How Government Size Optimization affect on European Economies?
The Institute for Financial Research and Analyses (IFRA)
The University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow
Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszów
The Institute for Financial Research and Analyses (IFRA)
The University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow
Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszów
Department of Artificial Intelligence
The University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow
Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszów
Institute of Spatial Management and Socio-Economic Geography,
University of Szczecin
al. Papieża Jana Pawła II 22a 70-453
Abstract: The issue of optimal size of the general government sector is analyzed by researchers using various
methods, most often through the prism of a specific goal. The article is an attempt to determine the optimal size
of the general government sector from the perspective of EU economies. To achieve this goal, the innovative
decision tree technique - the c5.0 method was used. The study covered data describing 28 EU member states in
the years 2000-2017 and 16,632 input data were analyzed.
The results of the conducted research showed that despite the fact that there is no single optimal and universal
solution, a series of dependencies can be observed. Knowing the impact of individual actions on the economy,
you can choose such instruments, as well as such a configuration that will help in a given area without harming
others. Thus, the technique used, combined with specific priorities in terms of impact on the economy, may
show which values of specific variables in the general government sector level should be pursued in order to
model the desired effect.
Key-Words: government size, economy, decision tree, public finance, data mining, European economies
Received: May 9, 2021. Revised: January 23, 2022. Accepted: February 2, 2022. Published: February 18, 2022.
1 Introduction
The impact of the general government sector (GGS),
in particular its size, on the economy remains
beyond discussion [1]. At the same time, it should
be noted that the relationship between government
size and economy is not clear and fully explained.
Authors usually use both: the size and structure of
government as a factor affecting the pattern, shape
of governance, and growth of an economy [2].
According to R. Ram [3], larger government size is
more likely to reduce economic growth. On the
other hand, J.M. Henreksonz-Paramo and D.
Martinez [4] proved that government spending
could improve the relationship between private and
social interests and commercial openness. As a
result, public investment can favor economic
growth. Just as the views on the impact of the
government size on the economic situation of a
country differ, so do the ways in which government
policies could affect on the country's economy.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.57
Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica,
Teresa Mroczek, Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
S.A.Y. Lin [5] found that government can affect
positively on economic growth through provision of
public goods and infrastructure, social services and
targeted intervention. A. Fölster and M. Henrekson
[6], claims that at low levels of both: government
spending and taxation, the productive effects of
public goods are likely to exceed the social cost of
raising funds. V. Tanzi and H.H. Zee [7] notes that
the positive impact of the size of government
(measured by the size of spending) on the economy
only takes place up to a certain level. After it is
exceeded, the economic growth is likely to be
negatively affected by further increases in public
The analysis of the literature on the
optimization of the size of the government sector
with the use of expenditure measures allowed for
the formulation of several conclusions. A literature
review suggests that the government sector in
small countries is bigger than in a large ones
[8][9]. The results of empirical analyzes are subject
to differentiation depending on the period used for
the analysis, which countries (or groups of
countries) are studied, as well as the sources of
data used in the estimates [10]. Finally, based on
the share of government expenditure in GDP, it is
possible to divide studied countries on three
groups: countries with small government sector -
about 30% of GDP, countries with medium
government sector - 40% of GDP and countries
with big government sector more than 50% of GDP
The obtained results allow us to conclude that
with the discrepancies in the optimal size of the
government sector for the same countries
demonstrated by various authors (sometimes very
large), it is justified to look for alternative
solutions that would allow not only to measure the
size of the government sector, but also its impact
on the economies of the analyzed countries.
Considering the above, the main goal of the article
is to fill the diagnosed research gap by examining
how the optimal size of GGS influences the
development of the economies of the European
Union (EU) countries and analyze how the
selection of an appropriate structure and size of the
GGS, should depend on the adopted priorities for
economic development. For achieving the research
objective it is extremely important to determine the
answers on two questions. The first one concerns
the identification of the most frequent measures
describing the size of the government sector. While
the second refers to indication of economy
measures, allowing to identify the influence of
GGS on the economies of studied countries. To
achieve this goal, the decision tree technique - the
c5.0 method was used. The study covered data
from 28 EU member states in the years 2000-2017.
