On the Effect of Flow and Degradation on Hitting Rate of Mobile Nano
Sensors in Diffusive Molecular Communication Systems
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management
Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, 474015
Abstract: In the paper, an analysis regarding the effect of drift and molecular degradation on the average
number of molecules received at the fusion center (FC) for a diffusive log-normal molecular communica-
tion (MC) system is undertaken. The effect of drift and molecular degradation simultaneously on molecular
reception has not been examined exhaustively in MC literature. Therefore, by utilizing the log-normal dis-
tribution of the number of molecules hitting FC, we calculated the closed-form expressions for the average
number of molecules received in a drift and molecular degradation-free scenario. Subsequently, we also an-
alytically calculated the closed-form expressions for the average number of molecules received at FC for a
drift-only scenario, and a drift with molecular degradation scenario, respectively. Numerical results highlight
lower average molecular receptions at FC when the transmission media neither experiences drift nor molec-
ular degradation. The drift introduction in the molecular degradation-free system significantly increases the
average molecular receptions at FC. On the contrary, with the simultaneous introduction of molecular degra-
dation, the average number of molecular receptions at FC is significantly higher. Finally, all the numerical
results corroborate the derived analytical findings.
Key-Words: Biomarkers, diffusive molecular communication, drift, fusion-center, log-normal molecular
channel, mobile nano-sensors, molecular degradation.
Received: April 8, 2023. Revised: November 25, 2023. Accepted: December 29, 2023. Published: February 27, 2024.
1 Introduction
Molecular communication (MC) is a nature-
inspired communication phenomenon, where the
information transfer from transmitting nanoma-
chine to receiving nanomachine is accomplished
through molecules [1]. The information transfer
between transmitter and receiver through chemical
exchange makes the MC link highly reliable in
environments where conventional electromagnetic
(EM) spectrum-based cannot provide reliable
communication [2], [3]. In the last decade, the MC
systems have experienced steady growth, wherein
numerous synthetic MC-based systems have been
proposed with the primary objective of observing,
analysing, and interpreting the communication
process at the nanoscale [4]. Unlike conventional
communication systems, where the EM spectrum
is utilized in MC modulation is accomplished by
utilizing certain physical characteristic features
such as concentration [5], type [6], or time of
release [7]. In addition to the information modu-
lation, in MC, the molecular propagation from the
source towards the destination is achieved through
pure diffusion, drift, molecular motors, etc. [8], [9].
The diffusive MC systems are widely employed
because of their practical implementation and
economical energy requirement in the shipment
of the information molecules between source and
destination. However, to facilitate the movement
of information molecules, in recent times, diffu-
sion processes along with drift mechanisms are
being utilized for information propagation from
transmitter to receiver [8].
The favoured attribute of MC lies in its instal-
lation in the biochemical and biophysical appli-
cations [8]. Therefore, many nano-scale networks
have been developed primarily to expedite the rev-
olutionary applications in health care and biomed-
ical fields [10]. Out of these approaches, some
of the most widespread entities widely employed
in biomedical applications are the Mobile Nano-
Sensors (MNSs) [11]. The rapid advancements in
nanotechnology have encouraged the deployment
of these MNSs in complex environments. One such
challenging aspect experienced in most biomed-
ical and health care scenarios is the problem of
early and timely detection of abnormalities, espe-
cially cancer inside the human cardiovascular sys-
tem [12]. Therefore, systems that can identify the
presence of an anomaly become imperative to em-
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.8
Gaurav Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
Nowadays, the MNSs play a pivotal role in nano-
medicine and target drug delivery systems as they
are majorly hired for shipping and dispensing imag-
ing probes, therapeutic agents and biological mate-
rials to the target locations such as specific organs,
tissue, and cells [13]. This inherent feature of the
MNSs to smartly release, move, observe and read
the anomaly inside the cardiovascular system fos-
ters the utilization of MNSs as a potential candidate
for anomaly detection. The MNSs are injected into
the human circulatory system with the help of an
injection. These MNSs navigate to the target site
with the assistance of the bloodstream (having a de-
fined flow) [14] and activate themselves wherever
there is a high concentration of the biomarkers. Af-
ter interaction with the biomarkers, these MNSs
are eventually transformed into secondary (Type C)
molecules, ultimately absorbed at the fusion center
(FC). The Type C molecules, on reaching the FC ex-
hibit log-normal distribution.
