The Challenge of drought in Costa Rica: A Preliminary Research with
Economic Implications
Universidad Nacional-CR. Heredia.
Faculty of Applied Sciences, WSB University
41-300 Dabrowa Górnicza
College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg
PO Box 524, Auckland Park
School of Business and Economics and CEEAplA
University of Azores
9500-321 Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Abstract: In recent decades, Costa Rica has been characterized by the expansion of the forested frontier. More
than half of the national territory has forest cover. Despite this, severe drought phenomena in the country
compromise the stability of productive units and ecosystems. This article aims to contribute to the approach to
drought control. The forest, precipitation, and land use relationship are presented as an alternative modeled by
indigenous peoples. For this, an exhaustive review of bibliographic material, databases, and others was carried
out. An interactive approach is made between the resources and natural phenomena and the forest linked to the
philosophy of the native peoples. All this is part of the reflective analysis method. Contextually, the
conclusions are: (i) Despite the expansion of the forest cover, the country has levels of precipitation that tend to
decrease; amd (ii) Economic implications in agribusiness caused by droughts.
Key-Words: Forest, Indigenous Populations, Precipitation and Drought, Sustainability.
Received: June 27, 2021. Revised: February 15, 2022. Accepted: March 24, 2022. Published: April 8, 2022.
1 Introduction
Costa Rica has a population of 5,111,238
inhabitants, of which 4,426,648 (over 12 years)
reside in the Central region 2,778,083, being the
one with the highest concentration of population, in
the Central Pacific there are 253,490, in Brunca
312,794, in Huetar Caribe 381,675, in Huetar Norte
345,671, in other countries 17,682. The residence
735 is unknown (see figure 1) [1]. This distribution
reveals the concentration of the population in the
urban area, which creates greater pressure on
environmental services, such as water and land use.
This growth has demanded the construction of
access roads, conglomerates of residences, and
infrastructure such as sanitation. The increase in
population and the demand for public and private
infrastructure have impacted forested areas
throughout the national territory. The human
development index is 0.794 as of 2018 and is
ranked 68 worldwide [2].
Once more, we should highlight that this
distribution reveals the concentration of the
population in the urban area, which creates more
significant pressure on environmental services,
such as water and the use of the territory.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.89
Roxana Durán Sosa,
Rui Alexandre Castanho, Gualter Couto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
Fig. 1: Costa Rica: Residence of the population over 12 years of age by region, 2021 (%).
Source: INEC [1].
On the other hand, five self-defining groups have
been registered by ethnicity: Afro-descendant or
Black (a) with a total population of 45,228, native
peoples (indigenous) with 104,143 people, 289,209
mulattoes, 9,710 Chinese (a), and 3,597,847 White
( a) or mestizo (a). However, a no less critical
number of people belong to another, none of the
undeclared group, whose figure reaches 256,115
It is essential to highlight that the coexistence of
ethnic groups shares the peaceful vision of the
republic with the abolition of the Army in 1948
(The Founding Board of the Second Republic,
1949) [4]. For this reason, it can be affirmed that
the natural resource, since that time, has not been a
battlefield. Since that year, there has been no large-
scale destruction of nature for war reasons in the
country, and this event has allowed savings since it
is not invested in the Army but education and the
environment [5].
Thus, it is worth noting that ethnic groups have
their own cultural principles when interacting with
the environment. For this reason, it is necessary to
understand that the relationship with the forest
determines its protection, development, or
extinction. Also, it is urgent to mention that the
destruction of the forests does not come from a
single ethnic group, but rather that the ethnic
groups could contribute in very different ways to
protecting the environment. Other factors that
intervene in the protection and conservation of
forest areas include the conceptualization of forest
and environmental jurisprudence.
Therefore, it is worth mentioning that Costa Rica
has 52% of the territory with forest cover [6]. This
coverage is understood as: Forest is an area of
land with a minimum size of 1.0 hectare, with a
canopy (crown) coverage of more than 30%, with
trees with a potential to reach a minimum height of
5 meters to its maturity in situ” [7]. Also, forests
are considered closed formations of trees of various
strata, understory, and stands that meet the height
of 5 meters and canopy coverage of 30%. The
paramos, natural grasslands, and African palm
plantations are not included as forests [7]. The
national territory has 33 Protective Zones, 51
Wildlife Refuges, 29 National Parks, 12 Wetlands,
17 Forest and Biological Reserves, and seven that
include Marine Management Areas, Absolute
Natural Reserves, and National Monuments
established in the National laws of the Republic of
Costa Rica [2].
In addition to the aforementioned anthropological
factors, it should be noted that the territory belongs
to the Central American Dry Corridor (CSC) -
which is characterized by extreme
hydrometeorological events (droughts) that
negatively affect productive and populated systems
[8]. Within the CSC fringe, a high vulnerability to
drought can occur [9]. What impacts agricultural
and livestock areas, especially basic grains and
cattle [9].
