Digestibility In Vitro Discorea Hispida Dennst using Albizia
Saponaria Lour Extract as Local Feed
1Faculty of Animal Science, Halu Oleo University
1Jl. H.E.A Mokodompit Campus Hijau Bumi Tridharma Anduonohu, Kendari,
Southeast Sulawesi, 93232,
2Department of Livestock and Animal Health, South Konawe Regency
Jl. Potoro, Andoolo District, South Konawe Regency,
Southeast Sulawesi, 93232,
Abstract: - The availability of local feed resources in various regions in Indonesia is quite abundant in quantity
and availability, but their utilization is not optimal. This study specifically analyzes the In Vitro Digestibility of
Dioscorea hispida Dennst Using Albizia Saponaria Lour (Langir) Extract as local feed, which was carried out
at two locations, namely Tinanggea District, Konawe Selatan Regency, and the animal feed laboratory, Faculty
of Animal Science, Halu Oleo University with a research duration of 6 months, namely January-July 2023 The
study used a completely randomized design (CRD) unidirectional pattern with 4 treatments and 4 replications
so that a total of 16 experimental plots. The experimental procedure begins with preparing Dioscorea hispida
Dennst, the preparation of langir bark extract, the Soaking of the Trial Samples, and the Collection and
Sampling. The findings showed that using langir bark extract up to 15% reduced cyanide acid (HCN) levels to
10,07 ppm or 49,06% compared to HCN levels in the study controls. Langir bark extract up to 15% usage level
in Dioscorea hispida Dennst immersion has no effect on dry matter digestibility and organic matter digestibility
in vitro because it still shows the maximum digestibility level of 91,54-93,48% dry matter and 69,74-77,86%
organic matter, langir bark extract into Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour was used effectively in improving the
concentration of NH3 and VFA at the 5% level, with the achievement of a concentration of NH3 of 5,09 mM
and a concentration of VFA of 147,10 mM.
Key-Words: - In Vitro, Dioscorea hispida Dennst, Cyanide Content, Albizia Saponaria Lour, Local Feed
Received: July 18, 2022. Revised: September 29, 2023. Accepted: October 9, 2023. Published: October 16, 2023.
1 Introduction
The availability of local feed resources in various
regions in Indonesia has sufficient quantity and
availability, and their utilization is not optimal due
to limited capital and lack of human resources in
applying technology for processing quality feed
ingredients, [1], [2], [3]. Local feed resources can be
an alternative to support the development of
sustainable and competitive livestock production,
[4], [5]. The value of benefits from using local feed
ingredients can be seen ecologically and
economically without neglecting the quality and
quantity of these feed ingredients, [6], [7].
Important things to consider in utilizing local
feed ingredients are the nutritional content of the
feed (energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins),
palatability, digestibility, limiting/anti-nutrient
substances, price, and sustainability of the feed
ingredients. In addition, an assessment of feed
ingredients needs to be carried out, such as a
physical assessment (color, shape, odor, specific
gravity, and storage time), a chemical assessment
(nutrients/nutrients and anti-nutrients), and a
biological assessment (usefulness and effect) as well
as potential feed glucose content that can be utilized
optimally by livestock.
Southeast Sulawesi, especially in South Konawe
Regency, has quite an abundant biodiversity, one of
which is Dioscorea hispida Dennst, which has the
potential to be used as a source of animal feed due
to its abundant availability and does not require
special expertise to cultivate it. In addition, it also
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.26
Deki Zulkarnain, Ali Bain, Andi Murlina Tasse,
Muhammad Amrullah Pagala,
La Ode Muh. Munadi, Sarno Ndabi
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
has good nutrient content, especially carbohydrate
content, which can be used as an alternative to corn,
which tends to be expensive and has
competitiveness with humans.
Dioscorea hispida Dennst, as a source of animal
feed, still requires further handling. After all, it has
toxic anti-nutritional compounds, making this feed
ingredient less desirable because it requires proper
processing techniques so livestock can consume it.
Anti-nutritional substances as a limiting factor for
Dioscorea hispida Dennst are saponin glucosides,
including tropane alkaloids called dioscorin and
cyanogenic glucoside compounds and when
decomposed produce HCN compounds (cyanide
acid), [8], [9]. These compounds have high toxicity
that can interfere with the nervous system of those
who consume them, [10], [11]. However, the
compounds dioscorin, saponins, and their sapogenin
derivatives have the potential as drugs, [12], and are
also beneficial for livestock regarding their
resistance and immunity. Therefore, efforts must be
made to process Dioscorea hispida Dennst by
reducing the cyanide content to a threshold safe for
animal feed consumption.
