3D CNN-Residual Neural Network Based Multimodal Medical Image
Jain University, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560069, INDIA
Abstract:- Multimodal medical imaging has become incredibly common in the area of biomedical imaging.
Medical image classification has been used to extract useful data from multimodality medical image data.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Computed tomography (CT) are some of the imaging methods.
Different imaging technologies provide different imaging information for the same part. Traditional ways of
illness classification are effective, but in today's environment, 3D images are used to identify diseases. In
comparison to 1D and 2D images, 3D images have a very clear vision. The proposed method uses 3D Residual
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN ResNet) for the 3D image classification. Various methods are available
for classifying the disease, like cluster, KNN, and ANN. Traditional techniques are not trained to classify 3D
images, so an advanced approach is introduced in the proposed method to predict the 3D images. Initially, the
multimodal 2D medical image data is taken. This 2D input image is turned into 3D image data because 3D
images give more information than the 2D image data. Then the 3D CT and MRI images are fused and using
the Guided filtering, and the combined image is filtered for the further process. The fused image is then
augmented. Finally, this fused image is fed to 3DCNN ResNet for classification purposes. The 3DCNN ResNet
classifies the image data and produces the output as five different stages of the disease. The proposed method
achieves 98% of accuracy. Thus the designed modal has predicted the stage of the disease in an effective
Keywords:- Multimodal medical image; 3DCNN ResNet; Stereoscopic method; guided filtering.
Received: April 16, 2022. Revised: August 16, 2022. Accepted: September 13, 2022. Published: October 31, 2022.
1 Introduction
Multimodal Medical imaging technique has been
increasingly used in the field of biomedical. In this
technique, the usage of more than one modality on
the same target has become a growing field. The
multimodal image classification technique consists
of simultaneous imaging of PET (positron emission
tomography) and CT (computed tomography) or
other imaging technique in the medical field that
produce multimodal imaging and has become a
standard clinical practice for a number of
applications. Researchers have been working in the
field of Medical informatics on data-driven ways to
diagnose the illness automatically and detect the
numerous dangerous diseases in the early years.
Internal disease occurring is a unique problem
which is difficult to identify in the early stages
before impairment occurs, [1]. On the other hand,
Medical imaging provides promise for earlier
diagnosis of disease. The effects of the disease are
identified based on the functioning and structure of
the organs shown by computed tomography (CT),
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron
emission tomography (PET), [2]. MRI uses both
strong magnet and radio waves to examine the body.
The X-rays are used by CT to scan the entire body,
whereas the X-rays are a type of ionizing radiation.
The detection of disease probability is analyzed by
images because each scan contains millions of
pixels. Understanding such scans takes a long time
for researchers and clinicians. Computer technology
is used to diagnose disease probability, [3].
Machine learning techniques and other deep
learning techniques have been developed recently to
extract useful information in the medical field for
data categorization, [4]. Usually, CNN
(Convolutional Neural Network) is used for
detecting conditions of the disease in medical
images. The concept of CNN is based on deep
learning, which has a more convoluted layer and
hidden layer as well as more great image
segmentation, [5]. Because of the data-driven
nature, CNN can able to understand the minor
difference between different classes than classic
rule-based feature techniques like wavelets and
principal component analysis (PCA), [6]. So, the
prediction and classification of CNN will be
effective on the medical dataset as benign or
malignant. Likewise, many methods are available
for classifying the disease like ANN, KNN, and
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.22
B. Suryakanth, S. A. Hari Prasad
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022
cluster, but there are some constraints like
overfitting, voxel imbalance and time-consuming
during the loss function and training period, [7].
The 'overfitting' term refers to the inability of the
model to generalize well. It has executed a
tremendous job of learning the features of the
training set, but when the same data is given for the
second time, then the data will be significantly
different to the same training data. So that it cannot
generalize and reliably predict the outcome, [8].
Some of the existing methods use augmentation
techniques to overcome the overfitting problem.
Data augmentation is the method of increasing the
dataset artificially by generating multiple visions of
the unaffected dataset pieces in addition to the
original, [9]. It is used to expand the amount of data
utilized to train a model. Image, audio and Text data
are all examples of data. However, the data
augmentation method is suited better and has
prominent growth for image data in the medical
imaging field, [10].
The multimodal medical image
classification is executed with the input data
as CT and MRI scans.
Depth information is acquired by converting
the 2D dataset (image) of CT and MRI to a
3D image.