The stages of the analysis are presented in Figure
1. In the first stage, it comprised 16 632 input data.
Applied analysis made it possible to indicate
recommendations for economic practice. Such a
large and complex structure as the EU countries,
characterized by a different level of economic
development, is a good sample for analysis. Thus,
this knowledge can be used by policy makers,
helping them to make decisions about the size of
the public finance sector and apply a policy in this
respect that meets the adopted economic goals.
Fig. 1: The stages of the analysis.
Source: own study
The paper has four parts. First, it reviews previous
studies on the quantifying the GGS and economic
growth. Then in the next section we discuss
decision tree technique. In the third part, we
present a description of research methodology.
Findings discussion and a summary are in section
four. The article concludes with discuss of the
theoretical and practical implications of the study
2 Literature Review: The Indicators
of Quantifying the Government Sector
Size and Economic Development
L. Di Matteo points out, in contemporary economic
theory there is no single, universal measure of
government size that would fully reflect all
relations resulting from both, the function and role
of government [12]. As shown in section 2.1. the
most common approach to expressing government
size is measures based on public spending. At the
same time, these measures reflect a relatively
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.57
Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica,
Teresa Mroczek, Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
simple view of how government affects the
economy. In particular, if this impact is not
reduced only to the amounts of funds spent but
taking the influence of the state from the regulatory
side, such as income redistribution, and indirect
spending via tax expenditures [13]. For this reason,
inter alia, Pathirane and Blades [14] argue that
measuring government size should also consider a
number of measures, including final public sector
demand, generated value added, public sector
employment, and even net lending. Such a
differentiated approach is important primarily
because different measures of government size can
lead to diametrically opposed conclusions. A
similar view is expressed by R. Hjerppe [15]. This
approach is also supported by H. Handler, B.
Koebel, J.P. Reiss & M. Schratzenstaller [16].
Authors arguing that the public sector is difficult to
measure with a single indicator and recommends
using several measures to express government size.
They recommend using public employment (as a
proxy for the production of public services by
government), the ratio of government expenditure
to GDP (as a measure of the volume of transactions
that involve the public sector), as well as the ratio
of total taxes to GDP (to reflect the financing side
of the government size).
L. Peters & J. Verrinder [17] believe that the
measures used to quantify the size of government
should depend on the analyzed role of the
government in the economy. The government plays
many roles in the economy and fulfills a number of
functions. These include the production of goods
and provision of services, consumption,
management of public funds (in terms of
expenditure and income), or being an employer.
The role of government as producer in the
economy should be expressed as a percentage
relation between the total value added produced by
the public sector of the total value added produced
by the country [18]. In contrast, the measurement
of government as a consumer is made by referring
the percentage of public spending on consumption
to GDP [17][19]. Government is also a spender. In
this role, the government's expenditure activity is
not limited only to consumer spending (as in the
case of: Landau [20][21]; ; Hsieh & Lai [22];
Chiou-Wei, et. al. [23]. In a wider meaning, it
considers public expenditure on investments,
interests, public procurement, social transfers and
subsidies for the private sector. Therefore,
government size can be expressed as a percentage
share of total public expenditure of GDP. This
approach is suggested by L. Peters & J. Verrinder
[17], B. Fakin & A. De Crombrugghe [24], as well
as Y.V. Samusevych & A. Shamaelh [25].
The role of the government as a revenue-raiser
is connected with tax policy. In this case, there are
two possible approaches to measuring government
size. The first covers the cumulation of public tax
revenues and social security contributions and their
percentage of GDP [17]. While the second
approach considers the percentage of total public
revenues (without division divided into tax and
non-tax revenue sources), in GDP [26][27][28].
