Practical Methods of Optimizing
the Maximum Range for Rockets
Electromecanica Ploiesti SA
Sos. Ploiesti-Targoviste, km8, Ploiesti
Abstract: - Range extension for artillery projectiles, rockets, and missiles is a problem of trajectory
optimization based on a set of constraints aimed at maximizing the range as a measure of performance. Solid
Rocket Motors (SRM) are rocket motors that use solid propellants. For higher engine efficiency and cost
minimization, optimization of the engine is necessary, which implies a modification of the schematics of the
engine. SRM optimization is currently a key topic in aerospace engineering research.
Because some input data remain constant, others can be considered as variables, and their influence on the
performance parameters of the rockets was investigated. In some investigations, the time until impact is an
important performance parameter; in others, the range can be considered as the performance parameter to be
In this study, pulsed solid propellant rocket motor technology was considered to demonstrate a feasible method
for range extension.
For the targeted optimization problem, the influence of the thrust profile along the launching angles was
studied, and the results from the performed calculations were analyzed and discussed.
Key-Words: - Optimization design, rocket range extended, multi-pulsed solid rocket motor, rocket efficacity
Received: October 13, 2022. Revised: August 11, 2023. Accepted: September 15, 2023. Published: October 5, 2023.
1 Introduction
Solid Rocket Motors (SRM) are rocket motors that
use solid propellants. SRM is very important in the
modern field of aerospace propulsion systems and
will be a core part of it for the foreseeable future.
Compared to other types of rocket propulsion
systems, the SRM option is preferred because of its
simpler manufacturing technology, long-lifetime
storage, short time required for launch preparation,
ease of operation and handling, and large potential
amount of chemical energy concentrated in a
relatively small volume. In addition, lower costs are
preferred compared to other types of rocket motors.
Even with the advent of reusable rocket boosters,
SRM and its development will be essential in
ballistic technology. In counterbalance to the
advantages mentioned above, there are a number of
disadvantages, the main one being reduced control
over thrust and therefore over the energy profile
developed by the motor. Optimization of the SRM
constitutes the core part of the research in this field,
with the aim of minimizing cost and maximizing
engine efficiency for specific situations, payloads,
and vehicles [1]. The modern era demands
increasingly complex optimization processes with
new variable profiles that need to be monitored
using new multidisciplinary optimization
Because many products from artillery, projectiles,
rockets, and missiles currently use SRM, the
problem of optimizing the method of managing the
energy produced by the engine is essential [2].
The distance traveled horizontally from the launch
position to the ground impact position is known as
the range. The problem of range extension for
projectiles, guided or unguided missiles, has been
intensively studied and discussed in the past, and
still represents a permanent preoccupation in this
domain. Because optimization methods permit
better use of the available energy, many methods
have been developed over time [3], [4].
Several methods of range extension can be
approached from different perspectives:
- Optimizing the aerodynamic configuration to
minimize drag. This method involves a new
geometric shape for the wings, body, nose, or
International Journal on Applied Physics and Engineering
DOI: 10.37394/232030.2023.2.13
Cristina Mihailescu
E-ISSN: 2945-0489
Volume 2, 2023
the entire assembly. Sometimes, new materials
are required to maintain mass balance for
- Optimization of the design configuration by
staging. This method involves major changes in
configuration and technology [5].
- Optimizing solid propellant rocket motors
(SRM) [6], [7] using:
- Grain composition with a higher specific
impulse (Isp) propellant for higher
efficiency – requires replacement of grains
and nozzle redesign;
- Grain design for optimizing the burning
surface – reshaped grains, if possible;
- Geometric design of the motor
(optimization of the burning chamber and
especially the nozzle, including fixed or
variable geometry).
In addition to those listed above, pulsed SRM
technology is a method for optimizing SRM and can
be a simple way of extending the range [8], [9]. A
pulsed rocket motor is typically defined as a
multiple-pulse solid-fuel rocket motor. Typically, an
SRM cannot be easily shut down and reignited. The
pulse rocket motor allows the motor to burn in
segments (or pulses) until the completion of that
segment. The next segment can be ignited on
command either by an onboard device/algorithm or
in a pre-planned sequence. All the segments are
contained in a single rocket motor case, as opposed
to staged rocket motors [10]. This concept allows
energy management for the same amount of
propellant used in conventional SRM.
