Effect of Hyperlipidemia on Aneurysm: Fuzzy inference analysis
1Faculty of Medicine, Paris Sorbonne-University, FRANCE
2Laboratory of intelligent systems, UFAS Ferhat Abbas Setif University, ALGERIA,
3Faculty of Medicine, Constantine University, ALGERIA
4Faculty of Medicine, UFAS Ferhat Abbas Setif University, ALGERIA,
Abstract: - Introduction: The abdominal aortic aneurysm is a silent disease. This disease is often detected
by accident when diagnosing another disease. There are many factors that promote this disease. These factors
are mainly related to age. Doppler ultrasound can detect this disease. But often and for more details, we resort
to the scanner. Since the factors that characterize this disease are multiple and complex, this study proposes to
analyze them using artificial intelligence techniques. Method: During a period of two years between 2019
and 2020, around 100 patients are diagnosed at the Sétif hospital in Algeria as well as in other private clinics
in the city. At each diagnosis, the diameter of the aorta is measured and related to hyperlipidemia. A system
of analysis using the principles of fuzzy inference is proposed in the data processing. Result: With the
development of this application, it becomes possible to introduce the variables of hyperlipidemia randomly at
the input of the system to automatically read the diameter of the abdominal aorta possibly planned.
Conclusion: By considering hyperlipidemia as a fuzzy variable, because it is a function of other complex
physiological parameters, this fuzzy analysis makes it possible to compensate for these uncertainties. The
diameter of the abdominal aorta predicted for the hyperlipidemia will be as precise as possible. This tool can
be considered as a preventive aid for the aneurysm.
Key words: Aneurysm, hyperlipidemia, intelligent modeling, fuzzy logic
Received: April 16, 2021. Revised: January 25, 2022. Accepted: February 26, 2022. Published: April 2, 2022.
1 Introduction
A localized deformity of the arterial diameter often
characterized by loss of parallelism is referred to as
an "aneurysm"[1]. We speak of aneurysm as a
disease when the arterial diameter exceeds 30 mm
or 1.5 times the normal value of the diameter[2];[3].
This patient is mainly related to age. It concerns
men much more than women. With age, several
complex physiological factors are involved in the
onset of this disease. At its critical threshold, the
aneurysm can lead to rupture of the abdominal aorta
and even death in proportions of up to a threshold
above 80% [4];[5]. Abdominal aortic aneurysms are
usually located below the renal arteries and end
before the aortic bifurcation.
There are many risk factors. All of these factors are
related to age, including smoking, high blood
pressure, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia as well as
the genetic factor. It should be noted that the risk
factors are not the same as the disruptive factors.
Taking into account that these factors are complex
and imprecise, this study is limited just to the
analysis of hyperlipidemia and which itself is
dependent on other factors. Also, we see that the
classical mathematical tools of analysis are very
difficult if not impossible. This study proposes a
tool based on artificial intelligence techniques. The
principles of fuzzy logic are applied to this data
processing. Since fuzzy inference treats the
variables as uncertain variables, these uncertainties
are compensated using this mode of analysis and the
result will be as precise as possible.
2. Risk factors
This study is limited to the hyperlipidemia factor.
This factor can be the cause of other abnormalities
such as cholesterol, high density lipoproteins or
triglycerides. This can lead to cardiovascular
disease. From there, appears the importance of
analyzing hyperlipidemia, because, alongside these
abnormalities, it is a cause of the appearance of
abdominal aneurysm (AAA).
Findings were made in people with high
triglyceride levels where the aneurysm is reported
compared to the rest of the population [6]. Also, the
direct link between cholesterol levels and the
aneurysm is found [7]. Cholesterol can cause crystal
damage to the vascular system and lipids are
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.8
Bouharati Imene, Bouharati Khaoula, Laouamri Slimane
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022
sometimes the cause of inflammatory factors and
endothelial damage associated with the abdominal
aneurysm [8-12]. Add to that, lipoproteins are
directly linked to the abdominal aneurysm. This is
reported in other studies [13];[14]. The lipoproteins
can be taken as an indicator of the aneurysm [15].
In summary, different factors are linked. These
factors are very complex to analyze by classical
mathematical techniques. The hyperlipidemia-
aneurysm relationship is analyzed in this study.
What characterizes these patients is that they are of
advanced age and mainly male.
Given its complexity and uncertainty, an intelligent
analysis is proposed. The principles of fuzzy logic
are applied.
3. Role of imagery
Doppler ultrasound is considered the first
preparatory vascular diagnostic technique [16];[17].