Single image filtering technique is used to
combine both the 3D images of CT and
The overfitting problem during the period of
training is reduced by using data
A 3D CNN-ResNet classifier is used to
analyze and predict multimodal image
Multimodal data could reflect the biological
mechanism of AD and MCI from different views
and also could provide complementary information
in classifications which is robust to noise and data
The upcoming portion of the manuscript is
organized as follows, and Section 2 illustrates
certain research papers related to existing methods
used for multimodal image classification. Section 3
describes briefly the description of the proposed
methodology. Section 4 explains the results and
performance metrics of the suggested framework.
Section 5 concludes the entire research work.
2 Literature Review
Several algorithms have been introduced for better
classification. The most commonly used
classification techniques are CNN and FCN. Some
of the existing techniques used in medical image
classification are reviewed below.
The current state-of-the-art model [22] model
achieves a 10-fold cross-validated accuracy of 86%
on a train/validation/test split of 680/72/32 subjects,
respectively. Their algorithm was aimed at
distinguishing pMCI people who convert within 3
years; while also achieving a sensitivity of 87.5%
and specificity of 85%. Their multimodal achieved
these scores by using extensive preprocessing such
as template registration.
Zhixian tang et al., [11], had designed a
statistical shape model and three-dimensional thin-
plate spline-based image augmentation strategy.
This technique executes 3 procedures to detect the
disease stage in MRI and CT datasets. At first, from
the actual labelled images, the format information is
designed with a statistical model. After that, a 3D
thin-plate spline system is used to fill the generated
shapes. At last, the disease is detected using a
combination of generated and actual images. This
technique achieves good accuracy. However,
rebuilding a deep neural network is a tough
undertaking with a high level of uncertainty about
the outcome.
Chunyan Yu et al., [12], had designed a simple
2D-3D CNN-based novel HSIC framework
implemented by collaboration among 2-D CNN and
3-D abstract levels. This technique achieves both
spectral and spatial features immediately, and the
strength of deep features has improved by using a
convolution layer. The disadvantage of this
technique is complexity and time cost, which
occurred due to the enhancement in the number of
3-D kernels.
Roth, H.R et al., [13], had designed a cascaded
3D fully convolutional network-based medical
image separation. In this model, there are two stages
to detect the diseases, and the first stage is the
conversion of 3D FCN to a roughly defined
candidate region. In the second stage, FCN has to
focus on a more detailed segmentation as well as
classify approximately 10%. This approach achieves
improved state-of-the-art outcomes; however, the
loss function utilized for training is lowered because
of the significant imbalance between high contrast
Horry et al., [14], had designed a COVID-19
Detection through Transfer Learning Using
Multimodal Imaging Data. Detection of COVID-19
early can aid in detecting disease containment
decisions and appropriate treatment plans. Through
intelligent deep learning image categorization
methods, this created model aims to give a second
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.22
B. Suryakanth, S. A. Hari Prasad
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022
set of eyes. An appropriate Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN) model is selected after a
comparative examination of many prominent CNN
models, followed by the selection of an optimized
VGG19 model for the image modalities to
demonstrate high rare and demanding COVID-19
datasets. The difficulties (including dataset size and
quality) in using currently available COVID-19
datasets for developing usable deep learning models
are discussed. An image preprocessing stage is
utilized to produce a reliable image dataset for
designing and testing the deep learning models.
Ahmadi, M et al., [15], had designed a
convolutional neural network and robust PCA-based
brain lesion location in MRI image detection. In this
article, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is
used to separate tumours in seven kinds of brain
diseases, including Huntington's, Alzheimer's,
Glioma, Meningioma, Alzheimer's plus, Pick and
Sarcoma. Initially, the principal component analysis
is employed as a feature reduction-based technique
for robust finding tumour location and spot in a
dataset. Then the CNN method is used to discover
Brain tumours. Outcomes are illustrated based on
the chance of tumour location in magnetic resonance
images. Outcomes demonstrated that the allowed
technique gives high accuracy (96%), sensitivity
(99.9%), and dice index (91%) regarding other
existing methods.
