Compliance and Awareness as Mediation Variables on the Influence of
Utility and Trust of Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement on the Traffic
Administrative Doctoral Program
University of Brawijaya
St. MT. Haryono
Abstract: - Road safety is the most important and main thing in traffic management. This is the shared
responsibility of all elements of the nation, including regulators, law enforcement, road users, and so on. Based
on this background, the purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the direct effect of Compliance and
Awareness as mediating variables on the Effect of Utility and Trust in Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement on
Behavior. The analysis of this research uses a survey method conducted at the intersection of Jalan Merdeka
Selatan, Gambir, Central Jakarta. The population in this study were road users, namely four-wheeled drivers
who passed the Jalan Merdeka Selatan intersection. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling.
The nine hypotheses gave a decision to reject the null hypothesis which means significant, meaning that each
variable has a direct and significant effect on each other, namely: ETLE utility affects Compliance, Awareness,
and Habits directly and significantly; ETLE trust directly and significantly influences Compliance, Awareness,
and Habits; Compliance directly and significantly affects Consciousness and Habits; Awareness directly and
significantly influences Habits. ETLE utility indirectly and significantly affects Compliance, Awareness, and
Habits. ETLE trust indirectly and significantly influences Compliance, Awareness, and Habits. Compliance has
an indirect and significant effect on Awareness and Habits. Develop a Habits in Traffic model defined by ETLE
Utility and Trust mediated by Compliance and Awareness. The authenticity of this study can be seen in the
indirect effect where there is still no research with the direction of such relationships and variables.
Key-Words: - Awareness, Compliance, Road safety, Habit, Trust of ETLE, Utility of ETLE
Received: June 20, 2021. Revised: December 18, 2021. Accepted: January 17, 2022. Published: January 18, 2022.
1 Introduction
Road safety is the most important and major
concern in traffic management. This is the joint
responsibility of all elements of the nation,
including regulators, law enforcers, road users, and
so on. All should jointly help each other to achieve
this. Network traffic monitoring is a collection of
techniques used sequentially to determine the nature
of traffic per packet or flow rate. In addition, the
network is monitored based on traffic statistics and
network analysis depending on the availability of
network traffic measurements [1]. With today's
high-speed life, traffic jams are an urgent issue to
talk about and avoid. Traffic congestion causes a
decrease in the productivity of individuals and
society because most of the productive working
hours are wasted in traffic lanes. The increasing
number of road vehicles, limited road infrastructure,
and the unreasonable spread of signaling systems
are causing frequent congestion on roads today [2].
One of the things that are very important and
closely related to road safety is the compliance of
road users with traffic rules and regulations. The
more people obey the traffic rules and regulations,
the fewer traffic accidents or safety on the road will
increase. Therefore, community traffic compliance
must always be improved, and it is hoped that it will
become a habit over time. If this has been achieved,
it is believed that traffic accidents will be reduced or
road safety will increase.
The government in trying to improve safety,
security, and comfort on the road has made various
efforts. Several policies have been formulated and
implemented. One of them is technology utilization,
namely ETLE (Electronic Traffic Law
Enforcement). This policy is expected to increase
the compliance of road users with traffic
regulations. The expected output is that public
awareness will increase, and then good social order
will be formed. On the other hand, the expected
outcome is that the community becomes accustomed
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.38
M. Fahri Anggia, Abdul Hakim,
Mardiyono, Solimun
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
to obeying the traffic rules and regulations.
However, how successful the policy implementation
is, it is necessary to conduct an in-depth and
scientific study through a research activity. If the
implementation of the policy is successful, it is
expected and believed to be able to reduce accidents
and improve traffic safety.
Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement (ETLE) is
a traffic law enforcement system based on
information technology using an electronic device in
the form of a camera which can detect various types
of traffic violations and present motor vehicle data
automatically (Automatic Number Plate
Recognition). ETLE camera recordings can be used
as evidence in a traffic violation case. There is an
orientation behind the implementation of electronic
ticketing using ETLE cameras are to reducing traffic
violations and efforts to increase the value of non-
tax state revenue from ticket fines. ETLE is
expected to reduce the number of traffic violations.