The role of government as a borrower relates to
borrowing money from the private sector to
finance its activities [29]. In this case, just like
before, two approaches are used to measure
government size. The first one is the percentage
ratio of the state budget deficit or surplus in GDP,
while the second covers the percentage of
government debt to GDP (see: [17][18].
Government as a re-distributor refers to the
activity in the field of social protection and covers
all interventions intended to relieve households and
individuals of the burden of a defined set of risks
and needs [30][31]. Social transfers do not require
any return actions from the recipient entities. It's
just redistribution [18]. Redistribution is measured
by social protection benefits expenditure expressed
as a proportion of GDP [32][17]. This measure is
also used in other configurations. For example, A.
Meltzer & S. Richard [33] use the share of income
redistributed by government as a relative measure
of it's size.
Government is also an employer [34][35]. To
measure this government activity, it is needed to
estimate the percentage of state employees in the
total number of employed people in the country
(see: [36][37][38][39][40]). According to F. M.
Häge [41], a measure of government size based on
public employment are also a wages and salaries of
public employees being a major part of
government consumption expenditure. B.J.
Clements, S. Gupta, I. Karpowicz & S. Tareq [42]
expand and catalog the measures of government
employment into three groups. The first group is
"compensation of employees". These measures
include following configurations: as a share of
GDP, as a share of total expenditure, as a share of
domestic revenue, and comparison to spending on
non-wage outlays. The second group includes
"government employment". These measures
include percentage of: private sector employment,
total employment, and population. Third group of
measures "wage level", includes: average
government wages relative comparator private
sector wages, average government wages relative
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.57
Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica,
Teresa Mroczek, Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
to GDP per capita, and ratio of the highest
government wage to the lowest (compression
ratio). The view of the necessity to use different
measures of government size depending on its role
in the economy is supported by L. Di Matteo [12].
The author distinguishes the following roles and
fields of governments' activity: goods production
and provision of services, consumption of
resources, employer, capital investor, provider of
social transfers and subsidies, regulator and the
beneficiary of funds. A similar position is
presented by N. Gemmell, D. Gill & L. Nguyen
When analyzing alternative approaches to
expressing the size of government in the economy,
it should be noted that nowadays measures based
on the impact of public sector regulation on
various macroeconomic variables are playing an
increasingly important role. I. A. Kahn [43] states
that the Index of Economic Freedom is the best
way to quantify government size in the context of
regulation. His research proves that countries with
smaller governments have higher GDP per capita.
F. L. Pryor [44], while examining the degree of
regulation of a given country, indicated two
variables as statistically significant. The first is the
size of the economy, and the second is the income
inequality of the population. According to its
findings, the degree of regulation is directly
proportional to the size of the economy and
indirectly proportional to the income inequality of
the population. J.S. Ferris [45], indicates three
other measures used in determining the size of
government. The first one is consumption
expenditure divided by GDP. Government
consumption is the sum of expenditure on wages
and salaries and other non-wage consumption
expenditure. The second measure takes into
account current disbursements defined as
government consumption plus subsidies, social
benefits, current transfers, and property income
paid by government. This measure adds subsidies
and transfers to the service dimension of
governments activities. The third measure of
government is total disbursements. This measure
adds government investment expenditures and
consists of current disbursements plus government
gross investment minus both consumption of fixed
capital and net capital transfers received.
The analyzes presented above demonstrate the
multitude of measures that can be used to express
the size of a government. Their study leads to the
conclusion that the variation in the ways
government influences the economy is not
adequately represented by measures based solely
on government spending or employment. The costs
and benefits of establishing indirect subsidies such
as tax credits, and the power of government to
contract as employer and consumer allow
government for a significant impact on economic
resources with relatively little reflection in
expenditure or employment data [46]. The
presented conclusion is not only an extremely
important summary of the above-presented
overview of approaches to measuring the size of
the government, but also unequivocally justifies
the use of not one, but several complementary
measures covering all the spheres of its activity
discussed above in research on the optimization of
the size of the government sector.
