Using Road Maps for High-Tech Projects Management
Institute of Engineering Economics and Humanitarian Studies MAI
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
4 Volokolamskoe highway, Moscow, 125993,
Abstract: - The purpose of this article is to study the necessity of creation and road maps usage as an effective
tool in order to create novel approaches for managing innovative high-tech projects using the author-developed
criterion of innovative tension, interpreted as the difference of potentials of participants in the innovation
process — the donor-enterprise of innovations and the recipient-enterprise of innovations. The method of
comparative analysis of various forms of organization of the innovation process and the corresponding variants
of the ratio of innovative potentials of participating enterprises was used. As a result of the conducted research,
methodical approaches to evaluate innovation potentials of donors-enterprises of innovations and enterprises-
recipients of innovations were developed. A criterion for estimating the innovative potential in the donor-
recipient system, so-called innovative stress, is formulated. An attempt to disclose the importance of
methodological support of road maps on the example of innovative projects is made.
Key-Words: Human, logistic, finance management, capacity indicators, innovative potentials, road maps, RCP
Received: April 19, 2021. Revised: January 13, 2022. Accepted: January 27, 2022. Published: February 12, 2022.
1 Introduction
In the current conditions of the country's economic
development and its individual sectors, the factors
"innovative challenges," "technological challenges"
have a deep meaning and significance as the
motivating reasons for the formation of strategic
development goals. For simplifying proposed
procedures among the new modern tools for
planning and managing innovative projects, a
technology of road map had been represented [1],
[2], [3].
The road maps were essentially the most
important management tools and, as a feature, are
very diverse, heterogeneous, understandable, and
solve important task-facilitating decision-making
processes in the conditions of a technological
challenge. However, at the same time, a "challenge"
which is based on this technology is considered in
good detection and understanding of threats (not
necessarily fatal) with further requiring of
mandatory responses [4]. In this regard, such
periods of economic development of the country
and its individual sectors are accompanied by the
appearance of such tools as, for example, innovation
studies [5], [6], [7], [8].
2 Methodology
The category of innovative potential is used as the
fundamental basis of this research and is considered
in two ways:
1) the innovative potential of the enterprise-donor
of innovations;
2) the innovative potential of enterprise-recipient of
innovations (of the consumer in various sectors
of the national economy and social sphere).
In this case, the innovative potential can be
defined as the range of resources and capacities that
can be involved in the innovative development of
individual enterprises and industry in general and
for the development and output of innovative
products in implementing knowledge-based projects
To achieve the research goal, methods of
economic forecasting and factor analysis of the
innovative potential of enterprise-participants in the
innovation process were used. When assessing the
necessary investment of innovative processes,
economic analysis, and economic efficiency
evaluation methods were used. Techniques of
innovative management are used in constructing a
model of innovation processes for enterprises-
donors of innovations and enterprises-recipients of
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.53
Valeriy Bunak, Elena Prokhorova,
Vladimir Zhuravsky, Sergei Volodin,
Andrei Frolov
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
3 Results
Different tools may be used to assess the innovative
capacity of enterprises and institutions. It is possible
to apply the known concept of SWOT (Strengths are
principal effects, Weaknesses are weak points,
Opportunities are possibilities, and Threats are
risks) analysis in a relatively stable economic
environment. In analytic terms, the intersection of
strengths (internal environment) and possibilities
(external environment) needs to be considered in the
innovative potential of an enterprise. The best
results of SWOT analysis are achieved in a
relatively stable external environment. Under its
turbulent conditions, unused capabilities easily
become threats, and strengths can become
weaknesses. In this situation, the concept of
resources and capabilities is updated to assess
innovation potential (resource approach, according
to the classical R. Grant concept of strategic
Availability of resources is necessary but not a
sufficient condition for realizing innovative
potential, particularly where there is effective
competition, always present in regional and world
markets, and, to a lesser extent, on the internal. The
higher category using a resource approach is the
ability to perform certain activities, which are based
on available resources but are highly competitive
which are not guaranteed by the possession of
administrative, natural, or other types of resources.