The benefit of the pulsed rocket motor is that near-
optimal energy management of the propellant burn
can be accomplished by the on-command ignition of
the subsequent pulses. Each pulse can have a
different thrust level and burn time and can achieve
a different specific impulse depending on the type of
propellant used, its burn rate, its grain design, and
the current nozzle throat diameter [11].
This technology is already in use, and an example is
the anti-hail rocket, which will be used as the
computational model in this study.
2 Problem Formulation
2.1 Model Description
The existing RAG-96 anti-hail rocket, which
represents the analysis model in this study, has a
two-pulsed SRM created by splitting the grain into
two segments [12]. Between the two segments a
pyrotechnic delay device is placed to ensure the
continuity of burning and simultaneously prevent
the other segment from burning until ignition
(Fig.1). The lag devices are small components of the
rocket that contain a pyrotechnic composition with a
slow burning rate and almost no thrust.
Fig. 1 Two-pulsed rocket motor
The delay device produces a lag time t that
practically divides the thrust into two sequences
(Fig.2). The delay time can be adjusted using this
device (by varying the composition or geometric
design) to obtain an optimized trajectory of the
missile. Depending on the delay time t, the profiles
of the thrust diagrams will differ. The first pulse
determined the same thrust sequence for all cases,
and the only difference was the starting time of the
second thrust sequence.
The total energy produced by the rocket motor is
almost the same, but the profile of its use over time
is different and produces different results for the
flight parameters and implicitly, for the trajectory of
the rocket.
Fig. 2 Thrust diagrams for different delay times t
The scope of this study is to analyze the lag time t
(delay time) between the sequences of Thrust 1 and
Thrust 2 in order to obtain a maximum range for the
rocket trajectory.
For the first approximation of the trajectory, a 3
degrees of freedom (3-DOF) mathematical model
was used.
International Journal on Applied Physics and Engineering
DOI: 10.37394/232030.2023.2.13
Cristina Mihailescu
E-ISSN: 2945-0489
Volume 2, 2023
The forces acting on the rocket are: thrust,
gravitational force, and aerodynamic forces (lift and
By modifying the delay time (Fig.2), a new thrust
distribution is practically involved in the motion
equations, and implicitly results in a new flight path.
As a result, the trajectory depends on the lag time.
The obtained effect is that the trajectory of the
rocket is more flattened and elongated, which is
advantageous in some cases (guided projectiles or
missiles, hail combat).
The rocket used as an example for performing the
calculations evolved in the supersonic regime. It is
well known that the transient regime from subsonic
to supersonic is a very important energy consumer
because the drag increases at speeds around Mach 1.
This technology was used in a practical way to
optimize the trajectories of the anti-hail rocket,
except that for this type of rocket, optimization was
performed to flatten and lengthen the trajectory.
However, the same method can be used to optimize
the maximum range for a number of ballistic
products that use SRM.
2.2 Input Data
We propose to study the influence of the delay time
t on the trajectory path using the input data of a
certain anti-hail rocket currently in production and
use. All input data related to mass and aerodynamic
configuration, as well as SRM are provided in [12].
The investigations carried out in this study were
performed by varying the delay time from 0.1 s to
48 s.
In addition to the influence of thrust variation with
time, the trajectory is also influenced by the
variation of rocket mass with time (Fig. 3). The
rocket has a variable mass during its evolution,
primarily owing to propellant consumption.
Pyrotechnic devices are connected together to form
pyrotechnic chains, thus enabling the generation and
propagation of pyrotechnic signals. A pyrotechnic
chain consists of a succession of devices distributed
according to a dedicated architecture designed to be
as safe and reliable as possible.
Fig. 3 Mass variation over time
for different delay times t
Starting from the same initial mass for all cases, a
linear mass variation was considered for each
sequence of operation corresponding to the devices
involved in the pyrotechnic chain, which involves
mass consumption.