Economic development in the simplest terms, is
understood as a process of positive changes
comprising both quantitative growth and
qualitative progress [47]. Among the measures of
economic development, the most popular are those
based on the system of national accounts (GDP,
GNP, PNN), the value of GDP per capita is still the
basic and commonly used measure of socio-
economic development [48]. At the same time,
Pater, Harasym and Skica [49] indicate that
economic development measured by GDP per
capita does not take into account many aspects
other than economic growth, including structural,
social and ecological changes. Many attempts have
been made to construct a synthetic measure that
takes into account all identified aspects of
development, but due to the impossibility of
standardizing and identifying all determinants
influencing the level of socio-economic
development, these attempts were abandoned [50].
The literature review clearly shows that the authors
use these two different approaches based on
GDP/GDP per capita or integrated assessment of
development based on multi-criteria approaches
[51]. Remeikienė et al. [52] concludes that the
main reason that GDP per capita to be used to
measure countries economic development is its
complexity - it combines all economic
performance, both sectoral and territorial. From the
point of view of this publication, a long going
debate on the relationship between financial
development and economic growth is crucial. As
noted by Škare et al. [53], financial development
stimulates economic growth through five channels:
facilitating risk management, allocating resources,
exerting corporate control, mobilizing savings and
ease trading of goods and services, leading to
capital accumulation and technological innovation
and growth. In this context, when examining the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.57
Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica,
Teresa Mroczek, Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
size of the government, we analyze variables
relating to the public finance sector in practice.
The literature is dominated by studies showing
a variety of approaches to determine the
government's size (see: [54][55], but despite of
this, a kind of monotony is noticeable in the ways
of describing the size of the GGS. The approaches
to the GGS optimization, concentrates (with some
exceptions) on measure expressed share of public
expenditure in GDP [56]. R. J. Barro [57], using
the data for the period 1970-1985, determined that
the average, optimal size of government for OECD
countries is 14% of GDP (+/- 4%). G. Karras [58]
established the optimal size of government for 20
EU countries. Based on data for the years 1950-
1990, he found that this size is 16% of GDP (+/-
3%). R. Vedder & L.E. Gallaway [59], focused
their research on the optimization of the
government sector on selected countries. Contrary
to other studies, the authors used a long time series
of data in the estimates. Among the European
countries for which they estimated optimal size of
the government were: Denmark (1854-1988)
26.14% of GDP, Italy (1862-1988) 22.23% of
GDP, Sweden (1881-1988) 19.43% of GDP as well
as Great Britain (1830-1988) 20.97% of GDP.
P. Pevcin [60] also dealt with optimization of
the government sector in the EU countries. Based
on the data for the years 1970-2007, he found that
the optimal GGS, in terms of expenditure, looks as
follow: for Italy 37.09% GDP, France 42.90%
GDP, Finland 38.98% GDP, Sweden 45.96% GDP,
Germany 38.45% GDP, Ireland 42.28% GDP, the
Netherlands 44.86% GDP and Belgium 41.91%
GDP. D. Chobanov & A. Mladenova [61] based
their research on the size of the government sector
on the period 1970-2007. Using the expenditure
measure, they found that the optimal government
size for OECD countries is 25.00% of GDP. The
studies related to selected European countries
showed that in the case of Austria it is 18.00% of
GDP, Belgium 23.00%, Denmark 25.90%, United
Kingdom 22.00% of GDP, and Sweden 27.00% of
M. Mutaşcu & M. Milo [62] in their research
focused on the optimal size of the government
sector in the old and new EU member states. Using
statistics for 1999-2008, they found that the
optimal GGS (measured by the level of
expenditure) for new EU countries is 30.42% of
GDP, while for the old member states it is 27.46%
of GDP.
