The Advantage of Being a Small Country on Economic Growth
Spillovers: A Review on Spain and Portugal with ARDL Approach
Faculty of Economic and Administrative Science, Economics Department,
University of Kocaeli, Turkey
ORCID: 0000-0002-8415-0510
College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg
PO Box 524, Auckland Park
Faculty of Economic and Administrative Science, Economics Department,
University of Kocaeli, Turkey
ORCID: 0000-0002-8109-4306
School of Business and Economics and CEEAplA
University of Azores
9500-321 Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Faculty of Applied Sciences, WSB University
41-300 Dabrowa Górnicza
College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg
PO Box 524, Auckland Park
Abstract This study investigates Spain's role in Portugal’s economic development and analyzes the assumption
that Spain’s import from Portugal is the factor that increases Portugal’s per capita income the most. Apart from
these reasons, there are several other motivations to focus on foreign trade between Spain and Portugal. The
first is to examine the impact on Portugal of the increases in GDP, exports and imports of Spain, which is the
major country and borders Portugal. Second, this study aims to test the growth spread. According to the test
results, the economic growth of Spain positively affects the growth of Portugal in the long and short term. In
addition, it was concluded that the share of imports has more positive effects than exports in the long run. It
shows that the deviation in the variables according to the error correction term result converges to only 85
percent in the t period. The findings are also consistent with previous research supporting the economic
integration arguments that emerged as a result of trade relations. In addition, in this direction, the economic and
political meetings to be held between the two countries and the actions to be taken as a result of these meetings
can create an environment where both countries can win.
Key-Words: - Economic Growth Spillovers, Economic Growth and Development, International Trade, Export
and Import, Small Country, Spain-Portugal, ARDL Bounds Test.
Received: July 24, 2021. Revised: December 30, 2021. Accepted: January 15, 2022. Published: January 16, 2022.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.33
Murat Emi
könel, Daniel Meyer,
Ayhan Orhan, Gualter Couto,
Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
1 Introduction
The Spanish economy has undergone major changes
over the past forty years. With these changes, the
country is vital for the EU in tourism, agriculture,
and industry [1]. Considering its economic size, it is
the fifth-largest economy in the EU and fourteenth
in the world. Spain is a modern knowledge-based
economy represented by the services sector,
equalling 75% of its business operations. It has a
highly competitive, young, highly skilled, and
highly motivated population in Western Europe [2].
The most important sectors of the Spanish economy
are wholesale and retail trade, transportation,
accommodation and food services (23.4%), public
administration, defense, education, human health
and social work activities (18.9%), and industry
(17.8%). [3].
Portugal, which could be described as a poor
economy in Europe until the 1990s, grew more
compared to the economies of similar countries by
the 2000s [4]. Between 2001-10, GDP growth fell
an average of 0.6%, and unemployment tripled.
Correction of macroeconomic and financial
imbalances started seriously in 2011. Despite
significant losses in foreign trade, the current
account deficit was narrowed significantly due to
both the decrease in import volume and strong
export performance [5]. As one of the most income-
generating mushroom producers in the world today,
Portugal is in the high-income group [6]. Portuguese
economy primarily exports motor vehicle parts,
electrical machinery, petroleum and mineral fuels,
industrial machinery, and plastics, respectively. The
most imported products are motor vehicle parts,
petroleum and mineral fuels, industrial machinery,
electrical machinery, and plastics, respectively [7].
Historically on the southern border of Europe, the
two countries with a less developed economy than
their northern partners have a rich national history.
Spain and Portugal were in limited relations with
Europe until they became a member of the European
economic community. After membership, the two
entered deeper economic ties between themselves
and Europe [8]. They work with similar views
within the EU for stronger relations with the
Mediterranean and Latin American countries [9]. As
a result of increased relations, Spain ranked first in
exports and imports for the Portuguese economy
[10]. In this context, export and import shares,
which are included in the analysis part of the study,
are given in Figure 1.
Fig. 1: Trade Share
Source: The data was compiled by the authors from World Bank.
