Simulation Approach for a Two Player Real Options Signaling Game
Department of Digital Innovation Management
Royal Holloway University of London
Surrey TW20 0EX
Div. of Mathematics and Engineering Science
Department of Military Sciences
Hellenic Army Academy
Evelpidon Av., 16673
Abstract: - Situations where hidden information exists among involved parties can be found in a variety of
diverse domains, ranging, for example, from market entry to military operations. Game theory provides
valuable tools to model and analyze such complex settings, with signaling games being one of the approaches.
Entering an existing market poses several challenges for a new player and can be studied from a variety of
viewpoints. One way to approach it, is by a real options signaling game, where in the simplest form an entrant
and an incumbent firm are participating and hidden information exists. In this paper we focus on the market
entry scenario and approach it by means of a real options signaling game. The work builds on previous work
and contributes to the limited literature on the domain. We introduce the basic notations and background and
describe the game setting. Next, we present a simulation approach demonstrating the basic steps, according to
the theory, and present the results of simulation executions. The work aims to build a generic model for such
market games on top of a two player setting, but the concept is not limited to market entry only, but further
expanded in relevant domains where hidden information exists.
Key-Words: - Real Options, Signaling Game.
Received: June 18, 2021. Revised: February 9, 2022. Accepted: March 20, 2022. Published: April 5, 2022.
1 Introduction
Hidden information is always present in business
environments, where players avoid to disclose
sensitive or private information to their competitors.
Competitors perceive opponents’ actions as signals
of hidden information and they select their
strategies, based on this assumption. Except for the
business, this type of setting is more than obvious at
more critical environments, like military operations,
where privacy of information is secured at any cost.
In such settings, game theory offers a formal
language for analysis and strategy formulation, by
the well-studied class of signaling games.
Signaling games are dynamic games of
incomplete information. The simplest form of a
signaling game comprises of two players who share
different degrees of information. Player one is
considered as the sender, who selects an action,
based on some parameter selected by ‘nature’. This
action is perceived as a signal from the second
player, who then takes an action considering this
signal. At the end, players’ payoffs are calculated
based on their actions and nature’s parameter value.
More general, this type of games can be part of a
strategic setting with players carrying various levels
of information and use their actions as signals to
their opponents to control their access to hidden
information. Research in signaling games is wide
enough and spans to generic problems like labor
markets [1], online auctions [2] and contracting [3],
or more specific areas like real options [4], [5], [6],
[7], [8], [9], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26].
Entry into an existing market poses several
challenges for a new player and can be studied from
a variety of viewpoints. One way to approach it, is
by a real options signaling game, where in the
simplest form an entrant and an incumbent firm are
participating and hidden information exists.
Research in real options signaling games is
relatively limited, despite its potential [4].
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.87
Georgios Rigopoulos, Nikolaos V. Karadimas
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
In this paper we present a simulation model for a
real options signaling game for the marker entry
case. The model and the relevant theory are
introduced, and results are presented from the
simulation. This work builds upon previous research
and contributes in the existing literature by
introducing a relative novel approach ([4], [5], [6],
[7], [8], [9], [10], [11]; [12], [13], [14], [15], [16],
[17], [18], [19]).
2 Background
In game theory, signaling games comprise a special
and very interesting category of games with
incomplete information, which can be applied to a
variety of real world settings. One application
domain is real options, where information
asymmetry exists between players and also there is a
value in real option. For example, a player can apply
a delay option for an investment. The complexity of
this type of games in real options makes hard to
achieve analytical solutions. So, approaches in
literature are relatively limited.
One of the key difficulties to derive analytical
solutions is the stochastic variables that are included
in the model. Infinite future paths can be generated
and, as such, it is not possible to solve the model
and generate equilibrium results. It is possible that
other game parameters may also have asymmetry,
like the players for example, but the most
challenging issue regards the information
asymmetry or imperfect information.