Rajalingam B. et al., [16], had designed
Multimodal Medical Image Fusion based on Deep
Learning Neural Network for Clinical Treatment
Investigation. In this technique, a Siamese
convolutional network is implemented to generate a
weight map, which combines the motion of pixel
data from two or even more multimodality medical
images. The fusion process of medical image is
passed via medical image pyramids to a multiscale
manner for more reliability with the human visual
sense. Furthermore, a comparison of the local-based
scheme is applied for the decomposed coefficients
to adaptively correct the fusion mode. An
experimental outcome of the fusion technique gives
the best fused multimodal medical images with the
quickest processing time, leading to visualization
and the highest quality in both objective assessment
and visual quality criteria.
From the above-mentioned reviews, various
methods are designed based on CNN, [11], 2D-3D
CNN, [12], and FCN, [13], techniques. The
accuracy, precision and error of the planned model
are better compared to the present methods.
Therefore, the selection of data augmentation with
the CNN algorithm is designed in this proposed
research for the effective classification of datasets.
3 Proposed Methodology
3D image classification is becoming more popular
in today's globe because 3D is utilized in many
sectors, such as medical and construction. In the
medical profession, classification algorithms are
frequently employed to give reliable prediction
effects for identifying disease problems. The
suggested approach is utilized to classify
multimodal clinical databases that include both MRI
and CT images. Normal 2D CT and MRI scans are
not clear enough to provide precise information
about a specific area of the body, but 3D imaging
provides such information.
Initially, 2D multimodal medical images like
MRI and CT scans are taken as the input dataset.
These 2D images do not give deep information
about the particular part, so it is needed to convert
the 2D images into 3D images. A stereoscopic
method is used in the conversion of 2D to 3D
images. The 3D image is then taken fusion process,
and both the 3D MRI and CT images are merged to
get a single image. Using the Guided filtering
technique, the combined image is filtered for further
process. These fused images are then augmented.
This augmentation is done using four different
methods like brightness, contrast, saturation and
hue. It alters the training dataset to generate an
artificial dataset that is larger than the raw data. The
primary goal of the data augmentation for fused
image procedure is to reduce the overfitting issues
during the training stage. 3D Residual
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN-ResNet)
classifier is used in the suggested approach. The
fused data is given as an input for the 3D CNN-
ResNet. This CNN has an arrangement of the
combination of both convolutional layer and max-
pooling layer. The dimension values of the dataset
are divided by 16 because the 3D CNN-ResNet is
used for classification purposes. Parameter
Rectification Linear Unit (PReLU) is used for the
activation function of this classifier. PReLU act as a
threshold operator. During the training period, the
value of the input is below zero, and the input is
multiplied by a scalar value. 3D CNN-ResNet
analyzes the given input dataset and produces an
accurately predicted outcome. The below figure1
illustrates the architecture of the proposed approach.
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.22
B. Suryakanth, S. A. Hari Prasad
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022
2D Image Dataset
Image 3D
Fusion Process Data Augmentation
for Fused Image
2D to 3D Conversion
Fig. 1: Architecture of the proposed method
3.1 2D to 3D Conversion
The input dataset contains 2D images of a CT and
MRI scan, these 2D images do not give detailed
information about a particular part of the body, but
3D images give more information about the
particular part when compared to 2D images. So it is
required to convert 2D images into 3D images in the
medical field. The proposed method uses the
Stereoscopic method to convert 2D medical images
into 3D medical images because 3D images give a
clear vision of a particular part of the body.
(a)Stereoscopic Method
Many studies on the conversion of 2D images to
3D images have been undertaken throughout the
world in the latest days. The proposed method uses
the Stereoscopic method for 2D to 3D conversion.
Stereoscopy is a method of improving or producing
the illusion of three-dimensional depth from given
two-dimensional images. This technology differs
from 3D displays, which show an image in three
dimensions, allowing the viewer to learn more about
the three-dimensional objects. In the proposed
method, 2D MRI and CT scan images of the human
body are converted into 3D medical images by using
this Stereoscopic method. This 3D image of the CT
and MRI shows a clear view of the required part of
the body.
Single view lenses were used to capture the 2D
image. But to create a 3D image, two lenses set at a
specified distance apart are used, [17]. The distance
between the lenses is determined with the help of
equation (1).
  (1)
Equation (1) is used to determine the distance
between the lenses.
2D Image
Right View (Depth) Left View (Depth)
Image Fusion
3D Image
Fig. 2: 2D to 3D conversion
Figure 2 shows the process involved in 2D to
3D conversion. The 2D CT and MRI images are
taken as input images. The depth value is used to
create the right and left view images from the input
2D CT and MRI images. Then image fusion
procedure is performed on the left and right views of
the image. Finally, the depth of the 3D image is
specified, and the 3D images of the CT and MRI
images are produced. This 3D image gives a clear
view than the 2D input image.
