Machine Learning Models for Probability Classification in
Spectrographic EEG Seizures Dataset
School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering,
Liverpool Hope University,
Hope Park, L16 9JD, Liverpool,
Abstract: - The examination of brain signals, namely the Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, is an approach
to possibly detect seizures of the brain. Due to the nature of these signals, deep learning techniques have
offered the opportunity to perform automatic or semi-automatic analysis which could support decision and
therapeutical approaches. This paper focuses on the possibility of classifying EEG seizure using convolutional
layers (namely EfficientNetV2 architectures, i.e., EfficientNetV2S and EfficientNetV2B2), Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) units, and fine-tuned mechanisms of attention. We use these techniques to untangle the
complexity of these signals and accurately predict seizures. The proposed system provided interesting results
with an 86.45% accuracy under the Kullback-Leibler Divergence loss of 0.95. Moreover, these results showed
that embedding LSTM layers deeply increases the quality of the results since these layers support the analysis
of the spatial-temporal dynamics of the EEG signals. On the other hand, it is important to mention that
hardware limitations could affect these results and therefore it is important, when setting this architectural
system, to fine-tune the data set and balance the performance vs the computational cost of the process.
Key-Words: - Machine Learning Models, Attention Mechanism, Probabilistic Classification, EEG, Support-
Decision System, Kullback-Leibler Divergence.
Received: January 16, 2024. Revised: July 17, 2024. Accepted: August 19, 2024. Published: September 23, 2024.
1 Introduction
Electroencephalography (EEG), an approach to the
analysis brain signals and, in particular, electrical
brain signals, developed in the 19th century and in
the time of the Industrial Revolution, [1]. Around
the 1920s, Has Berger proposed the first recording
tool for the EEG signals, [2], which then brought to
the possibility of analyzing brain activity and
correlating this information with the functionality of
the brain as well as with its pathologies, [3], [4]. In
particular, new discoveries follow regarding
epilepsy, sleep patterns, [5], [6], and other seizures
and neurological disorders, [7], [8], [9].
Due to the nature of the EEG signals, it is
sometimes difficult to find overall consistency in its
interpretation, [10], [11], and therefore the
importance of standard methodologies which can
support the decision and visualization has grown
especially vs the detection of epilepsy, which is one
of the main interest of this work, [12]. In this
context, Machine Learning (ML) techniques are a
useful tool, together with the classic approaches of
the literature, such as the analysis in the frequency
and time domains, the use of Convolutional Neural
Networks (CCNs), and Support Vector Machines
(SVMs), [13], [14].
CNNs-based techniques showed robustness vs
the inherently physiological variability of EEG
signals, [15], especially when integrated with the
mechanism of attention, [16], [17]. Another
interesting aspect of this approach is the possibility
to transfer these learning strategies as it has been
reported, for example, in the analysis of datasets
e.g. g., UC Irvine ML Repository, imageNet or
similar for seizure detection of [18] and [19]. In
addition, by carefully managing the learning rate
adjustments throughout the training process using a
scheduler mechanism, some models have been
shown to optimize convergence and mitigate
overfitting, [20], [21].
While numerous models have made significant
progress, a critical limitation persists: many focus
on binary deterministic classifications (e.g., seizure
vs. non-seizure). This approach leaves clinicians
without vital information on the uncertainty
embedded in model predictions. Probability-Based
Classification (PBC) addresses this drawback by
quantifying the confidence associated with each
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.27
Denis Manolescu, Neil Buckley, Emanuele Lindo Secco
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
prediction, [22]. PBC offers advantages for clinical
decision-making by potentially flagging cases with
lower model confidence for expert review.
