0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Gini Coefficient G
Robin Hood Index R
Figure 5: Lam´
e (dotted) and Weibull (dashed) Robin
Hood indexes compared with Eq. 6 (solid) and curves
10% above and below Eq. (6) (solid).
come and wealth such as those developed and investi-
gated in [22, 23, 24, 25]. In this model, the economy
is assumed to consist of a large population of individ-
uals having differing individual salaries and invest-
ment proficiencies. The stochastic model considered
has the form
I(t,X) = s(X) + r(X)K(t,X) + fD¯
where ¯
I(t) = R1
0I(t,x)dx,K(t,X) = γ1W(t,X), and
where X∼U(0,1)is a uniformly distributed random
variable on [0,1]. In model (7), the stochastic process
I(t,X)is the rate of income, W(t,X)is the wealth,
and K(t,X)is the capital investment at time t. The
value of Xranges from 0 to 1 and identifies indi-
viduals in the population with a certain salary level
and investment proficiency. The capital K(t,X)is as-
sumed to be proportional to the wealth W(t,X)for
all individuals and all time. The salary rate for each
individual is assumed to be s(X). Income obtained
by investment depends on how the individual’s assets
are invested and is equal to r(X)K(t,X)where r(X)
is rate of capital growth. For example, I(t,xi)is the
income rate for the ith individual in the population,
s(xi)is the salary rate, and r(xi)is the individual’s
rate of capital investment where 0 ≤xi≤1. The pa-
rameter fD≥0 is a linear income redistribution pa-
rameter with no redistribution if fD=0 and increas-
ing redistribution as fD>0 increases. The average
income of the population is denoted ¯
I(t)at time t.
Taxes and costs on wealth and income are calculated
using flat-rate constants 0 ≤γ2,γ3<1. The param-
eter c(t,X)is a rate of consumption for individuals
in the economy. It is assumed, as in [26], that indi-
viduals consume a constant fraction of their wealth,
i.e., c(t,X) = γ4W(t,X). A sample of Nindividu-
als in the economy are described by Nrealizations of
model (7) where the individuals’ wealth and rate of
income, Wi(t)and Ii(t)for i=1,2,...,N, satisfy the
differential equation system:
Ii(t) = si+riKi(t) + fD¯
dWi(t)/dt =Ii(t)−γ2Wi(t)−γ3Ii(t)−ci(t),
where ¯
I(t) = ∑N
i=1Ii(t)/N,Ki(t) = γ1Wi(t), and where
xifor i=1,2,...,Nare uniformly distributed random
numbers on [0,1]and, for example, Ii(t) = I(t,xi).
To determine Lorenz functions and study how
Robin Hood indexes vary with Gini coefficient, the
equilibrium income distribution is considered where
wealth W(t,X), rate of capital K(t,X), and rate of in-
come I(t,X)are not changing with time, specifically,
W(t,X) = W(X),K(t,X) = K(X), and I(t,X) = I(X)
in (7). At equilibrium, model (7) has the form:
I(X) = s(X) + γ1γ5r(X)I(X) + fD(¯
W(X) = γ5I(X),K(X) = γ1W(X) = γ1γ5I(X),(8)
where ¯
0I(x)dx and γ5= (1−γ3)/(γ2+γ4). As
K(X)and W(X)are proportional to income I(X),
only I(X)needs to be explicitly examined. Average
wealth satisfies ¯
Iand so, the total wealth of
the individuals is proportional to the total income for
model (8).
For model (8), I(X)satisfies:
I(X) = s(X) + fD¯
Two model cases are considered in the present in-
vestigation. First, it is assumed that rate of invest-
ment, r(X), is the same for all individuals in which
case r(X) = rand Eq. (9) reduces to
I(X) = a1s(X) + a2for constants a1,a2.(10)
In the second case, it is assumed that salary rate, s(X),
is the same for all individuals in which case s(X) = s
and Eq. (9) reduces to
I(X) = b1
1−b2r(X)for constants b1,b2.(11)
For the first model case, it is assumed that
the salary is distributed exponentially. Specifically,
p(s) = βexp(−β(s−s1)for s1≤s<∞is the prob-
ability density of salary s. It follows that for xuni-
formly distributed on [0,1], then s(x)has the form
s(x) = s1−log(1−x)/β. Solving (10) for I(x),
I(x) = I1−a1log(1−x)/βwhere I1=a1s1+a2, in-
dicating that income is also exponentially distributed.
This case’s type of income probability density there-
fore agrees with the type of income density observed
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.67