3.2 Fusion Process
Image fusion is the procedure of merging pairs of
pictures into a series of images that combines the
information from the individual photos. Medical
image fusion methods combine the complementary
characteristics of many medical images to create a
single high-quality medical picture, decreasing
lesion analysis uncertainty. Image fusion is a useful
technique for a number of image processing and
optical sensing applications, for instance, target
detection and feature extraction. Image fusion
allows you to combine many photos of the same
scene into a single fused image. The combined
image can give extra detailed data. The resulting
image gives better information than any input
image. It is utilized to produce fresh images that are
better appropriate for human visual perception. The
proposed method uses the Guided Filtering
technique to combine the CT and MRI image.
(a)Guided Filtering
The guided filter is used initially in this proposed
method for image fusion. 3D images of MRI and CT
scans are combined using Guided Filtering, and the
combined image is filtered for further process. This
image filter can also remove noise or texture while
keeping crisp edges.
= (2)
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.22
B. Suryakanth, S. A. Hari Prasad
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022
 (3)
󰇛󰇜  (4)
The above equations (2), (3) and (4) are used to
find the guided filtering of the image, [18].
Where, and are the unchanged factors.
These factors are found using equations (3) and (4).
The image data in the window on average is
returned by󰇛󰇜 . And
denote the mean and
variance of the window feature. The determined
image filter has been widely utilized for image
merging and has shown to be effective in merging
multimodal clinical data. Guided filtering is an
efficient and effective method in medical image
application, including smoothing, image
enhancement, image matting and joint up sampling.
3.3 Data Augmentation for Fused Image
Image data augmentation is a method of artificially
boosting the size of a training dataset by creating
different duplicates of the pictures in the dataset.
This method alters the training dataset to generate
an artificial dataset that gives large information than
the original dataset. During the training period, the
overfitting problem arises. To reduce this overfitting
problem, a data augmentation process is used. The
fused images are augmented in the proposed method
using four methods like brightness, contrast,
saturation and hue, [19]. Data augmentation of fused
images is useful for better classification of the
Brightness: It works with the image's brightness
to make the image darker or lighter in colour. The
light in the image, or the lightning level, will be the
variance between the novel image and the enhanced
image. This bright image gives a clear view of the
particular part of the body.
Contrast: The colour discrepancies between
different areas of the image are dealt with using this
approach. It gives better information about the
particular part by differentiating each part image by
different colours.
Saturation: Saturation is defined as the colour
disparity between the image's multiple pixel hues.
The depth or intensity of colour contained in a
photograph is also referred to as saturation. Image
duplication is generated by changing the pixel
Hue: Hue is all about the picture's shadow
visibility. A new image is generated by altering the
image's colour hues.
By using these methods, create a huge set of
images from the tiny set of input images. The huge
data collection may be effectively used to produce
image classification training data. Any medical
application-related experimentation that requires
augmentation is unavoidable since it improves the
classification phases of the development process.
3.4 3D CNN ResNet Classifier
3D Residual Convolutional Neural Network is used
in the proposed method for classification. 3D-
RCNN can capture more information from the 3D
spatial context for classification. 3D CNN is mostly
used in 3D image data such as Computerized
Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI). The fused image data is given as an
input for the 3D CNN ResNet. This 3D CNN
ResNet contains the combination of both the
convolutional layer and max-pooling layer. The
dimension values of the dataset are divided by 16
because 3D CNN is used as a classifier. Parameter
rectification linear unit (PReLU) is used for the
activation function of this classifier. This 3DCNN is
very much beneficial in the medical field. This
classifier classifies the input data and determines the
different conditions of the diseases. The below
figure3 shows the architecture of the 3D CNN
Convolution Pooling
Fig. 3: Architecture of 3D CNN ResNet
3D CNN ResNet contains the input layer,
convolution layer and max-pooling layer. It also
contains the PReLU layer that is used for the
activation function of the classifier. Fused image
data given to the 3D CNN is present in the input
layer. This input image is in matrix form.