When Figure 1 is analyzed, it is seen that the rate of
Spain’s exports to Portugal is 2.6 times higher than
the imports. The striking point in the figure is that
while the share of imports increases regularly, the
percentage of exports fluctuates. After the global
economic crisis in 2008, Portugal’s share in Spain’s
exports increased after this year even though it was
at the bottom level in 2012. As of 2017, this rate
approached the figures back in 2012 but increased
again in the following year. Several factors have
been affecting the economic performance of Spain
and Portugal recently and changing its economy,
and these factors can be examined under four
headings. The first is the oil crisis in the early
1970s, the second is the process of connecting to
the community that goes back to the end of 1985,
the third is the period until the introduction of the
euro, and the last one is the period that includes the
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.33
Murat Emi
könel, Daniel Meyer,
Ayhan Orhan, Gualter Couto,
Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
effects of the major economic and financial crisis
triggered by the American mortgage market crisis.
In general, both Spain and Portugal adapt to
European economic dynamism. When Europe loses
its economic dynamism, both Portugal and Spain
lose dynamism accordingly. However, Portugal is
more affected by negative consequences [11].
The close relationship in both the historical and
economic relations of the two countries is reflected
in the per capita income. When Figure 2 is
analyzed, it is seen that Spain and Portugal’s per
capita income move together. However, the same
proportionality increases in favor of Spain during
the enlargement periods.
Fig. 2: Comparative Per Capita Income of Countries
Source: The data was compiled by the authors from the World Bank.
This study focused on the Spanish-Portuguese
couple for three reasons. The primary reason is to
examine the impact on Portugal of the increase in
Spain's share of exports and imports from Portugal,
in addition to the increase in Spain's GDP.
Although some studies in the literature research the
economic relationship between Spain and Portugal,
there is no study examining this relationship in this
relevant respect. Second, this study tests growth
spread rather than macroeconomic links, unlike
other studies. Thirdly, it is expected that countries
are economically interdependent as they are close
neighbors. In this context, considering Spain and
Portugal’s close commercial and economic
relations, the study analyzes the effect of Spain’s
per capita income and increase in export and import
shares on the Portuguese economy with the ARDL
border test approach for long and short terms.
2 Literature Review
There are studies in the literature that focus on
Export-Led Growth and Import-Led Growth.
Studies aiming to confirm the positive impact of
exports on economic growth were conducted by
Findlay [12], Krueger [13], and Darrat [14], which
test for cointegration using the rank correlation.
Furthermore, Balassa [15], and Ram [16] estimated
regression equations for GDP (GNP) where the
export is considered as the independent variable
besides other variables, such as capital and labor.
Furthermore, Michaely [17], Feder [18], Marin
[19], and Thornton [20] has found that countries
that export the majority of their final goods grow
more quickly. The increase in exports also
encourages exports by providing technological
spillovers and other externalities in the economy.
Models by Grossman and Helpman [21], Rivera-
Batiz and Romer [22], and Romer [23] assume that
expanded international trade increases the number
of specialized inputs, increasing growth rates as
economies become open to international trade.
Buffie [24] evaluates the impact of shocks in
exports on export-led growth. According to
Bhagwati [25], increased trade results in more
income (increased GDP) and more income further
increases trade. Ramos [26] conducted a Granger
causality analysis for the Portuguese economy
based on the Johansen cointegration and error
correction model. As a result, the cointegration
between export growth and economic growth
suggests long and short-term bidirectional causality
relationships. However, no correlation between
import and export growth was detected. Awokuse
[27] tested the link between exports, imports, and
GDP growth through an augmented production
function. The Granger causality test provided
evidence for ELG and Growth-Led Export (GLE)
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.33
Murat Emi
könel, Daniel Meyer,
Ayhan Orhan, Gualter Couto,
Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
for Bulgaria. However, for the Czech Republic, a
unidirectional relationship from exports and
imports to GDP growth was identified. For Poland,
only ILG was validated.
For China, Mah [28], tested ELG using the ARDL
model for the statistic of Pesaran and Shin [29].
The results were in favor of a long-term
bidirectional relationship between real GDP growth
and export growth. The same finding was also
obtained by Shan and Sun [30].
Hye and Boubaker [31] investigated the
relationship between exports, imports, and
economic growth for Tunisia between 1960 and
2008 by applying the ARDL test to determine the
direction of causality in the long term. The analysis
results found a unidirectional causality between
exports and economic growth and bilateral
causality between imports and economic growth.
They also noted that the growth based on exports
and imports was valid in Tunisia. Mendonça [11]
researched the economic performance of Spain,
Portugal, and Europe in his study. The two
countries’ economies are shaped by various shocks
that profoundly affect the internal and external
dynamics. Spain was more successful than Portugal
in complying with European Union regulations.