Evaluation metrics that align with PBC approaches,
such as Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD), are
meant to provide a more comprehensive assessment
of model performance than traditional accuracy-
based metrics, [23]. In this study, we explore the
integration of Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD)
within our machine learning models aimed at
improving seizure detection to enhance their
practical utility in healthcare settings
As the literature suggests, pre-processing and
data augmentation strategies go beyond the
structural optimization of the model to directly
enhance seizure detection capabilities. These
strategies are vital in addressing overfitting and
improving the generalizability of models, which are
particularly important when working with limited
datasets, [24]. In this perspective, it is also
important to mention the importance of proper
analysis in the time and frequency domain with, for
example, Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT),
[14], [25], [26] and Continuous Wavelet Transform
(CWT), [27], which has shown limitation in the
management of the resolution vs the high dynamics
of these signals. At the same time, there has been
interesting progress on the refinement of the
EfficientNetV2 system with new challenges which
we want to face in this work.
The paper is organized as follows: in the
following section, we introduce the dataset and the
main pre-processing approach with a focus on the
implementation’s details. Further, this section
highlights the use of Kullback-Leibler divergence
(KLD) as the primary evaluation metric, augmented
by an adaptable learning rate scheduler to refine
training dynamics. The exploration of model
architectures is grounded on two pre-trained
EfficientNetV2 variants (B2 and S), each trained
and initialized with ImageNet weights, serving as
the core foundational backbone. This chapter
continues with our investigation, examining a range
of model configurations, including 2D, 3D, and
pointwise convolutional neural networks, alongside
recurrent neural network (RNN-LSTM) structures,
all configured to optimize transfer learning. Here,
we diligently assess the impact of attention
mechanisms, focusing on how adjustments in
headcounts and dimensionality influence
performance. Further refinement of our models is
assessed using Keras AutoML to systematically
explore a broad spectrum of hyperparameter
settings, seeking configurations that elevate model
performance. The subsequent Results chapter
presents a comprehensive analysis of the findings
from our training processes. Finally, the conclusion
reports some observations about the limits of our
approach and how we could extend that vs the
detection of EEG seizures.
2 Materials & Methods
2.1 Project Environment and Setup
This work is structured around Kaggle, [28], a
platform that properly suits machine learning studies
applied to EEG datasets. Data are provided by the
Medical School of Harvard University and partners
for the HMS Harmful Brain Activity Classification
competition [29]. The competition made available a
hosted notebook with a hardware configuration of
70GB of disk storage, with 29GB of CPU and 32GB
GPU power (T4 x2 or P100 x1). This setup was
powerful enough to facilitate the development,
training, and experimentation phases of the model,
the handling of the large dataset (25 GB), and the
efficient training of the complex neural network
2.2 Database
2.2.1 Database Description
The dataset for this study contains real raw EEG
recordings along with the metadata that links the
brain signals to expert classifications. This design
was structured to challenge and evaluate models on
their ability to detect and classify seizures and other
harmful brain activity. The difficulty of this task is
increased by the variability in expert consensus,
reflecting the complex nature of EEG data
interpretation. The classification involves different
patterns, such as seizure, generalized and lateralized
periodic discharges, generalized and lateralized
rhythmic delta activity and others. The data are
sampled with overlapping time frames or windows
of 10 second each and then, in order to provide a
ground truth reference, the data are classified by
professional experts as it is shown in Figure 1.
2.2.2 Optimize, Convert, Segmentation,
Partition, Augmenting
Data are available in parquet format: they are then
processed into .npy format by means of a
process_spec() function. A joblib librabry is also
used in order to optimize the CPU workload.
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.27
Denis Manolescu, Neil Buckley, Emanuele Lindo Secco
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
Fig. 1: Network Dataset Layout before K-Fold
In order to optimise the analysis and the efficiency
of the EfficientNetV2 pattern recognition, 10
seconds overlapping and non-overlapping set of
samples are saved. Data are partitioned into a
training set and testing set as well.
Additionally, during data loading for model
training, we incorporated signal augmentation
techniques such as MixUp and Random Cutout.
MixUp creates synthetic examples by blending
images and labels, forcing the model to learn feature
interpolations. In parallel, Random Cutout
strategically obscure portions of images, forcing the
model to recognize patterns beyond dominant
features. Both these techniques enrich the training
dataset, helping our models improve robustness and
consistent performance across diverse scenarios.