3 Numerical Results
The time and position parameters specific to the
evolution of the rocket were obtained by integrating
the motion equations, starting from the initial data
and conditions.
The trajectories were calculated starting from sea
level (H=0m), under ideal conditions (without
considering the influence of the wind, mass,
geometric, or thrust deviations).
The trajectories can be analyzed on the basis of
different launching angles combined with different
delay times as input data.
The range of the missile depends on the initial
launch conditions, the most important of which is
the launching angle. Fig. 4 expresses clearly the
trajectories for different launching angles from 300
to 600. They were calculated for the particular case
when t=0.1s as a reference base for subsequent
International Journal on Applied Physics and Engineering
DOI: 10.37394/232030.2023.2.13
Cristina Mihailescu
E-ISSN: 2945-0489
Volume 2, 2023
Fig. 4 Trajectories for different launching angles
for delay time t=0.1s
It is well known that for a ballistic trajectory, the
maximum range is obtained when the launch angle
is approximately 450. Therefore, this particular
launch angle was chosen as the input data for most
of the calculations and analyses performed in this
study. The influence of the delay time on the
trajectory, especially on the maximum range, is
clearly shown in Fig. 5 for 450 launching angles.
Fig. 5 Influence of t on trajectories for 450
launching angles
The increase of t results in a continuous decrease
of the maximum height of the trajectory, as can be
observed from Fig. 5. This is explained by the
engine's division of energy, which enables the
missile to evolve in ballistic motion between two
simultaneous pulses. During this ballistic evolution,
the thrust is zero and the gravitational effect
prevails. In other words, a trajectory flattening is
obtained. After the first thrust pulse, the rocket is
allowed to evolve freely in the gravitational field,
the energy developed in the second pulse being less
used for an ascending evolution, but rather
horizontal, increasing the range.
Without this delay device, it can be seen that the
maximum range is slightly over 9 km. Another
observation from Fig. 5 is that the range initially has
an increase with t, followed by a decrease. This
means that there is an optimum value of t for
obtaining the maximum range for a certain value of
launch angle. On the same diagram, there are the
moments of time associated with the rocket's
evolution. The influence of the parameter t on the
position of the rocket at a particular moment in time
is evident. The different evolution of the rocket
leads to different moments of impact.
Fig. 6 illustrates the influence of t on the impact
moment of the rocket for 450 launching angles. As
we can see there are two extrema for this function: a
maximum and a minimum value.
Fig. 6 Dependency on t of the impact moment of
the rocket for 450 launching angles
Starting to increase t from 0s, the impact time will
rise to a maximum which corresponds to the
maximum range.
After a certain moment of time, when the rocket
reaches the downward part of the trajectory, any
increase in thrust will have the effect of shortening
the range and reaching the ground faster, i.e.
reducing the impact time till a minimum is reached.
Continuing to increase thet, the impact time will
rise again and then will remain constant because the
moment for the start of the second pulse becomes
higher than the impact time.
The conclusion is that the increasing maximum
range is obtained by paying the price of increasing
the time of impact.
Representing the range dependency of t (Fig. 7)
for different launching angles, we can see that there
010 20 30 40 50
t impact [s]
t [s]
International Journal on Applied Physics and Engineering
DOI: 10.37394/232030.2023.2.13
Cristina Mihailescu
E-ISSN: 2945-0489
Volume 2, 2023
is an optimum t for each launching angle that
maximizes the range.
Fig. 7 Maximum range dependence on t
From Fig. 7 it can be seen, with certain limitations,
that the same range can be obtained for different
launch angles by calibrating the time interval t of
the delay device.
Otherwise, we can represent the optimum values of
the maximum range dependence on t in Fig. 8.
This means that by calibrating good values for t
and using higher elevations for launching, the
maximum range could be increased by more than
20% for this particular rocket.
Fig. 8 Optimization of the maximum range
If we analyze the influence of the delaying time t
on the velocity profile (Fig. 9) computed only for
450 launching angles, it is obvious that the
maximum velocity of the rocket depends on t.