Motorists must obey all traffic regulations if they do
not want to be sent a "love letter" by the police. The
public generally only wants legal certainty, and law
enforcement in principle must be able to provide
benefits or use (Utility) for the community. In
addition, the community expects law enforcement to
achieve justice. However, we cannot deny that what
is considered useful (sociologically) is not
necessarily fair, and vice versa, what is considered
fair (philosophically) is not necessarily useful for
society [3].
Orderly traffic in Indonesia is a big problem
that requires the support and cooperation of all
parties. Community support and cooperation in
supporting the police's duties can be seen in the
form of trust given. Public trust in the police is very
important. Public trust must also be supported by
the seriousness of the police in handling the various
traffic. Trust is a basic component of forming
cooperative relationships [4].
An orderly society can only be achieved if each
individual carries out his obligations and receives
his rights from others. With the existence of Utility
and Trust for ETLE, it is hoped that they can
provide understanding to the community in obeying
the prevailing traffic regulations to form a social
order. Social order is a condition in which social
relations between community members are
harmonious in accordance with the values and
norms in society. Social order is basically the order
of society, which is governed by moral rules [5].
Based on the descriptions that have been
explained, it is necessary to harmonize the ETLE
concept in Indonesia, especially Jakarta. With the
change in the system with ETLE (Electronic Traffic
Law Enforcement), this study aims to examine trust
as a habit through the mediation of compliance,
awareness, and social order, as well as culture as
2 Literature Review
2.1 Utility of ETLE
Fahmi's research (2016) examines the utility of the
implementation of the 1945 Constitution in general
elections. Fahmi (2016) found that general elections
should have a high utility for the community, if
implemented in accordance with the mandate of the
1945 Constitution. For the Utilatarianism school,
actions are right if they are proportional to their
tendency to encourage happiness, and wrong if
proportional to their tendency to produce the
opposite of happiness. At least, there are two main
principles contained in the teachings of this school,
namely: 1) The purpose of life is happiness; and 2)
The truth of an action is measured by how much it
contributes to the achievement of happiness.
2.2 Trust of ETLE
Trust, in the concept of public administration, is a
sense of trust in the policy object (society) towards
the implementer of the policy
(government/bureaucrats). Trust can also influence
the community in implementing and respecting
government policies. Without trust, a policy may
only become a theory without clear practice.
Tepe's research [6] tried to find out people's
trust in public services in the United States. Trusts
tested include the point of view of humanities
students, who are expected to be more sensitive to
social issues. This research showed that trust boosts
the implementation of public policies significantly.
According to Moorman [7], trust is defined as the
desire to give something to a trusted partner. This
opinion can illustrate research conducted by
Rotter's, which stated that trust is the general
expectation that individuals have that the words that
come from other parties are reliable. When a person
makes a decision, he will prefer decisions based on
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.38
M. Fahri Anggia, Abdul Hakim,
Mardiyono, Solimun
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
the choices of people whom he can trust more than
those who are less trusted. Trust is very important
for a commitment or promise, and commitment can
only be realized if it means something.
Morgan and Hunt [8] in Darsono &
Dharmmesta [9] stated that when one party has
confidence that the other party involved in the
exchange has reliability and integrity, it can be said
that there is trust. Trust is important in having an
interpersonal relationship. Scientifically, trust is
defined as relying on the behavior of other
individuals to achieve the desired goals, whose
achievement is uncertain and in a situation full of
risks (Giffin, in Rakhmat [10]).
Zalabak, et al. [11] explained that there are five
key dimensions of trust, namely: ability, openness,
attention, reliability, and identification. So, based on
the definition described above, the definition of trust
is the willingness of the community to accept the
police based on the positive expectation that the
police have the ability, are open, have a concern, are
reliable, and reflect their institution.