The complete code for the conversion process,
data segmentation, and the augmentation techniques
used are presented in Appendix 1 and they were
implemented according to the Kaggle guidelines and
applications, [28], [29]. In the Appendix, we show
the Data Cleaning & Conversion (panels B, D of
Figure 11B, Appendix), the Segmentation process
(panel C, Figure 11B, Appendix), and finally the
Augmentation (panel A, Figure 11A, Appendix).
2.3 Building the Models
2.3.1 Baseline, Transfer Learning, and
Base Model
This research adopts a transfer learning strategy
with the EfficientNetV2 architecture, pre-trained on
the ImageNet dataset, to classify EEG spectrograms.
The approach of recognizing brain signals as
complex time-frequency images uses EfficientNetV2
as the backbone for its advanced visual pattern
recognition capabilities, proven effective and
scalable across various image datasets, [30].
In practice, the study employs "no-top" versions
of both EfficientNetV2-B2 and EfficientNetV2-S,
which removes the pre-trained final classification
layer of the models (Figure 1, panel 02). This
modification allows the two variants to be more
adaptable for EEG probability seizure classification,
diverging from their original purpose of general
image classification on ImageNet. Custom output
layers were subsequently designed to fine-tune the
architecture, optimizing the ability of the systems to
process the convoluted and high-dimensional
information characteristic of EEG spectrograms,
By applying transfer learning, the study aims to
leverage the broad features these models have
learned from ImageNet. This transfer is adjusting
them to identify distinctive patterns associated with
seizures and other neurological phenomena of
interest from the database. In addition, the base
model, represented by the CFG class, supports
simple experimental comparisons between the
EfficientNetV2-S and EfficientNetV2-B2 (Figure 2,
panel 01).
Changing the preset parameter within the base
model facilitates a controlled evaluation of each
model, ensuring a fair baseline comparison in the
context of neurological pattern recognition. This
strategy exploits the EfficientNetV2 architecture
with its learned visual pattern detection capabilities,
maximizing the utility of its design for the
specialized task at hand.
Fig. 2: Baseline CFG Class (01); No-Top Base
Model for Transfer Learning (02)
2.3.2 Attention Mechanism
Simple Attention Mechanism (Model 2)
At its core, Attention Mechanisms (AM) allow
neural networks to selectively focus on the most
informative regions within input data. It enables the
model to dynamically weigh the significance of
different input features, an ability that closely
mirrors how the human brain processes complex
stimuli, [32]. In the context of EEG spectrogram
classification, attention helps models identify and
prioritize the spectral features most strongly
associated with seizures and other neurological
In developing Model-2, the study began by
integrating a simple AM (Figure 3, panel A) into a
no-top EfficientNetV2-B2 architecture to refine the
classification of EEG spectrograms. By generating
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.27
Denis Manolescu, Neil Buckley, Emanuele Lindo Secco
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
an attentional vector that assigns weights to
different features in the EEG spectrogram, the
model highlights areas likely to contain critical
information for classification. In addition, with the
EfficientNetV2-B2 backbone maintained in a non-
trainable state, the model leverages the depth of pre-
trained features while concentrating adaptive efforts
on the subtle features of attention and refinement
through custom top layers.
From the backbone base, the Model-2 structure
continues with a GlobalAveragePooling2D to
condense the output into a 1D feature vector, applies
a simple AM to emphasize critical features, and
completes with custom Dense-SoftMax layers for
precise probability classification output.
Fig. 3: Simple (A) and Multiheaded (B), Attention
Mechanism Implementation
Multiheaded Attention Block (Models 3 & 4)
Next, with the building of Model-3 and Model-4,
the research explored the complexities of multi-
headed AMs (Figure 3, panel B). This refined
version allows the models to attend to multiple parts
of the input data simultaneously through separate
“heads” that operate in parallel. Each head can
capture different aspects of the input data, providing
a composite understanding of the input features and
further refined by subsequent normalization and
pooling layers (LayerNormalization and
Fig. 4: Code Example for Attention Blocks (A) and
Expanded Key and Value Dimensions (B)
Multidimensional Attention (Model 5 to 8)
In order to improve the performance of the system
and better characterize and represent the main
features of the data, we also embedded multiple
blocks of attention (Figure 4, panels A and B). By
increasing dimensionality, the systems can discover
critical, yet subtle, features for accurate EEG
spectrogram classification.