F. Forte & C. Magazzino [63] and C.
Magazzino [64] also analyzed the issue of the
optimal size of the government sector. The
research was based on data for the years 1970
2009 and 19602008. The analysis revealed that,
for the EU27 member states, the optimal
expenditure level is 37.29% of GDP, while the
average effective ratio is 47.90%. Their
estimations for individual EU countries indicate
the following values of optimal public expenditure
levels: Belgium 35.39% of GDP, Netherlands
35.52% of GDP, UK 43.50% of GDP, Ireland
44.47% of GDP, Austria 38.21% of GDP,
Denmark 38.63% of GDP, Finland 40.38% of
GDP, France 39.49% of GDP, Germany 41.99% of
GDP, Greece 39.33% of GDP, Italy 37.68% of
GDP, and Portugal 42.28% of GDP. Their later
research [65] for 30 European countries found that
the optimal total expenditure level is 39.65% of
GDP, the optimal current expenditure level is
30.03% of GDP, while the optimal capital
expenditure is 10.50% of GDP. For the euro area
countries, these values were respectively 38.43%
of GDP, 29.41% of GDP and 10.96% of GDP,
while for non-euro area countries: 39.71% of GDP,
30.11% of GDP, and 10.69% of GDP.
M. Boór [66], conducted research for EU
countries in 1995-2013. According to the findings,
the optimal size of government spending was
within 45.49% of GDP and 52.06% of GDP, while
the average value of the government expenditures
for that time period was equal only to 45.65%
GDP. In his latest research [67] determined, based
on data for 1995-2017, that the optimal
government size as the ratio of total government
expenditure to GDP for EU countries is 51.11% of
3 Decision Tree
In our research regarding general government
sector size optimization we used the decision tree
technique the c5.0 method [68][69][70]. Decision
trees are a tool used by economists, including
representatives of the European Commission, who
use tree-based approaches for understanding
growth patterns in the European regions [71]. This
method is also used to analyze Structural
Similarities of Economies for Innovation and
Competitiveness [72] and to study various aspects
of economic development [73][74]. Generally, the
procedure of the c5.0 is as follows:
1. import of input data,
2. for each attribute a, calculate the normalized
information gain ratio from splitting on a,
3. find the attribute with the highest normalized
information gain best_a,
4. create a node that splits on best_a,
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.57
Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica,
Teresa Mroczek, Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
5. repeat the procedure on the sublists obtained
by splitting on best_a and add child nodes to
the node created in previous step.
Data from which we induced tree were
expressed in the form of decision table. Rows of
the decision table represent cases (values of the
selected countries variables), while columns
represent variables describing GGS (attributes). A
decision represents values of the economic
indicators of member countries respectively. The
set of all cases is denoted by U. The set of all cases
labeled by the same decision value is called a
concept. A simple example of the decision table is
presented as Table 1 in which attributes are: Total
tax revenue, Public administration employment and
General government gross fixed capital formation
and decision is GDP in current prices.
Table 1. Example of decision table
Source: own elaboration.
Attributes are independent variables while the
decision is a dependent variable. The set of all
cases is denoted by U. In Table 1, U = {1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6}.
Applied algorithm c5.0 uses the concept of
information entropy to choose the most informative
variables. Let a be variable (attribute or decision)
with a domain a1,..,an. The entropy of variable a is
defined as follows:
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
 󰇛󰇜 (1)
where p(ai) is relative frequency of the value ai of
the attribute a. A conditional entropy for the
decision d given an attribute a is defined as
󰇛󰇜 󰇛󰇜
   󰇛󰇜
where is conditional probability of the
value dj of the decision d given the ai of the
attribute a, and all values of decision d are
The information gain ratio is defined as:
Gain ratio(a) = Gain(a)/H(a)
where Gain(a) = H(d) H(d|a). All logarithms are
The process of computing the conditional entropy
H(GDP in current prices|Total tax revenue) is
illustrated on Figure 2.
Fig. 2: Computing of the conditional entropy H
(GDP in current prices|Total tax revenue)
Source: own elaboration.
H(GDP in current prices|Total tax revenue) =
3/6*(-2/3*log(2/3)-1/3*log(2/3))+3/6*0 = 0.459.