From the literature review, we can see that
almost all works present equilibrium results in the
form of formulas that provide a kind of entrance
threshold for the investment [20]. Very few works
present specific equilibrium and corresponding
payoffs. They present it under certain assumptions
which reduce the infinite values to a finite level.
However, despite the complexity, the domain is
active and recent research works on the field prove
the increasing interest and research importance for
the domain.
In general, this type of games, and subsequent
models, can be distinguished in continuous time
models and models of discrete time. The most
significant contributions are coming from Grenadier
and Watanabe, who work on real options signaling
games in continuous setting, and van de Walle, who
uses discrete time setting [13], [18], [19]. Van de
Walle uses approximation methods and he models a
real option investment game with asymmetric
information as a binomial lattice model. In his
model, the game setting comprises from an
incumbent firm which has the information
advantage, and an entrant firm which lacks
information about a specific parameter, the
investment costs. In this setting, the investment
decision depends on a set of parameters which
include the present value of the project, the binomial
parameters, the market share, the continuous-time
discount rate and of course the private information
which is the investment costs. So, a player, which
represents a firm in the game, will decide to proceed
at an investment if the player expects that the payoff
will be positive. Also, the player expects that his
investment timing is a result of the possible option
value of waiting. We can identify some limitations
in this approach. The key issue is that the game
complexity in the existence of more than three
periods is very high. Also the approach is limited to
two players setting, and the value function is the
present value. However, van de Walle [13] tries to
present an approach, which is mostly applied and
tries to deal with the complexity of real options
signaling games.
This work contributes to existing research, by
introducing a simulation approach for a discrete
time setting in real options signaling games.
3 Formal Game Definition
In its very basic form, a signaling game is a
Bayesian game in extensive form with observable
actions, which comprises of the following:
Player 1, called the “Sender” (S).
Player 2, called the “Receiver” (R).
Random variable , whose support is given by a
set and is called the type of S (player S knows the
value of t and is considered as private information).
Probability distribution 󰇛󰇜 over T, which
comprises the prior beliefs of player R.
Set of “Sender” (S) actions (called signals or
messages ).
Set of “Receiver” (R) actions, with .
Function (the payoff for
player at the end of the game).
The timing of the game is as follows: Nature
selects one type for the Sender (S) from the set
󰇝󰇞 of the feasible types, according to
a probability distribution 󰇛󰇜, where 󰇛󰇜 
and 󰇛󰇜
The player with the private information moves
first. The Sender (S) observes and selects an
action (message) from her set of feasible
actions .
Player 2 with no knowledge of player’s 1 private
information moves second. The Receiver (R)
observes the message (but does not know
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.87
Georgios Rigopoulos, Nikolaos V. Karadimas
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
Sender’s S type:) and selects an action
from her set of feasible actions 󰇝󰇞.
The game ends and players receive their payoffs,
calculated by the function and
accordingly. Player’s 2 payoff
depends on the type of Player1 (ti).
4 Structure of the Market Entrance
Real Options Signaling Game
In order to simulate the investment threshold in a
market, we considered a real options signaling game
where one player represents an incumbent firm and
the other the entrant firm. The following conditions
were set for the game:
A set of players 󰇝󰇞󰇝󰇞 and
Nature, where  is the incumbent firm (Sender),
and  is the entrant firm (Receiver). Nature
selects the type of the incumbent firm.
A random variable t, given by the set 󰇝󰇞
(known to S). It represents the investment cost level
and it can take either the value L (low), or (high).
Nature selects the actual investment cost at the
beginning of the game and this is known to the
incumbent firm, but not to the entrant. Incumbent
form thus, has private information which is not
known to the entrant firm.
A set of costs 󰇝󰇞 which reflect the
actual investment cost per type t. The investment
cost can take either low () or high value () and
it remains constant during the game. (In case of
investment the two firms face the same cost and
they know the actual values). The values of
󰇝󰇞 are common knowledge, but the actual
investment cost is known only to the incumbent and
is selected by nature at the beginning of the game.
A probability distribution π(t) over 󰇝󰇞
(the prior probability that the incumbent  is of
type t). The values of π(t) are common knowledge.
