ABO and Rh Blood Group Antigens and Natural Anti-A and ANTI-B
Antibodies in the Neonates
1Faculty of Natural Sciences and Health Care,
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University,
St.35 Ninoshvili, Batumi, Adjara,
2School of Medicine and Health Sciences,
BAU International University, Batumi,
St.237 Fridon Khalvashi, Batumi, Adjara,
Abstract: - ABO blood group is determined by the presence or absence of A and B antigens on the surface of RBC
and of anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the serum. The relatively weak expression of A and B antigens in newborns
due to their developing immune systems poses challenges in accurately detecting naturally occurring IgM
antibodies against these antigens. This difficulty in immunoserological methods contributes to the potential for
errors in determining the blood groups of newborns. Despite this, the Rh antigen expression in newborns remains
comparable to that in adults. Nonetheless, various factors contribute to diverse blood typing results in newborns,
including the utilization of alternative testing methods. The complexity of blood typing is magnified when using
samples from the umbilical vein. Furthermore, compared to adults, the exploration of ABO antigen expression in
newborns is limited, and the identification of specific subgroups such as A1 and A2 is even rarer. This underscores
the need for standardized testing procedures and further research to enhance our understanding of antigen
expression patterns in newborns. Based on the aforementioned details, the primary objective of our study was to
delve into specific aspects related to blood group characterization in newborns. This encompassed exploring the
expression of A, B, AB, and D antigens on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs) and detecting anti-A and anti-B
antibodies in the plasma of newborns. These analyses were conducted using samples obtained from the heels of 208
newborns and were typed by forward and reverse blood typing methods with monoclonal antibodies and srandart
erythrocytes. The distribution of phenotypic groups within the ABO system among the newborns was not uniform.
The r allele was identified with the highest frequency in the analyzed samples (0.6), while the prevalence of the p
allele significantly lags at 0.3. The q allele has the lowest frequency (0.1). In our study, we propose that for the
majority of cases (43.94±3.5%) among the studied newborns, there was an absence of naturally occurring anti-A
and anti-B antibodies (n=87). In a specific scenario, within the O(I) blood group nwborns, partial synthesis of these
antibodies was detected in 14.14±2.4% (n=28). Meanwhile, 41.92±3.5% of the newborns in our study exhibited
natural antibodies similar to those found in adults. We didn’t find any difficulties in typing the Rh blood group
antigens in the newborns. In conclusion, our study's findings indicate that newborns, in certain instances, exhibit
strongly pronounced natural anti-A and anti-B antibodies within the ABO system. However, in the majority of
cases, these antibodies are not evident. Majority of cases erythrocyte A and B antigens were weakly expressed and
for detecting these images optic microscopes were used.
Key-Word: - anti-A antibodies, anti-B antibodies; A and B antigens; newborns; Blood group typing, Rh factor.
Received: June 22, 2022. Revised: September 11, 2023. Accepted: October 3, 2023. Published: October 11, 2023.
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.19
Shorena Gabaidze, Marina Nagervadze et al.
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
1 Introduction
Blood group antigens are considered to play a role in
how well the biological species of Homo sapiens has
adapted to its environment. This is demonstrated by
the fact that different races or ethnic groups have
different blood group distribution frequencies, which
is regarded as an example of gene geographic
adaptation in the history of biological evolution, [1],
[2], [3].
Presently, the International Society of Blood
Transfusion (ISBT) recognizes a total of 45 blood
group systems encompassing 360 antigens for human
red blood cells, [4].
The majority of these antigens are
polysaccharides, though they can also be proteins or
complexes of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids.
Blood group antigens are primarily involved in the
trophic and regulatory functions of blood cells. Due
to their presence within cell receptors, they play a
crucial role within the blood circulatory system,
facilitating the transport of hormones, vitamins,
enzymes, and other biologically active proteins.
Additionally, they frequently serve as fundamental
structural elements in the adhesion of cell
membranes, [5].