2.3 Compliance
According to Rosana [12], obedience is the
perception and loyalty of the community to the law,
which is usually applied as a result of living
together (the rules of the game), where loyalty
manifests itself in the form of actions such as:
Follow the rules. Law (between das sein and das
sollen are the same thing). Compliance according to
Hartono [13] is the attitude of trust between
individuals towards others and acceptance of other
people's demands and one's actions to carry out
orders or requests from others. There are several
factors that cause people to comply with the law
[14], namely: (1) Compliance; (2) Identification; (3)
Internalization; (4) Interests of the citizens are
guaranteed by existing legal institutions.
2.4 Awareness
Awareness comes from the word aware, which
means being aware, feeling, knowing, or
understanding [15]. Aware means knowing,
realizing, and feeling. Awareness means realization,
a state of understanding, what a person feels or
experiences. Legal awareness can mean conviction,
the condition of someone who really understands
what law is, the function, and the role of law for
himself and the community around him.
Mertokusumo [16] stated that legal awareness
means awareness of what we should do or what we
shouldn't do, especially towards other people. This
means awareness of our legal obligations towards
According to Soekanto [17], high legal
awareness will make community members obey the
applicable legal provisions. However, if legal
awareness is very low, then the level of law
obedience is not high either. Soekanto also pointed
out four elements of legal awareness, namely: (1)
Legal regulations; (2) Legal acquaintance; (3) Legal
attitude; (4) Legal behavior patterns.
2.5 Habit
Habit has two meanings, namely: something that is
usually done and a pattern for responding to certain
situations that an individual learns and does
repeatedly for the same thing. Actions that are often
repeated will certainly become a habit. If the habit is
repeated, it will certainly become one's character.
Furthermore, the character becomes a stamp of that
person by practicing the same action, so a person
has a certain personality.
Said [18] argues that a habit is something that is
repeated without reason over and over again, in the
same way, most of the time, or something inherent
in the soul something that happens repeatedly and is
accepted naturally. It can be concluded that people
make habits without thinking because they are
rooted in the human mind and become human
nature. If people have the habit of obeying the rules,
then this habit will be seen in the regular traffic on
the highway.
3 Research Method
The approach in this research was a quantitative
approach by using the survey method. The
population of this study was road users, namely
four-wheeled drivers who pass the Intersection of
Merdeka Selatan street, Gambir, Central Jakarta.
The sampling technique was nonprobability
sampling, considering that the population is infinite,
so there is no sampling frame (list of sample
members). The side technique was a combination of
quota sampling and accidental sampling to obtain an
overall sample of n = 200 drivers. Variable
measurement in this study used a questionnaire with
Likert scale. The response items were on a scale
ranging from 1 to 5. Two analyzes were conducted,
namely descriptive analysis and SEM. The
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.38
M. Fahri Anggia, Abdul Hakim,
Mardiyono, Solimun
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
following are the research conceptual model which
is presented in Figure 1.
Utility of ETLE
Habit (Y3)
Trust of ETLE
Fig 1. Research Conceptual Model
The following is the research hypothesis:
H1. Utility of ETLE has a significant effect on
H2. Utility of ETLE has a significant effect on
H3. Utility of ETLE has a significant effect on Habit
H4. Trust of ETLE has a significant effect on
H5. Trust of ETLE has a significant effect on
H6. Trust of ETLE has a significant effect on Habit
H7. Compliance has a significant effect on
H8. Compliance has a significant effect on Habit
H9. Awareness has a significant effect on Habit.
4 Result
Data from the questionnaire were analyzed using
GSCA. Variables, ETLE Utility, ETLE Trust,
Compliance, and Awareness using a reflective
indicator model. The reflective indicator model in
the measurement model obtained the magnitude of
the loading factor coefficient which serves to
determine which indicator is the strongest in
reflecting these variables. The greater the coefficient
of the loading factor, the greater the indicator that
measures the variables. Table 1 is the outer loading
table and the mean of the research variables.