Cyanide compounds from Dioscorea hispida
Dennst can be removed by physical, chemical, and
biological methods, [13]. Several regions in
Indonesia have long implemented methods of
removing cyanide in Dioscorea hispida Dennst,
such as immersion in table salt solution, immersion
in running water, application of ashes pressing, or
heat treatment by drying and boiling, [14]. The
immersion method, with running water and non-
flowing clean water, takes a long time. It is the
method most commonly used by the village
community because the immersion process does not
require high costs, so it is very economical, [15],
The application of simple technology widely
practiced by the local community of the Moronene
tribe in Southeast Sulawesi Province in eliminating
HCN levels in Dioscorea hispida Dennst is by
immersing Dioscorea hispida Dennst in a mixture
of langir bark extract (Albizia saponaria Lour),
which is done for 3 nights, [17]. This method is
almost the same as the method used by the Tolaki
tribe, who treats Dioscorea hispida Dennst with a
mixture of Langir peel (Albizia saponaria Lour) for
4-5 nights, [18]. Phytochemical tests on the Langir
stem and root bark showed the presence of
triterpene saponin compounds, alkaloids, tannins,
and flavonoids. Saponin extracts or plants
containing saponins have several functions,
including as an anticoccidials, immunostimulant,
antibacterial, and antifungal, [19], [20].
The use of the Dioscorea hispida Dennst
immersion method with the bark of Langir (Albizia
saponaria Lour) stems from a method that must be
preserved as local wisdom because it has begun to
be eliminated due to modernization, so a more in-
depth study is needed. Based on this, research on the
Digestibility of In Vitro Discorea Hispida Dennst
Using Albizia saponaria Lour Extract as local feed
should be carried out.
2 Research Methods
2.1 Tools and Materials
The research materials consisted of 100 kg of fresh
Dioscorea hispida Dennst, 15 kg of Albizia
Saponaria Lour and water from Lalonggasu Village,
Tinanggea District, South Konawe Regency, rumen
fluid of Bali cattle, and chemicals such as Na
HCO3, Na2HPO4.7H2O, KCl, NaCl, MgSO4.7H2O,
CaCl2, HgCl2, H2SO4, Boric Acid (H3BO3 crystal),
Bromine Cresol Green (BCG), Methyl Red (MR),
Aquadest, Pepsin, and N-Hexane as support in
measuring digestibility in vitro.
The equipment used is grouped into two groups,
namely equipment for the processing of Dioscorea
hispida Dennst consisting of hoe, machete, knife,
technical scales with a capacity of 150 kg, digital
scales with a capacity of 10 kg, basins, buckets,
tarpaulin, plastic packaging, waring, sacks, dippers,
plastic clips, label paper, and stationery, while the
activities carried out in the laboratory consisted of
digital scales, water bath shakers, CO2 gas cylinders,
porcelain dishes, 105oC ovens, 600oC electric
furnaces, Whatman No. Filter paper. 41, Conway
cup, Erlenmeyer flask, distillation apparatus,
titration apparatus, and writing materials.
2.2 Research Design
The study used a completely randomized design
(CRD) unidirectional pattern, with a total of 4
treatments and 4 replications, so the total
experimental unit of this study was 16 experimental
plots. The treatment tested was langir bark extract
with composition P1 (0% langir bark extract), P2
(5% langir bark extract), P3 (10% langir bark
extract), P4 (15% langir bark extract) with a
mathematical model Yij = μ + T(i) + e (ij). Data
were analyzed using SPSS 21 software with a
significant level of α = 0.05 or a 95% confidence
level, [21].
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.26
Deki Zulkarnain, Ali Bain, Andi Murlina Tasse,
Muhammad Amrullah Pagala,
La Ode Muh. Munadi, Sarno Ndabi
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
2.3 Research Procedure
2.3.1 Setup Dioscorea hispida Dennst
Dioscorea hispida Dennst was selected for good
quality, such as not rotten, wound, intact, and not
too old, marked by a yellowish tuber, then peeled 2
mm thick. The peeling aims to separate the skin and
meat to reduce HCN levels of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst. After stripping, wash to remove dirt
attached to the tubers and slice 0.5 cm thick.