The first known human genetic markers were the
antigens of the ABO system, which were also the
first blood groups to be recognized, [6]. Among the
nearly 45 blood group systems investigated thus far,
the identification of these systems and the subsequent
revelation of naturally occurring antibodies targeting
antigens absent on certain cells explained the prior
inconsistencies in blood transfusion and organ
transplantation. This breakthrough paved the way for
safer transfusion practices in situations of critical
blood loss, ensuring a higher level of patient safety,
ABO blood group is determined by the presence
or absence of A and B antigens on the surface of
RBC and of anti-A and anti-B antibodies in the
serum, [8]. The ABO blood group antibodies are
inherent and predominantly IgM class. These
antibodies are generated without antigen stimulation,
unlike those produced during the conventional
adaptive immune response. The exact nature of their
production remains a subject of debate. Anti-ABO
IgM is usually not present in newborns but appears in
the first year of life. The antibodies may be produced
against food and environmental antigens (bacteria,
viral, or plant antigens), which are similar in structure
to A and B antigens, [9], [10].
In addition, research into the enzymology and
structural details of A and B transferases is essential
for other branches of medicine. For instance, ABO
has become a key player in modern genomic
medicine. It has also been studied in neurobiology, in
the development of universal/artificial blood, and
even in the hoax of "blood type diets", [11]. The
understanding of how ABO relates to diseases has
also grown, [12], [13].
The most notable advancements include a better
understanding of the relationship between ABO and
various diseases, [14], which can be discovered
through genome sequencing, which has also
improved our understanding of the evolution of ABO
and related genes by identifying orthologous and
paralogous genes in various organisms, [11].
Low expression of antigens on the RBCs as well
as frequent blood transfusion history, hematological
disorders, especially blood cell tumors, solid tumors,
and surgical history, are the factors that can affect the
expression of ABO antigens on RBCs and cause
ABO typing discrepancies, [15], [16].
There is also a description of a different instance
of antigen expression changes. In a malignant
environment, epigenetic changes in blood group
antigens of the ABO system are particularly noted.
Blood cancers showed comparable cases. A patient
with this cancer will typically require several
transfusions, as is common knowledge. Genotyping
of the blood group locus should be used in people
with so-called "hard-to-detect blood types."
Compared to adult red blood cells, newborn red
blood cells have a much weaker expression of A and
B antigens. A significant protective factor against
maternal antibodies that have passed the placental
barrier is this relatively weak reactivity, [7]. From
this perspective, indeed, the fetus is somewhat
protected from the mother's immune system's
reactivity due to the weak expression of antigens in
the fetus' blood. However, it also makes it more
challenging to correct blood typing. Additionally,
consider another possibility is that newborns' blood
serum may lack the corresponding antibodies, which
causes incorrect blood group determination using
immunoserological methods, particularly reverse
methods. Regarding this inaccuracy, the use of blood
for transfusion and treatment in newborns can result
in both post-transfusion complications and immune
sensitization of the baby. This fact is crucial because
it can be challenging to find a suitable donor in an
emergency transfusion situation for newborns with
severe anamnesis (including those with hemolytic
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.19
Shorena Gabaidze, Marina Nagervadze et al.
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
disease and prematurity). In the case of the Rh
system, Newborns and adults both express the Rh
antigen in the same manner.
Our studies and clinical experience have shown
that newborns with complicated anamnesis frequently
have trouble identifying their blood group, and cause
ABO typing discrepancy. The AB (IV) group is
typically determined first, followed by the A (II) or B
(II) group a week later. In some circumstances,
different blood types are identified using distinct
alternative techniques in the same sample of
In addition to the challenges mentioned earlier,
there exists an increased potential for errors when
ascertaining the blood group from samples obtained
through the umbilical vein in newborns, which is the
customary method of collection. In these situations,
the transfusion and the proper donor selection can be
difficult and take some time, and a delay is frequently
linked to a risk to the patient.
Drawing from the available literature, the
examination of erythrocyte antigens in adults has
received more extensive attention compared to the
analysis conducted in newborns. Notably,
information about to A1 and A2 subgroups is limited
in its availability.