Table 1. Variable Measurement
Utility of
Possesion Utility
Goal Utilty
Place Utilty
Fom Utilty
Time Utility
Utility (X.1.6)
Trust of
Shared Value
Control (X.2.3)
The personal
tendency to be
honest (Y1.1.1)
Awareness that
orderly traffic is
a form of
participation in
The awareness
that disorderly
traffic is very
The awareness
that traffic order
is established by
law and can be
enforced (Y.2.3)
Habit (Y3)
Order (Y.3.1)
Human Nature
Behavior (Y.3.4)
Based on Table 1, it can be seen that Utility of
ETLE is measured by six indicator which shows that
the indicator with most dominant effect in
measuring Utility of ETLE (X1) is Actualiation
Utility (X.1.6) with an outer loading value of 0.878
with a mean of 4.57. This indicates that the Utility
of ETLE in Jakarta society is already in the good
category. Furthermore, there are three significant
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.38
M. Fahri Anggia, Abdul Hakim,
Mardiyono, Solimun
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
measuring Trust of ETLE (X2) namely Shared
Value, Communication dan Opportunistic
Behaviour Control. Opportunistic Behaviour
Control (X.2.3) has an outer loading value of 0.922
with a mean of 4.58. This indicates that Trust of
ETLE in Jakarta society ih already in the good
category. Compliance (Y1) is measured
significantly by three indicators, namely the
personal tendency to be honest, the personal
tendency to feel always being watched, and the
personal tendency not to cheat. However, the
dominant indicator in measuring Compliance is the
personal tendency not to cheat (Y1.3) with an outer
loading value of 0.418 and a mean of 3.34. Next,
Awareness (Y2) is measured significantly by three
indicators has the dominant indicator with a value of
0.948 and a mean 4.64 which is owned by The
awareness that disorderly traffic is very detrimental
(Y.2.2). The last, Habit (Y3), the dominant indicator
Habit variable (Y3), the strongest measuring
indicator is Response (Y4.3) with an outer loading
value of 0.343 and a mean of 3.37. This shows that
the response of the community around the Jakarta
Metrojaya Police gave a good response to the
existence of ETLE..
4.1 Direct Effect Testing
Based on the test at Table 2, the results obtained that
the effect has a p-value of less than 0.05, which
means that the influence between research variables
is significant.
Table 2. Direct Effect Hypothesis Testing.
X1 → Y1
X1 → Y2
X1 → Y3
X2 → Y1
X2 → Y2
X2 → Y3
Y1 → Y2
Y1 → Y3
Y2 → Y3
So that the following conclusions can be drawn.
1) Utility of ETLE (X1) has a significant effect
on Compliance (Y1) with a path coefficient
of 0.235 and p-value <0.001
2) Utility o f ETLE (X1) has a significant
effect on Awareness (Y2) with a path
coefficient of 0,118 and p-value 0.045
3) Utility of ETLE (X1) has a significant effect
on Habit (Y3) with a path coefficient of
0.231 and p-value <0.001
4) Trust of ETLE (X2) has a significant effect
on Compliance (Y1) with a path coefficient
of 0.552 and p-value <0.001
5) Trust of ETLE (X2) has a direct significant
effect on Awareness (Y2) with a path
coefficient of 0.0557 and p-value <0.001
6) Trust of ETLE (X2) has a direct significant
effect on Habit (Y3) with a path coefficient
of 0.001 and p-value 0.493
7) Compliance (Y1) has an indirect significant
effect on Awareness (Y2) with a path
coefficient of 0.207 and p-value 0.001
8) Compliance (Y1) has an indirect significant
effect on Habit (Y3) with a path coefficient
of 0.171 and p-value 0.007
Awareness (Y2) has an indirect significant
effect on Habit (Y3) with a path coefficient of 0.498
and p-value <0.001
4.2 Indirect Effect Testing
Based on the table 3, the result shows that the effect
has a p-value of less than 0.05, which means that the
influence between research variables is significant.
Table 3. Indirect Effect Hypothesis Testing.
X1 → Y1 → Y2
X1 → Y1 → Y3
X2 → Y1 → Y2
X2 → Y1 → Y3
X2 → Y2 → Y3
Y1 → Y2 → Y3
So that the following conclusions can be drawn.