Yet, a lack of resources essential to the activity
limits the development of necessary abilities. An
example is the inability to meet high qualifications
and the personnel's professional competence to the
lack of modern equipment. Therefore, to objectively
assess an economic actor's innovation potential at
any level (industries, organizations, etc.), it needs to
be reviewed for the relevance of a competitive
advantage strategy based on their ability and
resources (Table 1).
Table 1. Interlinkages of resources, capacities, and
innovative capacities
Acquisition of
resourses is
Lack of
Table 2 lists the factors influencing innovation
capacity developers and consumers of innovative
products. Realization of all developer's activities to
enhance resources and capabilities increases its
value to consumers and producers' incomes.
Table 2. Factors affecting the innovation capacity of
innovators and consumers of innovative production
Innovative potential
s and
Generating the
Project time, cost,
and quality
Human resource
Science and
technology risk
Supplier of
Skilled operating
Management of
cost and quality
of operation
HR Management,
Operational risk
transfer in the
products in the
operational phase
Bearing in mind the positions of
project stakeholders
Personnel qualification
Ability to manage assets
Ability to attract and retain resources
Ability to transform resources and
assets into new competencies
The state of innovation capacity can also be
defined using different reference group indexes. For
this work can be identified such groups as targeted
(affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of
innovative projects), temporary (affecting the timing
and milestones of the implementation of innovative
projects), cost (affecting the feasibility base,
investment analysis, and the process of budgeting
innovative projects). Results of a possible
preliminary option grouping innovation capacity of
industry (enterprises) the disclosure of their
meaning are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Innovation capacity indicators
e potential
Infrastructure assets
Staff skills and
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.53
Valeriy Bunak, Elena Prokhorova,
Vladimir Zhuravsky, Sergei Volodin,
Andrei Frolov
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
(human, material,
and financial
The proportion of
intangible assets
Depreciation of
assets involved in
the innovation
The proportion of
innovative products
innovation in the
overall portfolio of
programs and
Access to scarce
intellectual capital
Working efficiency
The proportion in
prospective market
Membership of
leading industry
groups of
(reliability of
products and
processes to certain
stages of their life
Age of property,
plant, and
Market growth
The time available
for REDW
experimental, and
design works)
based on a market
readiness to accept
Time for carrying
out the REDW
experimental, and
design works) for
training and
production cycle)
Maintenance time
of previous designs
Cost of updating
Costs of REDW
property, plant, and
Cost of license
experimental, and
design works)
Impact on market
Implementation of
Turnover in
innovative market
Traditional project and program investment
performance indicators also characterize innovation
potential. These include, first of all, the net present
value of the innovation project, discounted payback
period and internal rate of return, as well as the level
of break-even sales.
Figure 1 represents the organizational structural
model for creating an innovation potential of a
donor-innovating enterprise [9], and Figure 2 — the
innovation potential of a recipient enterprise of
innovation [10], [11].
Fig. 1: Model of the innovation process from the donor-innovator (road map of the A) process.
Source: authors
Fig. 2: Scheme of creation of innovative potential of enterprise-recipient of innovations (road map B).
Source: authors
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.53
Valeriy Bunak, Elena Prokhorova,
Vladimir Zhuravsky, Sergei Volodin,
Andrei Frolov
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
The experience of innovation, shown
schematically in Fig. 1 shows that donor enterprises
carry out their activities mainly in industries that are
in the stage of emergence or growth. At the same
time, recipient enterprises operate, as a rule, in
mature industries, although some exceptions to this
pattern are possible.
The diagram presented in Fig. 2 makes it
possible to assess one of the central problems of
innovation activity and determines the ways of its
solution. If there is no innovation, then starting an
innovative activity means going on a guaranteed
failure, since for success it is necessary to have a
real innovation that has passed the stage of R&D.
In recent years, the innovative activity of the
Russian Federation has acquired the scope of
obligations, guaranteed success, and guaranteed
financing in a wide range of human activities,
including education, upbringing, sports and culture,
medicine, recreation, feeding, etc., as well as
production (industry and agriculture) and so on
[12]. At the same time, excessive enthusiasm for
innovation studies in some cases contradicts the
laws of dialectics and healthy effective
conservatism. In other words, we do not live in the
field of a healthy combination of innovation and
conservatism, but in the field of innovative fashion.
What is more, it causes legislative and even safety
problems due to the Russian Federation's legislation
being unable to effectively incorporate and regulate
changes, especially in a technological sphere [13].
