will evaluate the data by making a replacement
purchase. The next day, customers will choose the
option to buy using various criteria.
Lifestyle is referred to as a person's way of life,
including how a person uses his money, how he
spends his time and the like. Hawkins and Coney
(2005) reported that a person's lifestyle will affect
desires, life attitudes, and buying attitudes. [19].
This will ultimately determine the purchase decision
of customers who will return to a lifestyle that will
affect their consumption patterns.
According to Kotler in Susanto (2013: 1), people's
lifestyles in the world are expressed in certain
activities, interests, and opinions, in the sense that in
general a person's lifestyle can be seen from the
routine activities he does, what he thinks. about
everything around him and how much he cares
about it and also what he thinks about himself and
the outside world [20].
Student lifestyles can change, but this change is
usually due to changing needs. During puberty
period, parents are no longer become the models,
otherwise, the people in the same age will become
the main models [21]. This subject focuses students
to imitate the attitudes of many people around them.
This imitation pattern is especially felt by young
people. Young people often make friends with their
peers. In special gatherings, young people take turns
giving about many things, including lifestyle.
Students in the late youth era are generally tempted
to use what the majority of their peers use.
Contemporary groups are recognized to influence
young people's evaluations and decisions regarding
their behavior [22]. Conger (1991) and Papalia and
Olds(2001) suggest that peer groups are an
important reference point for young people in terms
of lifestyle-related thoughts and actions [23], [24].
Client psychographics is often called lifestyle
analysis because it is seen from two forms, namely
self-design and lifestyle. Psychographic research is
always based on AIO (Activity, Interest and
Opinion) [25]. The market share of young children
is a prime target for producers. Students are late
youths with a great propensity to consume. Often,
students consume an object or service not just
because they need it. However, the level of
consumption perception that often occurs in students
when consuming is a symptom of consumptive
Arnold Mitchell of SRI International (Kotler,
2005) adds 9 lifestyles based on the idea that people
have several steps of progress. [5]. The nine
lifestyles are:
1. Survivors, are people who are less Asian
and tend to face hopelessness, deprivation,
alienation such as elderly people, people whose
health levels are small and their educational
levels are small.
2. Sustainers, are underprivileged residents who are
still struggling to get away from poverty.
3. Belongers, namely conventional and
conservative are a lot of conventional and
conventional people who miss the past, do not
dare to try new things and prefer to get used to it
than emerge.
4. Emulators (People who Like to Exceed), are
people who like to dream, try to leave their
status and want to be popular.
5. Achievers, are the nation's superiors who create,
practice the system and enjoy a good life.
6. “I am Me” (People Who Like to Focus on
Himself), is a young child who only considers
himself and likes to ponder.
7. Experientialists (People who Like to Try
Something New), are people who like to pursue
the riches of the heart and want to experience
firsthand what life has to offer.
8. Societally Conscious (People who have a high
awareness of social problems), are people who
have a great sense of responsibility and want to
correct the situation in society.
9. Integrateds (Established Personality), is a person
who has fully reached intellectual maturity and
can mix the factors of the heart and the factors of
the environment.
Price is the amount of money (plus some products if
possible) required to compile a mix of products and
services [26]. Meanwhile, Kotler and Armstrong
(2008) describe the price in a small way as the
amount of money that is weighted for a product or
service [27]. It is broadly defined as the amount of
money weighted for a product or service, or the
amount of money a customer exchanges for the
benefit of having or using a product or service. From
the meaning above, it can be concluded that to have
or use a product or service, the customer must use
some money as a change tool.
According to Tjiptono (2002) It is broadly
defined as the amount of money that is weighed
against a product or service, or the amount of money
that a client exchanges for the benefit of having or
using the product or service [28]. From the
interpretation above, it can be concluded that to
have or use a product or service, the client must use
some money as a change tool.
Next for Dertwinkel pricing can be tried based
on the following objectives [29] :
1. By modifying behavior
People talk based on several alibis, including:
seeking happiness, seeking encouragement,
sharing encouragement or instructions, sharing
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.12