1) Utility of ETLE (X1) has an indirect
significant effect on Awareness (Y2)
through Compliance (Y1) with a path
coefficient of 0.049 and a p-value of 0.012
2) Utility of ETLE (X1) has an indirect
significant effect on Habit (Y3) through
Awareness (Y2) with a path coefficient of
0.059 and a p-value 0.038
3) Trust of ETLE (X2) has an indirect
significant effect on Awareness (Y2)
through Compliance (Y1) with a path
coefficient of 0.114 and a p-value 0.040
4) Trust of ETLE (X2) has an indirect
significant effect on Habit (Y3) through
Compliance (Y1) with a path coefficient of
0.094 and p-value 0.006
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.38
M. Fahri Anggia, Abdul Hakim,
Mardiyono, Solimun
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
5) Trust of ETLE (X2) has an indirect
significant effect on Habit (Y3) through
Awareness (Y2) with a path coefficient of
0.090 and p-value 0.035
6) Compliance (Y1) has an indirect significant
effect on Habit (Y3) through Awareness
(Y2) with a path coefficient of 0.103 and p-
value 0.036
5 Discussion
5.1 The Effect of Utility of ETLE on
The hypothesis result shows that Utility of ETLE
gives a positive direct significant effect on
Compliance. This can be seen from the path
coefficient of 0.235 with p-value <0.001. This
positive relationship indicates that the better the
ETLE Utility that is implemented in Jakarta, the
better community compliance (having higher
compliance) in traffic. So that Hypothesis 1 is
The results of this study are in line with several
previous studies, namely Verma et al. (2011) and
Barker et al. (2008). Verma et al. (2011) in his
research discusses traffic law enforcement in India,
particularly related to the traffic law enforcement
system. In the study of Verma et al. (2011) discuss
driver behavior and licensing procedures as an
effective preventive measure and road safety.
Verma explained that driving education and
licensing in driving will support road safety. Thus
the results of this study develop the concept of the
research results of Verma et al. (2011), previously
researched on objects related to traffic law
enforcement, and traffic compliance. Barker et al.
(2008) in his research discusses the interaction of
the police with civil society in Korea. In the study of
Barker et al. (2008) explored the effect of police
officer communication accommodation and reported
trust in police about attitudes about police
compliance. Barker explained that the perception of
police communication accommodation will support
the public to comply with police requests. Thus, the
results of this study develop the concept of the
research results of Barker et al. (2008), previously
studied on objects related to communication
accommodation, in this study provides a perspective
related to the utility of ETLE its effect on
community compliance in traffic.
5.2 The Effect of Utility of ETLE on
The hypothesis result shows that Utility of ETLE
gives a positive direct significant effect on
Awareness. This can be seen from the path
coefficient of 0.118 with p-value 0.045. This
positive relationship indicates that the better the
Utility of ETLE will give the better community
Awareness (having higher awareness) in traffic. So
that Hypothesis 2 is accepted.
The results of this study are in line with several
previous studies, namely Bates et al. (2016),
Goodwin and Foss (2004) and Razip et al. (2014).
Research Bates et al. (2016) and Goodwin and Foss
(2004) discuss the violations detected by the system
while driving. Research by Goodwin and Foss
(2004) shows the large role of parents in giving
consent to driving. And the large percentage of
teenagers who commit violations. The results of this
study provide a new perspective on the concept of
research by Bates et al. (2016), Goodwin and Foss
(2004) regarding Utility ETLE which has an effect
on driving awareness. Razip et al. (2014) in his
research explored the design and use of mobile
visual analytics tools for public safety data that
equip law enforcement agencies with effective
situation awareness and risk assessment tools. In
line with this research, namely exploring the ETLE
system in enforcing public awareness in driving.
Where, ETLE Utility is a system that provides a set
of interactive tools for users that allows them to
analyze and detect various types of driving
violations. This research has similarities with the
research concept of Razip et al. (2014), previously
investigated on objects related to system design to
enforce laws that will affect public awareness
5.3 The Effect of Utility of ETLE on Habit
The hypothesis result shows that Utility of ETLE
gives a positive direct significant effect on Habit.