In MC literature, for any real-world physical pro-
cess, channel modeling is done by assuming the
Gaussian behaviour of the system. However, many
practical phenomena are analytically measured us-
ing various skewed distributions. The skewed dis-
tributions are usually employed for low average val-
ues, with higher variances, and values cannot be
negative. For example, for modeling the lengths of
latent periods of infectious diseases, the log-normal
distributions are employed as such skewed distri-
bution processes often closely fit the log-normal
distribution [15]. Further, many practical case sce-
narios from the medical field also fit the log-normal
distributions [16].
Since log-normal distribution is one of the best-
suited distributions for modeling in vivo channel
behaviour, in this manuscript, we have assumed the
distribution of secondary (Type C) molecules to ex-
hibit log-normal distribution. To the best of our
knowledge, log-normal channel behaviour has not
been reported anywhere in the MC literature. The
main contributions of this manuscript are as fol-
To calculate the average number of informa-
tion molecules reaching the FC, the expression
of the Type C (secondary biomarker) molecules
exhibiting the log-normal distribution is calcu-
The closed-form expression of the average
number of molecules received at FC when the
information molecules experience neither drift
(flow velocity) nor molecular degradation in
the media is also calculated.
The closed-form expression for the average
number of molecules received at FC is analyt-
ically calculated for the scenario when the in-
formation molecules experience drift only.
Lastly, we calculated the closed-form expres-
sion for the average number of molecules re-
ceived at FC in those environments where the
information molecules experience both drift
and molecular degradation simultaneously.
The rest of the paper has been organized as fol-
lows: Section II highlights the current state of the
art in MC literature. Section III illustrates the pro-
posed system model used for incorporating the de-
sign structures. Section IV depicts the performance
analysis of the system model under consideration.
Section V discusses the numerical results and the
graphical validation of the analysis, and finally, Sec-
tion VI concludes the manuscript.
2 Related Work
The dearth of relevant research laid the ground-
work for carrying out substantial research in dif-
fusive log-normal MC. In [17], the authors high-
lighted the systems development that would ef-
fectively perform communication at the nano-scale
level. Besides, the use of biological entities such
as pheromones, light transduction and neurons for
long-range communication over long-range nano-
networks was discussed by authors in [3]. Mean-
while, an architectural design of MC systems at a
macro-scale level was implemented in [9], wherein
static target and mobile nano-sensors were consid-
ered. Similarly, in [18], the architectural facet of
the nano-networks was discussed, while in [1], an
extensive study about the MC systems was carried
out. Furthermore, [4] proposed the mathematical
modeling for the channel in the diffusive MC sce-
nario, where log-normal distribution was employed
for the approximate modeling of the medium. Cor-
respondingly, the characterization of the MNSs in
the field of nanochemistry was highlighted in [19]
and [11].
In [12], the technique of plasma proteome min-
ing was underlined. However, in [13], a two-
tier network for abnormality detection was empha-
sized. Authors in [20] asserted the use of MNSs
to disclose cancerous tissues by utilizing the con-
cepts of reaction-diffusion, advection-diffusion,
and degradation equations. More substantial work
on biomarkers was carried out in [21]. Alternatively,
in [14], the authors scripted the usage of multiple
biological devices known as cooperative biological
nano-machines (CN) to unveil any anomaly inside
the Internet of Bio-things (IoBT) system by assum-
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.8
Gaurav Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
ing the mobility of the FC. Simultaneously, the co-
operation of molecules that help form a certain crit-
ical number of biological particles was highlighted
by authors in [22].