A probability distribution for the incumbent
󰇟󰇠 over the set of messages for every
type (the probability for each message that
the incumbent will send the specific message
conditional on his type . These values are
common knowledge.
A set of entrant’s  posterior beliefs. They
represent entrant’s beliefs about incumbent’s type,
conditional on the message (can be considered as
common knowledge). The entrant firm assigns these
probabilities for every incumbent type and on each
message. Based on this, when the incumbent sends a
message, the entrant firm updates beliefs according
to Bayes rule. These are common knowledge as
well. The beliefs are updated as follows
where 󰇛󰇜
 .
A set Μ of incumbent’s actions (signals or
messages). They are of type 󰇥󰇦,
where 󰇝󰇞󰇝󰇞󰇝󰇞
(subscripts represent nodes). We allow decisions to
invest , or not invest .
A set of entrant’s actions (actions). They are of
type 󰇥󰇦, where
󰇝󰇞󰇝󰇞󰇝󰇞 (subscripts
represent nodes). We allow decisions to invest or
not invest .
A function R that is the payoff
to player i at the end of the game.
Players’ payoffs are given by the functions
 and  accordingly.
We consider the market as Cournot like and the
demand as 󰇛󰇜 where  is a
stochastic variable (approximated by a binomial tree
evolving over time).
Incumbent’s marginal cost before the investment
is c.
For the payoff functions, the overall approach of
van de Walle [13] was followed.
The solution concept that is used for the game is
the following. We consider an assessment
󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 which is consisted of the
incumbent’s messages 󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜 for high and low
type, the entrant’s action 󰇛󰇜 for the incumbent’s
message and the posterior entrant’s belief for the
incumbent’s message and type [4].
5 Simulation Model for the Signaling
In general, an elementary two-period game can be
implemented in a straightforward way using relative
widely used software, such as spreadsheets for both
the analysis and solution [13]. This approach is
sufficient for handling data and low level of
complexity of a two-period game. However, in
order to model a more advanced game, like a multi
period or a multi-player model, some advanced
approach (for example an object-oriented
programming language), should be used in order to
achieve better performance and scalability.
Especially, for the approach we followed using
binomial lattice, the complexity of the game
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.87
Georgios Rigopoulos, Nikolaos V. Karadimas
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
increases as the periods increase and more players
For the present work, our approach was to use an
object-oriented language, as it can handle all the
issues and provide a fast and accurate solution. The
model and simulations were developed in C++
language and the graphs were produced by
importing the output data to a spreadsheet program.
Although the model was designed to be generic
enough for quick scaling up to multi periods or
multi players, our initial study was limited to a two-
period, two-player setting. Refinements or
theoretical enhancements will be the subject of
future research. Future work also includes the
presentation of the algorithm in a more formal way
along with metrics of performance and efficiency.
The solution implementation steps are presented
below, following the way they are implemented in
the C++ program. For the two-period game the steps
are the following:
Step 1: Definition of parameters and
This is the starting point of the game. In this step
the game parameters and variables of the game are
defined. For the simulation we set the following
initial values to the parameters and derived variables
(Table I):
Risk adjusted discount
Initial market demand
High cost
Low cost
Initial incumbent’s
marginal cost 
Reduced incumbent’s
marginal cost 
Binomial parameters
Risk free rate
Maturity 
Constant asset payout
Risk neutral
Profit share 
Prior probabilities
Step 2: Assignment of values to parameters
and initiation of variables.
At this step all the parameters are assigned
values according to the model to be studied and the
variables and other structures (such as tables and
arrays) are initialized. All these values comprise
actually the public information that is available to
the players. Prior probabilities are initialized
without a formal procedure. Also, this step can be
executed once, in case of a single play, or recurring
in case of a simulation scenario, where the values
are reassigned partially.
Step 3: Nature’s selection
This is the step where nature selects the
incumbent’s type. In a realistic scenario the
algorithm uses a random number generator process
to produce the outcome.