At the same time, we have fantastic results of
effective, innovative activity in a number of
branches of the scientific and socio-economic
complex of the Russian Federation. In them,
innovation is not a fashion, but a normal mode of
operation, where it is not customary to use the
medical term "innovation" but receive world-class
results [14], [15]. The high integrity of regional
innovation systems results in numerous positive
externalities: from new firm creation, especially in
the high-tech sector, and growing variety of industry
sector to the involvement in global value chains, the
influx of qualified workforce and infrastructure
development [16], clusters’ network
development [17]. The rocket and space industry
(RCP) undoubtedly belong to such spheres,
industries, and enterprises, which objectively is a
donor of innovations that are broadcast to many
spheres of life, without which mankind no longer
thinks of its existence, for example, navigation
services of the Russian space system GLONASS
[18], [19].
3.1 Methodological Approaches to Assess
the Effectiveness of Innovation Activities of
Enterprises of the RCP
Methodical approaches to the selection of the
criteria base and calculation algorithms can be
different, but a must for them is sensitivity to effects
of a different nature (scientific-technical,
innovation, social, environmental, economic, and
1. The first approach is that, as an active donor
of innovations, the RCP needs to evaluate its
innovative activity and evaluate the effectiveness of
projects from the standpoint of a system of criteria
that takes into account the role, influence, and
features of projects in the economic, political, social
and other spheres of life. Meantime, when the space
market has developed — segmented, competitive,
highly profitable, innovative, politicized, capital-
intensive, etc., the relevance of the problems of
methodological support of assessments of the space
activities effectiveness is undeniable [20].
2. The second approach is that, as the donor of
innovations is simultaneously a recipient. Donors
for it can be academic and research institutes,
foreign science-intensive firms, a licensed market,
the experience of international cooperation,
interstate innovation projects and programs, etc.
Recently, the Chinese experience of innovative
development is serving as a serious donor. It is
important to note that the rocket and space industry
(RSI) is the most serious donor in the Russian
Federation for other sectors of the scientific and
socio-economic complex. High-tech and high-tech
innovations are most in-demand in this industry
[21]. Many of them have found practical
application in solving problems in such areas of
space activities as space communications,
telecommunications, space systems for remote
sensing of the earth and the ocean in the interests of
various branches of the scientific and socio-
economic complex of Russia, navigation space
systems, manned space exploration, space medicine,
etc. These directions of DC give innovative concrete
results and bring them to the household
consumption format.
When creating technological road maps for DC's
development, an important issue is to ensure a
minimum gap in the innovative potentials of the
donor and the recipient. The innovation donor's
potential, which forms the portfolio of opportunities,
is largely ensured by the organization and amount of
funding for projects and programs. These
opportunities can exceed the need for innovation
among consumers of innovations.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.53
Valeriy Bunak, Elena Prokhorova,
Vladimir Zhuravsky, Sergei Volodin,
Andrei Frolov
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
For a successful organization of an innovative
process, the ratio (difference) of the initial and final
level of potentials should tend to zero or a
minimum. The innovation process, which is carried
out with equal potentials, is ideally organized.
Figure 3 shows the possible three options for the
ratio of potentials of the donor and the consumer
Fig. 3: Options of the ratios of the innovative potentials of the donor and recipient
Source: authors
4 Discussion
In Russia, ensuring the ideal combination of
innovative donor and recipient potentials is
seriously hampered by the following circumstances:
a. Low level of the cost ratio for the intellectual
component and for materials and energy. This is
due to low labor productivity in the Russian
Federation in comparison with the developed
countries [22]. The indicator "GDP" per working
person in Russia is 5-6 times lower than in the
leading developed countries.
b. Another factor that makes it difficult to ensure an
acceptable ratio of requests from recipients and
the ability of donors to innovate in the Russian
Federation is the low level of funding for
research and development (R&D) and increased
expenses on foreign technologies, equipment,
licenses, etc [16].
c. In Russia, R&D expenditures are about 1% of
GDP, and in developed countries (the United
States, Japan, Germany, China), 8-10% of GDP.