2.3.2 Manufacture of Langir Bark Extract
The langir bark extract is made by peeling the
Langir bark from the stem, dredging the outer skin
and cutting it along ± 10 cm, weighing it as needed,
and then putting it in a basin to mix with water
while rubbing it for ± 5 minutes to produce a lot of
foam. langir bark extract is used in as much as 12
kg, then a concentration of 12 kg + 10 liters of
water. I am making a solution of langir bark extract
according to a predetermined concentration of 0%
(without extract) Langir peel. I then made the same
way for a solution of 5%, 10%, and 15% langir bark
2.3.3 Immersion of Trial Samples
Langir bark extract solution was made from sliced
Dioscorea hispida Dennst. The next activity was to
soak Dioscorea hispida Dennst. Soaking is carried
out for 48 hours in a basin container, and after that,
it is removed and drained for 24 hours, soaked in
running water for 48 hours, drained for 24 hours,
and dried or dried for 3 days in normal weather.
2.3.4 Collection and Sampling
Samples dried for 3 days under the sun were
followed by drying in an oven at 50°C for 8 hours.
Samples were weighed to determine air dry weight
(50°C oven) and followed by flouring. Samples are
packaged in plastic clips and labeled for analysis to
measure research parameters.
2.4 Research Variable
The research variable is:
1. Analysis of Cyanide Acid (HCN) Content of
flour Discorea hispida Dennst
2. In vitro digestibility of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst consists of dry matter and organic matter
3. Characteristics of in vitro fermentability test of
Dioscorea hispida Dennst Flour
4. Fermentation characteristics measured in this
study were NH3 and total VFA:
a. NH3 concentration measurement (Conway
micro diffusion method)
To calculate the levels of NH3 can be
calculated by the formula:
b. VFA Concentration Measurement
The total VFA production is calculated as
a. = volume of reactant blank HCl (only H2SO4 and
NaOH, without sample) b = volume of sample HCl
3 Result and Discussion
3.1 HCN Levels of Dioscorea hispida Dennst
in Langir Extract
Cyanide acid is a poison classified as strong with a
fast-acting method. HCN will bind to the
cytochrome oxidase enzyme, so the tissues cannot
use oxygen. The toxic effects caused by cyanide
cannot be seen so it can cause sudden death of
livestock due to lack of oxygen to the heart, [22].
The detoxification process of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst to reduce cyanide acid levels in this study
used langir bark extract (LBE). Cyanide acid (HCN)
levels of Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour treated
with langir bark extract (LBE) immersion in this
study can be presented in Table 1.
Table 1. HCN levels of Dioscorea hispida Dennst in
Extract with Langir (ppm)
Description: 1. P1 = Soaking Dioscorea hispida Dennst
with 0% Langir extract; P2 = Dioscorea hispida Dennst
soaking with 5% Langir extract; P3 = Dioscorea hispida
Dennst soaking with 10% Langir extract; P4 =
Dioscorea hispida Dennst soaking with 15% Langir 2
extract. a,b,c,d= different superscripts in the same column
showed significant differences between treatments
The high levels of cyanide acid contained in
Dioscorea hispida Dennst require detoxification
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.26
Deki Zulkarnain, Ali Bain, Andi Murlina Tasse,
Muhammad Amrullah Pagala,
La Ode Muh. Munadi, Sarno Ndabi
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
before Dioscorea hispida Dennst is used as a feed
source and for food. After the detoxification
process, the cyanide acid levels are measured again,
In this study, Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour in
low levels of HCN was caused by the dissolution of
Dioscorea hispida Dennst before making it in flour
and immersing it in running water. The soaking
process allows the cyanide acid to dissolve into the
water, ultimately reducing the HCN levels of
Dioscorea hispida Dennst. Dioscorea hispida
Dennst experiences tissue damage due to the
process of slicing or crushing, so there will be
contact between the substrate and endogenous
enzymes, causing the substrate to undergo an
overhaul into free cyanide compounds which are
volatile and soluble in water, [24].
Table 1. shows that the levels of cyanide acid
(HCN) in Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour treated by
immersion in langir bark extract (LBE) in this study
shows that the higher the level of LBE treatment,
the lower the HCN level to 10,07 ppm or the lower
the level of 49,06% when compared to control HCN
levels (P1) and 23,48% compared to P2 (5% LBE).