The relevance of this type of research lies in
bringing to the discussion about the models of
interaction of native peoples with the environment
to address the challenge of drought. For this, a
recount of the current production model in the
agricultural sector is made since it is one of the
sectors most affected by the cyclical phenomenon
of drought. It is concluded that one production
Central Chorotega Pacífico Central
Brunca Huetar Caribe Huetar Norte
Otros Países Ignorado
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.89
Roxana Durán Sosa,
Rui Alexandre Castanho, Gualter Couto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
model or another contributes more to facing the
drought's challenges. However, a varied panorama
is presented to be considered in future research.
2 Materials and Methods
For the reflective construction on the drought and
the challenges that it implies, the methodological
approach begins with the deconstruction of the
parameters binding to this natural event. The
relationship between forest, climate, precipitation,
use of natural resources, and demand is analyzed
and exercised by the developed towns and
economic activities.
The analysis method is based on the review of
bibliography, news, maps, databases, among others,
which were selected under the premise of the exact
interrelation of the data. In addition, the set of
elements that make up the causes and effects of
drought is recreated.
The various natural elements that contribute to
drought control are analyzed along the same lines.
Thus, the main actors to exercise drought control
and the current proposal are presented. Finally, the
data presented show the values for each of the
challenging actions on the drought issue. In fact,
these data try to explain the reality of the
relationships and the result of the absence or not of
actions carried out in the country.
3 Results
For Quesada-Hernández, Hidalgo, and Alfaro [8] it
is essential to define the drought. These authors
point out that the severity of the phenomenon is
related to the duration, affected area, soil
characteristics, time of year, human activities,
demand for water resources, frequency, and
intensity. In general, droughts are measured by
precipitation, temperature, evapotranspiration, and
soil moisture [8]. However, it is of utmost
importance not only to incorporate the historical
physical records, but it is also urgent to incorporate,
in the comprehensive analysis, aspects of the
environmental, social, and economic impact caused
by a phenomenon of this type.
As a result of this phenomenon, which has the
Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), La Niña, the
Low-Level Jet of the Caribbean, and other climatic
processes [9], the most affected region is the North
Pacific. In 2006, droughts caused losses of
107,553,826 million dollars (USD), representing
5.9% of the total national losses due to extreme
natural events and natural disasters [10].
Between 2017-2018, the rainfall reported by the
stations located in Linda Vista (Guarco) and
Buenos Aires (Pindeco) has decreased, 8% and 5%,
respectively. Between 2018-2019, 8.9% (Linda
Vista, el Guarco) and 21.5% (Buenos Aires,
Pindeco) continue with the same downward trend.
The Juan Santamaría, San José (IMN), and
Turrialba Airport stations show an oscillating
behavior; However, the general trend is down
compared to 2017, in which the precipitation data
have been higher [11].
The Juan Santamaría Airport, in the period 2017-
2018, reduces by 49%, and between 2018-2019, it
increases by 56.5%. However, the amount of
rainfall in 2019 (1681.2 millimeters) is lower than
in 2017 (2105 millimeters). The San José station
(IMN), between 2017-2018, decreased by 47.2%.
On the contrary, between 2018-2019, it increased
to 39%, but the rainfall in 2019 (1873.4
millimeters) did not reach the total of 2553.2
millimeters reported in 2017 [11].
Another station that presents the same phenomenon
is Turrialba, the data for 2017-2018 indicates a
decrease of 11.6%, and for 2018-2019 it increases
by 15.9%; However, in 2019, rainfall is lower
(2239.5 millimeters) compared to 2017 (2387.4). It
is important to note that of 7 stations with data
recorded from 2017 to 2019, six do not reach the
level of 2017 (comparing the years 2017 and 2019)
On the contrary, the Limón (Airport) and La Selva
(Sarapiquí) stations report a similar behavior to the
previous ones, but with the difference that the
measurements of 2019 compared to those of 2017
exceed those of this year. Limón (Airport)
decreases rainfall by 23.8% in the 2018-2019
period, but the total rainfall for 2019 (3591.7
millimeters) exceeds that of 2017 (2418.2
millimeters). Similarly, La Selva (Sarapiquí)
decreases from 2018 to 2019 by 22.6% but
compared to 2017 (3482.9 millimeters), 2019
(4225.1 millimeters) is higher, which indicates that
this area is the only one in the country with this
particular behavior [11].
The Ciudad Neily station (Coto 49) reports a
decrease in rainfall in 2017 (6857.6) compared to
2019 (4919.6). Moreover, the Puntarenas and
Pacayas stations register data only for 2019, 1223.4
and 1848.2 millimeters, respectively (see figure 2).