While the Spanish economy became stronger in the
European Union process, the sensitivity of the
Portuguese economy increased. Lastly, Kalai and
Zghidi [32] addressed the relationship between
foreign investment, international trade, and
economic growth for the 15 countries in the MENA
region between 1999 and 2012 with the ARDL test
and vector error correction model. According to the
analysis results, they concluded that the main factor
affecting economic growth in the long run in
MENA countries is foreign direct investments.
Kumar [33], in addition to the impact of physical
capital and foreign direct investment on growth,
India examines the dynamic spillover of China's
bilateral trade using the ARDL method. The results
of the analysis indicated that bilateral trade has a
significant long-term effect on the growth rate of
the two countries as measured by GDP per capita.
Kumar [34] examined the exports and imports of
India, the largest economy in the South Asian
Regional Cooperation Association, to/from South
Asia and its contribution to these countries. In his
study, which he analyzed with the ARDL bounds
test using data from 1990-2016, he concluded that
India's economic growth and regional trade have
short- and long-term spillovers on the economic
growth of Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and
3 Data and Methodology
The ARDL procedure is superior to the other
cointegration tests since it allows to overcome the
problem of endogeneity caused by the Granger
procedure and allows for long-run relationship
testing. In addition to this, the ARDL test for the
long-run relationship has no restriction on the
integration order of the variables, i.e., variables
with different order of integration, nonintegrated,
or fractionally cointegrated can be used. Moreover,
the ARDL technique can be performed on a small-
sized sample [31]. With these superior features, the
study measures the effect of Spain on the
Portuguese economy using the ARDL method.
Since Spain is larger than Portugal in terms of
population and GDP, per capita income is used as a
variable in the analysis. Accordingly, the effect of a
change (increase) in Spain’s per capita income on
growth spread in Portugal’s per capita income is
examined. The study is carried out using annual
data covering 1989-2018. Four variables are used
in the model. Portugal’s per capita income is an
independent variable obtained from the World
Bank database. There are three dependent
variables: the per capita income of Spain, the share
of Spain’s exports to Portugal in its total exports,
and the share of Spain’s imports from Portugal in
total imports. Spain’s per capita income is also
taken from the World Bank database, and export
and import shares from the World Integrated Trade
Solution online database. and represent the
dependent country’s GDP growth rate and the
independent country’s GDP growth rate to show
economic growth, respectively. represents the
share of Spain’s exports to Portugal in total exports,
and represents the share of imports from
Portugal in total imports. The relationship between
the variables is given in equation 1.
= + + + + (1)
denotes dependent country per capita GDP
denotes independent country per capita GDP
denotes the share of Spain’s exports to
Portugal in its total exports.
denotes the share of Spain’s imports from
Portugal in total imports.
denotes error term.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.33
Murat Emi
könel, Daniel Meyer,
Ayhan Orhan, Gualter Couto,
Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
4. Empirical Findings
4.1 Unit Root Test Results
For the data analysis in the study, firstly, stationary
properties are examined. Stationary is decided
based on whether the stochastic process varies
depending on time in time series analysis. If the
nature of the probabilistic process changes over
time, it means that the series is not stationary. As a
result of the fact that the series is not stationary, the
problem of false regression arises [35]. In such a
situation, the real relationship between the series
cannot be measured. In this context, the series to be
examined were analyzed with the Augmented
Dickey-Fuller [36] unit root test developed by
Dickey-Fuller in 1981 to obtain consistent and
reliable analysis results. The test results are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1. ADF Unit Root Test Results (Level and first difference)
First difference
First difference
First difference
Constant Trend
Note: ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels, respectively.
Looking at Table 1, the GDP variable is stationary
at the first difference for Spain and Portugal and is
statistically significant at the 5% level. The share of
Spain's exports to Portugal is stationary at the first
difference and statistically significant at the 1%
level. The share of Spain's imports from Portugal is
stationary both in level and in the first difference,
but the statistical significance levels are 10% and
1%, respectively. Table 1 shows that the ARDL
bounds test can be performed in the study because
the series is stationary at different levels, and it
does not need to be stationary at the same level
compared to the Johansen-Juselius and Engle-
Granger [37] cointegration tests. The assumption
that the Johansen-Juselius [38] and Engle-Granger
cointegration tests are evenly stationary as the
prerequisite is the weakness of these tests.
However, Pesaran et al. [29] and then Pesaran et al.