Given these considerations, the central aim of our
study was to thoroughly investigate various facets of
blood group characterization in newborns. This
encompassed a comprehensive analysis, involving
the identification of A1, A2, B, H, and D antigens on
the surface of red blood cells (RBCs), alongside the
detection of anti-A and anti-B antibodies within the
plasma of newborns.
In conclusion, directing efforts toward advancing
our comprehension of antigen expression patterns in
neonates holds significant promise for improving and
standardizing testing methods. This proactive
approach is crucial for reducing the potential for
errors and inaccuracies in blood group determination,
ultimately leading to more reliable and precise
2 Research Materials and Methods
2.1 Research Materials
Newborns blood samples were collected from the
"M. Iashvili Batumi Maternal and Child Central
Hospital" and "Iris Borchashvili Health Center
Medina", in accordance with the approved ethical
guidelines. The mentioned clinics are located in the
city of Batumi, which is part of West Georgia.
Informed consent was obtained from the legal
guardians of the newborns parents prior to sample
A total of 208 newborn blood samples were
enrolled in the study. The only inclusion criteria
followed was that subjects must be less than one
month old. No exclusion criteria were determined.
All procedures were approved by the Ethics
Committee of BAU Batumi International University
and met the requirements set by the Declaration of
Helsinki for Medical Research Involving Human
Subjects (World Medical Association 2013).
The current research was carried out in the
laboratories of Immunogenetics and Biosafety of the
Department of Biology of the Faculty of Natural
Sciences and Health of Batumi Shota Rustaveli State
University (BSU), which are equipped with all the
necessary equipment for carrying out the current
research. Some part of the research was done at the
Immunology and Microbiology laboratory of BAU
International University Batumi (BAU, Batumi). The
current research was carried out within the two years
of 2020-2022. The research is done based on Batumi
Shota Rustaveli State University targeted the grant
project "Evaluation of immunogenetic characteristics
of erythrocyte blood group antigen-antibodies of
newborns", 2020-2022.
2.2 Research Methods
Peripheral blood samples (2 ml) were obtained from
the newborns heel, and the samples were collected
into special tubes
containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)
as an anticoagulant. Vigorous handling of specimens
was avoided. The collected newborn’s blood samples
were stored at a temperature of C until further
processing and analysis.
The test tubes containing blood samples were
placed in the centrifuge. The tubes were positioned in
a balanced manner to ensure an even distribution of
forces during centrifugation. The samples were
centrifuged at 4000 RPM for a duration of 1 to 2
minutes. Shortly after centrifugation, the uppermost
layer constituting plasma was separated and stored in
0.5ml microcentrifuge test tubes for the anti-A and
anti-B antibodies typing. The rest part of the
centrifuged blood samples was used for typing of the
erythrocyte A and B antigens.
To determine the ABO blood group of each
newborn, blood typing was conducted using the slide
and tube agglutination methods. There were used
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.19
Shorena Gabaidze, Marina Nagervadze et al.
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
Both forward and reverse blood typing procedures.
We used monoclonal anti-A, anti-B, anti-AB, anti-D
(Bio-Rad, cypress diagnostics) antibodies for typing
of the ABO and Rh blood group antigens. Samples
were tested on standardized blood typing plates. We
allocated 4 phenotypes for the ABO system (A, O, B,
and AB) and two types of Rh system (Rh+ and Rh-)
based on this method. Agglutination processes were
meticulously observed and recorded, following
standardized protocols and guidelines. The standard
erythrocytes with A and B blood groups and
newborns’ plasma were taken for reverse methods for
ABO blood system natural antibodies (anti-A and
anti-B) typing. Agglutination reaction was observed
with the naked eye, but in some cases, especially in
cases of so-called weak agglutination reaction, we
used the optic microscope with different
magnification lenses (10X4, 10X10).
Statistical analysis was performed using the
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
software. P-values <0.05 were considered statistically
significant. We also used the special calculator
platform, [17].
3 Result
Determining the blood group of a newborn is an
essential laboratory test conducted shortly after birth.
It involves obtaining biological material from either
the umbilical cord or the peripheral blood of the
newborn. However, it is crucial to exercise caution
and take special care when collecting blood from the
umbilical cord to avoid potential contamination.