Studies on HCN levels of Dioscorea hispida Dennst
flour, which have been treated in several studies,
show that the HCN levels of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst flour due to the combined treatment of
soaking husk ash and boiling were 41,582,70 ppm,
[25]. HCN levels of Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour
modified from fermentation by grating and cutting
treatment were 11,9 ppm and 10,63 ppm,
respectively, [26]. Meanwhile, HCN levels in the
grated and cut control treatments were 12,67 ppm
and 15,76 ppm, respectively. Based on data from
several previous research results, the HCN levels of
Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour in this study as a
whole treatment (Table 1) are still within the
tolerance limit for consumption.
The statistical analysis showed that soaking
Dioscorea hispida Dennst in langir bark extract
significantly affected HCN levels of Dioscorea
hispida Dennst flour (P<0.05). Based on the
difference test between treatments using Duncan,
the P1 treatment (0% LBE) showed a significant
difference to both the P2 treatment (5% LBE), P3
(10% LBE), and the P4 treatment (15% LBE).
Furthermore, further test results for the HCN
content of Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour treatment
P2 (5% LBE) showed a significant difference
between the HCN content of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst treatment P3 (10% LBE) and treatment P4
(15% LBE), and simultaneously the HCN content of
flour Dioscorea hispida Dennst still showed
significant differences between the P3 treatment
(10% LBE) and the P4 treatment (15% LBE). In
general, the difference in HCN levels of Dioscorea
hispida Dennst flour in this study is suspected of
having active compounds contained in the Langir
extract (Albizia saponaria Lour) in the form of
saponins. Papagan Albizia saponaria Lour has a
fairly high saponin content, [27]. Phytochemical
tests on the Langir stem and root bark showed the
presence of a group of saponin compounds. Besides
that, they also contained alkaloids, tannins, and
flavonoids, [19], [20], [28].
The difference in the level of HCN content in
Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour between treatments
in this study presumably indicated that some of the
cyanide acid in Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour
accumulated/trapped in fat, so that when the saponin
compounds emulsified or dissolved the fat, the HCN
content of Dioscorea hispida Dennst would be
easier to extract because HCN dissolves completely
in water. It appears that numerically, the lipid
content of Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour appears
to decrease as the level of langir bark extract (LBE)
increases, as does the HCN level. Another
hypothesis is that the level of difference in the
decrease in cyanide acid levels of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst flour treated with langir bark extract may be
the presence of an active compound in Langir peel,
which can open the pores of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst slices when Dioscorea hispida Dennst is
soaked with langir bark extract. The higher the LBE
level, the greater the possibility of pore slack in the
Dioscorea hispida Dennst section, which in turn can
affect more and more HCN diffusing out of the cell
so that what is left in Dioscorea hispida Dennst
3.2 In Vitro Digestibility of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst in Langir Extract
Determination of feed digestibility previously
widely used was the in vivo and sacco digestibility
method. However, these methods require a lot of
energy, require a lot of livestock and feed, and are
expensive, making them inefficient to use in routine
feed evaluation, [29]. The next development in the
evaluation of feed ingredients is the in vitro
digestibility method. The in vitro method is an
indirect digestibility estimation method done on a
laboratory scale by imitating the processes that
occur in the digestive tract of livestock. The results
of the KcBk and KcBo research obtained can be
presented in Table 2.
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.26
Deki Zulkarnain, Ali Bain, Andi Murlina Tasse,
Muhammad Amrullah Pagala,
La Ode Muh. Munadi, Sarno Ndabi
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
Table 2. In vitro digestibility of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst in Langir extract
Description: 1. P1 = Soaking Dioscorea hispida Dennst
with 0% Langir extract; P2 = Dioscorea hispida Dennst
soaking with 5% Langir extract; P3 = Dioscorea hispida
Dennst immersion with 10% Langir; P4 = Dioscorea
hispida Dennst soaking with 15% Langir extract
The in vitro technique is to mimic rumen
conditions. Conditions modified in this case include
buffer solution, fermentation vessel, stirring and gas
phase, fermentation temperature, optimum pH,
inoculum source, anaerobic conditions, fermentation
period, and end of fermentation. The buffer solution
as a buffer element maintains rumen pH so that it is
not easily reduced by organic acids produced during
the fermentation process, [30].