Based on the aforementioned literature, one can
say that the physical characteristics of the MC chan-
nel play a pivotal role in the modeling of MC sys-
tems. The role of molecular degradation is signifi-
cant, especially in molecular biology. In molecular
biology, analyzing molecular degradation enables
understanding cellular functionality and maintain-
ing cellular hemostasis. Various cellular structures,
such as proteasomes and lysosomes, are respon-
sible for the degradation of proteins. Analyzing
molecular degradation would facilitate the early de-
tection of various cancers and neurodegenerative
diseases. Moreover, in the existing MC literature,
flow velocity and molecular degradation effects are
studied separately. Further, molecular degradation
removes stray molecules from the environment to
prevent inter-symbol interference (ISI). However, in
many practical biological processes, the collective
effect of flow velocity and molecular degradation
has severe implications on cellular dynamics. For
example, molecular degradation, such as proteol-
ysis, is crucial in regulating proteins lifetime. So,
changes in flow velocity influence the activity and
distribution of proteolytic enzymes. Therefore, in
this paper, we have tried to calculate the number of
molecules received at the receiver while consider-
ing the effect of degradation and flow velocity (drift)
distinctly and collectively.
3 System Model
The system model for diffusive log-normal MC
comprises the cartesian coordinate system con-
fined in a semi-infinite structure. The system model
characteristic features are limited to spatial and
temporal components of the aqueous environment
inside which the MNSs are injected with the help of
an injection site. These MNSs (Type A molecules)
propagate through the media at constant flow ve-
locity (vf). These Type A molecules contact the
primary biomarkers secreted by the target cells,
and the healthy cells are transformed into Type
C molecules. These Type C molecules propagate
through the media and are eventually absorbed at
the FC. Fig. 1, highlights the pictorial represen-
tation of the system model, and the complete dif-
fusive molecular communication environment is
based on certain assumptions, given as:
The whole communication environment func-
tions as spatial and temporal components with
aqueous media experiencing no temperature
and viscosity changes.
Figure 1: System Model.
The information molecules are identical, and
the transmission time slot is large enough to
counter ISI (Inter Symbol Interference).
The transmission starts at x=0 and t=0, with the
FC acting as a fully absorbing receiver, hyper-
sensitive to only Type C molecules.
These assumptions highlight two primary ele-
ments (molecular density and molecular flux) of the
Fickian theory. The concentration density f(s,t)
represents the average number of molecules dif-
fused per unit volume for both the particles (Type A
and Type C). The molecular flux (J(s,t)), being a vec-
tor component, denotes the average number of dif-
fused molecules crossing a unit cross-sectional area
per unit time. MNSs undergoing a reaction with
the Type B biomarkers yield Type C molecules. Due
to molecular degradation and flow velocity (drift),
(vf), the Type C molecules are received at the FC.
Mathematically the molecular degradation as given
in [23] is expressed as:
where C0is the initial molecular concentration and
kdis the molecular degradation rate of the envi-
ronment. In many practical environments, such
as in the blood flow mechanism, the MNSs travel
by diffusion process and undergo drift and molec-
ular degradation. Therefore, the Type C molecules
reaching FC not only arrive because of the degra-
dation process but also undergo drift in the envi-
ronment. So, for accurate measurement of the av-
erage number of molecules received by the FC, it
becomes imperative to collectively analyze the ef-
fect of drift and molecular degradation in the sys-
tem. The subsequent section will provide an ana-
lytical framework for our system model.
4 Performance Analysis
The mathematical expression which gives the re-
lationship between molecular density f(s,t), and
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.8
Gaurav Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
molecular flux Φ(s,t) is given as [24]:
[f(s,t+dt)d xd y][f(s,t)d xd y]=
[Φx(s,t)d yd z dt Φx(s+~
xd x,t)d yd z dt]
+[Φy(s,t)dxd z d t Φy(s+~
yd y,t)d xd z d t ]
+[Φz(s,t)dxd y dt Φz(s+~
zd z,t)d xd y dt].
