direct dependence of the delay time on the launch
angle. This disadvantage could be avoided in the
future by using electronic ignition devices, such as,
for example, in the case of a pyro-numerical
architecture that can initiate combustion at a
predetermined moment of time. A pyro-numeric
architecture was designed and patented by Dassault-
Aviation in 2010. This lies in the use of digital bus
for the command distribution instead of pyrotechnic
communication solutions. Digital orders are
transmitted through classical electric wires from the
numerical bus to each smart initiator which are
designed to receive, decode, and interpret the digital
messages. Smart initiators are directly settled on
pyrotechnic terminal functions and keep the same
mechanical interface as the European Standard
Initiator actually used on ESA’s launchers. In this
way, pyrrolines, multi-ways relays, and time delays
are replaced by electric wires and digital clocks
The main conclusion is that this study definitely
showed an increase in the maximum range. For 450
launching angles, the maximum range could be
extended by almost 28% for t=7.6s.
It should not be overlooked that the maximum range
is achieved at the cost of increasing the time to
impact. For the same example (450) the time to
impact increased by 4.3%.
In the present work, the effects of using dual pulse
SRM applicable to anti-hail rocket RAG-96 were
studied. Using this technology for the operation of
SRM, the possibility of extending the maximum
range was practically demonstrated. The numerical
results were validated by experimental
measurements. In the future, the research may
continue with multi-pulse SRM studies, which will
enable a much more efficient management of the
energy produced by the engine.
The practical applicability being already
demonstrated, the technology presented and the
method for optimizing the maximum range can be
extended in the future to other ballistic products
using SRM. Some of the engines currently used by
ballistic products can be modified relatively easily
and at low cost to obtain an extension of the range
through the presented method. However, the method
is strongly influenced by the input data and the
constraints specific to each ballistic product.
Therefore, for the optimization of other projectiles
or missiles, it is necessary to study the technological
implications and the costs involved vis-à-vis the
possible benefits.
In the context of the increasingly extensive use of
AI in almost all fields, new directions of its use can
be analyzed in the future for the optimization
problems discussed in this study.
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