6 Conclusion
In this paper, we provided a detailed analysis of
the effect of drift and molecular degradation on
the reception of the average number of molecules
at FC in diffusive molecular communication. By
utilizing the log-normal distribution of the Type
C information molecules, we first analytically cal-
culated the closed-form expression of the average
number of received molecules at FC when the in-
formation molecules experience neither molecu-
lar degradation nor any drift in the media. Subse-
quently, to analyze the effect of molecular degra-
dation in the diffusive log-normal channels, we
calculated the closed-form expression of the av-
erage number of received molecules at FC when
the information molecules experience drift without
molecular degradation in the environment. Fur-
ther, we also calculated the closed-form expres-
sion of the average number of received molecules
at FC when the information molecules simultane-
ously experience drift and molecular degradation
in the environment. Based on the mathematical
analysis, we observed that the average number of
molecules received at FC is less when there is nei-
ther drift nor molecular degradation in the environ-
ment. However, the average number of molecules
received at FC increases with the introduction of
drift (by employing flow velocity) only into the me-
dia. Subsequently, for an environment where infor-
mation molecules experience both drift and molec-
ular degradation simultaneously, the average num-
ber of molecules received at FC is comparatively
less, signifying that the net effect of physical en-
vironments affects the molecular reception at FC.
Finally, the plots also highlight the dependence of
molecular reception on the time parameter. The
analysis presented in this manuscript would bridge
the gap between the analytical and practical sys-
tems, and help understand how flow and molecu-
lar degradation conditions impact cellular behav-
ior. Further, the collective study of flow velocity
and molecular degradation presented in this article
would pave the path for future research in the de-
sign of biomaterials.
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DOI: 10.37394/23208.2024.21.8