5 Conclusion
In this work, we have examined the impact of the
molar mass of airborne pathogens on the molar
concentrations of air and airborne pathogens. We
have observed that a greater molar mass of airborne
pathogens leads to reduced dispersion of these
pathogens. Specifically, our work has treated the air
movement carrying the airborne virus as a
particulate fluid flow which we believe was able to
simulate the real scenarios more closely.
For possible future research endeavors, we can,
for example, investigate how different arrangements
of furniture or room designs, or different locations
of the points of outlet or inlet flow would lead to
different distribution patterns and how we can
utilize such information to discover the optimum
utility of space at minimum risk of infection. We
can also study the impacts of variations in the air
inflow velocity. The methodology utilized in this
study can be applied to gain valuable information
regarding other settings of enclosed regions under
the influx of other infectious airborne pathogens.
The author would like to thank Emeritus Professor
Dr. Yongwimon Lenbury of the Centre of
Excellence in Mathematics, Thailand, and Associate
Professor Benchawan Wiwatanapataphee of the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Curtin
University, Australia, for their valuable suggestions
and advice.
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