Similarly, the two remaining conditional entropies
are computed as follows: H(GDP in current
prices|Public administration employment) = 0.459;
H(GDP in current prices|General government gross
fixed capital formation) = 0.874.
Next, the information gain ratio is determined:
Gain ratio(Total tax revenue) = Gain(Total tax
revenue)/H(Total tax revenue) = 0.459/0.918 = 0.5
where Gain(Total tax revenue) = H(GDP in current
prices) - H(GDP in current prices|Total tax
Similarly, the two remaining gain ratios are
calculated: Gain ratio(Public administration
employment) = 0.5 and Gain ratio(General
government gross fixed capital formation) = 0.048.
The attribute with the highest value of normalized
information gain (gain ratio) is chosen as a node.
Gain ratio Total tax revenue and Public
administration employment have the same values.
The first one should be chosen. The attribute Total
tax revenue is placed in the root of the tree. All the
samples for value high of the attribute Total tax
revenue belong to the decision negative and thus
the leaf node is created (Figure 3).
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.57
Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica,
Teresa Mroczek, Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
Fig. 3: The root of decision tree
Source: own elaboration.
Next, the algorithm is repeated recursively on the
partitioned sub lists for value low of the attribute
Total tax revenue. In result the attribute Public
administration employment with the highest value
of normalized information gain ratio is chosen as
the second node. The completed decision tree for
Table 2 is shown on Figure 4.
Fig. 4: The decision tree
Source: own elaboration.
4 Data and Methods
The research was conducted for EU Member
States. The timeframe covered the years from 2000
to 2017 (at the research stage, 2017 was the last
year for which a complete set of input data was
available). Sources of data for the purpose of this
research were publicly available including:
Eurostat, OECD, as well as the World Bank. In the
first stage of the research, 15 variables describing
public finance sector and 18 variables describing
the economy were selected. The correlation
analysis applied at this stage made it possible to
determine the relationship between variables
describing the public finance sector and the
economy, and to select variables that are of
significant importance. The variables expressed in
nominal sizes were also removed. As a result, 11
variables describing the economy and 10 variables
representing the GGS were qualified for further
The variables describing the size of the general
government sector correspond to three dimensions
needed to identify the relationship between the
GGS and the economy: employment, the
government sector output and financial effects of
government activity (see Table 2 for a complete
summary of the data describing these measures).
Table 2. The variables describing the size of the
general government sector
Source: own study
The variables describing the EU economies
covered several complementary aspects: the
situation on the labor market, the EU economies
include indices expressing changes in prices and
the exchange rate, foreign economic contacts of
individual countries and their effects, (as well as
the accompanying financial flows) and the overall
mapping of the state of EU economies (a summary
of data describing these measures is included in
Table 3).
Table 3. The variables describing the economies
Source: own study
Due to the fact that the variables had a constant
character, they have been subjected to a
discretization process. The values of each variable
have been divided into four intervals. An interval
criterion was an equal number of occurrences in
every interval, so there were exactly the same
number of countries belonging to the EU in every
single interval. Every variable and every interval
were studied for impact on the variables that
describe a condition of the economy. In these
analysesdecision tree were used. The analysis has
been implemented in the R language. A separate
program has been developed for the needs of data
preprocessing (ie data preparation for research,
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.57
Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica,
Teresa Mroczek, Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
cleaning, discretization), additional validation and
interpretation of the results. The C50 package
available in the R system was used in the process
of generating decision trees.
The decision trees were generated considering
each year separately (i.e. the first set was generated
on the basis of data from the year 2000, the second
from the year 2005, etc.). Next, decision trees were
analyzed in order to identify the most informative
attributes (variables GGS) describing economies of
the countries chosen. A detailed analysis of the
nodes and split of data according to the attributes
with the highest value of normalized information
gain ratio, provided relevant information on
intervals values of variables describing size of the
GGS which affect the economy and validate their
overall importance.
