With the Support and the collaboration of:
Organizing Committee
Prof. Cem Göknar
Prof. Emeritus, IEEE Life Fellow, IŞIK University, Istanbul, TurkeyProf. Yingxu Wang
IEEE Fellow, FBCS, FI2CICC, FAAIA, FWIF, University of Calgary, CanadaProf. Nikos E. Mastorakis
Technical University of Sofia, BulgariaProf. Klimis Ntalianis
University of West Attica, Egaleo, Athens, GreeceProf. Chingiz Hajiyev
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, TurkeyProf. Mehtap Dursun
Galatasaray University, Istanbul, TurkeyProf. Ercan Gürvit
Marmara University, Istanbul, TurkeyIndexing of our Proceedings and Journals
Accepted and Presented papers will appear in AIP Proceedings
or in a Springer Verlag Volume with title:
Computational Problems in Science and Engineering II
Editors: Nikos E. Mastorakis, Imre J. Rudas, Yuriy S. Shmaliy
See our previous volume https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-15765-8
or in some Scopus Indexed Journals of MDPI etc
Conference Venue
- About the Conference Location: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athens
- The Golden Age Hotel of Athens, Michalakopoulou 57, Athens 115 28, Greece
- contact@hotelgoldenage.com
- +302107240861
- Web Page
A stric academic peer review process is used in CNASBE, and is essentially the evaluation of a paper - by qualified individuals (peers) to assess if it's worthy of being published in our conference proceedings or journal and to be presented at an CNASBE. The types of our academic peer review is the standard single blind peer review where Submitters names are visible to the reviewer, but Reviewers names are hidden to the submitter.
Format - Deadlines
Format - Deadlines
- Deadline for paper submission: October 10, 2024.
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: 10-15 days after the submission of each article.
Registration Fees
- For Publication our Volume of Springer Verlag and indexed in Web of Science (ISI, SCIE), Scopus, EI Compendex, IEEEXplore etc (after peer review), plus Welcome Cocktail, Conference Dinner and 2 Coffee-breaks per day
- For Publication in Journals indexed in *Scopus plus Welcome Cocktail, Conference Dinner and 2 Coffee-breaks per day.
Contact us to inform you about the Journal. - Indexed in *Scopus, GoogleScholar, INSPEC (IET, former IEE), ProQuest, EBSCO, Crossref,SemanticScholar, Resurchify impact factor, Academic Accelerator impact factor, CNKI, Copernicus, Scilit etc..
- For Publication in other Journals plus Welcome Cocktail, Conference Dinner and 2 Coffee-breaks per day
Contact Us
The Golden Age Hotel of Athens
Michalakopoulou 57, Athens 115 28, Greece
Email: contact@hotelgoldenage.com
Web Page
mastorakis.bg@gmail.com, mastor@hna.gr