Convolutional layer: It is the major block used in
the 3D CNN ResNet. Features of the images are
taken using the convolutional layer. The quantity
and size of the kernels are specified in the
convolutional layer. Mathematical processes are
done between the input image and the filtered
image. This mathematical operation performs using
the convolutional layer. The size of the feature map
is . The output
󰇛󰇜 of layer l consists
feature maps of size
The 
feature map denoted
󰇛󰇜 is computed as
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.22
B. Suryakanth, S. A. Hari Prasad
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022
󰇛󰇜 
 (5)
󰇛󰇜 is the bias matrix, 
󰇛󰇜 is the filter size.
Max Pooling Layer: Pooling layers are used to
decrease the size of the feature maps. The pooling
layer expresses the features present in a region of
the feature map produced by a convolutional layer.
Max pooling layer selects the maximum component
from the region of the feature map enclosed by the
filter. Thus, the output after the max-pooling layer is
the feature containing the most prominent features
of the previous map. Figure4 shows the example of
the max-pooling layer.
Fig. 4: Example of Max pooling
PReLU layer is an activation layer. It performs a
threshold operation. For each channel, any input
value is less than zero, and it is multiplied by the
scalar value. It is represented in equation (6).
󰇛󰇜   (6)
Fully connected layers are the layers where the
entire input from a single layer is connected to every
activation unit of the next layer. The input for the
fully connected layer is the output from the pooling
layer. Then the output layer shows the predicted
To extract combined spectral-spatial
characteristics, use the 3D convolution technique.
The spectral and spatial dimensions make up the
input layer. The convolution kernel performs the
convolution process in the input image. When the
convolution process is done on the entire image, a
new 3D feature map is acquired.
 󰇛󰇜
The 3D CNN ResNet equation is represented in
equation (5). Where, 
 denotes the output value
of the jth feature graph at the location (x, y, z) of the
ith layer, m represents the group of feature graphs
connected to the present feature graph by the i-1
layer. The weight of the 3D convolutional kernel is
represented as
 at the position (p, q, and r)
in the mth feature graph.  is represented as bias.
The activation function for the Sigmoid is f. The
length, breadth, and height of the convolution kernel
are N1, N2, and N3, correspondingly, [20].
The proposed method using 3D CNN ResNet
classifier classifies the input image dataset and
determines the condition of the disease, and predicts
the output as Early Mild Cognitive Impairment
(EMCI), Late Mild Cognitive Impairment (LMCI),
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), Alzheimer's
disease (AD), Cognitively Normal (CN).
4 Result and Discussion
Our results suggest that the deep models outperform
traditional shallow models for single modalities. The
shallow models typically require handcrafted
features by experts. This superior performance is
due to its ability to extract relationships among
features from different modalities.
For years, medical informatics researchers have
been developing data-driven methods to automate
illness diagnosis procedures in order to detect a
variety of severe diseases early. Inner disease is
difficult to detect in the early stages before
impairment emerges, which makes it a distinct
challenge. The proposed method uses 3D-CNN
Residual Neural Network for multimodal image
classification. 2D to 3D conversion in the proposed
method is performed with the help of
MatlabR2021a, and the testing is performed with the
help of Python 2021a with CPU: Intel Core i5,
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 and 16GB RAM.
The data set used for the proposed approach is
multimodal image data, [21]. The dataset consists of
five different stages of the disease. Early Mild
Cognitive Impairment (EMCI), Late Mild Cognitive
Impairment (LMCI), Mild Cognitive Impairment
(MCI), Alzheimer's disease (AD), and Cognitively
Normal (CN). Each stage of the disease is
considered as each class. EMCI is represented as
class1, LMCI as class2, MCI as class3, AD as class4
and CN as class5. Each class has a different set of
images. Class0 has 171 images, class1 has 580
images, class2 contains 240 images, class3 contains
72 images, and in class4, 233 images are presented.
These 2D multimodal image data are converted into
3D images using the Stereoscopic method. This 2D
to 3D conversion is done using MatlabR2021a.
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.22
B. Suryakanth, S. A. Hari Prasad
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022
Then this image is fused and using Guided filtering,
and the fused image is filtered for further process.
This fused image is then augmented. This
augmentation was done using four different methods
like brightness, contrast, hue and saturation. This
overall process is illustrated in table 1.
Table 1. Overall Process of the Proposed Method
Input image
Augmented Image
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.22
B. Suryakanth, S. A. Hari Prasad
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022
Finally, the dataset was trained for classification
purposes. The 3D CNN ResNet is used as a
classifier in the proposed method. Figure5 shows the
training and validation loss of the proposed method.
In the figure red line indicates the training loss, and
the blue line specifies the validation loss. When the
number of epochs increases, the training and
validation losses are decreased.
