pline, Mathematical Epidemiology, is the SIR model
(Susceptible - Infected - Recovered) as we know it
today, a purification by simplification of the triad of
works by [43], [44], [45], in the years 1927, 1932, and
1933, respectively.
To a large extent, the importance and widespread
use of the SIR model, as a model of the population
dynamics of infectious disease spread, lies in the effi-
cient and effective concurrence of a mechanistic and
generic explanatory perspective, on the one hand, and
the fair mathematical technicality on the other, [46].
The plausibility of this model has at least two sources:
a theoretical argumentation of hypotheses about the
process in the abstract and a certain geometric corre-
spondence of the numerical projections with the data.
It is this minimalist character, or low cost in complex-
ity, to represent the essentials of the epidemiological
process, which allows it to be classified as a strate-
gic model, [47], in contrast to a tactical model that
aspires to high fidelity with a specific reference of
reality (a certain disease and population, considering
many variables and precise relationships, always as-
piring to a high predictive capacity).
In the standard SIR model, that is, with constant
coefficients, if R0>1, we see that the asset curve
has a bell-shaped or unimodal shape. That is, it
has a single maximum that occurs when the suscep-
tible fraction (a decreasing function) is equal to the
value 1/R0, with R0the basic reproductive number
or the average number (at the beginning of the dis-
ease) of the new infective directly infected by an in-
fective while in said condition. The first estimates
(February 2020) for CO-VID-19 of R0were in the
range 1.40 −6.49, see, [48], already around May
of the same year, a systematic review reduced it to
2.81 −3.82, [49]. Another study for Western Eu-
ropean countries, with data until mid-March 2020,
places it at 1.90 −2.60, [50]. So, for example, with
aR0equal to 1.5or 3for COVID-19, we have that
said maximum would imply a susceptible percentage
between 33.3% and 66.6%; which respectively im-
plies between 2/3 and 1/3 of the population already
infected, which is absolutely far above what was ob-
served for the first wave, in many countries. Thus,
the conclusion is that the countries or communities
observed in general managed to lower the contagion
rate by changing behavior regarding contact with oth-
ers, obviously in voluntary terms or by mandate of
the health authority, through, for example, mitigating
measures, non-pharmaceutical type.
A strategic model, that is, a simple and generic
one, must have the potential to capture with a good
degree of precision the dynamics of the disease. For
example, the fact that the intensity of transmission can
change over time in response to behavioral changes in
the population due to official control interventions. It
is the case, for example, in models based on the SIR
model, that intervenes in the transmission rate (nor-
mally denoted β), which is constant in the standard
model, to represent some types of changes, e.g. in
the number of close contacts, environmental condi-
tions, or blockades in the passage of pathogens. In
this regard, two possibilities are visualized: using an
explicit function to represent the dependence of βon
time or another variable or indicator, [51], [52], or an
implicit one, [53]. In the latter, we represent changes
in beta, for example, through a dynamic law for the
derivative of beta. The novelty of our paper, inspired
by [54], is to introduce a new type of beta-SIR model
and to continue to study its dynamical consequences.
There are other possibilities to introduce natural
variability. For instance, probability distributions for
the intensity of transmission in a given period, have
been useful for modeling outbreaks in small-sized
populations or for accounting for the volubility of hu-
man behavior. In the case of non-uniform transmis-
sion, there are also network models, to represent inter-
actions in local groups, e.g., family, friends, or work,
which differ in the magnitude of the distance and the
interaction times. Another way to incorporate vari-
ability is to collect the experience of a type of trans-
mission behavior (adjusting to the data), so that it is
an input to project outbreaks in another period in pop-
ulations with some degree of similarity to that which
the experience had. In conclusion, if it is necessary
to represent more complex behaviors, one way is to
consider the variable beta by abstracting and inter-
preting the forces and conditioning that intervene in
determining the epidemic dynamics.
2 The model
2.1 Some preliminaries
Let us consider an SIR model, i.e., the population is
theoretically divided into susceptible, infectious and
removed groups, of respective sizes, at a time t, defin-
ing functions S(t),I(t)and R(t), such that
in which a temporally variable transmission rate β(·)
stands out, but with parameters γ(recovery rate) and
N(total population S+I+R) constant.
The first order condition necessary for a minimum
or maximum of the active group, that is, I′= 0 at
some instant τ, since I′=γ{Re(t)−1}I, with Re=
(β/γ)S/N, implies Re(τ) = 1, or equivalently
s(τ) = γ/β(τ),(2)
where s(·) = S(·)/N, by (1), is a decreasing func-
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.12
Fernando Córdova-Lepe, Juan Pablo Gutiérrez-Jara