WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications
Print ISSN: 1790-0832, E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 9, 2012
Software Tools and Databases Used for Foreign Language Learning
Abstract: In this paper we present software tools used for a conversation guide implementation. In many conversation books, the topic includes list of words, short expressions and grammar. In our implementation we are focused on these language items. Our software applications can help travelers or people which want to study foreign languages. In our study we present an example on English language, but our model can be adapted in the case of many languages. In all cases we are focused on phonetic transcriptions. We build different tables containing verbs, list of words, expressions etc., and we explain the table relationships in order to explore the database. The results are displaying in web pages, using Java servlets or jsp files. We work with MS SQL Server databases, but we can use other relational databases.