This technique has the advantage of being invasive
and allows the detection of certain vascular
anomalies. From there, it is necessary to orient the
patient towards the surgical act [18-20].
For the purpose of confirmation, this diagnostic step
can be followed by a CT scan which reveals more
details. For more affinity, CT computed tomography
presents more detail especially when it comes to
anatomical structures [21-[23].
4. Materials and methods
A sample of 100 patients is diagnosed in the
radiology department of the Setif hospital in Algeria
and in nearby private service clinics over a period
from 2019 to 2020. Patients likely to have an
aneurysm are subjected to the preliminary analyzes
the rate of various factors. Among these factors is
hyperlipidemia. Doppler ultrasound imaging is used
in these patients. Confirmation is made by CT
tomography. Abdominal aortic diameter
measurements are linked with hyperlipidemia. In
addition to this factor, the age and gender of the
patients are taken into account.
To analyze these factors, a fuzzy inference system is
proposed. The system is constructed with three input
variables (Age, Gender, Hyperlipidemia) and the
diameter of the abdominal aorta as an output
variable (Figure 1). All of these variables are
considered uncertain and therefore fuzzy variables.
Each variable is fuzzyfied. It is an operation, the
numeric variables are converted into linguistic
variables in human language. This helps to
compensate for these uncertainties. A rule base is
built that supports all possible combinations
between input and output variables. The general
form of the rule base is: [IF… THEN] [24].
Figure 1: Block diagram of the system
4.1. Fuzzyfication of variables
4.1.1. Input variables:
The input variable ‘Age’ is fuzzyfied into
three triangular shaped membership
Young: [0 - 30 years old]; Adult: [25 - 60
years old]; Old: [55 - 100 years].
We see the creation of an overlap interval
between two neighboring functions to
compensate for the imprecision associated
with the allocation of ages (Figure 2].
Figure 2. Fuzzyfication of the variable ‘Age’
The input variable ‘Gender is not
fuzzyfied. Numerical values are assigned to
each genre.
Male: [1] ; Female: [2] (Figure 3].
Figure 3. Representation of the variable ‘Gender’
The input variable ‘Hyperlipidemia’is
fuzzyfied into three triangular shaped
membership functions. Hyperlipidemia is
assigned numeric ranges based on their
Low: [0 - 2] ; Medium: [1 - 3] ; High: [2 -
We note the creation of an overlap interval
between two neighboring functions to
compensate for the imprecision related to
the assignment of the degrees of severity
(Figure 4].
DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.8
Bouharati Imene, Bouharati Khaoula, Laouamri Slimane
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022
Figure 4. Fuzzyfication of the variable
4.1.2. Output variable
The output variable represents the diameter
of the abdominal aorta. This variable is
fuzzyfied into three triangular shaped
membership functions:
Normal: [15 - 25mm] ; Risky: [20 - 40 mm];
Serious : [35 - 60 mm] (Figure 5].
Figure 5. Fuzzyfication of the variable ‘Diameter’
4.2. Basis of the rules
This is to establish the correspondence between
the input variables and the output variable. This
link is made from the actual values measured
during the analysis carried out and the aorta
measurements obtained by imaging. The rule base
must contain all possible combinations.
The mathematical formulation can be written in
the form: d = f (a, g, h)
Where: d (diameter of the aorta)
a: (age)
h: (hyperlpidemia)
The general form of a rule:
IF d is x1 AND a is x2 AND h is x3 THAN d is Y
5. Conclusion
Studies prove the direct link between aneurysm
and various factors that promote it. What
characterizes these factors is complexity,
uncertainty and imprecision. The weight of the
effect on certain factors is known. The precise
effect of other factors is poorly understood. While
in other factors this effect is totally ignored. The
fuzzy analysis proposed in this study supports this
incompleteness and imprecision. By considering
these variables as fuzzy variables, this uncertainty
is compensated for. Once the basis of the rules is
established from the actual measured values and
all possible combinations are introduced, the
output variable expressing the diameter of the
aorta will be possible with maximum precision.
The result expressing the diameter of the aorta is
calculated by aggregating all the rules introduced.
When the system is established, the result is that
the system provides the ability to introduce
random variables at the input to automatically read
the likely value of the diameter of the aorta at the
output (Figure 6).
In the absence of a systematic screening program
for the aneurysm, this tool is intended to provide
preventive support for this disease.
Figure 6
Example of application
Financial support and sponsorship:
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
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DOI: 10.37394/23208.2022.19.8
Bouharati Imene, Bouharati Khaoula, Laouamri Slimane
E-ISSN: 2224-2902
Volume 19, 2022