Contamination can adversely impact the serological
expression of antigens, leading to false agglutination
or non-specific reactions that may result in the
misinterpretation of test results.
The ABO system's phenotypic groups are
unevenly distributed among the studied
newborns. 43.75±3.4% of the studied newborns
have O(I) blood group (n=91). A little law
distribution characteristic has A (II) blood group.
41.35±3.4% of the studied newborns have A (II)
blood group phenotypical characteristics
(n=86). B(III) blood groups have 21 studied
newborns (10.10±2.0%) and only 10 studied
newborn’s blood samples show both A and B
antigens specifications and 4.8 ±1.4% of the studied
newborns have AB (IV) blood group. There are four
categories - O (I), A (II), B (III), AB (IV) and based
on these degrees of freedom (df) is - 3. One variable
Chi-square (χ2) equals 89.65, which is 11.4 times
more than Critical Values (CV=7.815). This
statistical characteristic shows a unique distribution
of ABO blood groups in the studied newborns (Table
Table 1. ABO blood group distribution in the studied
O (I)
A (II)
4.8 ±1.4
*The P-Value is < .00001. The result is significant at p <
*df Degrees of freedom; * χ2 - Chi-square; *CV-
Critical values.
The ABO blood group system's gene distribution
frequency in the newborns under study was also
examined. The formula employed in the analysis of
the three-allelic genetic system was utilized to
determine their frequency. r allele was detected with
the highest frequency in the studied samples and is
equal to 0.6, while the prevalence of the p allele lags
significantly behind and is 0.3, and the frequency of
the q allele is the lowest at 0.1 (Table 2). r, p, q
allele’s frequency total equals 1 in our studied cohort.
Table 2. Frequency of distribution of the genes of the
ABO system in the studied newborns
Three-allelic genetic system
r = √O*
p = 1- √A+O*
q = 1- √B+O*
*Where O, А, and В are the ratio of newborns carrying O,
A, and B phenotypes to the total number of research
subjects. Hardy-Weinberg equation where: F= p + q + r
= 1.
In addition to screening newborns for group
antigens, we were also interested in this target group's
characteristics for identifying group-specific natural
origin anti-A and anti-B antibodies. In adults,
individuals with the O (I) blood group typically have
both group-specific anti-A and anti-B antibodies in
their blood plasma. However, it is important to note
that the expression of the above-mentioned
antibodies in newborns differs from that in adults.
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.19
Shorena Gabaidze, Marina Nagervadze et al.
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
38.46±5.0% of the studied newborns with the O
(I) blood group carried both anti-A and anti-B
antibodies (n=35) while none of the antibodies were
detected in 30.77±4.8% (n=28) of cases, and
20.88±4.2% newborns carried only anti-A antibody
(n=19) while 9.89±3.1% carry anti-B antibodies only
(n=9). The degrees of freedom (df) is equal to 3 in
this particular case. Chi-square (χ2) equals 16.6,
which is 2.12 times more than Critical Values
(CV=7.815). The P-value is < .00001. The result is
significant at p < .05 (Table 3).
Table 3. Anti-A and anti-B antibodies expression
characteristics in the O (I) blood group newborns.
ABO blood
Both anti-A
and anti-B
Only anti-A
Only anti-B
None of
* The P-value is < .00001. The result is significant at p <
*df Degrees of freedom; * χ2 - Chi-square; *CV-
Critical values
We have 86 newborns with A (II) blood group.
Adult persons with A (II) blood group in the plasma
have natural anti-B antibodies. We find that 40.7
±3.4% case studied newborns have the anti- B
antibodies in the plasma as an adult (n=35), but the
majority of them 59.5.2% (n=51) did not show any
agglutination reaction with standard erythrocyte mass
with B blood group, which means that there weren’t
anti-B antibodies expression yet (Table
4). The degree of freedom (df) is 1 in this case
because there are two
categories. X2 equals to 44.4, while the Critical
Value (CV) is 3.841. The P-value is < .00001. The
result is significant at p < .05.