The in vitro digestibility of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst as a result of soaking langir bark extract
(Albizia saponaria Lour) in this study was the
digestibility of dry matter (KcBk) and organic
matter digestibility (KcBo). The in vitro
measurement of the digestibility of dry matter
(Table 2) of Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour
produced in this study was 91,5493,48%. In
general, the in vitro digestibility level of dry matter
of Dioscorea hispida Dennst shows that all
treatments provided a fairly high level of dry matter
The dry matter digestibility value reflects the
amount of nutrients livestock can utilize. Although
Dioscorea hispida Dennst has HCN compounds, the
highest HCN content produced in this study was
19,77, which is still within the threshold for
consumption. The statistical analysis results showed
that soaking Dioscorea hispida Dennst in langir bark
extract did not significantly affect the digestibility
of the dry matter of Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour
in vitro (P>0.05). This fact means that the langir
bark extract treatment used in this study did not
respond to the digestibility of the dry matter of
Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour.
The feed's crude fiber content limits the
digestibility of nutrients in the rumen. The higher
the crude fiber of the feed, the lower the digestibility
of these feed substances. In this study, the crude
fiber content of Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour was
1,211,48% (Table 2), a very low crude fiber range.
The low crude fiber of Dioscorea hispida Dennst
flour will provide space for the cellulose enzymes
produced by cellulolytic microbes to penetrate more
easily into feed ingredients, which can increase the
digestibility of dry matter in this study.
Another factor that allows no difference in the
digestibility of the dry matter of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst flour in vitro in this study is also thought to
be due to the protein content of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst flour in all treatments still providing
sufficient microbial needs for growth and activity.
Microbial growth and activity due to the carrying
capacity of the protein contained in Dioscorea
hispida Dennst flour can affect the feed digestibility
process to be higher.
The organic matter digestibility (KcBo) of
Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour treated with langir
bark extract (LBE) showed that numerically, the
10% LBE level gave a high level of organic matter
digestibility (Table 2). The digestibility value of
organic matter is closely related to the dry matter
digestibility of a feed ingredient, [31]. Decreasing
the digestibility of dry matter will decrease the
digestibility value of organic matter, [32]. The
digestibility value of the organic matter in this study
was 69,74 in the P2 treatment (5% LBE) and
appeared to increase with increasing dry matter
digestibility in the P3 treatment (10% LBE) of
The results of statistical analysis showed that
immersion of Dioscorea hispida Dennst in langir
bark extract did not have a significant effect on the
digestibility of organic matter of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst flour in vitro (P>0.05). This fact means that
the langir bark extract treatment used in the study
did not respond to the digestibility of Dioscorea
hispida Dennst organic matter. Although there was
no significant difference in the LBE treatment in
this study, it generally provided the maximum
digestibility of organic matter. The digestibility of
organic matter of Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour,
which was not different in the study, was probably
influenced by the nutrient content contributed by
Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour, especially crude
protein, which still provides sufficiency in
increasing the growth of the microorganism
population. Finally, it can contribute to degrading
enzymes according to the substrate.
3.3 Characteristics of N-NH3 and Total VFA
Fermentability Test of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst in Langir Extract in Vitro
The dynamics of the fermentation process involving
compounds contained in plants and substrates in the
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.26
Deki Zulkarnain, Ali Bain, Andi Murlina Tasse,
Muhammad Amrullah Pagala,
La Ode Muh. Munadi, Sarno Ndabi
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
form of food substances will produce metabolite
products that suppress the growth of unwanted
spoilage bacteria. Metabolite products contained in
ruminant feed fermentation are expected to
influence rumen microbial development positively.
One of the influences during the fermentation
process in the rumen that is expected to increase is
the concentration of NH3 and VFA as a result of
protein and carbohydrate fermentation.
Characteristics of the NH3 fermentability test and
total VFA of Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour in
langir bark extract (Albizia saponaria Lour) in vitro
can be presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Characteristics of N-NH3 fermentability
and total VFA of Dioscorea hispida Dennst
Flour in Langir extract in vitro
Description: 1. P1 = Soaking Dioscorea hispida Dennst
with 0% Langir extract; P2 = Dioscorea hispida Dennst
soaking with 5% Langir extract; P3 = Dioscorea hispida
Dennst soaking with 10% langir bark extract; P4 =
Dioscorea hispida Dennst soaking with 15% Langir
extract. 2. a,b,c = different superscripts in the same
column showed significant differences between
treatments (P<0.05).
Single feed testing can be carried out using the in
vitro method, this method is more appropriate to
use, especially if the nutrients contained in the feed
ingredients are not sufficient for livestock. In vitro
is a simulation of the digestive process in the
livestock body with a relatively cheaper and easier
cost by obtaining the value of the benefits of a feed
ingredient by determining its fermentability in the
rumen based on indicators of the value of NH3 and
VFA production.