Fig. 5A: Model-9 (A) with 2D CNN-Pointwise
Layers & LSTM; Model-11 (B) with CNN-
Pointwise Layers A M and LSTM
Fig. 5B: Model-12 (C) with 3D CNN Layers &
RNN LSTM; Model-13 (D) with 3D CNN Layers,
Layers AM and LSTM
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.27
Denis Manolescu, Neil Buckley, Emanuele Lindo Secco
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
Models 5 through 8 represent a deeper
exploration of AMs. We introduced variations in
multi-headed attention configurations and expanded
the dimensionality of key and value pairs to
investigate the complexity and capacity of the
attention mechanism to differentiate and prioritize
information within EEG signals. All these models
utilize the EfficientNetV2B2 architecture as their
foundation and incorporate up to eight attentional
heads. Models 5 and 7 specifically examine the
effects of doubling the key and value dimensions,
while Model 8 explores tripling these dimensions to
achieve an even higher level of detail in feature
processing. Additionally, Model 6 integrates
multiple attentional blocks, layering the attention
mechanism to higher convolutions and deepening
the analysis of EEG features.
Each model employs a sequence of steps
starting from the base-model output, reshaping it to
align with the multi-head AM requirements,
followed by a Normalization layer to stabilize
learning. GlobalAveragePooling1D is consistently
used to condense the data into a more manageable
form for the final classification layers. This
sequence ends in custom top layers, including Dense
and Dropout layers, leading to a SoftMax
classification output. These enhancements in AMs
refine the focus on relevant EEG features, aiming
for a fine and highly accurate classification of
neurological patterns.
CNN-Pointwise & RNN-LSTM Layers (Model 9
to 13)
Building on the attentional mechanisms explored
earlier, Models 9–13 investigate the complex
relationship between spatial feature extraction,
temporal analysis, and attentional focus for EEG
spectrogram classification (Figure 5A & Figure 5B).
These aspects are implemented by integrating
convolutional neural networks and long short-term
memory features. In addition, each model was
evaluated across both structural backbone
architectures, EfficientNetV2S and
EfficientNetV2B2. As a strategic shift, the models
incorporated LSTM layers to capture inherent
temporal dependencies and dynamics specific to the
sequential nature of brain activity patterns, crucial
for accurate seizure detection.
A central line of analysis was the optimization
placement of AMs. Model-11 uniquely applied
attention before the RNN layer, allowing us to
investigate whether the model benefits from
identifying crucial spectral features prior to
sequential analysis. In contrast, Model-13 applied
AMs after the LSTM, testing if focusing on the most
significant temporal patterns enhanced
classification. Additionally, all these five models
have been used to experiment with different
convolutional architectures, including the 2D 1x1
pointwise convolution layers for fine-grained
feature mapping and larger kernel convolutional
layers for broader spatial relationships. This
diversified approach aims to identify the spatial
feature resolutions most descriptive of seizure
activities within EEG spectrograms.
Models 12 and 13 uniquely adopt a 3D
convolutional approach, treating the spectrogram as
an inherently spatiotemporal representation (Figure
5B). This aspect aimed to determine whether
modelling frequency and temporal dynamics
simultaneously held advantages. Finally, attention
mechanisms were refined with varying key and
value dimensions, potentially allowing systems to
identify more complex relationships within the EEG
Fig. 6: Learning Rate Scheduler
2.4 LR Scheduler, Kullback-Leibler
Divergence & Other Metrics
To optimize model convergence, a learning rate
(LR) scheduler was implemented with an initial
warmup phase (lr_ramp_ep) to establish model
stability (Figure 6). This phase transitions into a
sustained period of maximum learning rate
(lr_sus_ep), intensifying the model's focus on
critical EEG patterns. Subsequently, a customizable
decay function (cos) is applied to gradually reduce
the learning rate, facilitating precise weight
adjustments and reducing the risk of overfitting in
later training epochs. The learning rate
hyperparameters (lr_start, lr_max, lr_min) were
chosen by both best practices in deep learning and
the batch size used, ensuring the schedule was
adaptable to the specific dataset and training
We also incorporated the Kullback-Leibler
Divergence (KLD) function of loss within the
training of the system (Figure 7 and Eq. (1)):
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.27
Denis Manolescu, Neil Buckley, Emanuele Lindo Secco
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
This parameter is a proper marker of the
classification performance in terms of accuracy, in
terms of precision, and recall, namely the correct
detection of seizures and the minimization of false
negatives, respectively.