It is essential to highlight that the absence of data in
the stations of Puntarenas, Pacayas, and Ciudad
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.89
Roxana Durán Sosa,
Rui Alexandre Castanho, Gualter Couto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
Neily (Coto 49) limits the total comparison by
periods. It is worth mentioning that rainfall that
tends to fall does not represent a drought in the
territory; however, special attention should be paid
to this trend [11].
According to the National Meteorological Institute
(IMN) and the Regional Committee for Hydraulic
Resources (RCHR) [13];in fact, there is an
increasing trend of extreme dry events (see figure
Fig. 2: Costa Rica: Annual precipitation, according to the season, 2017-2019 (in millimeters).
Source: Based on the data of INEC [12]. * The data for the Puntarenas station, to date, is not complete.
**** The Pacayas and Ciudad Neily stations have months with missing data.
*** For 2019, the Juan Santamaría and Limón Airport stations correspond to stations 84233 and 81013,
Fig. 3: Costa Rica: Frequency of extreme dry events (%).
Source: Comité Regional de Recursos Hidráulicos [13].
On the contrary, the forest cover of different types
is composed of the mature forest representing
coverage of 1,548,583.38 ha, followed by grass
with 1,219,425.65 ha trees; the secondary forest has
an area of 940,820.31 ha; there are 74,596.85 forest
plantations (see figure 4) [14].
Fig. 4: Costa Rica: Type of Forest in hectares (Ha). 2015.
Source: Adapted from Programa REDD/CCAD-GIZ - SINAC [14].
Bosque maduro Bosque
Rodales de
Bosques de
Pasto con árboles Plantaciones
Área en Hectárea
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.89
Roxana Durán Sosa,
Rui Alexandre Castanho, Gualter Couto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
Suppose the relationship between precipitation and
forest cover is taken as a basis. In that case, it could
be considered that the Atlantic area of the country
does not have drought problems and, on the
contrary, the northern area has the most significant
The challenge of drought in the country is
associated, in part, with the significant changes
throughout national history in the agricultural
sector due to institutional policies and the behavior
of the national and international market. Regarding
institutional policies, the sector's increased
agricultural productivity has been promoted
through value-added programs.
It should be noted that the cultivation and export of
bananas, pineapple, African palm, and coffee
account for 48.5% of the added value in the sector
[15]. Therefore, any hydrometeorological event
directly affects the national economy, as happened
in 2015 when the sector's contraction occurred
mainly due to these events [15].
Despite the fact that between 2014 and 2017, an
average of 1 304 558 million colones was allocated
in both sectors, even though there have been
critical natural phenomena such as: “(...) drought in
the Pacific, floods in the Caribbean, eruptions of
the Turrialba volcano, Hurricane Otto and Storm
In addition to the presence of droughts and the
characteristics of the soils, mainly sloping land, and
physical and chemical aspects [9], the lack of
technology makes it difficult to diversify
production systems, limiting competitiveness in
international markets [ 9].
In a Senara report [16], it is stated that "climate
change generates water scarcity in Guanacaste,"
and Miranda [17] underlines that "Central America
is only responsible for 0.5% of greenhouse gas
emissions and the region it is considered one of the
most vulnerable to the global environmental crisis"
and with the problem of food security [18]. It
should be noted that experts from the UCR affirm
that the province of Guanacaste, in which critical
agricultural activities are carried out, is drier than
the rest of the Central American countries that
belong to the CSC [19]. In summary, "climate
change has direct and indirect impacts on
ecosystems and biodiversity" [20].
To address the drought in Guanacaste, the State has
developed the Arenal Reservoir with which the dry
areas of the region are irrigated. Currently, (…)
the waters from the Arenal reservoir are used three
times by the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity
(ICE) for electricity generation, to later be used for
agricultural irrigation in the cantons of Liberia,
Cañas and Bagaces” [16].
On the other hand, Muñoz and Nicaragua relate the
drought problem to the lack of systems for
improving land use. This is due to communication
and information systems shortcomings, combined
with the digital literacy gap [ twenty-one]. In this
sense, the lack of knowledge of the impact
generated by the alliance of agribusiness with the
oil and chemical industries, which "offers food at
low prices but with 'enormous' ecological,
economic and social externalities" [22].
As a reflection to address the challenge of drought
in the country, it not only requires investment in
infrastructure for irrigation, investment in
production processes and international markets in
the agricultural sector, improvement in land use, or
recognizing the gaps in the communication and
information system. The challenge of the drought
in Costa Rica lies in recognizing the dynamics of
the CSC to guide sustainable development policies.