The concentration of NH3 in the fermentability
test of Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour in the in vitro
extract of Albizia saponaria Lour obtained in this
study was in the range of 4,547,01 mM, with the
highest concentration in treatment P4 (15% LBE)
and lowest in treatment (P3 10% LBE) (Table 3).
The NH3 concentration values obtained in the P1,
P2, and P3 treatments had not yet reached the
optimum level of NH3 concentration. However, they
still provided the NH3 concentration needed by
rumen microbes to digest feed optimally.
The results of statistical analysis showed that
immersion of Dioscorea hispida Dennst in langir
bark extract (LBE) had a significant effect on the
NH3 concentration of Dioscorea hispida Dennst
flour (P<0.05). A follow-up test to find out the
difference between treatments using Duncan
showed that treatment P1 (0% LBE) showed a
significant difference to treatment P2 (5% LBE), P3
(10% LBE), and P4 (15% LBE). The P2 treatment
(5% LBE) did not significantly differ from the P3
treatment (10% LBE). However, it significantly
differed from the P4 treatment (15% LBE). While
the P3 treatment (10% LBE) showed a significant
difference in the NH3 content of wheat tuber flour
with the P4 treatment (15% LBE).
The difference in the NH3 concentration of
Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour between the control
treatment (P1 0% LBE) and the treatment that
obtained LBE levels in both the P2 (5% LBE), P2
(10% LBE) and P4 (15% LBE) treatments in this
study was probably due to The active compounds
contained in Langir peel are saponins, flavonoids,
alkaloids, phytochemicals and tannins, [28]. The
saponins in LBE can affect microbial growth by
reducing the protozoa population. These microbes
have an important role in increasing the
concentration of NH3 by degrading proteins, amino
acids, and other peptides into ammonia. However,
due to saponin compounds donated from LBE, the
NH3 concentration of Dioscorea hispida Dennst
flour showed a difference in the reduction to the
10% LBE level.
Administration of saponins can reduce the
concentration of NH3 in vitro and in vivo in cattle,
[33]. Fermentation of feeds containing tannins in the
rumen results in lower ammonia production
compared to feeds that do not contain tannins, [34],
Apart from saponins, Langir peel also contains
flavonoid compounds, which are not easily
hydrolyzed by rumen microbes or digestive tract
enzymes. Flavanoids are included in condensed
tannins, which are capable of forming complex
bonding compounds with feed proteins that are
stable at pH 4 to 7 and make them insoluble
compounds, which will reduce their fermentability
in the rumen, which is implemented by decreasing
ammonia production, [36]. However, the P4
treatment (15% LBE) showed an increase in NH3
concentrations reaching 7,01 mM and appeared to
be significantly different compared to the treatment
that obtained LBE levels of 10%, 5%, and control
(without LBE). The high concentration of NH3 in
the P4 treatment (10% LBE) is suspected that the
nutrient content, especially protein in the P4
treatment, is more optimally available for microbial
degradation into ammonia. The condition of protein
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.26
Deki Zulkarnain, Ali Bain, Andi Murlina Tasse,
Muhammad Amrullah Pagala,
La Ode Muh. Munadi, Sarno Ndabi
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
availability in Dioscorea hispida Dennst is
influenced by the alkaloid compounds in the Langir
Alkaloids in Langir are thought to contribute to
the availability of amino acids, one of the ammonia
production processes. Ammonia is produced with
peptides and amino acids, which rumen microbes
will use to form microbial proteins, [37]. The amino
acid L-phenylalanine is one of the precursors in the
formation of alkaloids, [38].
The main carbohydrate fermentation products are
acetate, propionate, butyrate, and valerate. VFA acts
as a carbon framework for the formation of
microbial proteins. A high VFA concentration
indicates a high content of carbohydrates fermented
by rumen microbes. The VFA concentration of
Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour treated with langir
bark extract obtained in this study was 147,10
187,84 mM. This studys results illustrate that using
langir bark extract as a numerical treatment can
increase the VFA concentration of Dioscorea
hispida Dennst flour.
The results of statistical analysis showed that
immersion of Dioscorea hispida Dennst in langir
bark extract (LBE) had a significant effect on the
VFA concentration of Dioscorea hispida Dennst
flour (P<0.05). A follow-up test to determine the
differences between treatments using Duncan
showed that treatment P1 (0% LBE) showed no
significant difference from treatment P2 (5% LBE).