In the ARDL bounds test developed by (2001), the
lack of a condition requiring the series to be
stationary at the same level provides convenience
in the studies [39]. Additionally, the ARDL bounds
test can be used in a small observation dataset [40].
The ARDL bounds test consists of two stages. The
first step is to determine the existence of a long-
term relationship between the variables. After the
existence of a long-term relationship is detected in
the first stage, the long-term and short-term
causality relationship is estimated in the second
stage within the framework of the error correction
term (ECT).
This study adapted the form of the model presented
in equation 2 to determine the existence of a long-
term relationship between the variables:
= + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ (2)
where is the constant term, is the error term,
are first difference of the series, are long-
run multipliers, and a, b, c, and d represent the lag
length of the variables.
The test of the existence of cointegration in the
ARDL model is based on the F statistic. With
calculated F statistics
: = = = = 0 (No cointegration.)
: 0 (Cointegrated.)
hypotheses are tested. Based on the F statistics
results obtained from the test results, it is decided
whether the hypothesis can be rejected or not. If
the result of the F statistic is above the limit, is
rejected, and there is a cointegration result. If the F
statistic result is below the limit, cannot be
rejected, and it is concluded that there is no
cointegration. If the result is between the lower
limit and the upper limit, no interpretation can be
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.33
Murat Emi
könel, Daniel Meyer,
Ayhan Orhan, Gualter Couto,
Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
made [39]. The ARDL limit and diagnostic test results of the study are presented in table 2.
Table 2. The ARDL Bounds Test and Diagnostic Tests
Diagnostic tests
Reset Tests
Critical values T:35
Lower bounds I(0)
Upper bounds I(1)
Considering the results of F statistics given in
Table 2, it is concluded that there is a long-term
cointegration at the five percent level. According to
the diagnostic test results, it was determined that
there was no variance, autocorrelation problem, and
model building error in the model, and the model
showed a normal distribution. In other words, the
model is not set up incorrectly and the reliability of
the information obtained as a result of the
established model is based on solid foundations.
After long-term cointegration is determined among
the variables, the long and short-term coefficients
of the variables can be calculated. The relationship
of variables in the short run is determined by the
error correction model. The error correction model
equation includes the first differences of the
variables and the one-time delayed errors of the
cointegration regression. The advantage of using an
error correction model is that it reveals short- and
long-term causality and determines the imbalance
between the variables, besides fixing them [41].
The adapted form of the error correction model is
presented in equation 3.
= + +
+ + +
+ (3)
shows a time-lagged value of the series of
error terms derived from the long-term relationship.
coefficient shows the rate of adaptation of the
system to long-term balance after shocks occurring
in the short term [42]. Error correction term (ECT)
coefficient should be negative and statistically
significant. It is also expected to be between 0 and -
1 [42]. However, if it is between -1 and -2, the
variables provide convergence with decreasing
fluctuation each time [43].
4.2 Long and Short-Run Test Results
After determining that there is cointegration in the
variables taken for Spain and Portugal, the ARDL
test was applied within the framework of error
correction (ECT) to determine the variables’ long
and short term coefficients. Long and short term
test results of Portugal are given in Table 3.
According to the test results, the economic growth
of Spain positively affects the growth of Portugal in
the long run. In the short term, it affects positively
in the current period and in the three delay periods,
while it affects negatively in one delayed and two
delayed periods. The share of exports affects
positively in the long and short term. While the
share of imports has more positive effects than
exports in the long run, it has a negative effect in
the short run. The error correction term was found
to be -0.85. This result indicates that the deviation
in the variables in the t-1 period converged only 85
percent in the t period.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.33
Murat Emi
könel, Daniel Meyer,
Ayhan Orhan, Gualter Couto,
Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
Table 3. Short- and Long-Run Relationship for Portugal
Long-run relationship
Short-run relationship
ΔExport (-1)
ΔExport (-2)
ΔExport (-3)
ΔExport (-4)
ΔImport (-1)
ΔImport (-2)
ΔImport (-3)
ΔImport (-4)
(0.0006) ***
Note: ***, **, and * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10% significance levels, respectively.