Step 4: Formulation of players’ strategies
per node
This is the step where player’s strategies are
formulated in tables of decisions per node to cover
all possible combinations. This is a dynamic process
and depends on the number of players and nodes of
the game. This is easy to depict in the two-
player/two period game, however in the case of a
multi model complexity increases and depiction is
not always easy.
Step 5: Entrant’s beliefs update
Here, the entrant’s posterior probabilities are
calculated for all the incumbent’s messages
according to Bayes formula. Although in the game
flow the incumbent selects the message first and the
entrant calculates the posterior belief, for the
solution we calculate the values beforehand.
Step 6: Entrant’s expected costs
Here, the expected costs are calculated for all the
incumbent’s messages. These are the expected costs
that the entrant assigns to each incumbent’s
Step 7: Entrant’s expected payoffs per node
Here, the expected payoffs are calculated for all
the incumbent’s messages per node. These are the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.87
Georgios Rigopoulos, Nikolaos V. Karadimas
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
expected payoffs that the entrant calculates for each
incumbent’s message per node.
Step 7: Entrant’s best expected payoff per
Here, the best responses are calculated for all the
incumbent’s messages. These are the maximum
expected payoffs that the entrant calculates for each
incumbent’s message.
Step 8: Incumbent’s payoffs per node
Here, the payoffs are calculated for all the
entrant’s actions given the incumbent’s messages
per node. These are the payoffs that the incumbent
calculates for each entrant’s action per node.
Step 9: Incumbent’s best payoff per action
Here, the best responses are calculated for the
entire entrant’s actions. These are the maximum
payoffs that the incumbent calculates for each
entrant’s action.
Step 10: Entrant’s best payoff
Here, the best entrant’s payoff is calculated from
the best payoffs per action, given the incumbent’s
messages. The action that is selected is the entrant’s
best response.
Step 11: Incumbent’s best payoff
Here, the best incumbent’s payoff is calculated
from the best payoffs per message, given the
entrant’s best responses. The message that is
selected is the incumbent’s best response.
Step 12: Solution
The message-action combination is the Bayes
equilibrium with the final payoffs for both
In case of simulation the above steps are repeated
with modifications of the parameters, which
however do not affect the overall flow and
Multi period or multi player setting requires the
repetition of the previous steps, not necessarily in
the same form or sequence, as in this case another
algorithm may be more efficient. However, as said,
it is not within the scope of present work to work on
more complex settings. In addition, the specific flow
has been implemented without any consideration to
performance optimization.
6 Simulation Results for the
Entrance/Investment Threshold
Entrance or investment threshold in a market
definition varies in relevant studies. However, a
common approach is to define it as the demand level
which is appropriate for a firm to enter a market in
order to acquire profits. In the case of continuous
time models the model is solved and it provides the
demand level is a function of a number of model’s
variables and offers a decision rule to the firm as a
threshold to invest. As in continuous time models
equilibrium analysis cannot be provided due to the
infinity of combinations the analytical results are
often limited to the investment thresholds.
In the present study as we follow a discrete
framework, we cannot provide analytical formula
for the threshold however we can simulate the
threshold for various demand values. The threshold
is defined as the demand level for which the payoff
of the firm is larger than zero. As the cost is
included in the calculation of the payoff the
threshold definition is sufficient in order to provide
for an investment decision rule.
So, in a more formal way we can define the
investment threshold as the demand level for which
the payoff is positive (larger than zero). However,
the decision to invest or no, given that the threshold
is reached, depends on the real option value as well.
So, if the payoff is less than the option value
investment can be postponed till the payoff equals
the real option value. In case the payoff is larger
than zero and larger than the option value
investment can be done.
According to this definition we calculate the
investment threshold as the demand value
where the equilibrium payoff of the firms is
larger than zero. In order to identify that value, it is
necessary to calculate the equilibrium payoffs till
the value of payoff turns to a positive value.