The above expression derived its basis from the
fact that: "There is a sense of equality between
the average net increase in the number of diffused
molecules contained inside a diminutive volume at
a specific time and the average net influx of diffused
molecules also contained inside the same diminu-
tive volume at the same time". Thus, by putting
the differential terms in the above mathematical ex-
pression equal to zero, the more generalized ver-
sion of the continuity equation is obtained as [8]:
Moreover, the mathematical liaison between the
concentration density and the flux as represented
by Ficks Ist diffusion law is given as [8]:
s(for s=x,y,z), (4)
where Dis the diffusion coefficient and the nega-
tive sign indicates the inward flow of the flux with
respect to (w.r.t.) concentration density f(s,t).
The value of Dis independent of the information
molecules temperature, viscosity, velocity and ra-
dius. By mathematical substitutions, the resultant
Ficks IInd Diffusion Law is expressed as [1]:
t=D52(f(s,t)), (5)
where 52is the Laplacian operator. The whole of
the environment is assumed to be a semi-infinite
volume with reflecting surfaces. Therefore, there is
no transmission at x=0instant and the expres-
sion of (5) becomes [1]:
The solution of (6) gives the distribution of Type A
molecules which is expressed as:
f(s,t)=2NT x
p4πDt expµX2
4Dt for t0; 0 X<,
where NT x is the number of molecules injected at
the injection site, µ=0 is the mean of the Type A
molecules and σ2=2Dt is the variance. The Type A
molecules, during the course of propagation inside
the semi-infinite structure, are transformed into
Type C log-normal distributed molecules undergo-
ing reaction with the primary biomarkers. The Type
C molecules are mathematically expressed as:
f(yTr ,t)=1
2NT x
p4πDt expµ(lnYTr )2
for t0;0 <YTr <,
where ln(.) is the natural logarithmic function and
YTr is the transformed random variable. The mean
(µ) of Type C molecules showing log-Normal distri-
bution is 0 and Variance (σ2) is 2Dt .
The Type C molecules on reaching FC without
degradation and flow velocity are collected, and the
concentration of the molecules received is given as:
Fhi t =ZT
2NT x
p4πDt expµ(lnYTr )2
4Dt d t ,(9)
where Fhi t is the number of molecules hitting the
FC without drift (vf) and degradation (kd). Thus,
the closed-form expression of the above numerical
expression is obtained by first substituting ln(YTr )
p4Dt =
u. The resultant expression of the average number
of molecules reaching the FC without degradation
and without drift is obtained as:
Fhi t =NT x ln(YT r )
4DYTr pπÃpπQ(u)+eu2
where Q(.) is the standard Q-function. By incor-
porating molecular degradation the expression (9)
gets modified as:
Fhi t ,deg =ZT
2NT x
expµ½(lnYTr )2
4Dt +kdt¾¶dt,
NT x
p4πDt expµ(lnYTr )2
4Dt d t
NT x
p4πDt exp(kdt)d t , (11)
where Fhi t ,deg and kdare the average number of
molecules hitting the FC and the degradation pa-
rameter, respectively. Therefore, by utilizing inte-
gral properties, the closed-form expression of the
integral in (11) is given as:
Fhi t ,deg =NT x (YTr )µqkd
D1ln(YTr )
½pπQ(u+pT kd)+e³u+pT kd´2
u+pT kd¾,
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.8
Gaurav Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
where kdis obtained as
where Λ(1/2) is the half-life of the information
molecules. Furthermore, if the effect of flow ve-
locity (vf) and degradation parameter (kd) is taken
into account, then the mathematical expression
of (9), used for obtaining the average number of
molecules hitting the FC, is modified into a new ex-
pression given as:
Fhi t ,f low =ZT
2NT x
2YTr p4πDt
(lnYTr vft)2
4Dt kdt!d t ,
NT x
YTr p4πDt expÃ
(lnYTr vft)2
4Dt !d t
NT x
YTr p4πDt exp(kdt)dt, (14)
where Fhi t ,f low represents the average number
of molecules hitting the FC surface under the effect
of flow and degradation. Thus, the closed-form ex-
pression of (14) is obtained as:
Fhi t ,f low =
2NT x Y(c1)
+ln(YTr )
2pDT , (15)
where c=
Remark 1: From (12), increasing degradation
kd causes the argument inside Q-function
and the exponential function to approach to very
high values, i.e., ³u+pT kd´ . Therefore,
with ³u+pT kd´ , the Q³u+pT kd´0 and
exp³u+pT kd´0. Since the average num-
ber of molecules hitting the FC, is directly propor-
tional to the Q³u+pT kd´and exp³u+pT kd´,
so Fhi t ,deg 0.