This can be seen from the path coefficient of 0.059
with p-value 0.038. This positive relationship
indicates that the better the Utility of ETLE will
give the better community Habit in traffic. So that
Hypothesis 3 is accepted.
The results of this study are in line with
previous research conducted by Dewanto [19]
discussing applying information technology in
realizing an orderly traffic community (a case study
on electronic traffic law enforcement programs
conducted by traffic directorate of Jakarta
metropolitan police region in 2019-2020).
Dewanto's research [19] shows the use of
information technology in assisting the police task
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.38
M. Fahri Anggia, Abdul Hakim,
Mardiyono, Solimun
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
and reducing the number of traffic violations that
occur in the jurisdiction of the Polda Metro Jaya by
using ETLE. The results of this study reveal that the
ETLE system has facilitated the work of traffic
officers in enforcing traffic regulations..
5.4 The Effect of Trust of ETLE on
The hypothesis result shows that Trust of ETLE
gives a positive direct significant effect on
Compliance. This can be seen from the path
coefficient of 0.552 with p-value<0.001. This
positive relationship indicates that the better the
Trust of ETLE that owned by Jakarta community,
will give the better community Habit in traffic. So
that Hypothesis 4 is accepted.
This means that Trust ETLE has a significant
effect on Compliance. The research developed
Shalhoub's [20] research which aims to address the
problem. Lack of trust in online is one of the main
reasons for the relatively low adoption of electronic
commerce, especially in developing and developing
countries such as the Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC). In addition, this study is in line with the
research of Oliva and Compton [21] which aims to
collect narrative data from police officers about the
social environment of law enforcement rooms and
classroom experiences that are valued by law
enforcement officers. This study develops Weiss
and Freels [22] with the results of the study not
providing clear evidence that providing more traffic
law enforcement will reduce crime. For now, the
relationship between aggressive policing and crime
remains uncertain. Retting, et al. [23] conducted a
study that resulted in a large and very significant
reduction in red light violations within one year
following the implementation of the red light
camera enforcement program at Fairfax. Most
Fairfax residents know about cameras, and the rate
of violations on camera and non-camera sites
decreased by about 40 percent one year after law
enforcement began.
5.5 The Effect of Trust of ETLE on
The results of hypothesis testing indicate that Trust
of ETLE has a positive and significant effect on
Awareness. This can be seen from the path
coefficient of 0.557 with a p-value of <0.001. This
positive relationship indicates that the better the
Trust of ETLE owned by the people of Jakarta, the
better public awareness (having higher awareness)
in traffic. Trust of ETLE mediated by Compliance
has a significant effect on Awareness. This means
that Compliance mediates the effect of Trust of
ETLE on Awareness. The higher the Trust of ETLE
followed by an increase in Compliance, the higher
the Awareness will be. So that Hypothesis 5 is
This research is in line with Grindle's Theory
which suggests that the success of public policy
implementation is influenced by the content
variable, and the implementation environment
variable or contacts. One of the variables in
Grindle's theory (1990) suggests that one of the
scopes of the content variable is the type of benefit
received by the target. In this study, the target is the
people of Jakarta who can obey in driving because
of the trust factor in an ELTE system that is
5.6 The Effect of Trust of ETLE on Habit
The hypothesis result shows that Trust of ETLE
gives a positive direct significant effect on Habit.
This can be seen from the path coefficient of 0.277
with p-value 0.000. This positive relationship
indicates that the better the Trust of ETLE will give
the better community Habit in traffic. So that
Hypothesis 6 is accepted.
The results of this study are in line with
previous research conducted by Oktaviana [24]
discussing the effect of the intensity of watching
ETLE news on traffic law awareness behavior in
Central Jakarta City. Oktaviana's research [24]
shows that news programs broadcast by television
media provide positive things regarding the news of
the expansion of the ETLE camera to the public.
The results of this study reveal that the sheer
volume of news regarding the expansion of ETLE
cameras around the city of Central Jakarta can affect
public habits.