Table 4. AntiB antibodies expression in the A(II)
blood group newborns.
Nu (n)
Percent %
Don’t present
*The P-value is < .00001. The result is significant at p <
*df Degrees of freedom * χ2 - Chi-square *CV- Critical
We also analyze the natural anti-antibody
frequency in the studied newborns. We have 21
newborns with B (III) blood group. Adult persons
with B (III) blood group in the plasma have natural
anti-A antibodies. 61.9 ±3.4% (n=13) of our studied
newborns have anti-A - A antibodies in the plasma,
similar to an adult, 38.1 ±3.3 % (n=8) did not show
any agglutination reaction with standard erythrocyte
mass with A(II) blood group, which means that
there weren’t anti-A antibodies expression yet (Table
5). The degrees of freedom (df) is equal to 1 in this
particular case. χ2 equals 11, which is higher than
Critical Values (CV=7.815). The P-value is .000911.
The result is significant at p < .05.
Table 5. Anti-A antibodies expression in the B(III)
blood group newborns.
Don’t present
*The P-value is .000911. The result is significant at p <
*df Degrees of freedom * χ2 - Chi-square *CV- Critical
The person with the AB (IV) blood group does
not have anti-erythrocyte antibodies in the blood
plasma. All our 10 blood samples with the AB blood
group didn’t show agglutination images with
standard erythrocytes.
We also study the Rhesus system D antigen
distribution in the studied newborns. It was typing the
D antigens in the 148 samples. The majority of our
samples (87.84 ±2.6%) have Rh+ phenotypical
expression (n=130). The rest of them 12.16±2.6
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.19
Shorena Gabaidze, Marina Nagervadze et al.
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
belong to Rh- group (n=18). We didn’t find any
difficulties in typing the Rh blood group in the
newborns, because in all cases of the Rh+ samples D
antigen was well agglutinated by using monoclonal
anti-D antibodies (Table 6).
Table 6. Rh+ and Rh- phenotypes in the studied
Number (n)
Percent %
*The P-Value is < .00001. The result is significant at p <
*df Degrees of freedom * χ2 - Chi-square *CV- Critical
4 Discussion
In our current study we found that unlike the adults,
in some studied newborns, ABO blood group system
A and B antigens are poorly expressed on the surface
of the red blood cell. In the majority of cases, we
used the optic microscope with low and/or high
magnification lenses (10X4, 10X10, or 10X100) to
detect the so-called weak agglutinated images
(Figure 1).
We try to describe the reason for the poor
expression of blood group antigens at the neonate
stage. To answer the question of why they are so
poorly expressed at the newborn stage we will follow
the genetic mechanism of the expression of
erythrocyte ABO antigens in the surface of the red
blood cell. The main reason is that for the synthesis
of the mentioned antigens, stepwise biochemical
reactions are needed. Because the mentioned antigens
are chemically carbohydrates and are not direct
products of the specific genes, and accordingly,
special transferases are formed first, which then
change the structure of the precursor substance on the
erythrocyte membrane, after which the final antigen-
specific characteristic is formed at the embryonic life.
Features of the inheritance of antigens of the
ABO blood group system have been well-studied at
the current time. There are a lot of scientific papers
regarding these issues, [6], [18], [19], [20]. The
genetic inheritance of the ABO blood group system
A and B antigens is due to multiple alleles and is one
of the solid genetic traits. Usually, they do not change
throughout the ontogeny in a healthy person, but
there are some cases of epigenetic changes of ABO
blood group antigens in the cancer medium, [21],
Fig. 1: Agglutination image in the newborn blood
samples with 10X4 magnification lenses of the optic
The ABO system gene locus is located on the 9th
pare of the autosomal chromosome, at position 9
q34.1-q34.2. This region consists of 7 exons. Exons 6
and 7 encode the main catalytic domain of
glycosyltransferases for the expression of erythrocyte
A and B antigens. Expressions of the ABO system
antigens are directly related to the H locus which is
located in the long arm of the 19th pare of
chromosome and occupies 19q13.3 position, [23]. As
it turned out, the H locus is an antigenic system
independent of the ABO system. It Is well known
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.19
Shorena Gabaidze, Marina Nagervadze et al.