Due to the large number of variables and data
accepted for the study, six periods were selected
for the analysis. These were the years 2000, 2005,
2010, 2013, 2015 and 2017. The choice of years
was not accidental as the authors aimed to show
the impact of public finance variables on the
economy in various phases of the business cycle.
There were significant differences in the border
values of the individual variables adopted for the
study between the individual years, it was assumed
that in each research period (year) the values of the
variables would be divided into quartiles. In the
case of variables describing the GGS, if the values
of the variable fell within the first quartile, the
range was described with the letter "A", if in
quartile II it was described with the letter "B", if in
quartile III - with the letter "C", and in quartile IV
the letter "D".
In the case of variables describing the economy,
it is of great importance which direction of the
volatility of the variables will be adopted, because
for some variables, the higher its value
(stimulants), the better the situation should be
assessed, while in the case of others, the opposite is
true (destimulants). The table 4 shows which
direction of volatility has been adopted.
Table 4. Direction of volatility favourable for the
Source: own study
In the case of seven variables, marking of
ranges was used exactly as in the case of the
variables describing public finance sector (I
quartile - A, II quartile - B, III quartile - C, IV
quartile - D), and in the case of four variables
describing the economy, which were considered
that the lower the value of the variable, the better
for the economy the reverse designation of ranges
was used: (1st quartile - D, 2nd quartile - C, 3rd
quartile - B, 4th quartile - A). Such provision
allowed for uniform interpretation of obtained
results, as it made it possible to uniformly name
the ranges positively indicating the condition of the
economy (table 5).
Table 5. Approved titles of variablesranges
describing the economy
Source: own elaboration.
In the further analysis, it was assumed that the
authors' area of interest will only include situations
where the variables describing the economy took
values from the optimal range. The idea was to find
an answer to the questions: Is there an optimal
GGS size for the development of EU economies
and which variables describing the GGS and in
which value ranges cause the variables describing
the economy to take values from the best range for
the economy, i.e. the range defined as "optimal"?
5 Results and Discussion
For the purposes of this study, it was assumed that
the analysis will concern the optimal impact on
variables describing the economy will be exerted
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.57
Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica,
Teresa Mroczek, Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
by variables describing the public finance sector.
The variables describing the economy and the
variables describing the public finance sector that
affect the optimal level of economic variables are
listed below. Ranges in which the variables
describing the public finance sector should be
included were also indicated, so that the variables
on the side of the economy took value from the
optimal range for the economy (range D).
A detailed summary of the results of the
analysis is presented in the Appendix, the analysis
of these data showed that seven variables
representing the GGS affect eleven variables on
economy's side with different strength and in
different configurations. The greatest positive
impact (calculated as the number of relations that
take values in the D range) on the economy of the
analyzed countries has total general government
revenue and public administration employment, the
variable total general government expenditure had
a slightly smaller impact on the economy. For the
remaining variables, the observed effect is visible,
although it is weaker. At the same time, it was
observed that the occurrence (or lack thereof) and
the strength of the relationship between particular
variables differed from year to year. Only the
relationship between the total general government
expenditure and GDP in current prices always
takes values from the expected range (D). Thus, it
is not possible to unequivocally indicate the
optimal data set with best value ranges for the
variables describing the GGS from the point of
view of the economy. However, dependencies
between them can be indicated, e.g., by
appropriately shaping the size of the GGS
described by the variable named the share of the
GGS sector in GDP, decision-makers can influence
the level of foreign direct investment. In order for
this type of investment to flow into the economy,
share of the public finance sector should be rather
high. The research shows that the share of general
government sector in GDP should be in the second
or fourth quartile. However, for the balance of
foreign direct investment to be the highest, the
share of general government sector in GDP should
be rather low. The research shows that it should be
in the first to the third quartile. Consolidated public
debt as % of GDP is important for the economy. Its
low level (in quartile I or II) has a positive effect
on the economic activity index, the outflow of
foreign direct investment and unemployment rate.