Fig. 7: Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD)
2.5 AutoML Hyperparameter Tuner
Another step in order to adjust the system consists
of introducing Keras AutoML which optimizes the
overall configuration of the classifier such as the
setting of the learning rate and the optimization of
the parameters. Through an interactive process, we
refine the setting and obtain an optimal
Fig. 8: Top 4 Model Performance
2.6 Training, Evaluation, Testing and
For training the system, the number of epochs was
defined (CFG.epochs=13) together with the usual
parameters such as the learning rate and verbose
output (CFG.verbose). A validation set was also
established (valid_ds) together with a
model.evaluate method. Finally, another set of data
was prepared for testing (test_ds)).
Finally, the trained model was used to generate
predictions (model.predict) on the test dataset and
save the output into a CVS file. This process
involved pairing the predictions with required EEG
identifiers (eeg_id), for possible later analysis and
evaluation procedures.
3 Results & Discussion
Analysis of the results revealed Model-9
(configured with EfficientNetV2S backbone, 2D
pointwise convolution, and LSTM layers) and
Model-13 (composed of EfficientNetV2B2
backbone, 3D convolution, and LSTM layers, with
double dimension AM factors and 6 attention heads)
to be the most accurate architectures, achieving an
accuracy of 0.8645 and 0.8288, respectively (Figure
9). These two models outperformed both the
EfficientNetV2-B2 and EfficientNetV2-S baselines
(Figure 8). This difference suggests their improved
capacity to decode and learn from complex, time-
sensitive patterns in EEG spectrograms based on
their integrated spatial-temporal processing layers.
In addition, both configurations, 9 and 13, achieve
the lowest KLD loss, which indicates confidence in
their predictions and confirms their superior
certainty in classifications. This characteristic is
desirable in real-world EEG seizure detection
systems, where minimizing both false alarms and
missed seizures is crucial.
In all cases, integrating convolution layers and
LSTM units improved the models. The effectiveness
of this approach was universally observed,
suggesting that additional investigation into the
optimal configurations with this technique could
yield even better results.
Further examination of the performance results
reveals a significant decrease in accuracy for
Model-6 and Model-8, which could be attributed to
several factors:
Model-6, with its multiple attention blocks, each
featuring four heads, indicates increased complexity
issues, leading to difficulties in training. Each
additional attention block introduces more
parameters to learn, which requires more data and
computational power to optimize effectively. When
not regulated, this complexity results in the model
overfitting to the training data or not converging on
an optimal solution. In this particular case, the
training data was not diverse or large enough to
support learning these additional parameters.
Likewise, Model-8 encountered similar issues
with its 4-head attention mechanism and tripled key-
value dimensions. While intended to provide a more
detailed feature processing capability, the
substantial increase in dimensionality has caused the
model to become too specialized in the training data
variations, failing to generalize well to validation
data. This phenomenon is known as the “curse of
dimensionality”, [33], where adding more features
increases the volume of the feature space
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.27
Denis Manolescu, Neil Buckley, Emanuele Lindo Secco
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
Fig. 9: Performance results of all 13 Models
Fig. 10: Execution times/epoch during 13-train
cycles (all models)
Without enough training data to cover this
space, the model performance can deteriorate
considerably. Furthermore, Model-6 and 8
demonstrate the risks of overfitting. Their poor
accuracy is intensified by very high KLD loss,
indicating incorrect predictions made with excessive
certainty. This result highlights the importance of
balancing model complexity with the need for
reliable and well-calibrated prediction.
