before and during the Covid-19
pandemic outbreak. This identifies that stock returns
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange are homogeneous
and not influenced by trading day [18]. Stock
returns are more influenced by macroeconomic
variables [19], and financial performance [20].
5 Conclusion
In line with the research objectives, the empirical
findings of the study can be concluded: first, there
was no day of the week anomaly before and during
the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak on the IDX,
second, there was no week four effect phenomenon
before and during the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak
on the IDX. , third, there is no Rogalski effect
phenomenon before and during the Covid-19
pandemic outbreak on the IDX, fourth, there is no
January effect phenomenon before and during the
Covid-19 pandemic outbreak on the IDX. With the
results of these studies, it is recommended for
further research to increase the observation time to
be longer so that the data used to meet the
application requirements used in data processing, as
well as add other phenomena or company actions to
see the market reaction to the event.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Conceptualization: Yani Riyani, Kartawati
Mardiah, Linda Suherma. Data curation: Linda
Suherma, Susan Andriana, Jakfar Jakfar. Formal
analysis: Endri Endri, Yani Riyani, Jakfar Jakfar.
Funding acquisition: Arianto Arianto, Khanim
Khanim. Investigation: Baidhilah Riyadhi,
Kartawati Mardiah. Methodology: Endri Endri,
Linda Suherma. Project administration: Kartawati
Mardiah, Khanim Khanim. Resources: Yani Riyani,
Arianto Arianto. Software: Endri Endri, Linda
Suherma, Jakfar Jakfar. Supervision: Endri Endri,
Yani Riyani, Kartawati Mardiah. Validation:
Kartawati Mardiah, Linda Suherma, Arianto
Arianto. Visualization: Susan Andriana, Khanim
Khanim. Writing original draft: Yani Riyani,
Kartawati Mardiah, Linda Suherma. Writing
review & editing: Endri Endri, Khanim Khanim,
Jakfar Jakfar
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.104
Yani Riyani, Susan Andriana, Kartawati Mardiah,
Linda Suherma, Baidhillah Riyadhi,
Arianto Arianto, Khamim Khamim,
Jakfar Jakfar, Endri Endri
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022