internal shocks), such as crisis states, revivals,
corresponding economic growth, is quite a relevant
subject for scientific research [1,3,7].
2 Literature Review
Various theoretical and methodological aspects of
the development of the financial architecture of
economic systems are described in scientific works
by Cinaj V., Meçe M., Ribaj A., Kadrimi I. Chima
M., Babajide A., Omankhanlen A., Adejumo B.,
Buckley P., Ghauri P., Hasan I., Koetter M.,
Wedow M., Levine R., Merton R., Bodie Z., Myers
S., Rodrik D., Subramanian A., Beck T.etc. [16-17,
19-25]. Ukrainian scientists investigating problems
of the designing and functioning of the financial
architecture of national economy include:
Yefymenko T., Melʹnyk V., Shchur R.,
Kryuchkova N., Solodzhuk T., Lyutyy I., Teres Y.,
Matsuk Z., Luk'yanenko I., Oliskevych M.,
Halushchak I., Kornyeyev V., Onyshko S.,
Payentko T., Dyachenko S., Voznyak H.,
Lopushnyak H., Kachula S., Perchuk O.,
Novosolova O., etc. [2-15,18].
3 Materials and Methods
The work applies a range of methods based on
contemporary theoretical and methodological
approaches, allowing ensuring the conceptual unity
of this research, in particular: system and structural
analysis – used to reveal the interrelation between
assessment indicators of adaptivity of the financial
architecture of national economy to financial
globalization conditions; comparative and factorial
analysis – while studying the dynamics of
institutional changes during the establishment of the
financial architecture of domestic economy;
economic and mathematical modeling – during the
structural interpretation of the methodical approach
to the assessment of the adaptivity level of the
financial architecture of economy in the context of
financial globalization; mathematical and statistical
method – while analyzing and generalizing statistical
data; graphic visualization method – for the visibility
of information, etc.
4 Results and Discussions
Currently, the issue and goal of assessing the actual
development state of the financial architecture of
national economy, its compliance with qualitative
and quantitative characteristics of economy, spark
the interest of both the scientific community and
practitioners. In this case, the monetary component,
the assessment of access of corresponding
economic agents engaged in different activity areas
to the financing process, and the capability of
financial institutions to provide such access to all
available financial services are obligatory
components of monitoring reports of the World
Bank, IMF, ECB and central banks. Meanwhile,
such methods are not usually focused on specific
particularities of the development of the financial
architecture of national economy in the context of
globalized breakthroughs and are quite aggregated.
The assessment of the level of adaptivity of the
financial architecture of economy to financial
globalization conditions are based on the following
1) Definition of adaptivity primarily as the
resulting property for the efficient adaptation of the
financial architecture to current social and
economic challenges and as the buffer stock
regarding the adaptive response that requires the
two-dimensional evaluation of adaptivity, i.e., the
shift from ex-post and ex-ante positions. The ex-
post assessment evaluates the result for the
adaptation or the manifestation of this adaptivity
without determining how it is actually gained, i.e.,
due to a low level of the negative impact or the
formed stock of a strength level before this impact,
or the need for adaptation. Taking into account the
level of adaptivity of the financial architecture of
economy to financial globalization conditions, it is
reasonable to use such ex-post adaptivity indicators
that show the market dynamics in the context of
financial globalization: duration, shifting,
asymmetry, speed of recovering the structural and
functional capacity of the financial architecture
(efficiency, stability and access to the capital).
Thus, the ex-ante adaptivity assessment analyzes
corresponding adaptive possibilities or a certain
reserve potential without considering the potential
negative impact of the event or the rate of the
demand for this adaptation.
2) Due to the fact that globalized
transformations are accompanied by the diversified
approach to the actualization of financial
architecture development issues, performing
appropriate functions, to conduct the ex-post
adaptivity assessment, one is going to use the
following priorities to define indicators: indicators
of the financial.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.94
Igor Chugunov, Larysa Sidelnykova,
Olga Sosnovska, Maksym Zhytar, Alla Navolokina