the mathematical model of heart tissue based on the
explicit representation of individual cells. A detailed
mathematical model is used in, [5], to study the
conductivity properties in small collections of
Although the monodomain and bidomain models
describe only the macroscopic behavior of syncytial
(cellular) tissue, they are used to explain passive
current measurement results in the lens, [6],
measurements of cable constants, [7], and
measurements of intracellular resistances in cardiac
vessels in cardiac tissue filaments, [8],
electrocardiogram, [9], [10], magnetocardiogram,
[11], four-electrode impedance measurements, [12],
and extracellular measurements of electrical
potentials generated in atrial or ventricular muscles,
[13], [14], [15], [16].
The current work discusses a one-dimensional
model of continuously coupled myocytes. In this
case, the electrical behavior in cardiac tissue is
averaged for many cells. So, the distribution of the
transmembrane potential in a single cell is studied.
Using a monodomain model, the propagation of the
transmembrane potential in a thin cylindrical
excitable myocyte is studied in the absence of
current at the beginning and end of the myocyte. A
1D mathematical model of the conductivity of
discretely coupled myocytes is also discussed.
Electrical behavior in the tissue is considered in
individual myocytes, each of which is modeled as a
continuum bound through conditions at cell
boundaries that represent gap junctions. A stationary
passive problem with Dirichlet boundary conditions
is posed and solved analytically using the bidomain
model. These problems are solved by the method of
separation of variables. Numerical results of
transmembrane potential propagation in
cardiomyocytes are obtained using MATLAB
software, and transmembrane isopotential contours,
and 2D and 3D graphs of the obtained numerical
results are presented.
2 Theoretical Aspects
The heart consists of transversely striated muscle
tissue, which ensures the rapid spread of the wave of
fiber contraction. As a result, all sections of the
heart contract as a single entity. The homogeneous
representation of cardiac tissue involves a large
number of identical myocytes, which can be thought
of as two interconnected spaces - intracellular and
extracellular. The cells are connected by gap
junctions (Figure 1).
Fig. 1: Schematic drawing of cardiac tissue
The cardiac muscle action potential (membrane
potential) is a brief change in voltage on the cell
membrane in heart cells caused by the movement of
charged atoms (ions) into and out of the cell via
proteins called ion channels. The cell membrane
separates extracellular and intracellular spaces with
, while
is the
transmembrane potential.
An action potential is an excitation wave, which
as a brief change of the membrane potential in the
membrane of a living cell moves to a small area of
an excited cell (neuron or cardiomyocyte), as a
result of which the outer surface of this area
becomes negatively charged compared to the inner
surface of the membrane, while it is positively
charged in a non-excitation state. Sometimes the
action potential is called a propagating potential
because the excitation wave is actively transmitted
along the fiber of a neuron or muscle cell.
Cardiomyocytes are approximately cylindrical (very
small, measured in microns) whose length (e.g., x in
the direction of the cylinder’s long axis) is
sufficiently greater than its diameter. So we can
assume that the action potential of the cell depends
only on the length variable, and the problem can be
reduced to a single measurement. Thus, the article
discusses both continuously and discretely coupled
1D myocyte models. Intracellular, extracellular, and
transmembrane potentials are vector fields in space
and time,
The electrical behavior of the cell membrane of
cardiac tissue and the propagation of the action
potential are described by monodomain and
bidomain models (equations). Both models use the
representation of cardiac muscle as two
interconnected spaces, intracellular and
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.24
Natela Zirakashvili, Teona Zirakashvili