4 Discussion
Based on the impact of the drought, the discussion
precisely includes all sectors, since, when one link
of the production system is affected, the rest suffer
the impact, in some cases such as water supply,
production costs increased considerably. In others,
such as the impact produced by burning due to
droughts, it is invaluable from the loss of
Other factors can alter the impacts that drought
brings, such as population growth or territorial
development policies. As the population increases,
the pressure on the water resource is more
significant, while the demand for drinking water
and the need for environmental sanitation systems
On another line, drought can be controlled by
expanding forested areas. Given this statement, the
UN highlights that the best managers of forests in
Latin America are indigenous peoples [23].
In Costa Rica, the population of native peoples is
made up of 8 indigenous peoples (Bribris,
Cabécares, Borucas or Bruncas, Chootegas,
Huetares, Malekus or Guatusos, Ngöbes or
Guaymíes, Térrabas or Teribes) and they have 24
indigenous territories distributed throughout the
country [24]. It is determined that most of the
territory is located in the southern zone (see figure
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.89
Roxana Durán Sosa,
Rui Alexandre Castanho, Gualter Couto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
Fig. 5: Costa Rica: Indigenous territories in 2011.
Source: INEC [25]
The basic principle of caring for the forest is
education, in other words, the ability to transmit the
value of forest conservation from generation to
generation: "Our grandmothers kept telling us that
if we did not take care of her, Irìria would get sick.
That is what is happening outside our territories",
comments Edith Villanueva Reyes, one of the
leaders of the Association of the Commission of
Indigenous Women of Talamanca (Acomuita) [26].
This development of training capacities has
allowed indigenous peoples to implement
sophisticated conservation and interaction systems
with the forest and ensure the very existence of the
population. The conception of natural resources
transcends the extractive and exploitative approach
of resources, their value, perhaps not found in
commercial principles but the essence of preserving
the ecosystem and the environment as a whole
Another activity that has been implemented in the
country is reforestation. Through the Payment for
Environmental Services (PES) project, the country
has increased the amount of forest cover in the
Territory (see figure 6).
Fig. 6: Costa Rica: Map of Payment Projects for Environmental Services in 2012-2018.
Source: BioCosta Rica [27].
The increase in coverage areas in the territory has
had positive results; however, it is not enough to
correct the problems of droughts in the national
territory. The productive sectors such as
agriculture, livestock, and aquaculture require
strategic and contingency plans to address the
environmental, economic, and social risks that the
phenomenon of drought brings with it. These plans
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.89
Roxana Durán Sosa,
Rui Alexandre Castanho, Gualter Couto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
must strengthen the value-added chains and their
differentiating attributes to develop the proposed
strategic plan.
5 Conclusions
The conviction that the environmental policy
regarding the increase of forest cover has left
tangible results, such as the territories dedicated to
reforestation, conservation, protection, and
recovery of wildlife refuge areas. However, the
challenges of decreasing rainfall in most of the
country and the presence of more extended periods
of droughts are urgent to be incorporated into
national sustainable development agendas.
Another element that must be taken up promptly is
the production chains, which must be attended to
integrally. For this, it must be provided with the
necessary resources to accompany it in the
application and adoption of sustainable production
6 Study Limitations and Prospective
Research Lines
This research advances our knowledge and
sensibility about this global relevant issue - once it
directly influences the territory of Costa Rica and
indirect impacts worldwide due to the critical
ecosystemic role in the world's biodiversity.
Nevertheless, and bearing in mind that the current
work is only preliminary research, several research
prospects remain. In this regard, for example, if
more advanced statistics were used, the results
could be more exciting and accurate. Also, if more
variables and different fields within the sustainable
development [28-40] concept were considered, a
better view we obtain over all these issues impacts.
Nevertheless, future lines of research must
necessarily consider the social, political, and
natural aspects to carry out the comprehensive
analysis required by the challenge of drought. It is
impossible to understand drought only as a
phenomenon that occurs in the CSC; it is essential
to recognize the presence of the human being and
the natural baggage that interacts on the site.
Likewise, it is crucial to rethink the possibility of
carrying out research in maritime-terrestrial areas,
which are already affected by droughts. It is also
correct to discuss the current and future resources
to face the drought.
As final remarks, similar studies should be carried
out in other territories and geographies to allow
some comparisons between countries; therefore, it
will enable to find common solutions regarding this
increasing problem easily.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
All the authors contributed equally to the
development of the present paper. All phases of the
paper development have been proper discussed and
worked on by the authors. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
This paper is financed by Portuguese national funds
through FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia, I.P., project number
UIDB/00685/2020. Also, the project is funded
under the program of the Minister of Science and
Higher Education titled “Regional Initiative of
Excellence” in 2019-2022, project number
018/RID/2018/19, the amount of funding PLN 10
788 423,16”.
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(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
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DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.89
Roxana Durán Sosa,
Rui Alexandre Castanho, Gualter Couto
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022