It is worth noting that higher debt levels (in
quartile III or IV) have a positive effect on the
current account balance, the real effective interest
rate and the dynamics of potential production.
Gross fixed capital formation describing the
public finance sector should be kept at a low level.
Then they influence the optimal levels of such
indicators describing the economy as: the current
account balance, the inflow of foreign direct
investment (in relation to GDP), the value of GDP
in current prices per capita, the real effective
interest rate and a lower level of unemployment.
The tax burden in relation to GDP have a
positive impact on the balance of foreign direct
investment, as well as the value of potential
production. High expenditures of the public
finance sector positively affect the activity rate, the
current account balance, GDP dynamics in current
prices and the level of unemployment. Low
spending positively affects the inflow of foreign
direct investment, the dynamics of the harmonized
index of consumer prices (expressing the level of
inflation), the dynamics of GDP in current prices
and the level of the real effective interest rate. The
high level of revenues of the public finance sector
has a positive effect on activity rate, the current
account balance, the inflow of foreign direct
investment and the unemployment rate. It has not
been observed to indicate the direction of the
impact on the variable GDP growth in current
prices per capita.
It is obvious that some recommendations may
seem contradictory. In some cases, it is proposed to
keep a given variable describing the economy at a
high level, in other at a low level. It is difficult to
indicate the universal level of the variables
describing GGS that optimizes the EU economies.
There are no simple solutions in the economy, and
it is not justified to jump to too radical conclusions.
Despite the fact that the result of the research
conducted negates the question posed in the title, it
highlights a number of dependencies. Knowing the
impact of individual actions on the economy, you
can choose such instruments, as well as such a
configuration that will help in a given area without
harming others. The decision about the choice of
instruments rests with the decision-makers who
know best the condition and needs of specific
6 Conclusion
This study gives policymakers two suggestions. On
the one hand, it suggests which variables on the
GGS side and in what direction should be “steered”
in order to positively influence a specific variable
on the side of the economy. The second suggestion
is to indicate the effects on the economy of
"controlling" the level of the GGS. Due to the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.57
Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica,
Teresa Mroczek, Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
impact analysis of a specific variable on the GGS
side on the variables on the economy,
policymakers got a hint about the behavior in
specific configurations describing GGS. The used
data mining decision tree technique allows to
perform simulations for specific data sets and the
selection of an appropriate structure and size of the
GGS, that should depend on the adopted priorities
for economic development. The results of the study
showed that it is not possible to indicate the
preferred, best for the entire economy of the GGS
description variable set.
The authors of this study realize that, as
emphasized [75], governments differ substantially
not only in size, but also in priorities, moreover,
the role and size of governments around the world
has changed drastically in the last couple of
centuries. On the other hand, in line with the basic
principles of economics, prudent policies favor
economic growth in these economies, as confirmed
by research findings [76].
This study is unique, as it is an unambiguous
indication of economic success. It gives decision-
makers who have an impact on shaping the size of
the public finance sector a clear indication what
should be done, how to influence the variables
describing the public finance sector in order to lead
the economy through its individual components to
optimal level. An additional added value is the data
mining technique used in this context. In the next
stage, the study can be extended to more countries
and group them, e.g. in terms of the level of
economic development, thus looking for a
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica, Teresa Mroczek and
Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska were responsible for
conceptualization, literature review, methodology,
investigation and writing an original draft.
Additionally: Jacek Rodzinka and Tomasz were
responsible for the project administration, selection
of variables, development of databases and their
initial processing; Teresa Mroczek was responsible
for the AI methodology, implementation and
conducting research, Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska was
responsible for writing - review & editing.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented
in a Scientific Article or Scientific Article
The project is financed within the framework of the
program of the Minister of Science and Higher
Education under the name "Regional Excellence
Initiative" in the years 2019 - 2022; project number
001/RID/2018/19; the amount of financing PLN
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.57
Jacek Rodzinka, Tomasz Skica,
Teresa Mroczek, Elżbieta Ociepa-Kicińska
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022