So, for the incumbent the demand threshold is
defined as
 󰇱
As the levels of demand and relevant payoffs are
subject to volatility changes, we run a set of
simulations on the way the investment level changes
when volatility is modified between zero and one
(0%-100%). In the following diagrams we depict the
results of the simulation for various scenarios.
In Fig. 1, we see the decrease of investment
thresholds for both incumbent and entrant for
volatility increase. The threshold is the
demand value where the above condition is
In Fig. 2 we see the threshold I for incumbent
in addition to the payoff and real option
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.87
Georgios Rigopoulos, Nikolaos V. Karadimas
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
In Fig. 3 we see the threshold II for
incumbent in addition to the payoff and real
option value.
In Fig. 4 we see the threshold for the entrant
in addition to the payoff and real option
Fig. 1. Investment thresholds vs volatility
Fig. 2. Incumbent’s investment threshold I
Fig. 3. Incumbent’s investment threshold II
Fig. 4. Entrant’s investment threshold
From the above results we see that as volatility
increases the thresholds move towards lower
demand values, which is in accordance to the
previous results as well.
The key question of the specific model is when a
firm should invest, or find the optimum strategy,
given the other player’s strategies and beliefs. In the
specific model the payoff is impacted positively by
demand increase, especially for high values of
market demand. It can be argued, thus, that the
higher the payoff the sooner the investment decision
is. However, in the case of competition and strategic
decision making the decision is not based on the
payoff level only and the exact relationship between
payoff and demand depends on the level of the cost
as well it affects the payoff value. In a real-world
scenario, or a richer model, the relationship we
found may not be always the case, or we may
discover fluctuations. Moreover, if we consider both
player’s strategies in the two player/two period
game the relationship between payoff and demand
leads to the presence of three investment zones, the
no-invest/no-invest, the invest/no-invest and the
invest/invest, where the thresholds are variable
according to the values of the rest parameters. In
each zone each firm behaves according to the
equilibrium. Investment decisions thus seem to be
related to investment thresholds which depend on all
game’s parameters values.
Although the present model is not directly
comparable to models presented in literature,
however, partial qualitative comparison may be
done. Grenadier and Watanabe [18], [19], [20]
present continuous time models and they provide
analytical solutions for the threshold values for each
strategy. They do not solve the model but provide
with some numeric examples. The work of van de
Walle [13] is closer to our work and it is a discrete
model with results similar to ours, in terms of
investment strategies and simulation of various
parameters. Zhu [10] on the other hand although
proceeds to analysis without Bayesian update, he
also identifies three regions of equilibrium, which
are close to the zones we identified.
7 Conclusion
In this paper we presented a two period real options
signaling game simulation. The game setting was
introduced along with its parameters and some
results from the simulation were also depicted. From
the model and the simulations, it is evident that the
payoff is impacted positively by increase in demand,
especially when market demand remains high. So,
we can infer that the higher the payoff the earlier the
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
Demand value
INC Threshhold inc payoff ENT Threshhold ent payoff
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
Demand value
Threshold 1
INC Threshhold inc payoff ro ro - inc payoff
0,00 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 0,90 1,00
Demand value
Threshold RO
Vola INC Threshhold inc payoff ro ro - inc payoff
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
Demand value
Threshold ENT
INC Threshhold inc payoff ro ro - inc payoff ENT Threshhold
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.87
Georgios Rigopoulos, Nikolaos V. Karadimas
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
investment decision is. However, when we have
competition and strategic decision-making decision
is not based only on the payoff level. The
relationship between payoff and demand depends on
the level of the cost as well it affects the payoff
value. For real world situations, where complexity is
greater, we may meet some fluctuations and
deviations from the above approach. However, the
overall approach seems promising for modeling
some simple scenarios and will be further developed
in future research.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Georgios Rigopoulos carried out the theoretical
analysis and development of the model.
Nikoalos Karadimas carried out simulations and
results analysis.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No sources of funding were used for this artice.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.87
Georgios Rigopoulos, Nikolaos V. Karadimas
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022