Remark 2: According to (15), for high flow ve-
locities vfvalues, i.e., as vf , due to exten-
sive molecular collisions, the average number of
molecules hitting the FC surface decreases such
that Fhi t ,f low 0. Simultaneously, as kd ,
the argument qT(v2
f+4Dkd) , which leads to
f+4Dkd)/2pD´0 and c0. Since
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time (in sec)
Received molecules at fusion center (FC)
Analytical, kd = 0 sec-1
Simulation, kd = 0 sec-1
Analytical, kd = 0.01 sec-1
Simulation, kd = 0.01 sec-1
Analytical, kd = 0.1 sec-1
Simulation, kd = 0.1 sec-1
Analytical, kd = 1 sec-1
Simulation, kd = 1 sec-1
Figure 2: Number of molecules observed at Fusion
Center with different degradation parameter (kd)
values and no flow velocity.
Fhi t ,f low is directly proportional to erfc(.) and c, so
for kd Fhi t ,f low 0.
Remark 3: In many practical scenarios, spe-
cific enzymes, such as acetylcholinesterase (AChE),
break down the information molecules in the en-
vironment. Therefore, the degradation process
caused by these AChE molecules inhibits the propa-
gation of molecules and hampers molecular recep-
tion. Thus, the employment of degradation (kd) in
the molecular reception process signifies the sever-
ity of molecular reception at FC. Simultaneously,
flow velocity in the diffusive environment facilitates
molecular motion, thereby enhancing the molecu-
lar reception process.
5 Numerical Results
Based on the mathematical analysis done in the
previous section, the plots representing the aver-
age number of molecules received at FC for differ-
ent physical environments are shown in Fig. 2, Fig.
3 and Fig. 4 respectively. The number of molecules
injected is 1,00,000, while D=79.4µm2/sec. The
distance the Type C molecules travel until FC ab-
sorbs them is 15µm. Note that for all the simula-
tion results presented in this paper, we have used
Monte Carlo simulations, where the results are av-
eraged over 60,000 independent realizations of the
Fig. 2 illustrates the graphical representation
of the average number of molecules received at
the fusion center (FC) versus time duration for
different molecular degradation and no drift.
The figure shows that the average number of
molecules received at the FC in a no-drift environ-
ment first increases with time and then decreases,
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.8
Gaurav Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time (in sec)
Received molecules at fusion center (FC)
Analytical, vf = 25 m/sec
Simulation, vf = 25 m/sec
Analytical, vf = 50 m/sec
Simulation, vf = 50 m/sec
Analytical, vf = 75 m/sec
Simulation, vf = 75 m/sec
Figure 3: Number of molecules received at FC
with different flow velocities and without molecu-
lar degradation.
respectively. Moreover, the effect of molecular
degradation on the molecular reception at FC also
plays an important role. With increasing kd, the
average number of molecules decreases rapidly.
Therefore, increasing kdnegatively impacts the
overall systems efficiency. Moreover, increasing kd
corresponds to a scenario where the half-lifetime
of the information molecules is short. A decrease in
the half-lifetime results in a decrease in the infor-
mation molecules activation energy, resulting in
fewer molecular reception at FC. Further, due to the
absence of flow velocity, there is a significant drop
in the molecular absorption at FC. This can also be
observed from the plot, where for kd=1 sec1out
of 1,00,000 molecules, around 150 molecules are
received at FC.
Fig. 3 shows the pictorial representation of the
average number of molecules received at the FC
versus time in a drift-only environment. The figure
shows that introducing drift into the MC environ-
ment facilitates the molecular reception at FC. The
drift phenomenon positively impacts the reception
probability at FC, i.e., increasing vfincreases
the reception probability of the molecules at FC.