Overall, multi-headed models with fine-tuning
generally outperformed those with simple attention
design and showed promising results against the
baselines. Similarly, expanding the key-value
dimensions in the attentional modules led to stable
accuracy, highlighting the value of capturing
detailed feature relationships.
However, as Attention Mechanisms (AM)
became more complex, the systems encountered
Out-Of-Memory (OoM) errors during training. This
event is also reflected in Model-7 training time per
epoch, with its multi-dimensional 8-head AM
configuration (Figure 10). Interestingly, these
resource limitations become more pronounced when
increasing the number of attentional heads
compared to expanding key-value dimensions. This
indicates that, given hardware constraints (29 GB of
CPU and 32 GB of GPU power with a T4 GPU),
adjusting the dimensionality presents a more
computationally efficient method to boost the
representational power of models within attention
The performance results of both baseline systems
indicate that transfer learning is a highly effective
strategy in machine learning developments for brain
signal classification tasks. The foundational designs,
EfficientNetV2S and EfficientNetV2B2, provided a
solid starting point for testing and improving
complex pattern recognition concepts. These no-top
pre-trained models can accelerate the learning
process, allowing for a direct focus on the subtle
characteristics of EEG data. Appendix 2 provides a
detailed summary of the performance metrics in
heatmap format (Figure 12, Appendix) and also
offers a more comprehensive comparison of the
models through bars and spiderweb charts (Figure
13, Appendix). Additionally, the appendix includes
a confusion matrix that presents the performance
metrics of the model.
The overall results of this work indicate that a
stable approach to EEG multi-class classification
can be achieved through transfer learning with
EfficientNetV2, refined by specialized layer
4 Conclusion
This work analyses the possibility of using
convolutional and LSTM layers, combined with
attention mechanisms, in order to classify EEG
seizure. The proposed system shows an accuracy of
86.45% with a KL divergence loss of 0.95.
Moreover we showed that EfficientNetV2S and
EfficientNetV2B2 with the integration of LSTM and
convolutional layers significantly improves the
classification performance. However, while
incorporating attention mechanisms with higher
local dimensionalities (keys and values) further
enhanced accuracy, producing richer and more
informative outputs, we noticed that distributing
these dimensionalities across multiple attention
heads led to decreased performance and
unsustainable computational demands.
These findings emphasize the need for more
research into strategies to adjust model depth
complexity with computational efficiency to balance
performance without overextending system
Future work will concentrate on enhancing the
performance of the EEG seizure detection systems
by exploring the benefits of learning from larger and
more diverse datasets, as well as on looking at
proper systems and software for EEG data
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.27
Denis Manolescu, Neil Buckley, Emanuele Lindo Secco
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
acquisition, [34], [35], [36]. A particular focus will
be on researching techniques to reduce the KL
divergence to increase system confidence and
accuracy. Additionally, adopting incremental
learning strategies could allow for further model
improvements. All these development efforts hold
the potential to improve the reliability of machine
learning systems and their integration while
supporting a more personalized and superior quality
of healthcare.
This work was completed by Denis Manolescu as
part of his coursework requirements for the MEng in
Robotics at Liverpool Hope University's Robotics
Laboratory within the School of Mathematics,
Computer Science, and Engineering.
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Appendix 1
Fig. 11A: Augmentation (A)
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.27
Denis Manolescu, Neil Buckley, Emanuele Lindo Secco
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
Fig. 11B: Data Cleaning & Conversion (B, D),
Segmentation (C)
Appendix 2
Fig. 12: Heatmap metrics results
Fig. 13: Bars-chart (top panel) and Spiderweb-chart
metrics comparison (bottom panel) between models
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.27
Denis Manolescu, Neil Buckley, Emanuele Lindo Secco
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
DM and NB have conceived the classifier. DM has
implemented the software, prepared the dataset and
carried out all the data processing, as well as
prepared the report with the description and results.
NB has supervised the work. ELS has supervised
the paper preparation.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.27
Denis Manolescu, Neil Buckley, Emanuele Lindo Secco
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024