5.7 The Effect of Compliance on Awareness
Hypothesis 4, which tests between Compliance
(Personal tendency to be honest (Y1.1), Personal
tendency to feel always being watched (Y1.2), and
Personal tendency not to cheat (Y1.3)) to Awareness
(Awareness that orderly traffic is a form of
participation in supporting state development
(Y2.1), Awareness that disorderly traffic is very
detrimental (Y2.2), and Awareness that traffic order
is established by law and can be enforced (Y2.3)),
has a coefficient value in group 1 of 0.191 with a p-
value of 0.006 and group 2 of 0.275 with a p-value
of 0.000. So that hypothesis 7 is accepted.
This means that the higher the compliance, the
higher the awareness of the drivers. The results of
this study are in line with Arora's [25] research,
which showed that most drivers follow driving
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.38
M. Fahri Anggia, Abdul Hakim,
Mardiyono, Solimun
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
traffic rules and signs. A minority of drivers do not
believe that following traffic rules can lead to
accidents and other traffic problems. In addition,
research Zhao, et al. [26] conducted a study aimed
to investigate the correlation between driver safety
awareness and several indexes and proposed an
objective evaluation criterion, which could include
multiple safety awareness for a measurable
objective index. This study supports the research
conducted by Anam, et al. [27], which generates
awareness of taxpayers, and taxpayers who have a
significant influence on tax payment compliance in
5.8 The Effect of Compliance on Habit
Hypothesis 5, which tests between Compliance
(Personal tendency to be honest (Y1.1), Personal
tendency to feel always being watched (Y1.2), and
Personal tendency not to cheat (Y1.3)) to Habit
(Repetition (Y4.1), Human Nature (Y4.2), Response
(Y4.3), and Behavior (Y4.4)) has a coefficient value
in group 1 of 0.173 with a p-value of 0.013 and
group 2 of 0.246 with a p-value of 0.000. So that
Hypothesis 5 is accepted. In addition, Y1 also has a
significant indirect effect on Y4 through Y2 with a
path coefficient of 0.087 and a p-value of 0.040. So
that Hypothesis 8 is accepted.
This means that compliance has a significant
direct or indirect effect on habits. The higher the
compliance, the better the habit will be. This study
is in line with the research of Pahnila, et al. [28],
which showed that the quality of information has a
significant effect on actual IS security policy
compliance. Attitudes, beliefs, and normative habits
of employees have a significant effect on the
intention to comply with the IS security policy.
Threat assessment and facilitation conditions have a
significant impact on attitudes towards compliance
while coping assessments do not have a significant
effect on employee attitudes towards compliance.
Sanctions have no significant effect on the intention
to comply with IS security policies and rewards
have no significant effect on actual compliance with
IS security policies. In addition, this study is also in
line with the research of Bowes, et al. [29], which
aimed to apply the Theory of Planned Behavior
(TPB) to explore the factors that influence non-
compliance with off-leash dog regulations on
visitors of the Canadian Pacific Rim National Park
Reserve. Haj Taieb [30] conducted a study using
system dynamics to identify the factors that
influence driver compliance with the law and how
these factors can be affected to increase compliance,
and thus safety. Dan Vance, et al. (2012) conducted
a study to integrate habits (routine forms of past
behavior) with Protection Motivation Theory
(PMT), to explain compliance.
5.9 The Effect of Awareness on Habit
Hypothesis 7, which tests between Awareness
(Awareness that orderly traffic is a form of
participation in supporting state development
(Y2.1), Awareness that disorderly traffic is very
detrimental (Y2.2), and Awareness that traffic order
is established by law and can be enforced (Y2.3)) to
Habit (Repetition (Y4.1), Human Nature (Y4.2),
Response (Y4.3), and Behavior (Y4.4)), has a
coefficient value in group 1 of 0.254 with a p-value
of 0.000 and group 2 of 0.330 with a p-value of
0.000. So that hypothesis 7 is accepted. In addition,
Y2 has an indirect significant effect with Y4
through Y3 with a path coefficient of 0.065 and a p-
value of 0.065. So that Hypothesis 9 is accepted.