Increasing the drift velocity enhances the overall
activation energy of the molecules. However, due to
the stochastic nature of the media, increasing the
drift velocity results in collisions among molecules.
This collision is responsible for the overall decay in
the activation energy of the molecules. Decaying in
the molecules activation energy due to molecular
collisions is primarily responsible for making the
molecule unrecognizable at the FC. The plot can
further validate this; increasing flow velocities from
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time (in sec)
Received molecules at fusion center (FC)
Analytical, vf = 25 m/sec
Simulation, vf = 25 m/sec
Analytical, vf = 50 m/sec
Simulation, vf = 50 m/sec
Analytical, vf = 75 m/sec
Simulation, vf = 75 m/sec
Figure 4: Number of molecules received at FC with
different flow velocities and with molecular degra-
dation (kd=1sec1).
25 µm/sec to 75 µm/sec subsequently causes a de-
cay in the average number of molecular reception
at FC from around 4500 to around 1500.
Fig. 4 gives the pictorial representation of the
average number of received molecules at FC versus
time for different values of vfand kd=1sec1.
From the figure, it can be easily inferred that,
compared to the scenario of no degradation, the
average number of molecules reaching the FC in
the degradation case is less, subsequently decreas-
ing with the increasing values of time. The decrease
in the average number of molecules received at
FC is primarily because most molecules travelling
inside the fluid die out due to molecular degra-
dation even before reaching the FC. An increase
in kdcorresponds to a decrease in the half-life
of the information molecules. A decrease in the
half-lifetime of the information molecules leads
to a simultaneous decrease in the molecular acti-
vation energy, subsequently reducing the overall
molecular reception at FC. Moreover, vfhas a pos-
itive impact on the molecular reception, whereas
kdhas a negative impact, with vfovershadowing
the effect of kd. However, for high flow velocities
due to the phenomena of molecular collisions,
the average number of molecules received at FC
From the plot, it can be concluded that there
is always a tradeoff in choosing the different val-
ues of the flow velocities. Higher flow velocities re-
sult in molecular collisions, subsequently reducing
the activation energy of the information molecules,
which inherently reduces the reception rate at FC.
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.8
Gaurav Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024
6 Conclusion
In this paper, we provided a detailed analysis of
the effect of drift and molecular degradation on
the reception of the average number of molecules
at FC in diffusive molecular communication. By
utilizing the log-normal distribution of the Type
C information molecules, we first analytically cal-
culated the closed-form expression of the average
number of received molecules at FC when the in-
formation molecules experience neither molecu-
lar degradation nor any drift in the media. Subse-
quently, to analyze the effect of molecular degra-
dation in the diffusive log-normal channels, we
calculated the closed-form expression of the av-
erage number of received molecules at FC when
the information molecules experience drift without
molecular degradation in the environment. Fur-
ther, we also calculated the closed-form expres-
sion of the average number of received molecules
at FC when the information molecules simultane-
ously experience drift and molecular degradation
in the environment. Based on the mathematical
analysis, we observed that the average number of
molecules received at FC is less when there is nei-
ther drift nor molecular degradation in the environ-
ment. However, the average number of molecules
received at FC increases with the introduction of
drift (by employing flow velocity) only into the me-
dia. Subsequently, for an environment where infor-
mation molecules experience both drift and molec-
ular degradation simultaneously, the average num-
ber of molecules received at FC is comparatively
less, signifying that the net effect of physical en-
vironments affects the molecular reception at FC.
Finally, the plots also highlight the dependence of
molecular reception on the time parameter. The
analysis presented in this manuscript would bridge
the gap between the analytical and practical sys-
tems, and help understand how flow and molecu-
lar degradation conditions impact cellular behav-
ior. Further, the collective study of flow velocity
and molecular degradation presented in this article
would pave the path for future research in the de-
sign of biomaterials.
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lation, numerical analysis and final findings were
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This work was supported in part by the Faculty Ini-
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DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.8
Gaurav Sharma
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 21, 2024