account errors (3) and (6), we obtain:
Thus, it was found that for the duration of
exposure to low temperatures
the condition
will almost certainly be met
in the experiment course.
5 Conclusion
Thus, this paper describes a new parameter for the
development of the laboratory-reared population of
Lymantria dispar, which is a conditional threshold
for the duration of exposure to low temperatures. An
algorithm for estimating this parameter using
experimental data is given. The calculation of the
estimation error is presented. This parameter can be
used to study the applicability of the Eigen quasi-
species model for the correct description of the
development of the laboratory-reared population of
Lymantria dispar.
The presented parameter can be interpreted more
broadly than it is described in this paper. Depending
on the problem being solved, condition (1) can be
replaced by another condition. At the same time, the
presented studies can be considered as an example
of the parameter formation for a specific task posed
in this paper.
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DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.23