Fig. 5: Training and validation loss
Fig. 6: Training and validation accuracy
Figure 6 illustrates the training and validation
graph of the proposed method. The red and blue line
in the graph indicates the training and validation
accuracy. When the number of epochs increases,
training and validation accuracy is increased.
Table 2. Accuracy Metrics of each class
Stages of diseases
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Table 2 shows the accuracy metrics of the
different stages of diseases. EMCI, LMCI, MCI, AD
and CN are the five different stages of diseases.
Each class has the accuracy rate of 99.5%, 95%,
96%, 98.4% and 98.7%. So the overall accuracy
reached by the proposed method was 98%.
Fig. 7: Accuracy metrics of each class
The proposed method has five different classes
Early Mild Cognitive Impairment (EMCI), Late
Mild Cognitive Impairment (LMCI), Mild Cognitive
Impairment (MCI), Alzheimer's disease (AD),
Cognitively Normal (CN). Figure7 shows the
accuracy rate for five different classes. The accuracy
rate achieved for EMCI class was 0.995, 0.95 for
LMCI, 0.96 for MCI, 0.984 for AD and 0.987 for
Table 3. Comparison investigation between the proposed and existing algorithms
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.22
B. Suryakanth, S. A. Hari Prasad
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022
F-1 score
Predictive Value
False Negative
Rate (FNR)
False Positive
Rate (FPR)
Table 3 shows the comparison investigation
between the proposed and existing algorithms. The
proposed method using 3D-CNN classifier achieves
0.88 accuracy rate, 0.76 precision, 0.92 recall, 0.09
error, 0.80 specificity, 0.90 F1_Score, 0.92 NPV,
0.10% FNR, 0.07 FPR and 0.82 MCC. Accuracy,
precision, recall, specificity, F1_Score, NPV and
MCC are high in the proposed method and error,
FNR and FPR values are low in the proposed
method compared to the existing method.
Table 4. Performance comparison of the proposed
and existing methods
et al.
Yu, et al.
et al.
Horry et
M et al.
Table 4 shows the performance judgement of the
proposed approach and current techniques
mentioned in the literature review part. When
comparing the proposed approach with the existing
methods mentioned in the literature review section,
the accuracy and recall rate achieved in the
proposed approach are high, and the error rate was
low. The proposed method using a 3D CNN
classifier is better than the existing methods used in
the medical image classification. Some final
remarks and interesting results exist in [22].
5 Conclusion
Multimodal medical images are very much
important in numerous significant imaging
applications. 3D image classification is becoming
more popular in today's globe because 3D is utilized
in many sectors, such as medical and construction.
The proposed approach was utilized to classify
multimodal clinical databases that include both MRI
and CT images. The 2D multimodal medical image
data was taken as an input in the proposed method.
The 2D medical image dataset was converted into
3D images using the Stereoscopic method. 3D CT
and MRT images were fused then, using guided
filtering, the combined image was filtered for the
classification purpose. This fused image was then
augmented to reduce the overfitting problem. The
3D Residual Convolutional Neural Network (CNN
ResNet) used in the proposed method classifies the
augmented multimodal medical image data and
classifies the different stages of the disease. The
accuracy rate achieved by the proposed method
using 3DCNN ResNet was high, and similarly, the
false-positive rate (FPR) and error obtained were
low. The result shows that the proposed multimodal
medical image classification using the 3DCNN
ResNet approach produced an ideal solution
compared to the existing systems. So, the 3DCNN
used in the proposed method was the best choice for
the classification of the multimodal medical image.
In future work, other advanced techniques or
Artificial Intelligent will be used to detect the stages
of diseases very accurately with low computational
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.22
B. Suryakanth, S. A. Hari Prasad
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022
Funding: There is no funding provided to prepare
the manuscript.
Conflict of Interest: The process of writing and the
content of the article does not give grounds for
raising the issue of a conflict of interest.
Ethical Approval: This article does not contain any
studies with human participants or animals
performed by any of the authors.
Informal Consent: Informed consent was obtained
from all individual participants included in the
Consent to participate: I have read and I understand
the provided information.
Consent to Publish: This article does not contain
any Image or video to get permission.
Data availability statement: If all data, models, and
code generated or used during the study appear in
the submitted article and no data needs to be
specifically requested.
Code availability: No code is available for this
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DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.22
B. Suryakanth, S. A. Hari Prasad
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022