4. Conclusion
The diameter of the aneurysmatic
abdominal aorta is often determined by its rate
of dilation relative to its average value (1.5 the
average value). This value is specific to each
population in a geographic area. The study
carried out on the population of the region of
Setif in Algeria made it possible to match the
factors favoring aneurysm in this population.
The complexity of the system and the
interference of the effects of the factors led us to
propose a system with artificial neural networks
in the analysis of these data. The proposed
algorithm makes it possible to create a transfer
function between the two input spaces (risk
factors) and the output space (the diameter of
the aorta). We adjust this function to its
minimum error by learning the network for half
of the cases and tested by the variables of the
other half. This makes it possible to predict the
diameter of the abdominal aorta from the risk
factors. Therefore, prevention of abdominal
aortic aneurysm will be possible in the
population of this geographic area.
Financial support and sponsorship:
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
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