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
that A and B genes do not produce erythrocyte
antigens; their direct products are glycosyltransferase
enzymes. Gene A encodes 1,3-N-acetyl
galactosamine transferase, gene B encodes 1,3-
galactosyltransferase, and gene H encodes 1,2-
fucosyltransferase which can transfer the fucose
residue to the terminal chain of the galactose
oligosaccharide. Transferases encoded by genes A
and B can attach the corresponding immunodominant
sugar residues to galactose, but only if the fucose
residues are already attached (i.e., the middle chain
has already been transformed to the H antigen). A
and B antigen-determining carbohydrates
reciprocally reduce the number of H-antigen
molecules, [18].
The ABH antigen synthesis processes first
appeared in embryos, which is correlated with the
cellular differentiation and the histogenesis process
of the embryo. ABH antigen occurs in tissues and
biological fluids of more primitive mammalian
species but appears in RBCs only among the great
apes and human beings, [24]. Chimpanzees' blood
typing showed A or O phenotypical
characteristics. The gorillas were shown B
phenotype specification. The expression of A and B
antigens here is like humans, but lower primates do
not have these characteristics. Interestingly, they
express A and B antigens in respiratory or digestive
epithelium. In some cases, it is also expressed in the
biological secrets, especially in the saliva, [19].
Information about the synthesis of these antigens
at an early stage of embryogenesis can be found in
the literature. First of all, it is interesting to describe
how and when erythrocytes are formed during
embryonic life. In mammals as well as in human
beings, the embryo first is going to have
extraembryonic erythropoiesis, [25], [26]. The
mentioned process first is detected in the umbilical
vesicle (yolk sac) nearly 14 days after fertilization.
RBCs are vital for normal growth and
development of the embryo and fetus. During
embryonic and fetal life, erythropoiesis occurs in two
different types. The first form consists of nucleated
erythroblasts that form the formation process going
into the yolk sac. The final form consists of anucleate
erythrocytes that differentiate processes going in the
embryonic liver and fetal bone marrow, [25], [27],
[28], [29]. After is the formation of RBCs antigens,
which is one most important components of cell
membranes. But at the stage of the neonate, the rate
of ABO gene expression is less compared to the early
childhood period.
What about the ABO blood group's natural anti-
A and anti-B antibodies? It’s well known that the
ABO system is the only one system where the natural
antibodies are present in the serum. and the
corresponding antibodies may be absent in the blood
serum which leads to erroneous determination of the
blood group of newborns using the
immunoserological method, especially if reverse
methods are used for newborn blood typing. In this
regard, this inaccuracy in the use of blood for
transfusion and treatment in newborns can lead to
immune sensitization of the newborn as well as post-
transfusion complications. This fact is of vital
importance in newborns with severe anamnesis (with
hemolytic disease and prematurity), when it is quite
difficult to find a suitable donor in case of urgent
According to one hypothesis, group-specific
antibodies are synthesized in two-three-month-old
embryos, which is associated with the influence of
intestinal micro-flora. This phenomenon is
considered a result of bacterial immunization.
As it is mentioned in the introduction part the
ABO blood group antibodies are inherent and
predominantly IgM class. Anti-ABO IgM is usually
not present in newborns but appears in the first year
of life. The antibodies may be produced against food
and environmental antigens (bacteria, viral, or plant
antigens), which are similar in structure to A and B
antigens, [9].
In our study, we suggest that 43.94±3.5% case
of the studied newborns the natural origin anti-A and
anti-B antibodies were not detected (n=87), in some
particular cases (14.14±2.4%) of O(I) blood group
individuals it was partially synthesis (n=28).
41.92±3.5% of our studied newborns expressed
natural antibodies fully as an adult (Table 7).
Table 7. ABO system antibodies synthesis frequency
in the studied newborns
O (I)
41.92± 3.5
*The chi-square χ2 statistic is 35.5725. The p-value is <
0.00001. The result is significant at p < .05.
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.19
Shorena Gabaidze, Marina Nagervadze et al.