As for RCI, we are comforted here only by the
sprouts of reduction of this gap and the prospects
for the commercialization of space activities.
d. On the other hand, the slow participation of
commercial structures in investments in the R&D
of rocket and space technology is disturbing. The
state pursues a policy of amnesty (forgiveness)
of huge investments in the creation of rocket and
space technology, ground infrastructure, etc. The
net income from the implementation of such a
policy for commercial structures provides
significant profitability for the operator firms,
but, as a rule, this revenue goes from the budget
of the industry, the country.
Figure 3 represents that when the potential of the
donor and the recipient is equal (option a), we have
the ideal combination, which means that there is no
need for investment in either direction of the
innovation process. Option b) shows that the
consumer is ready to "swallow" more innovations,
and the donor is not able to satisfy such a request
due to underfunding of R&D. Option c) corresponds
to the situation when the vessel of knowledge is full,
and consumers are not able to "swallow" these
innovations. The backwardness of consumers from
the possibilities of modernization is explained by
the insufficient innovative potential of recipients.
Another reason is the backwardness, neglect of the
consumption infrastructure. In the old years, we saw
this picture in the form of a pile of unidentified
imported equipment, which for years waited in vain
for use. Thus, the high potential difference between
the donor and the recipient is a negative state, which
must be minimized.
The Department of Economics of the Aerospace
Industry of the MAI as a result of research into the
innovative sphere of the RCP developed
methodological approaches to assess the innovative
potential of the donor-recipient system [23] and
formulated a criterion for such an assessment in the
form of a difference in the innovative potentials of
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.53
Valeriy Bunak, Elena Prokhorova,
Vladimir Zhuravsky, Sergei Volodin,
Andrei Frolov
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
the donor and recipient, as a potential difference by
analogy with electrical engineering — W. In
general, the criterion W is calculated by the formula
minPPW KD 
, (1)
where PD — the innovative potential of the
enterprise − the donor of innovations; PK — the
innovative potential of the enterprise — the
recipient of innovations.
The criterion of innovative voltage Wallows to
solve the following tasks:
a. to choose an effective, innovative project
b. to determine the volume of financial injections
either into R zone or D zone, which corresponds
to options b) and c) of Figure 3;
c. to optimize innovative projects;
d. to assess the competitiveness of innovative
e. to ensure the monitoring of the donor-recipient
f. to use the criterion of innovative tension to
conduct the correct financial and credit policies
of project participants;
g. to calculate the current value of the boundaries of
the security corridor of innovative projects, etc.
The security corridor shows the possibilities of
managing the financing of innovative projects and
the possibility of adjusting the thresholds for
financing, which, as is well known, are tightly tied
to the financial field. A particularly important result
of project management in this context is the
boundaries of the security corridor and its
sustainability. All this can be achieved by reducing
the innovative tension in the projects. The above
variants of the ratio of the innovative potentials of
the donor and the recipient create the basis for the
management of high-tech projects using road maps.
5 Conclusion
Inherently, in this article, an attempt to disclose the
importance of methodological support of road maps
on the example of innovative projects is made. It is
significant to assume that variants of the ratio of
enterprises' innovation potentials form the basis for
effective management of innovative high-tech
projects using road maps.
The need for more active participation of
commercial structures in investments in R&D of
rocket and space technology was identified
The authors formulated the criterion of innovative
stress and proposed a variant of calculating the
safety corridor for innovative projects.
Considering the method of comparative analysis
of various forms of organization of the innovation
process and the corresponding variants of the ratio
of innovative potentials of participating enterprises
was used. As a result of the conducted research,
methodical approaches had evaluated an innovation
potential of donors-enterprises of innovations and
enterprises-recipients of innovations were
developed. At the same time, the principles outlined
in the article are considered in the context of the
possibilities of road maps as the most appropriate
tools for solving many problems of innovative
technological development in the face of modern
To provide a basic theoretical basis for
innovation, it is necessary to continue developing a
system of indicators, criteria for choosing the most
effective innovation option.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Valeriy Bunak, Elena Prokhorova, Vladimir
Zhuravsky, Sergei Volodin and Andrei Frolov were
responsible for the conceptualization, supervision,
and writing the article.
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This article is published under the terms of the
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DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.53
Valeriy Bunak, Elena Prokhorova,
Vladimir Zhuravsky, Sergei Volodin,
Andrei Frolov
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022