Considering the figure 1 above, although Spain's
export share to Portugal has fluctuated over the
years, its share in 2018 is at a point equivalent to
the initial year. However, the share of imports has
followed an increasing course over the years. As
seen in our results, the share of imports is more
influential than the share of exports. When we look
at the products imported by Spain to Portugal, the
first five rows are vehicles other than railway or
tramway wagons and their parts and components;
Machinery, mechanical devices, nuclear reactors,
boilers, parts thereof; Plastics and articles thereof;
Mineral fuels, mineral oils and their distillation
products, bituminous substances, mineral; Iron and
steel products are included. The share of these
products in their trade is 12%, 8%, 7%, 5%, and
4.6%, respectively. When we look at the products
exported by Spain from Portugal, the first five
ranks are "Vehicles other than railway or tramway
wagons and their parts and parts; Machinery,
mechanical devices, nuclear reactors, boilers, their
parts and parts; Electrical machinery and
equipment and their parts; Plastics. and goods;
Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products obtained
from their distillation, bituminous substances,
mineral" products. The share of these products in
their trade is 8.3%, 7.9%, 7.4%, 5.5% and 4.5%,
respectively. Although four of the groups of goods
it exports and imports are the same products,
Portugal is a net exporter of these products against
Spain. As of 2020, Portugal's net trade surplus
value against Spain is approximately 10.3 billion
Spain’s per capita income, the effect of changes in
export and import shares on Portugal’s per capita
income are collectively presented in Figure 3. The
cumulative sum (CUSUM) tests of the study are
given in Annex 1.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.33
Murat Emi
könel, Daniel Meyer,
Ayhan Orhan, Gualter Couto,
Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
Long Run Spillovers Short Run Spillovers
Fig. 3: The Impact of Spain’s Gdp, Export Share, and Import Share on Portugal
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
Spain and Portugal, which joined the European
Community in 1986, have rich historical and
economic relations. Based on this close economic
relationship, the effect of Spanish trade data and
economy on the Portuguese economy was examined
in the study. While the studies in the literature
analyze bilateral trade, they sometimes consist of
studies to find the factors that can be effective in the
trade between the two countries. Sometimes, the
effects on bilateral trade are analyzed directly by the
amount of exports and imports or the monetary
values of these amounts. The feature that
distinguishes this study from other studies is that it
measures the economic growth performance of the
partner country for bilateral foreign trade, taking
into account the export of the big country to the
partner country and the share of imports from it in
all exports and imports. The results reveal that
Spain’s exports, imports, and economic growth
significantly increase Portugal’s economic growth.
As a result, the increase in Spain’s per capita
income positively affects Portugal’s per capita
income in the long run. In the short term, the
increase in Spain’s per capita income in the current
period and the three lagged periods positively
affects Portugal’s per capita income, while in one
lagged period, it affects negatively. The share of
exports affects positively in the long- and short-
term. While the share of imports has more positive
effects than exports in the long run, it has a negative
effect in the short run. This is because Spain has a
25 percent share in Portugal’s total exports.
Additionally, the fact that Portugal prefers imported
products from Spain causes external reflection in
trade, which therefore increases the export of
Portugal. The findings are also consistent with
previous research supporting the economic
integration arguments that emerged as a result of
trade relations. Based on these results, Portugal can
increase its market share in the region by increasing
its exports to Spain in the long term and positively
affecting its economy. However, a contraction in the
Spanish economy in the future could affect Portugal
more negatively. Hence, Portugal needs to focus on
market and product diversification. In addition, in
this direction, the economic and political meetings
to be held between the two countries and the actions
to be taken as a result of these meetings can create
an environment where both countries can win. This
study investigated the data of Spain and Portugal.
With the addition of different countries to the
analysis in future studies, results can be diversified.
Consequently, evaluations can be made by
analyzing different variables for these two countries.
This research was partially funded by the program
of the Minister of Science and Higher Education
titled “Regional Initiative of Excellence” in 2019-
2022, project number 018/RID/2018/19, the amount
of funding PLN 10 788 423,16. Moreover, our
thanks also to the Portuguese national funds through
FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.,
project number UIDB/00685/2020.
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.33
Murat Emi
könel, Daniel Meyer,
Ayhan Orhan, Gualter Couto,
Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
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DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.33
Murat Emi
könel, Daniel Meyer,
Ayhan Orhan, Gualter Couto,
Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022
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Annex 1
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
CUSUM 5% Significance
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
CUSUM of Squares 5% Significance
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.33
Murat Emi
könel, Daniel Meyer,
Ayhan Orhan, Gualter Couto,
Rui Alexandre Castanho
E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 19, 2022