However, P1 was significantly different from
treatment P3 (10% LBE), and even when LBE was
increased to 15% (P4) still showed a significant
difference. Further tests of treatment P2 (5% LBE)
still showed a significant difference from treatment
P3 (10% LBE) and P4 (15% LBE). Meanwhile, the
concentration of VFA in the P3 treatment did not
significantly differ from the P4 treatment (15%
LBE) in this study.
The VFA concentration of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst flour with langir bark extract treatment
(Table 3) appeared to be the highest and
significantly different (P<0.05) was found in P4
(15% LBE) compared to the control treatment (P1
0% LBE) and P2 (5% LBE). The high concentration
of VFA obtained, along with the increase in LBE in
this study, was probably due to the better nutrient
content of Dioscorea hispida Dennst, both protein
and carbohydrates, compared to other treatments.
Donation of carbohydrates from Dioscorea hispida
Dennst flour, which is fermented by
microorganisms in the rumen into volatile fatty
acids (VFA) that VFA can also be formed from the
process of hydrolysis of carbohydrate
polysaccharides by rumen microbes.
Polysaccharides are converted into
monosaccharides, especially glucose, then broken
down into acetate, propionate, butyrate, isobutyrate,
valerate, isovalerate, methane, and CO2, [37]. A high
concentration of VFA is an indicator of energy
adequacy for livestock. The higher the concentration
of VFA indicates, the more effective the
fermentation process. However, the concentration of
VFA that is too high can disturb the rumen system's
balance, [39].
The difference in VFA concentrations of
Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour obtained in this
study is also thought to be due to an active
compound in the langir bark extract. The saponin
compound in the P3 and P4 treatments increased in
this case. Increasing the saponin content will
increase the VFA concentration. Supplementation of
Sapindus saponaria fruit containing 120 g of
saponins can improve the rumen microbial profile,
VFA efficiency, and microbial protein flow in the
duodenum of sheep, [40]. Administration of
saponins can increase total VFA concentration and
rumen microbial activity, [33], [41]. Table 3 shows
that the increase in total VFA is in line with the
increasing level of langir bark extract in Dioscorea
hispida Dennst, making it possible for an increase in
saponin compounds, which will ultimately affect
increasing the proportion of propionic acid.
Saponins increase propionate concentration and its
relative ratio to total VFA in the rumen, [20].
4 Conclusion
The use of langir bark extract up to a level of 15%
in soaking Dioscorea hispida Dennst was able to
reduce cyanide acid (HCN) levels by up to 10.07
ppm or with a percentage reduction of 49.06%
compared to the HCN levels of Dioscorea hispida
Dennst in the control of this study.
Langir bark extract up to a use level of 15% in
soaking Dioscorea hispida Dennst did not affect the
digestibility of dry matter and organic matter in
vitro. In general, the digestibility of dry matter and
organic matter produced in all treatments still
showed the maximum level of digestibility, namely
91.5493.48% dry matter and 69.74-77.86% organic
matter, so that Dioscorea hispida Dennst can be
used as a source of local feed ingredients.
Dioscorea hispida Dennst flour produced by
soaking with langir bark extract was effectively
used to improve NH3 and VFA concentrations at the
5% level, achieving an NH3 concentration of 5.09
mM and a VFA concentration of 147.10 mM.
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.26
Deki Zulkarnain, Ali Bain, Andi Murlina Tasse,
Muhammad Amrullah Pagala,
La Ode Muh. Munadi, Sarno Ndabi
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
We thank the Rector and Dean of the Faculty of
Animal Science, Halu Oleo University, for their
support in completing this research because, in
general, this research can solve the problem of
scarcity of animal feed in Southeast Sulawesi.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Deki Zulkarnain, Ali Bain (Concept and Method of
Research Work), Andi Murlina Tasse and Sarno
Ndabi (Laboratory Analysis), Muhammad Amrullah
Pagala (Search for Materials, and Collection of
Research Tools), La Ode Muh. Munadi (Analysis
and article writing).
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The research does not have a conflict of interest
either for funds or for personal gain.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.26
Deki Zulkarnain, Ali Bain, Andi Murlina Tasse,
Muhammad Amrullah Pagala,
La Ode Muh. Munadi, Sarno Ndabi
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023