Fig. 9 Velocity dependence on t
for 450 launching angles
For the present case, the rocket has a supersonic
evolution (Fig. 9), regardless of the t value. For
other products the transonic regime could be
avoided by optimal engine energy management,
keeping the rocket in subsonic regime. The results
obtained could be even more spectacular because
the high energy loss around Mach=1 could be
The study could be extended in the same manner for
other values of launching angles.
4 Conclusion
The first conclusion is that the delay time offers, in
a limited way, a useful instrument for controlling
the trajectory profile. The fragmentation of the grain
propellant into several segments separated by delay
devices allows a more efficient management of the
energy produced by the rocket motor in order to
increase the maximum range.
A second obvious conclusion of the study is that for
each launching angle, there is an optimum delaying
time t that ensures a maximum range for the same
thrust input.
Existing pyrotechnic devices are reliable and robust,
but are also complex in manufacturing technology.
Furthermore, their installation is relatively costly
because of their hazardous characteristics.
Importantly, they also have to be regularly checked
or replaced to ensure high reliability level
In the case of using pyrotechnic delay devices, they
have by construction a defined delay time, and
cannot be easily adjusted for each launching angle.
For the case of optimizing the maximum range, the
disadvantage of using this technology consists in the
International Journal on Applied Physics and Engineering
DOI: 10.37394/232030.2023.2.13
Cristina Mihailescu
E-ISSN: 2945-0489
Volume 2, 2023
direct dependence of the delay time on the launch
angle. This disadvantage could be avoided in the
future by using electronic ignition devices, such as,
for example, in the case of a pyro-numerical
architecture that can initiate combustion at a
predetermined moment of time. A pyro-numeric
architecture was designed and patented by Dassault-
Aviation in 2010. This lies in the use of digital bus
for the command distribution instead of pyrotechnic
communication solutions. Digital orders are
transmitted through classical electric wires from the
numerical bus to each smart initiator which are
designed to receive, decode, and interpret the digital
messages. Smart initiators are directly settled on
pyrotechnic terminal functions and keep the same
mechanical interface as the European Standard
Initiator actually used on ESA’s launchers. In this
way, pyrrolines, multi-ways relays, and time delays
are replaced by electric wires and digital clocks
The main conclusion is that this study definitely
showed an increase in the maximum range. For 450
launching angles, the maximum range could be
extended by almost 28% for t=7.6s.
It should not be overlooked that the maximum range
is achieved at the cost of increasing the time to
impact. For the same example (450) the time to
impact increased by 4.3%.
In the present work, the effects of using dual pulse
SRM applicable to anti-hail rocket RAG-96 were
studied. Using this technology for the operation of
SRM, the possibility of extending the maximum
range was practically demonstrated. The numerical
results were validated by experimental
measurements. In the future, the research may
continue with multi-pulse SRM studies, which will
enable a much more efficient management of the
energy produced by the engine.
The practical applicability being already
demonstrated, the technology presented and the
method for optimizing the maximum range can be
extended in the future to other ballistic products
using SRM. Some of the engines currently used by
ballistic products can be modified relatively easily
and at low cost to obtain an extension of the range
through the presented method. However, the method
is strongly influenced by the input data and the
constraints specific to each ballistic product.
Therefore, for the optimization of other projectiles
or missiles, it is necessary to study the technological
implications and the costs involved vis-à-vis the
possible benefits.
In the context of the increasingly extensive use of
AI in almost all fields, new directions of its use can
be analyzed in the future for the optimization
problems discussed in this study.
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Contribution of Individual Authors to the
Creation of a Scientific Article (Ghostwriting
Cristina Mihailescu formulated the problem,
prepared the mathematical model, provided the
requirements, and the input data, carried out the
simulation and interpretation of results, and
extracted the conclusion.
Sources of Funding for Research Presented in a
Scientific Article or Scientific Article Itself
No funding was received for conducting this study.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
that are relevant to the content of this article.
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(Attribution 4.0 International, CC BY 4.0)
This article is published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
International Journal on Applied Physics and Engineering
DOI: 10.37394/232030.2023.2.13
Cristina Mihailescu
E-ISSN: 2945-0489
Volume 2, 2023