Awareness has a significant direct effect but
does not have a significant indirect effect on habits.
The direction of the influence of awareness on
habits is positive. So, the higher the driver's
awareness of driving, the higher the habits he will
have. The results of this study, which indicate a
positive and significant effect, are supported by
research by Kremers, et al. [31], Bayer, et al. [32],
and Lally, et al. [33]. In detail, the research results
of Kremers, et al. [31] showed that children with
high awareness of personal behavior and high
habitual strength reported being more physically
active. In addition, psychosocial factors are less
associated with physical activity in children with
low awareness of their personal physical activity
levels. Furthermore, research by Bayer, et al. [32]
presented a model of how unconscious "trigger" to
check mobile devices, or connection cues, affect
communication flow. Research Lally, et al. [33]
aimed to investigate the process of forming habits in
everyday life.
5.10 The Indirect Effect
The results of the hypothesis test of the indirect
effect show that there is a positive and significant
influence between the variable relationships. This
indicates that the mediating variables, namely
Compliance and Awareness, have a role to
strengthen the influence of the Utility of ETLE and
Trust of ETLE on Habit. The originality of this
research is seen in the indirect effect where there is
still no research with such a direction of relationship
and variables.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.38
M. Fahri Anggia, Abdul Hakim,
Mardiyono, Solimun
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
6 Research Limitations
There are two research limitations in this study,
1. This research on the implementation of policies
regarding the application of ETLE (Electronic
Traffic Law Enforcement) uses a quantitative
approach. Research variables were measured
quantitatively using a research instrument in
the form of a questionnaire. On the other hand,
the research method used is to take samples
from the population. The survey was conducted
by giving questionnaires to respondents.
2. This research is also confirmatory research,
namely through empirical hypothesis
testing. The integration of all hypotheses
into a research model, namely a model of
obedient traffic habits.
3. This research was conducted at the
intersection of Merdeka Selatan street,
Gambir, Central Jakarta. The location was
chosen as the research setting considering
that the location has implemented the
ETLE system.
4. This study only used Utility of ETLE (X1) and
Trust of ETLE (X2) as a predictor variables
and Compliance (Y1), Awareness (Y2) and
Habit (Y3) as the response variable.
7 Conclusion and Implication
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be
concluded that the nine hypotheses have a
significant influence. Which means that each
variable has a direct effect on each other, namely:
Utility of ETLE has a direct and significant effect
on Compliance, Awareness and Habits; Trust of
ETLE has a direct and significant effect on
Compliance, Awareness and Habits; Compliance
has a direct and significant effect on Awareness and
Habits; Awareness has a direct and significant effect
on Habits. Utility of ETLE has an indirect and
significant effect on Compliance, Awareness, and
Habits. Trust of ETLE has an indirect and
significant effect on Compliance, Awareness, and
Habits. Compliance has an indirect and significant
effect on Awareness and Habits. The implications of
the results of this study are as a perspective to obtain
information that Utility of ETLE and Trust of ETLE
have an effect on increasing traffic awareness. Thus,
it is necessary to increase the use of ETLE
(Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement) to increase
awareness of morning traffic for motorized vehicle
drivers. With increased compliance and awareness
of traffic, traffic violations and the number of traffic
accidents can be reduced or decreased as well as
more orderly and orderly motorized vehicle drivers.
Moreover, If you want to create a habit for orderly
traffic, the police need to socialize with the public
about the advantages of ETLE and make people
believe that driving will always be supervised by
ETLE. These two things can create an orderly habit
of driving if it is supported by an obedient attitude
and awareness of orderly traffic by the community.
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DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.38
M. Fahri Anggia, Abdul Hakim,
Mardiyono, Solimun
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
Solimun develop design and control methodologies
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M. Fahri Anggia providing ideas for writing,
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and preparation for publication.
Abdul Hakim Application of statistical and
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Mardiyono Preparation of publication and
conducting a research investigation
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.38
M. Fahri Anggia, Abdul Hakim,
Mardiyono, Solimun
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022