conducting systematic studies aimed at verifying
and deciphering the effects and mechanisms of the
influence of singlet oxygen on biological systems in
physiological and pathological conditions. Thus,
human blood samples have shown that its treatment
with singlet acid promotes the stimulation of
antioxidant systems, energy metabolism of
erythrocytes, and optimization of acid-base
equilibrium parameters, [4]. In healthy animals, a
ten-day course of singlet oxygen inhalation also
caused an antioxidant effect and activation of
energy metabolism in blood and tissues, [5]. The
effect of the considered effect on the crystallogenic
properties of blood serum realized in the form of
structuring both in vitro and in vivo (on Wistar rats),
has also been demonstrated, [6].
When modeling severe systemic pathology (on
the example of thermal trauma) positive metabolic
effects of singlet oxygen have also been established,
while the effect on the dehydration structuring of
blood serum has not been studied.
In this regard, the study aimed to study the
dynamics of the crystallogenic properties of rat
blood serum during a course of singlet oxygen
inhalation in the post-burn period.
2 Materials and Methods
The experiment was performed on 30 mature Wistar
rats randomly divided into three groups of equal
numbers. Working conditions with rats
corresponded to the rules of the European
Convention ET/S 129, 1986, and Directives 86/609
ESC. The first group (n=10) was intact, no
manipulations were performed on the animals
included in it, but only a single blood irradiation
from the sublingual vein was performed.
The animals of the second (control) and third
(main) groups under combined anesthesia ("Zoletil"
+ "Xyla vet") were subjected to thermal trauma
according to our methodology, standard local
treatment was carried out, [7]. Starting from the day
following the injury, the rats of the main group were
inhaled daily for 10 days of the airflow coming from
the singlet oxygen generator. To create a gas
mixture including singlet oxygen, the “Airnergy
Professional Plus” device (Germany) was used, [3].
The duration of each procedure was 10 minutes. The
power of the generator is 100%. The next day after
the completion of the full course of inhalations in
rats of this group, blood samples were obtained
from the sublingual vein for examination. At the
same time, blood was taken from animals of the
second group.
To obtain blood serum, all samples were centrifuged
at 1500 rpm for 15 minutes. Then the blood serum
in the volume of 100 ml was applied to a slide and
micro-preparations of dried biological fluid were
prepared in accordance with the methods of
crystalloscopy and comparative teziography, [6],
[8]. 0.9% sodium chloride solution was used as the
base substance in the tezigraphic test.
The dried micro-preparations were evaluated
morphologically (by describing the features of the
structuring of the dried sample of biological fluid),
[8], [9], [10], [11], and visuametrically (using their
system of parameters), [6]. The main visuometric
indicators evaluated on a point scale were
crystallizability (reflects the quantitative side of
crystallization – the density of crystalline elements
in the facies), the structure index (characterizes the
complexity of structure construction), the facia
destruction degree (is an indicator of the qualitative
side of the process – the correctness of the
formation of structures) and the clarity of the
marginal zone of the micropreparation. For the
criterion description of tezigrams, the maim
teziographic index was used (it reflects the initiator
potential in relation to the base substance),
crystallinity (similar to the structure index), the facia
destruction degree, and the clarity of the marginal
The results of morphological and visuametric
evaluation of blood serum micro-preparations were
additionally verified using a spectroscopic
examination of facies. The optical properties of the
formed crystalloscopic and teziographic samples
were analyzed using a “PowerWave XS” flatbed
spectrophotometer (USA) at wavelengths of 300,
350, and 400 nm. Correction of the level of optical
density of micropreparations was carried out by
subtracting the empty glass from the obtained
optical density value (registration was additionally
performed on a section of each object glass that did
not contain dehydrated drops of biological fluid).
Statistical processing of the results was performed
using the licensed program Statistica 6.1 for
Windows. The level of statistical significance of the
differences was determined by the Student's t-
3 Results and Discussion
Comparison of crystalloscopic blood serum patterns
of rats of the in-tact and control groups allowed us
to confirm the previously shown patterns of
transformation of dehydration structuring of biofluid
associated with thermal trauma, [12].
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2023.20.14
Andrew K. Martusevich, Lida K. Kovaleva,
Elena A. Stepanova, Sergey P. Peretyagin,
Vladimir V. Nazarov, Inessa A. Minenko,
Aleksei E. Umriukhin, Roman A. Kornev