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
Some studies show that the pneumococcal
polysaccharide vaccine contaminated with blood
group A-like substance stimulated long-lasting
production of anti-A antibodies in subjects with O or
B blood group, [30].
We didnt find a similar study of our research to
compare our current study information with the
available literature. In all studies, it is mentioned that
newborns have specific ABO antigen and antibody
expression, but it is not described in detail O, A, B
blood group newborns antibodies prevalence and
compared to adults. If this antibody synthesis process
is related to food and environmental antigens we
think that this current study will be different from
other regions' newborns' study. All regions have their
specific diet and environmental conditions.
Some scientists suggested using additional
methods to clarify the ABO status in the newborn.
The most important in this case is to determine
ABO secretory status in the newborns. The secretory
status of newborn infants can be determined from
saliva samples collected from the newborns during
the first few days of postnatal life. All errors can be
detected by this method, [31].
The ABO secretory status also is detected in
embryonic life by using the amniotic fluid, which is
collected from the amniocentesis from 12 to 28
weeks of gestation. Scientific research has shown
The secretory status of the amniotic fluid was
correlated with the secretory status of the newborn,
which is determined from the saliva (98% of cases),
The best way to avoid errors in blood typing is
through genotyping methods. There are a lot of
alternative methods for genotyping the ABO blood
group system status, [33], [34], [35], [36].
We didn’t find any difficulties in typing the Rh
blood group in the newborns, because in all cases of
the Rh+ samples D antigen was well agglutinated
with monoclonal antibodies. The reason is that
the Rh antigen is the direct product of the RhD gene,
[37], [38].
5 Conclusion
The ABO antigens and antibodies expression process
starts prenatally and continues postnatally, especially
during the first six months. We suggested that in
some cases newborns have normal expression of
ABO antibodies as adult, but they are not expressed
in the majority of the studied newborn cases. The
erythrocyte A and B antigens were weakly expressed
in the majority of the cases and for detecting the
agglutination images the optic microscopes were
used. The limitation of the study is less blood
samples of the newborn. The next step of our
research is the ABO system genotyping in the
newborn. It is interesting also to study the
quantitative characteristics (titer) of ABO system
antigens and antibodies in the newborns and also the
first six months of babies and compare it to the
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University targeted the
grant project "Evaluation of immunogenetic
characteristics of erythrocyte blood group antigen-
antibodies of newborns", 2020-2022.
BAU International University Batumi, supported by
reagents too.
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DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.19
Shorena Gabaidze, Marina Nagervadze et al.
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023
Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
- SHORENA GABAIDZE was responsibility for
reparation of the published work, specifically
writing the initial draft (including substantive
- MARINA NAGERVADZE had oversight and
leadership responsibility for the research activity
planning and execution, including mentorship
external to the core team.
- LEILA AKHVLEDIANI was responsibility for
development and design of research methodology.
- NANA NAKASHIDZE was responsibility for
application of statistical, mathematical,
computational, or other formal techniques to
analyze or synthesize study data.
- ALISSAR ALFILO was conducted a research and
investigation process, specifically performing the
experiments and data/evidence collection
- IRINE TSINTSADZE - has organized and
executed the experiments of Section 2.
- NATO GORGADZE - was Provided of study
materials from the "Iris Borchashvili Health Center
responsibility for verification, whether as a part of
the activity or separate, of the overall
replication/reproducibility of results/experiments
and other research outputs.
- MARINA KORIDZE was responsibility for
preparation of the published work, specifically
visualization/data presentation.
- TEA KOIAVA was responsible for the Statistics.
- KETEVAN DOLIDZE was responsible to
formulation of research goals and aims.
- TAMAR BAKHTADZE was Provided of study
materials from the "M. Iashvili Batumi Maternal
and Child Central Hospital".
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University targeted the
grant project "Evaluation of immunogenetic
characteristics of erythrocyte blood group antigen-
antibodies of newborns", 2020-2022.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.19
Shorena Gabaidze, Marina Nagervadze et al.
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 20, 2023