oxygen and the estimated daily confirmed cases of
COVID-19 closer to the population mean than other
estimators and the PREs of the proposed estimators
are higher than the mean and ratio imputation
estimators, especially
that utilized the
coefficient of variation and
that utilized the
coefficient of kurtosis of the auxiliary variable to
increase the precision of the estimator for
population mean for population I and II,
respectively. The estimated number of COVID-19
patients who have pneumonia and require high-flow
oxygen and the estimated daily confirmed cases of
COVID-19 in Chiang Mai from the best proposed
estimator are around 17 cases and 118 cases,
6 Conclusion
Transformed estimators have been introduced in the
presence of missing data with SRSWOR to improve
the performance of the population mean estimator.
Employing the transformation method can support
altering the form of the variable which results in
increasing the performance of the population mean
estimator by assuming the auxiliary variable’s
population mean is not known which usually occurs
in practice. As a result, it is going to be helpful in
practice. The bias and mean square error of the
transformed estimators are investigated. The results
illustrated the newly transformed estimators gave
the least bias and mean square error compared to
others and gave closer estimated values of COVID-
19 incidence to the population values. Especially the
ones using the coefficient of variation and the
coefficient of kurtosis of the auxiliary variable gave
a high improvement in terms of highest PREs
concerning other estimators. For future work, the
suggested estimators may be applicable to assist
with other survey designs e.g. stratified random
sampling, double sampling, and cluster sampling,
and in more flexible nonresponse mechanisms.
Moreover, the estimators can be extended to cover
the case that the missing data appears in the
auxiliary variable or both study and auxiliary
variables. The proposed estimators are very useful
in practice in estimating the variable of interest in
real data when nonresponse occurs in the study.
We are thankful for all the helpful comments from
the unknown referees to improve the paper.
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DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.13
Natthapat Thongsak, Nuanpan Lawson